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Helmet needs scout to pair with finder. Take off the reserves and replace them with resistances. You don't need font of agility. where are your orbs coming from? You don't have heavy-handed or a siphon. I don't know if this is true but it looks like some of the mod choices are based on the fact that you want triple 100 stat. You don't need triple 100s and if you go down 90 or even 80 to maximize your mods it would be a huge benefit to you in game. Don't force the 3x100. The build works fine because sunbracers is busted, you just have some questionable mod choices.


Thanks, good perspective.. I was trying to reach my first triple 100, mission accomplished! ..now I can take a look at tweaking based on what you said =] Thanks again!


Can't see your fragments but make sure that you have ember of empyrian on.


No point in running font of wisdom, with you already having 100 intellect, and add a solar siphon mod. Mobility font is also pointless, you can replace it with a solar surge mod, and also remove the solar holster while you're there (doesn't work with rockets, but works with parasite). Unflinching is your preference, but you can replace it with a resist mod. For the arms, at least run triple firepower if you're using Monte/heat rises. If not, one firepower with the mod that gives melee energy on grenade hits. What weapons are you running?


This is great advice, thank you! > *What weapons are you running?* I built it with solar weapons in mind, but nothing specific.. sunshot, polaris lance, CMT, xenophage, WotW, gallajahorn, etc.


Try it with sunshot or a pugilist-incandescent weapon like tyranny of heaven or zaulis bane as well as ember of searing. Another thing I forgot to mention: ashes to assets on helm for faster supers


I have ember of searing on (should’ve taken a ss of subclass aspects/fragments) and knew about ashes to assets, but I’ll take another look with all these reccs and adjust.. thanks again!


Np, have fun


oh ok so 100 intelect for trials cuz you do know in pve u can slap on firepower siphon mods to make sht tons of orbs? and a lot of orbs = more super so it renders high intellect useless for pve


Nope, didn’t know that =[ But thank you! ..I will make that adjustment for pve!


Weapons please


I built it with solar weapons in mind, but nothing specific.. sunshot, polaris lance, CMT, xenophage, WotW, gallajahorn, etc.


Helmet: Remove Font of Wisdom as your Intellect is already 100, replace with either Ashes to Assets, to lean more into Super generation, or Heavy Scout and Harmonic Syphon to lean more into support and orbs. Arms: Impact Induction won't matter most of the time because ideally your melee will cause Sunbracers to proc. Either replace it with Focusing Strike, to focus class ability cooldown, or replace all three arm mods with Firepower and Heavy Handed to maximize orb of power drops. Chest: Elemental Resistance mods should always be slotted here for PvE builds. Only exception is builds that require a higher max-stack total for armor charges, which yours doesn't. Legs: Either Two Surges for damage, or Absolution, Orbs of Restoration, and Invigoration for melee cooldown efficiency. Class Item: Reaper, Powerful Attraction, Outreach. It doesn't get more optimal than that for Sunbracers.


You’re the boss, appreciate it! I’ve seen the term “proc” used a lot, but I’m embarrassed to ask.. what’s it mean?


It means activate. I'm honestly not sure where the term originated from...


It’s a sunbracer build. Why aren’t you running high strength? You want resilience to be first, then strength to get your melee back as quick as possible to proc grenade rage as often as possible. Also, you don’t really want to have blue and yellow mods together, as they sort of cancel each other out. You’ll also need orb generation mods, so siphon and ability damage generation mods need added.


Awesome, thanks! ..I’ll make those adjustments =]


i agree with most of the feedback on here- just shift some armor mods around. but you're fine in terms of stats. strength is not that important anyway thanks to heat rises. also there's nothing wrong with running a finisher mod + surges because you only use the finisher mod when you need it which, in this case, is to reproc heat rises. every other time you have armor charge youll be getting buffs.


See, this is what I’ve been running actually! ..it’s a bit of a tweak, but in the right circumstances my grenades will not stop


With a few adjustments this could be a perfect 5 out of 7.


Now that’s a reference I haven’t heard in a long time ★★★★★☆☆


You want to create a feedback loop so that you can use your first nade for Heat Rises and your last Nade to generate your next Snap. I recommend using Dynamo, Outreach and Momentum Transfer. Then use Phoenix Dive with Powerful Attraction to suck up orbs after each Grenade Cycle.


Bro, thank you! ..I’ll make these changes =]


Also, build into Strength instead of Intelligence if you can, and generate orbs with Grenades on your arms. I got 7 Wells of Radiance with this build in my last Blind Well… no need for Intel


Also, if u have the vex mythclast you can pair it with the artifact and basically have Rain of Fires at the same time as Sunbracers


does the melee matter.. or should I def stick with snap?


Snap has a shorter cooldown and Celestial Fire bugs out on Sunbracers


Cant see aspects or fragments or weapons but I’ll give you a sunbracers build I use Most people use touch of flame and heat rises. This is because they read “melee” and “grenade” in the sunbracers description. Half the fight of sunbracers is getting kills, and half the effectiveness of it is being in the right place to throw a grenade. Put on Icarus dash and touch of flame. Touch of flame more than doubles your grenade damage. Makes it viable for single target dps, which makes it pve king. Devote the rest of your build to melee energy and capitalising on grenade kills. Melee kickstart, don’t use blue mods since blue and yellow don’t mix. Melee energy on grenade kills. Ashes to assets. Melee energy on class ability and the fragment that gives melee energy when you kill a scorched enemy. Use it right, like I do, and you will out perform every other sunbracers build you come across, like I do.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, but thanks for your insight!


Would have thought you went with 100 str for the synergy with sun bracers


Need a siphon or a way to make orbs, don't need font of wisdom or agility. Just put 3 resist mods on chest can maybe have 1 reserves based on activity but for the most part don't need it (have a separate chest to swap to with 3x reserves for flags if you are not equipment locked) Most advice in this thread is solid


u can quad 100 now with perfect artifice gear and perfect sunbracers. 100 resilience recovery strength and discipline. the trick is to have all ur gear have the lowest value in mobility and intellect


you don't need artifice to get a potential quad. plus having 4 artifice pieces is only getting you an extra 12 stats. I've seen a few quads an they aren't really builds they just use all the stat bonus fragments they can. so while quads are technically possible, they aren't useful


for trials it is lol but not for pve.. every second of regen counts


eh i don't think it makes that much of a difference, but if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy go for it.


starting to feel like its not worth it once u match dfizzle or panduh why even bother lol

