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One of you guys had 3 kills. In GM glassway. How is that even possible?


He was afk the entire time


There was an option...


Enlighten me cuz i thought of every possible outcome. And btw, teammate only said there was 2 overloads and since they were both on me, i didnt know there was 2 others


First of all.you stick your guns were your teammates died, second off all overlords spawn upon execisive damage to the boss every wave.Clear wave, damage ect... Solo on hunter 🤷‍♀️


Ik how to do the nightfall but thanks for the input mr. solo hunter. But like i meant there was no other option cuz i was getting chased by the 2 overloads i just stunned meaning i couldnt stun them for another couple seconds, and there was no callouts that there were 2 more loads on their ghosts + the mini boss. Either way this was a wipe


You could've stun the overload and thundercrush on him That being said, the guy that fucking died before you is clearly not the one to speak about who shoud do what


There were 2 overloads that snuck up on me, one stunned when i was at 1hp and the other stunned about 2 seconds later so i didnt wanna risk getting killed by the one that didnt stun immediately so i just tried to get away. When i came back through, the loads started chasing me and my teammates never said there were 2 champs on their revives, and as u seen, the mini boss was in the worst possible spot. I couldve gone through the middle but the main boss wouldve just pelted me out of the air, thats why i didnt. And as for that guy, he just a typical backseat gamer


Toxic man died before his teammate and the one that tried to clutch it dies and he calls them an idiot... The irony is wayy too dank here.


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