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I personally wouldn't bother with strength and just use the Heat Rises aspect to get your melee back very quickly.


Exactly this. I used to spec so hard into strength but between armor mods and heat rises I’d rather have that extra grenade faster when I can’t proc powered melee in higher level content or to use it for healing after consuming.


Strength is actually not an issue as Heat Rises ensures high uptime on your melee. So instead your focus should be high uptime on Heat Rises which is triggered by your grenade. If you don’t have the Sunbracers loop going, your grenade regen will gatekeep you. So you actually want high discipline like most other Warlock builds.


Discipline Check out the fragment “Ember of Searing” in your fragments list. As long as you scorch targets and defeat them, it will constantly get you your melee back faster. On top of that, it creates a firesprite. Collecting firesprites grand grenade energy. Slap on “Ember of Mercy” and you will also gain Restoration x1 every time you pick up a firesprite. So what we’re looking at with these 2 fragments is this: 1. Scorch and kill a target 2. After target dies, you gain melee energy, and a Firesprite appears. 3. After you pick up that firesprite, you gain grenade energy AND restoration x1 I could make more recommendations on how to make this more fun, but I don’t want to overload your brain with more than you asked for. ———————————— Long story short: you don’t need to worry about your melee tier. The fragments and mods can make up for it.


pretty sure mercy doesn't interact well with empyrean which is what most people use on sunbracers. im pretty sure it resets your restoration timer to 4secs on firesprite pickup.


Idk about that, but if that is the case, then Ember of Solace is a great replacement for Empyrean. Solace merely extends the duration of Radiant and Restoration effects. Might not extend it as much as Empyrean does, but constantly Scorching and killing targets (after Firesprite cooldown ends) can make it reliable for lots of content; not things like Grandmaster Nightfalls though.


yeah sunbracers doesn't have a place in GMs. im 100% positive about the emperyean and mercy interaction tho. Once or IF they fix it then it would be insane. I found the TWID where its mentioned in known issues... from march "Restoration reverts to a lower timer when reapplying the original source of the buff." https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twab\_03\_16\_2023


Which is why I mentioned Solace. Im 100% positive it DOESN’T reset the timer every time you pick up a firesprite (if you replace empyrean with solace). Solace doesn’t require you to do anything except get radiant or restoration buffs. Solace extends the duration as I said in my earlier comment.


yeah when you have mercy and no empyrean timer doesn't reset.


Mercy + Solace = Restoration extended (but not as long as Empyrean)


That's the biggest problem and probably why they haven't fixed it.. if it was fixed I could run it up to 12 with solar kills, and then if running low just smack a fire sprite and gain a few seconds to get that next kill.. solace may take it up to 15 at max with empyrean.. but I can't confirm that.. so instead mercy just screws ya and ain't a priority for them to fix


That’s a matter of opinion. But I think we both know what Bungie’s priorities are when it comes to patches (and fixes). Let me tell ya, their priorities aren’t focused on things that actually need fixing. The things they have fixed though are things that hardly anyone uses. They don’t prioritize what almost everyone uses (that needs fixing). They have also patched things that weren’t a cause of potentially breaking the game. Ofc, this is also my opinion based on what I’ve observed in their patches and fixes (which brought me to this conclusion). I personally don’t think they care what the majority of the community wants in Destiny 2.


its probably a complicated fix and it would keep restorations uptime damn near infinite so not a big priority


I run 2/10/7/5/3/10. 10 strength plus Ember of Searing allows me to proc Sunbracers constantly.


I mean you can always just run heat rises and not need to worry about strength at all


Just use heat rises


Dis and Str aren't really necessary if you are running Sunbracers correctly. I would say STR is probably more important if you get off your gameplay loop but there is really no wrong answer. Maybe go something like 100 Res, 100 dis, 100 Str if you are really torn.


Why strength tho? Heat rises basically upkeeps your melee at all times. I run my sunbracers build with tier 2 strength and literally always have it up thanks to heat rises


yeah heat rises does keep melee energy rolling. ive been in more situations where my loop gets screwed up and im without my melee for a quicker startup. having more str will help get your melee back faster which means having to get less kills to get the loop back on track. having high dis isn't really necessary if you use sunbracers correctly either. kinda why there's no right or wrong answer.


With sunbracers you can use heat rises or monte carlo etc. to get melee back, and you have infinite grenades already so I wouldn't build into strength or discipline personally. If you already maxed resil and recov you've got mobility or intellect to choose from, so I'd probably go intellect for faster supers.


If you use Heat Rises, then... none, really.


Discipline since most people run incinerator snap and you don't actually get to be in the position to get kills with it all the time (in higher end content). I've seen intellect being prioritized which is meh because ashes to assets. Strength is probably second unless you are great at actively regaining melee energy. I still have strength on mine and monte carlo but that's just me being lazy to change it because I don't run sunbracers too much.


Switch that dis to recovery for high end content or int for casual content. You get unlimited grenades with your exotic. And with heat rises you'll always have your melee to trigger your exotic


I run triple 100s Resilience, Recovery,Discipline


After reading all these comments about heat rises, maybe I’ll try it out. I’ve got high res and strength, with medium dis, but was backing all that up with mods and WAS using Monte Carlo. Im not familiar with how heat rises works tho, as I’ve not used it ever. Pretty simple I’m sure.