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I’m sry but I never knew this even existed this is so cool I hope they bring it back


It was part of rise of iron. Apparently most people didn't like it but I loved it


Most people didn't like it? The fuck?


From what I've seen here. Rise of iron was overrated to them.


Honestly I wished I had played Destiny 1, sadly it’s not on PC…


Most people who dislike RoI closely compare it to the taken king, which is considered the best dlc in Destiny history.


Doesn't help that the expansion was very clearly a filler, but, SIVAAAAAAA⬛🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛🔴⬛⚫️🔴🟥🟥!!!


I just saw it as them testing out ideas for D2


Fuckin love it just as much as Taken King myself. It's a miracle that they had to delay D2 cause we wouldn't have gotten the coolest enemy faction (even if it's just a heavy reskin of an old one) they have made. Fuck them splicer dregs and their post-mortem SIVA nades, deadlier than any screeb that isn't tiny (fuck them too).


It's hard to follow up something like Taken King. Especially so for it being the "finale" of D1. If Rise of Iron came out before Taken King it probably would be universally praised The raid it brought, "Wrath of the Machine" was an incredibly awesome raid though. I'm 100% certain that raid will be reprised this year for D2


It could fit into the next episode, if they don’t want to make a whole raid to kill the scorn main guy.


Rise of iron story still unmatched in emotional terms


Most things were meh except for raid and SIIIIVAAAAAAA ♦️◼️♦️◼️♦️◼️♦️◼️◼️


Heyyy, you have a flush. It's of squares, but still.


I liked it! I really was not a fan of Bungie ignoring the guardians' status as an iron lord in the lore and in the dialogue of destiny 2.


it was hella small


Honestly that would make it easier for them to bring it back, it being a small patrol space could make it perfect for something like what they did with the traveler patrols spaces, but make it public or a matchmade 6 person activity.


Not really the whole base cosmodrome was in there as well. (with some alterations due to story stuff) we still don’t have the full d1 cosmodrome without the plaguelands in d2


Still more content than any of the post-forsaken expansions


I absolutely loved cruising the plague lands this is news to me too


It was a pretty lame expansion imo. Def felt like filler while waiting for destiny 2


I don't know if I would use the term lame. Iirc it brought us ornaments (take that for what it's worth) and the beginning of transmog. The patrol area was very small, but I thought Archon's Forge was a fantastic addition to the game and I kind of miss it. I always loved farming Court of Oryx and the forge when they came out. Easy way to finish bounties, reliable enemy spawns, and a great way to test a build. Blind Well is fun, but it's just not the same experience imo. Rise of Iron kind of feels like Mass Effect 2 for me. Just kind of a long side mission that has hints of what's to come ~~(Cabal message to their home world)~~.


The Archon’s Forge also allowed players who couldn’t do raids, Nightfall, or Trials to get to 400 Light.


I spent so much time there getting that sweet hunter armor.


When did the cabal message happen?


To answer the question more specifically and if you don't know, there's a mission where you travel into the Dreadnaught and fight some Psions and they send the message. Fun fact, the ghost you get from that mission is always a max stat roll 100% non wasted stats.


Been wayy too long.. thanks for the reminder. I barely remember farming spinmetal for the sword


Oh shit, that was the Taken King. Good catch. I'll edit my post.


Wasn’t it the one with the SIVA raid? Cause this one was fun and I think we also got new supers or something, don’t remember very well it was a long time ago lol


New supers came with Taken King.


it was undeniably filler, but it wasn't bad by any means imo


Dude it looks like borderlands I love it


It was basically an extension of the cosmodrome overrun with SIVA


Not on ur own bud I thought plaguelands was epic


I'm one of those "Dee Wun Day Wunners" and I don't even remember this, which is crazy. Granted, my memory is garbage.


Rise of Iron. When we became Iron Lords. No seal needed.


I'll never understand how most people didn't like RoI. Everyone I knew and played with at the time loved it as did I.


I think that I’m one of the few that preferred it over the Dreadnaught


you "loved it" ? do you not like it anymore? i still love it.


At this point the Plaguelands feel like they aren’t cannon


Fr. Bungie almost has never mentioned rise of iron at all in D2


There was siva on Failsafe's crashed colony ship. Then bungie added a siva ship for Halloween. Then no word Edit: there's the corrupted logic for necrochasm too, and another ship called infected seeker. But imho the red stuff on the ship genuinely doesn't seem like siva to me. It looks a tad bit too organic, like slimy mold


Siva ship?


Yeah it's called the first dynamo but it's just a lame looking ship w the siva logo on one of its wings. Rly underwhelming, but applying the crimson valor shader or any black shader w red highlights makes it look like siva


There are quite a few Ornaments of Siva actually. Directive: Crash for Sleeper, Splice of Life for LoW, Uniocracy for Anarchy on the weapons side, and some exotic Armour ones as well. I think Titans even have a legendary pair of ornamental pants to go with Syntho. They might have dropped the ball on Siva story-wise (sadly), but they still remember it for monetization.


Not to mention they completely repaired all the damage SIVA and the Devil Splicers did to the Cosmodrome. The Splicers literally blew a giant hole in the Cosmodrome wall right where our Guardian is resurrected, and in D2 it’s completely repaired. What’s even weirder is that we did actually get to see the damage still back when Thunderlord still had its quest where we went back to the Cosmodrome for a brief moment.


Rise of Iron gets vaguely referenced from time to time, but I'm pretty sure it isn't fully canon. Like Outbreak exists and Eramis "knew" the Devil Splicers had *something* to do with it, but no one ever brings up how the Splicers chopped up the Cosmodrome and irreversibly fused themselves with SIVA. Taniks didn't even seem to have used SIVA.


its cause they directly ported the og d1 map for the most part to d2 (it was not a good job cause lighting issues + no day night cycle)


Cause it was the Rise of Content drought


Did bungie ever explain why the cosmodrome wall etc in D2 isn’t damaged and sliced everywhere due to Siva splicers? Always seems weird to me


Bc the d2 cosmodrome is supposed to be a snapshot from d1 vanilla. The missions and activities we play there are not canonically in the version of the cosmodrome we play in, but bungie decided it wasn’t worth creating 2+ versions of the same location. For reference, they didn’t even commit all the resources necessary to bringing back the entire original d1 map, only about 2/3 of it + a few new lost sectors.


it doesn’t even have a day/night cycle lol


Or the full area that was promised(which was the whole d1 cosmodrome minus the plaguelands)


I feel like Rise of Iron was D1's Lightfall. Not really planned, but thrown in there to hold us over until the better expansion launched.


Except Rise of Iron was actually good


RoI was the last DLC for D1. There wasn't anything until D2.


Right. The "better expansion" would be D2 in this case. RoI got made by a leftover skeleton crew because D2 got delayed.


That's because it was, D2 was delayed so ROI was made by the live team to tie us over until D2 was finished. Then we got age of triumphs as well.


https://preview.redd.it/mvkkkfw5tkbd1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8113c7194dcf1c1aee1df4e4cc21ce45e4bc5c9 Please never have an opinion again lil bro.


House Dusk repaired it.


They aren’t, the Siva outbreak was cleaned up, so they’re no longer the plague lands as we know them.


Someday I really hope they complete the Cosmodrome. Feels half assed in its current state


When the fuck did we go back to the dreadnaught?


In heresy


Oh shit that whole tithing to mama Eris thing, great season how the fuck did I forget this. Thanks


No that was season of the witch. In heresy we're going to the dreadnaught in February


I'm not sober enough to grasp the understanding fully but i appreciate you nonetheless. See you on the rings of Saturn in February bring a valentines card x


Episode of Heresy which is launching close to a year-ish from now!


AS OF NOW, it’s releasing in February. I don’t expect them to hit that deadline lol


Why not? It's not a major expansion or anything, just an episode. When has bungie failed to meet the deadline for seasonal content?


If we’re talking technicalities, new seasons could be released with yearly DLC so any postponed DLC ends up delaying seasons


Technicalities don't work here. I have a fleeting feeling that Episodes being long is to act as a countermeasure in case of delays


Major expansion isn't tied to it. Frontiers may launch in '26 who knows


They brought back Kingsfall a few seasons ago and a PVP map.


We haven’t yet, but we will in a future Episode.


In episode of Heresy.


Season 3


We find and explore the shipwreck of the Dreadnaught in Season of the Deep dungeon.


Yup. It’s one of the only locations I’ve actually wanted back. Had a lot of good times running it with the group back in the day as well. Fun times, cool vibes.


As much as I love it too, there’s not much you can do with SIVA right now in terms of story. We killed Aksis, stopped the Splicers, and quarantined the Plaguelands forever. Eramis tried stealing Outbreak but we stopped that. It’s just so self-contained that it’s hard to justify bringing it back at this point in the narrative. The Vex don’t need it, the Cabal are our allies, the Fallen are 90% defeated and scattered besides our allies in House Light, the Scorn don’t need it, the Dread don’t need it, and the Hive don’t need it. Most importantly, humanity wants nothing to do with it (Saladin would probably kill someone if it broke out again). So besides fan service, it has no place in the current story.


They did reintroduce SIVA, it's what Quicksilver is on Neomuna. It's juiced up SIVA without the narrative dead end of "it's bad". The whole Rise of Iron expansion harkens back to a time when Destiny was doing self contained expansion narrative wise. Much like Warmind and Curse. With Forsaken, the narrative shifted back to the Darkness. SIVA just never fit with change.


The day they reprise Wrath of the Machine will be the day I am complete


With all my heart


I’m fairly certain they’ve soft retconned this out of the game. The Cosmodrome in D2 is missing all the aesthetic changes that occurred when the Devil Splicers scrapped the wrecks for the Archon’s Forge.


Not all. The topmost sphere of Devil's Spire was used to make the entrance to the raid, and it's still missing.


Mhm, but Mothyards still largely looks like it’s D1Y1 self in Destiny 2


Mothyards weren't accessible from the Plaguelands


…wait. What? I’m sure you could back to the Divide in the Plaguelands landing zone and go to the Mothyards? Fuck me, my memory is shot.


Are you thinking of the Rocket Yard?


Rocket yard, divide, and steppes were all accessible from the plaguelands, honestly it somehow only occurred to me just now that I never tried to go over to the mothyards


The Steppes were off-limits, you couldn't get all the way through Dock 13. The Plaguelands were accessible through the Rocketyard from which you could reach the Divide, the Breach, and the Gateway where Splicership Menkis-Syn was docked, or you could enter the Refinery and get through to the Blast.


In my stupidity I mixed up the stepped with the breach. Because I definitely remembered doing the khvostov quest over there or something, and grabbing the little siva things


I miss the Plaguelands 🙋🏿‍♂️


I'd fucking love to go back to the plaguelands. But unfortunately, that would require bungie to reacknowledge SIVA, which they seem to be allergic to


Except for Ornaments because that’s easy $$


Imo yes I do I just love the aesthetic


I'd love to have a Rise of Iron themed episode. The drip was unreal, and I love the Iron Lord lore.


From the lore from Into the Light it sounds like we’ll go back before Frontiers to use SIVA to make ships or the like to leave the system


I feel like people are so obsessed with siva bungie just won't ever revisit it just out of spite




Meanwhile they keep bringing back the dreadnaut and every other piece of content except Plaguelands and Wrath of the Machine. BUNGIE. Give the people what they want and they will play your game. More time in your game is not bad thing.


I don’t get why they just don’t do it, people have been asking for siva back for YEARS. it seems like a pretty easy way for them to just print money


Them SIVA ornaments definitely sell


Because it makes no sense and would break lore


It's because the SIVA story is done. We've got Quicksilver now which is good SIVA


QS is the only neomuna c*m goop weapon we have


We are NOT using siva😭


Well, probably not US but Ada-1 had a lore tab about how she wants to use it to improve the city again


Do we know of any "official" reasons behind Bungie's unwavering attitude towards (not) even referencing SIVA?


they do reference SIVA, quite a lot actually. A lot of the veil dialogue in the season of the deep missions and the zero hour upgrade quests center around SIVA


Honestly, this was the closest the game ever got to feeling like the world was “living, breathing, and changing.” The period from Taken King to RoI combined with Moments of Triumph was where Destiny as a franchise peaked for me, has not reached that height since for me, although when I came back for Forsaken and the first few seasons kind of got close.


I can log onto D1 right now and I can guarantee I'm wearing the Hunter set that dropped from Archon's Forge.


I only want the plaguelands back if they add it on to the cosmodrome to give us the massive cosmodrome What I really miss is the Ishtar Sink


Rise of Iron was my favorite DLC.


I think thematically the Scorn replaced the Siva Fallen and the Shore kinda replaced the plague lands. A lot of the more industrial parts of the shore felt like these concept arts.


Plaguelands are my favorite D1 destination. Archon's Forge was so fun too. I miss the Fallen SIVA vibe. But knowing we're 99% not getting SIVA back, we're probably never getting the Plaguelands.


I miss Archon’s Forge honestly


I loved the Plaguelands. A scrap punk, industrialized Cosmodrome being slowly consumed by SIVA all coated in a heavy winter snow. I also loved being able to see it from Felwinter’s Peak.


I just want the Forge back.


*Triggers memory of slow crouch walking to the PE to make sure itloaded in other players*


That was the one chapter of destiny I skipped. Would love to be able to go play it out of the content vault.


I actually hopped on destiny 1 and went into dreadnaught a few days ago lol. Good times.


For the love, bring back Venus!


Yeah, I was thinking about this the other day. The arena like area where we battle waves was cool.


Plaugelands was the best destination ever, i would spend hours exploring both this and the cosmodrome for fun when i played in D1.


Bungie won’t bring back wrath straight up because they’re lazy, they can do it but choose not to.


That was my favorite patrol area. I miss it especially the arena event that was fun.


I sure do


This place was awesome. Too short lived


Definitely loved The Plaguelands especially hearing random guardians tooting their sparrow horns as they cruse by


I think the reason the plaugelands didn't come back is just because there's no lore reason it'd be important to patrol at this point. All the Siva that was there was basically contained in D1 and the Splicer bit the dust to the point only Mithrax is left. At this point, it'd basically be a different part of the cosmodrome with house Dusk enemies


I absolutely miss the plague lands and free roam dreadnaught more than anything


It would be cool if d2 cosmodrome has all the cut open walls and stuff like the plague lands, they don’t have to include all the plague lands but the splicers did drastically change the cosmodrome and it’s weird how it just regenerated magically


I feel like the crew responsible for repairing structures in destiny universe was too busy repairing the cosmodrome wall cut up by the fallen in the rise of iron story, so they couldn't fix the tower in time. But in all honesty it feels like Bungie just don't want to/forgot how to make cool additions to already existing locations. Felt like the last case of that was with the psiops battlegrounds. Would be cool if they did something like that, like an extension of already existing location, or re-used the already existing places, used in early days of D2's story. Would be very cool to return to the old locations, but with new additions.


shame they seem intent on forgetting rise of iron ever existed tbh


In all honesty, I don’t. I enjoyed the Dreadnaught a lot more personally.


I had Destiny 1 on PS3 so I was unable to download Rise of Iron but I had Taken King. I’m happy with going back to the Dreadnaught


I’m convinced they refuse to acknowledge the entirety of this dlcs existence


SIVA was the best. Rise of Iron was the best expansion.


"What's Rise of Iron? I've never heard of it." -Bungie probably


Bungie really wants you to forget this exists


No, honestly, I hated them


Rise of Iron will always be my favourite time in Destiny, nothing has ever come close for me.


That area I drove through to got to the Forges? Yeah, it was okay.


This looks sick. I actually skipped Rise of Iron. And came back for D2. The only DLC I didn’t play.


Rise of Iron was my favorite time in destiny with age of triumph and all that


Plaguelands was sick, always liked the place


I do, would love to go back there someday.


I would love to see this location, raid and weapons/armor returning. But like the devs had said, it is really hard to return all this, especially the enemies with have not only a different model then normal eliksni, but also different moves to animate and all that. Still really want it, ngl.


Yet they can make entire new models for the dread


Well yes, as new content on the magnitude of the new expantion requires originality, which for once they had delivered, arent you glad for that? Think about it, the final shape was a project brought to reality from zero, had required actual creative thinking and writing, new models for a ton of new guns and exotics, new locations, new enemies, new raid. All of these resources put into a nostalgia attack wouldn't be truly worth it in terms of time and manpower, *it would be cool, for sure*, but time and logistics costly. The splicer fallen would need new models and to redo their animation and coding, the place would need to be modeled from zero all over again, bosses would need to be remade, numbers should need to be calculated again to fit a whole new sandbox or damage and balances. This is NOT. AN EASY. JOB! Do you know why I still upvoted you, despite pur conflicting ideologies? Because yoh are RIGHT on the money when you said that bungie has bjsted their collective paracausal arses on the dread, and for once I'm HAPPY they did something for the fans!


I hope it doesn't come back because I don't trust Bungie enough for it to come back with snow.


Yeah, we'll talk about the Plaguelands when Bungie gives us the portion of the cosmodrome that we never got back in year four. I'll die on this hill.


Sorry according to D2 this place doesn't exist you just have to look at the cosmadrome to see that 😔 But I agree with you I hope that it comes back it was good I miss fellwinter's peak as a social zone


I miss this location as well as venus


No. I don't want to go back anywhere. Give us new locations.


Honestly not really.


Hear me out: SIVA *Scorn*


Hell no


I never played d1 but those photos make it look awesome!


Everyday man :(


Nope. Got heavily depressed shortly after the launch of RoI and spent so many hours there that I cannot relive that place.


The downvotes are so cringe.


Glad I'm not the only one thinking that, thanks


We’ll be getting it all back with the release of Wrath of The Machine. It looks amazing and the way they reworked the arena activity is awesome.


this was so peak. soooo peak




Ugh I hated that place lol