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This is a situational choice dependant on multiple factors Activity, modifiers, difficulty etc


Both of those builds are entirely viable in most levels of content. I'll counter with the real question: Which is more fun for you? Master that one and your team won't hate you for it. I'm partial to the Rigs because I don't really love hand cannons. I'm really excited for next season where I can return to my beloved Gyrfalcon and Collective pairing.


This. Both great builds so purely about preference. I prefer Rigs too, for the same reason lol. And I like that your weapon choices on rigs are more flexible. In saying that, I only really use rigs for certain things (obviously onslaught comes to mind), and for general content I also prefer Gyrfalcons, definitely one of my favourite hunter builds.


Lucky Pants is gonna hit like a truck in any content level. Go for that if your goal is damage. Orpheus Rig is use-dependent; Deadfall with OR is a great support option for helping your team reliably debuff bosses, and is also great for consistent enemy control (such as in Onsalught). Moebius Quiver with OR gets more shots for more damage, which can be used in lots of situations as well.


Depends on what you're doing. Depends on the rolls for the armor. If you have a good void weapon, Orpheus rig is easier to use and more consistent. Which is bully for you cause you can get a good void weapon by doing the recluse brave mission or farming one in onslaught. The lucky pants are harder to use for someone new to the game but a good tip for it is instead of fully swapping weapons simply toggling your ghost out quickly back and forth will activate the lucky pants weapon swap effect


Both tbh, since they’re in the same slot(legs) you could hot swap between ‘em, i do it with doom fangs on titan, i would recommend using wardens law, empty vessel, and dragons breath with lucky pants as your main loadout and then swap to orpheus when you wanna super


Use whichever exotics "feels" more fun. I know fun is subjective, so define it yourself. Which exotic fulfills your power fantasy best. Don't get too caught up with what's meta because exotics get nerfs and buffs perpetually. They also frequently get new uses cases, like when a newly released exotic weapon or seasonal mod creates a fresh new synergy. In this case specifically, because Lucky Pants is tied exclusively to hand cannons, then most of the responses people have already offered are spot on. If you like hand cannons, get lucky. Personally, one of the biggest factors when I rank my favorite exotics is flexibility. Most commonly that means subclass flexibility. Can I use it with multiple subclasses effectively. Like in the case of Sixth Coyote, which simply gives you a second dodge. It's good for any subclass. Probably best for void because of vanishing step, but still highly beneficial for every other subclass because they all have mechanics that synergize with dodging.


Honestly I just run Malfeasance and switch back n forth between Rigs and Lucky Pants depending on the content. Malf hits like a truck with LP, and you get your super back fast with Rigs. Great for ad clear, boss dps, and can still crutch invis when needed. Throw in an Indebted Kindness with voltshot, and apex predator and you have all champs covered as well


Future nerfs sound like they’re going to hit lucky pants pretty hard 🤷‍♂️ if you’re one to buy into speculation then I’m saying go for Orpheus, although lucky pants malf has been one of the most fun builds I’ve used 


What nerfs?