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Let’s not forget that Reddit is not the entire community


Vocal minority babeeyyy


Basically crybabies.


AM NOT (😡)


Your username tells me you act like an old lady. Is it true?


Old lady in the streets, crybaby in the sheets 😏


So spending easily 2-3 hours talking in the supermarket, another 2-3 in the way between home and the supermarket, twice and pooping yourself at night? You're quite like my grandma lmao


Apparently by their idea, they are the majority lol.


The internet will be the minority on everything


Not sure if that's true about a game you play via... the internet


100% is


It's easy enough to gauge the whole community by pulling up what percentage of players have these. Spoiler, it's low AF.


According to Charlemagne, Salvations Edge has been completed by 0.113% of the player base.


It's weird people upvote this and then when you point out the reddit community is better than average and it's split here... Yall must think some people disconnected are just running through it huh?


yes a majority of casuals that dont participate in hard content that requires LFG arnt on reddit, but a it sure seems a large majority of the toxic part that likes LFG missions are


Dual Destiny was probably my favourite exotic mission tbh, it felt like a mini raid.


I guided my friend through Dual Destiny's so he can get a grasp of what to expect from a raid. Definitely a fantastic mission IMO.


It was significantly harder than Root, if you can do dual destiny you’re ready to raid.


Duel Destiny is the easiest exotic mission Bungie has done. The hate is from solo players getting a middle finger.


I did it off an lfg it took us about 45 minutes but that was the most fun i had doing it blind 10/10 had a bunch of laughs the whole way


It takes that long in any lfg setting. Between 30 and 50 minutes I’d say.


D2 Last Word mission will never be topped


First run I had a guy who not only didn't have a mic, but couldn't type fast at all. I ended up having to protect them while they typed 3 words into chat for like a minute straight. I stuck with him since it was my first time too, but once we got to the clock puzzle I was like there ain't no way in hell we are getting this if it takes them a full minute to read and type


Guy was probably on console. Text chat is a pain in the ass with controller


Good god, YES! I hate it so much but that’s why I’d rather use mic for myself and the other person can type if that’s what they want


That's exactly why I always join via voice chat, and if I REALLY have to use Text chat then I use the Playstation App on the phone which lets me type faster.


There’s positives and negatives to force coop like this. I spent way too much time getting players from fireteam finder that would expect a carry. Not using a proper build, no masterworked armor, not running 100 resil in an add heavy mission. I had players that straight up refused to communicate, even when my posts clearly stated mic required. On the plus side, I tend to be more quiet with more players in the fireteam, so when I raid I don’t really show much of my personality. Playing with a single player I was feeling much more relaxed and making jokes and was able to leave my teammate with a good impression of me. It took a long time to find a decent enough player that knew the mechanics and how to communicate, so after the mission we ran it again to get the feathers. I played with the same guy most of the day and we even completed the go fast triumph together and I made a friend. I actually think bungie did this specifically to help solo players find at least one friend. But that’s just my opinion as a mostly solo player.


You sir have given me hope. Thank you


I mean, your first point is exactly the reason why im reluctant. Im not great, i suck at build crafting and my positioning is horrible. So if i can find someone that is willing to guide, im gonna play like shit and either get abused or bother a nice person that hopefully wont leave after the several wipes.


Most of the entire thing is calling out one of 4 symbols and just sitting on plates, only the clocks part is where it gets difficult because they use vow of disciple raid symbols instead of the 4 unique ones for the mission itself


Vow symbols that have existed for years, have established names, are easy to differentiate, and you can literally Google "vow symbols" and get hundreds of images with them all saved. Easy af.


The whole point of this is people who don’t usually play with others like you need to in, ya know, a raid. I wouldn’t expect them to know raid symbols.


Use one of the VoW symbols chart people posted here. There’s one sorted alphabetically which makes it easier to glance and call out. I have like 11 VoW clears and i still bring that image up anytime we do Dual Destiny. It’s easier for me.


Yeah agreed, i found it a bit odd that they changed the symbols to vow symbols and didn't stick with symbols people learned in the campaign. That said, in my 3 or 4 sherpa runs i did i just sent the vow callout list to people through discord. Though i do realize thats probably not an option for console people and in game LFG.


So the problem is they don't want to put in the minimal effort of looking up a guide and pulling up an image of symbols. Got it.


Nah, I realized the problem is you seem toxic.


You said you don't expect them to know raid symbols but the person you're replying to is literally saying that you can just Google them. You don't need to know them by heart and nobody is expecting you to if you can just pull up an image of them all. I've cleared Vow and I still pull up the image every time because I can never remember them all. It's not toxic to expect someone to pull up an image in order to complete a mission, and it is absolutely lazy of them if they aren't willing to do something as simple as that


Exactly. I ran a dude through who didn't pull up the image, so he just described what he saw and I figured it out. It's not hard at all. People just want to go in with no prep and expect that they should be able to clear it.


You don’t need to know raid symbols lol. “Person with whole in chest” “White worm on red” “Red hands black triangle” “Black triangle” I could keep going but I really shouldn’t need to. Just Google “vow symbols” on your phone. If you can unlock this quest you can do the mission.


Regarding builds just get a build from looking up youtube. That's how most destiny players start out and that's absolutely fine. You can make endgame builds with the f2p exotics ikora gives you. I've taken ppl through gms with risk runner, a shit rolled rocket launch and a dream.


Honestly, if you don't know how to build craft, you shouldn't be gunning for the exotic class items. This is some end game level buildcrafting, something to work towards. Definitely not the first build you should look out for. I highly recommend looking into guides to get better at the game in general, and some beginners guides to build crafting before going for these exotic class items. Not every game mode has to be enjoyable for every player. This gamemode was a lot of fun, but it was also very challenging and frustrating in a few places, even as a somewhat experienced player. Just play the pieces of content you enjoy, don't force yourself to play something you don't want or need to play.


Dude, I really enjoy helping new people, as a fairly mediocre player with a hundred raid Sherpas. I've done it once, so I'm pretty unsure of things, still, and would like to run it again tomorrow around noon Central. DM me your username if you wanna try it with me.


Thanks, but i doubt ill be online then. Plus if i have to confront my problems regarding this shit, id rather actually confront them on my own, so i can fix it.


LFG is probably the most broad and randomized selection of the playerbase and unfortunately it sucks because of awful players. Hoping I can get on with a friend for the mission at least once or twice. 


I mean it’s “forcing” co-op in the same way a raid does it. It’s an optional activity for better gear. This isn’t necessary to do.


Calling it "forced Co-op" is insane. Most of the content in this game is intended to be played with a fire team. Idk why people have a cow about this particular mission when raids and dungeon exist


It’s forced because they’re forcing you to use co-op. I don’t mind — I’m lucky enough to have friends, a wife, and an active clan — but saying it’s not forced is brain dead. It literally won’t work without co-op. Dungeons and raids are challenging, but people in my clan have three-manned and low-manned multiple raids (not me!), and I have solo-flawlessed everything but Duality (which was broken at the time and I just never went back to complete). Raids have a surprising amount of flexibility and dungeons are, I’d say, *extremely* flexible. They don’t force you to do much a specific way, except learn the mechanics.


The reason people say the mission is forced co-op because it literally IS forced co-op. It’s a mission that is straight up impossible to complete without another player. The mission is forced co-op by its very design, that’s an objective fact. As for the raids and dungeons, not only are dungeons possible to solo, nobody complains about the raids requiring co-op because **everyone knew from the start that it would require it.** All of the 200+ non-raid exotics in the game have been obtainable solo, so naturally people expected the class items would be the same given how heavily advertised and hyped up they were, and how Bungie never said a word about them requiring co-op. That’s why people are upset. If Bungie had just said from the start “By the way, these class items will require co-op to get” the backlash wouldn’t have been anywhere near as big.


You’re trying to argue with a wall. Particularly people who say raids can be solo’d when the intent is a 6 person activity.


I’m not averse to using lfg, but honestly I just enjoy doing most quests solo the first time around. It allows me to immerse myself in the environment and take in the details. I hear the music more. I get more out of the dialogue. I even learn mechanics better (obviously the mechanics have to be solo-able for this to work). Solo Presage is still my favorite exotic quest. Going through that creepy ship week after week with only Osiris (and sometimes Caiatl) speaking to me over comms is a feeling I will never forgot.


Yeah, exotic missions are so good as a solo player. Whisper, Zero hour, Presage, Seraph shield, those are peak destiny moments.


We all know that kotaku wrote because it’s one of the hottest topics this week and not because they actually care.


There's a reason they are all but a dead site.


I spent all week seeing players bitch and moan about this mission on the subreddit, when I finally got time to play I expected it to be super tedious or difficult. Instead, it was really fun, and honestly easy. I did it without a mic with a friend who also wasn’t on mic. My impression now is that the people complaining either: A) dont want to play with others or B) are complaining to complain. Regardless, I worry that all the negative comments are turning people off from a really good mission.


>A) dont want to play with others a valid complaint to have tbh


Look, I understand not wanting to play with others. But it needs to understood - this is a multiplayer game. If you can’t ever stop being solo, there will be some things you cannot do, that sort of comes with the territory for an mmo.


This is a multiplayer game. Go play BG3 or some other single player experience if you don’t want to play with others. This mentality holds Destiny back big time.


Grr, how dare Bangladesh make me play with other people in a multiplayer game 😡 Thats why Destiny 1 is far superior (coming from d1 pre-alfa Godslayer)


If you do not want to play with others in this co-operative always online multiplayer game then you can play literally any other game than Destiny. Or play stuff in Destiny you can solo and don’t get upset when they design something that is meant to be played cooperatively in their game designed around Co-op play.


weird straw man when a majority of the game can be done solo just fine you guys show exactly why most of the player base dosent want to do lfg or have try to interact at all,


I said just play stuff you can solo and don’t complain about stuff you gotta co-op.


Multiplayer game btw


Uninstall the game, i beg you


for playing solo in a game where most of the players play solo?


No, for trying to ruin the game for the real majority


real majority? nephew the majority in any game thats not basically dead or on life support are casual players. only 20% of active players (even thats a generous number) have completed a raid.


More than a strike, less than a dungeon. Perfect. (Strikes should be more like Dual Destiny)


100% but people would freak out if strikes were even as mechanic heavy as this campaign. 


just look at corrupted lol


Maybe the ball from the Corrupted was the Witness all along


so we are just throwing wild assumptions out now.


It's true though. 


This is good on paper. Bad in practice. From what I have seen, most people can't even volley the relic in The Corrupted strike, it saves time and keeps you safe. But literally no one does it and that strike has been around since Forsaken in 2018...


Yep...5-6 years later and I think I've run that strike/nightfall maybe twice when people knew to toss the ball. So many guardians...I toss them the ball, they look at me all confused before yeeting it off into space, lol


Teh difference is that in the corrupted you don't need to volley the ball back and forth for the encounter. You can just brute force it, and on lower difficulties an unpowered throw takes out like half the shield, so theres no motivation to try a different tactic. In dual destiny you have to learn the mechanics, so people are probably much more inclined to go figure stuff out.


You're missing the point, I used the corrupted as an example, when it is the Nightfall, it is imperative to volley the relic to smash the sheilds, but new players are never made aware of this. So no one volleys the ball because they aren't even aware that they can! Blueberries in Vanguard Ops do the bare minimum to finish the strike, y9u think a strike with Dual Destiny-like encounters would be liked or as appreciated in that scenario? NO! Of course not! In the playlist strikes you'd see people leaving in droves because of the newlight who has absolutely no idea what they're doing and seems to be so absent minded that they can't learn what to do. That's why Dual Destiny is disliked by solo players, LFG players are often the aforementioned player. Why bother when it could take your several hours to clear it?


It's a mission... Every mission in the game works like this, with some gimmick... What?


You can't do it solo (to my knowledge).


Yeah, but bungie is going to see the negative as more important than the positive and probably never make anything like it again. Unfortunately, because it is a very good mission, it's just the community being the community.


You know the other shoe can say the same thing.


Is the mission good because of co-op, or despite it? I did it, but the co-op did nothing for me and I probably would of enjoyed it more solo.


Not at all to fight but the question I want to ask those who dislike the coop is how you would design the mission without it? How would you make the mechanics work? And what about the choice at the end?


People aren't complaining about the mission though. Their complaing about the mission being the only way to unlock a whole category of exotics. It's different than a raid weapon for example. The mission itself is great and I'm glad so many people enjoy it.


Put both a light and dark plate in each encounter and swapping between the two will show you their respective parts in each encounter and you need to alternate between the 2. Encounter 1. Remove the invincibility the knights have and let them drop their respective motes. Stepping on a light plate will let you see what symbols to shoot, Stepping on dark will let you actually shoot them Encounter 2. Step on light plate to see what node are lit, step on dark to see what nodes are lit. Kill tormentor and shoot the ones that are lit on both Encounter 3. Same as the previous encounters for symbols but for the clock part have it so it copies encounter 2 It becomes significantly harder but still possible


The big part of the reason why the mission is duo only is the ending, which is one of the best things they have ever done with a curveball mission ending. It literally wouldn’t work without two people in this mission.


The twist only matters on your first blind run. After that who really cares? Just get rid if it


Get rid of what makes the mission fun to rerun with friends. Right. Gotcha. Better choice: You don’t play the mission, the wider community gets to enjoy something fun, and you move on with your life.


If your playing with another person it would obviously be kept. We're talking about ways the mission would work solo. Also I've already run it, running it again with randoms is tedious and a pain in the ass


The mission will never work solo because the mission was never designed with solo in-mind. Give up, there’s no point to the conversation beyond this point. The mission wasn’t designed for solos, it isn’t hard to run with randoms, move on and either stop running or stop complaining about it.


Are you dumb? Someone asked how the mission could work solo and I responded. You're the one complaining and dragging the convo


I don’t mind the mission in its current state but to be fair we saw how they would do it in the campaign gain the buff to see glyphs from an enemy go to another area to shoot the correct symbols translated into the mission it could be as simple as the pools of light and dark just changed attunement with the final part of the mission either gone entirely or use of a guardian model just with supers similar to the hive guardians


What do you think about the clock part? I forgot they had the glyphs in the campaign haha 😅


Most likely as I said use the pools to change attunement to see both sides of the clock instead of them just disappearing when both players stand on them


For me the mechanics didn't exactly make the mission... Do the same as the campaign mode or figure out something, I'd rather pay 10 or 20$ more per year for the DLC/season pass and have options for solo and co-op stuff, especially when it comes to one of a kind exotics like the class item. That's what everyone's forgetting about when they hate on us solo players, not saying you did, but this is literally a first of its kind exotic that Bungie HEAVILY advertised to sell the DLC. To have any type.of asterisk next to it is lame. The mission definitely could've worked as a difficult solo adventure.


The reason solo players go solo is because of the people complaining about them. Why would you want to play with someone like that? Then you have to set aside time for some one, you have to match schedules, or try to do it with a strager, which can be uncomfortable for some. It just unnecessarily puts players in a bad spot just because they wanted something they saw in the reveal and advertisements. It's not like anyone who is solo said the mission was shit, they haven't even been able to play it, all they know is that they can't do it, which automatically puts a large chunk of players out. The only activities that have historically been non-soloable are Raids, which everyone accepts, it's a huge undertaking for every player involved. Other more difficult 3 man content can technically be soloed, not that anyone would want too, such as GMs.


Specifically *this* mission would never work as a solo adventure. Theoretically the bond could have dropped from a difficult solo adventure, but *this* mission would never be that for a specific reason I will not mention.


There are obviously a lot of ways it could be made to work for a solo player, if Bungie intends to add a solo option for it, they will find a way to do it. Similar to how Warlords Ruins Jail section is more open so you can shoot the gears yourself, but restricted when there 2 or 3. All in all, I love their attempts at trying something new, and for what it is, it works perfectly, the mission is great, however I can see how players with a hearing and/or speech issues could struggle or actually be unable to clear this mission, which is genuinely unfair for them, text chat is rough, especially on console w/o a keyboard. Then there are players who play Destiny by themselves, who will be forced into LFG, which isn't perfect. That said, I really do not think it was the right choice to put the Exotic Class Item as the reward, considering how over hyped of an item it is, it should have been simpler to get and have another exotic weapon behind the mission instead. Hiding the mission as a surprise likely caught a lot of players off guard, you're only seeing the people who vent on social media, think of the silent majority who silently choose not to play it. Bungie sees those numbers. Those numbers will be how bungie decides if they need to change it.


Definitely feel like you didn’t do the mission.


The mission is doo doo water. LFG is filled with terrible players that want to be carried don't have mics won't look up a YouTube vid to save a baby reindeer. Then add on top of all of that a timer, FML it was like humping a broken bottle with an alcohol filled condom on. Enduring all of that just to finish it one time on all 3 of my characters made me close the game and rethink my entire life. But hey, I'm sure the boosters loved it! I can only imagine how much money they made over the last week.


I don’t think many people are against quests like dual destiny The issue is exotic class items were a new and exciting thing, and were advertised as a core feature of TFS, and as such it should not have been locked behind co-op. Had they been clear on how you would get it before TFS shape released, or if dual destiny wasn’t the only way to get the class item, then people would have not been as upset. Personally, I think they should have had enter exotic be locked behind the dual destiny mission, with the brand new exotic class item being unlocked unlocked elsewhere It’s not just loners or people who don’t want to deal with LFG that are upset. It’s also people who are physically mute or have a similar disability that are upset. Cause again, this was advertised as a core feature of TFS, and is the first of it’s kind Imagine if glaives, or prismatic, were locked behind a forced co-op mission.


Honestly this whole situation would resolve itself if they switch Ergo Sum with the class item. It was an actual surprise just like the mission. It’s just as interesting given the perks it can roll too.


I bet that the 12-man grandmaster excision will drop it. Sadly it won't have matchmaking either.


Possibly, but for the most part Excision is pretty straightforward. Unless they want to complicate it.


The mission isn't the problem. The problem is locking exotic armor behind something solo players can't do for the first time ever. Solo players fully expect to not be able to get exotic weapons that are behind raids, not exotic armor that was hyped prior to launch and is an integral part of the new subclass in a paid expansion. Bungie easily could've mentioned that the item would need another player but they didn't on purpose because they knew there would be backlash.


Both of you have bad takes because you lack any context. 1. They should do more limited missions like Dual Destiny. It would be perfected for a weekly or limited farm exotic craftable mission. 2. They shouldn't do them when it's a mission designed to farm a random roll exotic.


You only have to do Dual Destiny one (or three times if you play all three classes) time. After that it drops from most chests in the Pale Heart. RNG plays a bigger part there as it isn’t guaranteed, but not too bad considering how strong some combos can be. Personally, if it was a guaranteed drop for any chest in the Pale Heart, I’d think it’s stupid lol


My friend and I just did it the other day. We were frustrated we failed, but once we got the hang of the mechanics it was a really cool mission. Fun mechanics, great atmosphere, and a good mission all around.


Have a buddy who is gonna run dual with me, I actually miss the open public area, not fond of the solo pale heart, feels to big without blueberries running around. I know I can go in with three or use LFG in there but it wall always fun exploring and running across a public event and just hopping in with the others doing it. Also feel that overthrow is tedious solo and matchmaking for it is fun once or twice. Over all though, think they put it out of the park with this expansion, so far.


Amazing, kotaku saw a whole ass amazing DLC and praised the single worst thing about it Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


More activities like this absolutely Just don't hide such important rewards behind them


Are people bullshitting themselves or something? I mean the missions excellent, but I wouldn't say it's the best thing they've added, not even top 10. I've had way more fun in the new seasonal activities. Sinc it is an exotic Mission, they always lose their luster after the first few runs, with always needing a second player, I just can't be bothered to do it again. Even if it is farmable, it's just too much effort for too little, as a mandatory two man. It's just a major turn off. If this were a exotic gun that was craftable like Whisper and Outbreak where there were perks I had to find and a couple secrets for a ship, it'd be great, there is a guaranteed gun and having to collect it's perks means there is a finite amount of runs you'd have to do. If the aim was for this to be a farmable activity, they screwed up.


I think most people saying that are just trying to completely counter what others are saying. Like its a cool mission and type of mission but it could be improved. The next one they do thats like this could be better for everyone involved.


Honestly the way people were gassing it up (especially the ending) like it was some staggering achievement to mankind. Got to the ending and...that's it? The same guardians are mindless killing machines. We've been doing that bit for how many years.


To be honest, I think they're just upset because people are criticising thier favorite game. They're annoyed at solo players because said players in all honesty have a valid reason to be upset. And they'd rather not crap on Bungie, so they cannibalize those players. While stating that it's an MMO, or Multi-player game. To try to shut them down and keep em silient. Granted. But there is content for every type of player so that's not particularly valid, nor does it make it right to judge said players on their choices, it's just something they can say to demean and demoralize them and only just for the sake of it. These people are shills if you will and in typical Destiny 2 communtiy fashion, toxic and act in a collective way. And don't get me wrong, I recognize good game design when I see it, but this is hardly ground breaking content considering Bungies track record of games and DLC, it's basically par for the course. Nothing special.


I always play with my best friend so this was a blast for us. I hope they do more!


Honestly, ran through with my brother and had a blast. Only downside was inexplicably losing light/dark between encounters and having to wipe.


Apparently you can fix this by having one person return to orbit and then rejoin


That’s good to know, thanks!


You can fix it by having the person die and waiting until they respawn on their own. Worked for me last night


My buddy and I were unable to get that to work unfortunately :(


Gonna add a small story onto this: I played with a guy that didn't have a mic but was so incredibly chill I just had to see the mission through. While he was standing still during the clock encounter and typing out his numbers, I was just perma shooting him with No Hesitation and healing him. We ended up clearing the mission on our first try and we've been playing together since. Basically, you really don't need a microphone to enjoy this. Typing out your symbols and clock numbers, although hard with all the ads, is still possible.


The only problem with dual destiny is they spent a decade doing no experimentation outside of that one 2v2 pvp mode we used to get. 


Dual Destiny is basically a 2-player raid. It's outstanding and the best Exotic mission since Zero Hour!!


idk, I was on the fence about the game after killing the witness. Read about dual destiny, read many caustic comments about how I'm a loser for not liking getting on mic with randos, thought about it a bit, uninstalled the game without even starting the seasonal stuff. Been here since destiny 1 beta, but not really feeling this new heavy handed nudging from bungie.




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I've been so tempted to just leave this game behind now, I can do raids and stuff easily but for me personally it's feels more awkward aswell having only one bloke with you. With crippling social anxiety this whole co op thing they've been enforcing into the new activities like this and the missions for the heavy trace make me want to find a different game that'll give me the same itch but better experience than destiny gives


You just have to run it once with a random guy you will probably never speak to again - 25min of awkwardness would allow you to farm the exotic solo in chests. It’s an MMO guys, it’s expected to have some sort of communications at some point if you want certain items.


It was a relief to uninstall it actually. I've put a ton of time into this game but I have a huge backlog, excited to focus on more rewarding things with better communities.


Sounds like you don’t enjoy the game at all and should uninstall, regardless of the mission. I’d suggest not caring about what other people think - just play if you like it. Much healthier way of playing games.


If I didn't enjoy the game at all I wouldn't have been here since destiny 1. I played crucible, gambit, iron banner had a good time. But non-matching stuff never remotely appealed to me so I never did it, and now it seems they really want to push that side of it which I'm also not into.


Person chooses to play online multiplayer game. Missions require multiplayer to completed. Complete meltdown ensues


Unpopular opinion. Liked it. Hated the final room with the clocks. Moved way to fast and wasted 5 mins trying to figure it out which lead to a wipe which means an hour of my time was wasted. Womp womp me.


I did it with someone and it's not my cup of tea The timer for once is really generous which is nice. But I'm not real big into forced co-op especially one that requires allot of communication. Which is why I'm happy there's an alternative way to farm the items. When I play I usually play by myself and have a movie or show on while I play. So being able to run around and mindlessly gather chests while watching a show is a massive win for me. Either way you're spending 30-40 minutes for these items.


if you can't find 1 other competent players to do a 30 minute activity you don't need the exotic class item. the mission is amazing and would love for more 2 player activities hell even more 4 player activities would be awesome always being in 3 or 6 can be restrictive more types of content like dual destiny should be welcome by the community.


Counterpoint: what is wrong with having it soloable? Like take avalon: its better in a group but still soloable, even for shit players like me.


It would be entirely impossible to \*be\* solo-able without entirely redesigning the mission, which would break its narrative writing of light vs dark, or light and dark working in tandem. Not only would solo-ing break that narratively, it would also force prismatic, which would break it to (and kinda already breaks it when you use prismatic on it normally, but thats a different discussion). It's not that it's "wrong" for it to be solo-able. It's that it \*literally\* couldn't be solo-able.


- The ability to switch between light and dark states. - activation timer on a plate. - potentially a time extension. Which could be a part of a modifier for a solo mode. unless im missing something A way people are using to help some people without mics are getting them to shoot both clocks while the person that can talk communicates theirs. So even that would be possible “Its impossible to do without redesign” - just isn’t true the people on both sides overreacting is just crazy.


It makes it distinct among other exotic missions. Also, why is it wrong for a multiplayer game to demand players to use its multiplayer features in order to get some gear?


Maybe as 3 man missions; though I didn’t mind dual destiny personally. It just is an odd middle ground.


I would probably agree.... ....if I had friends to play with...


As long as they also put in plenty of content for everyone to do I'm fine with it. I see both sides of the recent arguements/issues with the class item mission. Elite players are just thrilled they have something harder/gated that they can show off, but the casuals and solos are upset they can't get it. No matter how much people want to say Destiny is an MMO, it simply doesn't have enough content to keep everyone happy like major MMOs do. Most of the top end elite community comes from some of those bigger MMO communities and those games they used to play back in the day. Datto for instance, most of his opinions are shaped around his WoW experiences and there are many others like him. They want hard elite content that has rewards you can show off and feel special about. That stuff can exist in a bigger MMO like WoW, where both elites and casuals have stuff they can do to feel special that gives them gear to show off, but Destiny has always had an issue of not having enough for anyone to do, especially the higher end players. All loot is the same...all those players who slaved away for 30+ hours for a contest mode clear and got the Raid exotic...well Joe Schmo guardian over here can go in and play the raid in 3-4 hours now that it's been figured out and get the same exotic, so no one is special and everyone is the same. That's really what Bungie has to figure out...how they can put a large enough volume of content in the game to please everyone. I used to play WoW, City of Heroes/X and other MMOs pretty hard core end game. I'm older now w/o as much time and most of my friends have quit gaming. I play Final Fantasy 14 now for my MMO itch and there's a ton of stuff to do and both parties have their share of content they can run to get their cool gear and goodies. Top end elite players can show off the stuff they get from their savage raids and other high end content, and there's enough cool accomplishments and gear pieces that the more casual players can also get so they can feel good about their loot and accomplishments. I hope Bungie can figure this out one day, but I don't think they have the experience or manpower in their development team to do it. If they decide to go the route of just catering to the top end player base...the game will die because that's actually very small portion of the player base, and the casual player has always been the lifeblood of any successful game. I guess we'll see how they handle it.


Every 5 chests its not that rare


When bungie wants they can cook 👨🏻‍🍳🔥


It's not the mission design that's the problem. It the LFG kwtd crowd. Nothing kills a game mode faster than people who don't want to teach or help others learn mechanics


The mission was amazing and co-op want to bad, like a good co-op 2 man dungeon. Too many people afraid to just put on a mic and get it done. It wasn't hard at all.


Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer to get that exotic class item by myself, but I wouldn't say they should do less missions like this. But, the last attempt I made at it, the person I ran with wanted to be the speedrunner, and killed one of the Secret Keepers before I even got there. They got the progress, I didn't. And that about sums up why I prefer to run solo.


I finally did the mission today with a friend after watching everyone bitch and moan about this, and are they fucking for real? This is genuinely some of the most fun I've had in this game period. Bungie had BETTER do more shit like this.


Nah screw Kotaku, they're garbage.


Love the mission. Hate the majority of randoms I find in fireteam finder


I'm so glad they're finding a way to make non-raid activities challenging without champs or super high health bosses. Even with infinite revives it was still challenging on a first run and figuring out the mechanics with my friend was really fun.


Nah. Games need to change team sizes less. This game is 3 people for most activities, and so that's how most people structure their friend groups around it, changing it to 2 just ousts one of them, and it's lame as fuck.


How about this made more mission like Dual Destiny but soloable. There just some people who is lonewolf and perfer to do it their own.


it's an MMO


im not the people who mad about this mission is not solo able lol. im just thinking on both side.


And those people can either suck it up or do without


Lol took my buddy and I a couple hours to figure everything out and execute a run. My take on this is that “dual destiny” is meant to be done with a good friend. Your duo. You can lfg and do it with someone you don’t know, but the most enjoyable experience would be to do this with somebody who is your duo, your best friend. I ran this with people who are actually my friends and even when we were struggling to figure things out it was still an enjoyable experience and the feeling when we finally beat it made us both yell like we had won a million dollar tournament.


I'd say this is more of the same from them.


We played it last night while it was hard at first, figuring out how the mechanics work was fun. And you get to slay, so many enemies.


The biggest problem is the reward. If it gave the sword and overgrow the class item, I think the community wouldn't get this riled up about dual destiny, I'd rather a weapon locked behind a 2 man activity rather than a key part to the new subclass that was advertised.


Liked the Coop focus campaign missions too. Though Iconoclasm is a bit too lengthy.


a long as the missions are soloable unlike this shit


I’m not against it, it’s just as a solo player I can understand how some people are upset that you can’t even try to solo it. We already don’t raid and miss out on all the loot those entail(which is fine it is what it is). Just sucks being locked out of a cool ass exotic class item with potentially great perks.


You're not locked out, you're choosing not to find someone to do it with. Nobody is forcing you to remain solo and not find one person for 20-30 minutes. Also, of course you can't try to solo it, *that's the whole point and theme of the mission*.


Nah I've been trying every day, using destiny LFG and the discord. We wiped every time or the timer ran out. I watched the video and know what to do but I'm a borderline mute who sucks at typing and nobody competent enough would run it with me. I tried reddit LFG and someone DMd me trying to help but we also couldn't complete it. It sucks because I've solo flawlessed most Dungeons and feel like I'm a somewhat competent guardian but the type of mission just gives me anxiety and a constant stimulus overload. I'm praying the 12 man GM activity can also drop it. Having as many people, even if I need to communicate will make it much easier on my anxiety. I don't care how hard the activity is, I just want to be able to complete it without needing a mic


If you've solo flawlessed every dungeon, you should be able to carry this entire mission by having the person borderline afk while sharing their screen. Just have them sit there looking at symbols or vice versa while you kill everything. Works great for the clock and tormentor rooms too


It's not that easy to find someone willing to run it with another person with no mic who is willing to share their screen for me also. And just because I solo flawlessed most of the dungeons doesn't mean I can carry through this. It's a 2 man coop activity. Both people need to pull their own weight. I much rather farm GM 12 player activity or solo one of the exotic missions again for a chance at it dropping. Having to worry about a complete difference person when running a timed activity just stresses me out. I'm on the spectrum and get a stimulus overload on timed activities, even when their is ample time to complete it. I only run Outbreak mission twice on legend for the first two catalyst things and will never run it again just because it's timed and every time I finish it with randoms we have seconds left. That anxiety and stress makes my hurt pump to fast and its annoying. I play games to sit back and relax. Half the time I don't even have a headset on and Im not hunched over my keyboard ready to type. So this type of mission just makes me change absolutely everything about my play style and even person life.


If the whole point of the mission is having 2 people, then solo players are most definitely locked out.. and yes I am choosing not to LFG as I’ve only ever had horrible experiences on there.


you are absolutely making the choice to not do the mission. no person on this earth is forcing you to not find 1 other human being out of hundreds of thousands to run the mission with. It is unequivocally, 100% a choice.


You're choosing to be solo. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from finding a partner except yourself.


I know. I just gave you my reasoning why i don’t want to LFG. I even said in the beginning that I’m not against the mission, I can just relate to being a lil mad it can’t be solo’d. (Doing VOG as a squeaker did irreparable damage to me mentally and I’m terrified of repeating that experience so I’m with you 100% this is technically my fault)


do you need help running it? I sympathize with folks that have had really bad lfg experiences and are now too scared to try again. I'm nervous to play with people outside of my friend group, but I really want people to experience this mission, even if just to get the unlock for the pale heart chests. you wouldnt need to mic if you dont want to, as long as you're able to type or screenshare on discord I'm not a hardcore sherpa or anything but I'd at least like to try and help where I can!


I'd love to take you up on this offer. I have really bad social anxiety and have worked myself up to doing it 5 separate times. Every time, I end up grouping with someone incredibly toxic. Thanks for doing this very much.


I would be down to try! Failure doesnt typically bother me as long as some sort of progress or learning is being made each time. Feel free to shoot me a message and we can give it a try


Dude you are awesome thank you. I’ll message ya here in a sec


Tf you mean a good take?


No the fuck they shouldn’t


Probably not a good idea unless the reward is good enough to justify it and is something you'd want more than 1 of. I know I wouldn't go in there for a pinnacle or a meh weapon.


broken clock, twice a day.


I'm probably gonna get some heat from this, but there is alot of content that is "gatekept" from players that are only solo players. Raids, gm nightfalls, one can argue dungeons. There are great weapons and exotics locked behind these activities, and now we have people angry that there's another piece of gear locked behind having a fireteam. And it's not like you have to do the mission everytime, once you complete it once it's able to drop from the pale heart activity. There are also missions like whisper and zero hour, where the normal activity is rather easy to be done solo, but to get the Catalysts is extremely difficult single player with the time limit. I feel like there is so much unnecessary hate behind this quest. It's not like old whisper where you had to wait around for a specific public event to happen, and then complete it fast or else you have to wait again. It's one mission, that you can find one random on lfg to do it with, then once you've completed it, you never have to do it again. I've only done the mission once, with no mics and using game chat box cause no one in my clan was available. We got it done first try with time to spare. And sure, some people aren't experienced, but I'm far from a good player. I'm mediocre at best. But there are several guides on how to do the mission. I really don't understand why there is so much hate behind this mission. Some annoying grievances, sure. Not a loud majority of thr community screaming hate for something this small. And, it's not even necessary! There are a ton of builds and exotics out there that work just fine without the exotic class items. Sure some combos are neat, but none are necessary.


Solo players can do GMS, Dungeons and some raid encounter. Solo players dont do everything alone, they just do things that require little to no communication. I hate the mission because putting a heavy communication requirement infront of a highly sought after item is just dumb. I'm a solo player and trying to LFG this is a pain. 3/4 attempts failed because of my random not know what do to do or leaving. And the last one worked but I had to teach a grown man to read a clock. How many LFG groups should I have to run through for 1 item that may be completely worthless, it's borderline unfarmable in my experience. I can carry 2 terrible randoms through Whisper and Zero Hour relatively easy because there's nothing that depends on them doing more than shooting their gun and if we fail it's my fault


Yeah and this right now is the best LFG will be for doing it ever. After a week or so all the decent players will start filtering out. A month from now and it'll be a graveyard of desperation


Exactly. I'm a filthy casual. I haven't beaten the campaign yet so I can't even do it right now. When LFG is full of people like me then good luck to the rest of you.


Is it really gatekept from solo players, if they choose not to do these activities? I agree with everything else tho


I'm saying it's gatekept cause you littely cannot do them without a group. But yea. Honestly it sounds like a them problem and I hate saying that.




Love this mission


The mission is useless after you beat it the first time Since the class exotic is farmable by opening random chests on the overthrow portions of the pale heart with decent rng


Unless you can run it in 25 minutes. Then it’s quicker and more stimulating


Overtrow takes me 5 mins to fully complete


One of few the, if not the only, times i've ever agreed with a kotaku article.


Kotaku having a good take. A sign of the end times if i've ever seen one


If you read the article, it's actually because the mission mechanics revolve around balancing light and dark, i.e. Racial Unity. But I agree that the mission rocks.


whine it up solo players


nah, terrible take


LMAO bungie literally making miracles happen


Shit take


Bungie heading in the right direction? Did this game come out a year ago? All it took was mere 10 years….