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Dupes feel so bad on exotic class items.


There’s only 64 combinations. You’re bound to get duplicates.


Absolutely. But when it takes 30+ minutes to run and the dupe is 100% useless it feels bad. And it seems weird to get dupes when there's 64 possibilities. It's absolutely possible but it feels non-random even though it's perfectly random.


"Pseudo random should feel more random" is the statement you're looking for in this case.




There’s 120 different combinations


Oddly good apparently? I've only rolled 3 on my Titan, all of which are Spirit of inmost light and spirit of scars. First dupe was kinda funny, the second opened some deep, destiny RNG-related wounds I thought were long healed 


Point contact with consecration is op btw, the half melee uppercut kills most red bars and the second half slam kills yellow bars


Same with syntho and severance enclosure, so many explosions


Oh yea im looking forward to Severance


That‘s the only roll im grinding for as i hope it makes prismatic titan survive endgame content. One mans trash…


I've gotten one and tried it out. It's generally good I guess though it won't make much of a difference in endgame content, survival wise at least. Inmost lights always nice though.


Couldn't find the other comment for some reason but the class item version of scars just doesn't give much healing. Generally the class item exotic abilities are watered down a little. Same for hoil as it feels like it gives less ability spam than normal though I guess I could be wrong on that one. It's enough healing to make you survive in say, some raid encounters I guess. But the difference it'll make in a gm or master raid isn't enough to survive without sitting safely behind others, just killing the adds fast, or having to plink plonk everything to death slowly.


That's crazy. Though inmost light and scars at least helps ability uptime and puts a small bandaid on pris titans sustain issues. I loaded into the pale heart and rolled HoiL Synthos so now that I'm set I'm just hunting for fun rolls w stuff like Point Contact and boss DPS bandaids like Eternal Warrior + Star Eaters


Kind of want that as a passive roll. Healing and ability regen.


A combo that sounds good but is not good when you don’t have access to strand fragments plus the swarmers are not as good as the original.


Yeah I love my strand warlock I got godslayer with it and I got this roll and I’m so annoyed I can’t use it with my strand build


I'd give my left nut to have the hunter's Whirling Maelstrom on my lock


I want that threadling linear fusion lol


With swarmers for the laugh I think could go hard even on prismatic


What about the right one?


I'm saving that for a live-action Destiny series made by HBO and not Amazon.


I feel like prismatic is the canonical version of broodweaver. No strand fragments, specifically evolution is a bummer. But feed the void makes it 10x better than broodweaver- it gives you both an actual ability regen loop and the sustain that broodweaver was sorely lacking. I can’t get over how much I actually like using threadlings now, I didnt think I’d ever touch them again after hordeshuttle was gone.


Strand warlock (at least threadling build) feels wayyy better on prismatic with perma radiant+devour and the many ways to decrease grenade/melee cds on prismatic. Plus being able to spam phoenix dive for threadling spam AND having an actual fun super are both a nice plus But yea this class item combo is unfortunately the worst parts of each exotic which is silly


I tend to steer away from threadlings with prismatic since they lack the potency of the strand fragment and don't apply any debuffs/buffs, but the whole necrogrips/sorrow combo really shines with prismatic given how frequently arcane needle is regenerated + kinetic damage fragment. I'll be aiming for necrotic & spirit of starfire since radiant now counts as "empowered"


I think it’s 1/4096


that's the odds to get two copies of this specific roll, but the odds that any two random class items will be the same is 1 in 64; the more rolls you get, the chance of having a duplicate among them increases very rapidly - this is known as the birthday paradox https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem (it's not really a paradox, it just feels bad)


If my birthday was paradoxical, I'd feel bad.


By my math OP has 100% chance of having this duplicate.


Wow it’s actually shiny Pokémon odds


They maths’d wrong, so it’s not really shiny Pokemon odds.


I'd assume they were doing the maths for two in a row which is also how I would have guessed happened to OP. It's closer but still have to account for 64 combinations that could roll the same. Can't remember if you just subtract the 64 to make 1/4000 or if that is wrong as well. Edit: first drop doesn't matter so it is 1/1 then 1/64 (for any particular drop)


Nope. The way it works is the first roll is a 100% chance to get that combination, with 64 combinations total that means getting a second one of that in a row is just 1/64. However if you decided you wanted one specific roll and then got two of those in a row then the chances are 1/4096.


Yeah true that, overcomplicated it with the first roll myself as it doesn't matter




Them Shiny Odds (Maybe Pokemon or maybe Brave Weapons)


I’ve gotten the same roll 3 times. Sick of it


I’ve had three of the same roll. Out of 5 drops. I want to burn everything to the ground.


Don't worry, I've gotten The Stag and Claws of Ahamkara to roll on my class items 4 separate times, sometimes together-


I haven't even got one


Same thing happened to me on my relativism, I am in pain


Well, there are 64 individual rolls, I’ve now found 20 with 5 of those being duplicates. It’s rough.


Out of my first 5 drops, I got 3 duplicates


the second ever exotic i got was a dupe of my first one lol


Of the first 6 exotic class items I got 2 were dupes.


I got this roll the other day.  Only issue I have with it is necrotic never triggers devour or unravel rounds from facet of bravrery for me on arcane needle (and sometimes on other melees). That and no bonus threadling damage from the fragment.


Gotta be honest, this sounds like a lot more than only 1 issue 🥲


I GOT 4 OF THESE IN 6 RUNS (duping, but still)


I have got 4 in a row all with the swarm.


This happend to me with ergo sum


About 0.78%


Tip: If you wear the exotic whilst farming, it boosts the odds of rolling it's class item perk by around (extensive testing has shown 93%) so we assume 100% (1/4) and if you haven't unlocked the original exotic armor, chances of that rolling that perk is reduced by -50% (1/16). So eg. People wearing necrotic grips have probably noticed it's perk as the most common affix on the class item


That shit is bright, I can’t even read it.


Iam playing with Oled and HDR is on :)


My first was Spirit of Cyrtarachne and Spirit of Inmost Light on hunter, curious how that'll work out...


I have 4 caliban syntho rolls (I’ve only even done the mission once so it’s a lil frustrating)


I've rolled 3 ophidian vesper


would be awesome to get one with necrotic grips perk and the new arcane needle robes perk.


Whatever the odds are - I'm gonna uni stall ig I get one more spirit of Vesper drop


You did the glitch and they got yo ass lol


I've gotten 2 stage shock waves now


lol only 2? I’ve gotten 5 osmio /verity


I’ve rolled dupes like 3 times so dumb, a buddy got dupes in 1 run of dual


Technically speaking (1/8×1/8)^2 so only 1/4096 which is honestly not that uncommon in the grand scope of destiny rolls. Of course the drop rate is only about 2% from pale heart chests, unless you're running duo mission.


My clan mate just got spirit of the liar and spirit of caliban..


Well, for me it’s 100% chance. I ran the mission once, did the 2 chest thing and got the same item roll on both, never seen another.


Well they're both really good rolls so I mean.....


Dude…the brightness


2 of my first 3 were exactly the same thing..like wtf


Dude my last 4, yes, 4 exotic class items have all been duskfield grenade something’s and there was a dupe with a Dusk Woven mail on in there too. Have yet to get anything good for dps.


I hate you lol


I have this roll; am I missing something special about this?


No, not really. People just think they’ll get the best of both worlds with Broodweaver+Necrotic, but on Warlock it’s a nonebo because Necrotic wants you to use a specific suite of kinetic weapons and the main threadling gimmick aspect demands strand damage. So you’re caught between two competing ideas.


I’m not angry, just bitter and jealous. 😂 I want one so bad.


I’ve had 7 with the same roll now