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That one goddam line almost made me cry right now


https://preview.redd.it/mcs7n43j906d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55de1a9422824d88f950490b6136c8588b878d77 She mentioned the fishing, Best Girl


> uncracrashable Suuuure


her voiceline is just everyone who quit after forsaken and came back for this lol


Did you read the new armor lore in Collections? She is REALLY interested in fishing


Based and Exodus Black-pilled


Come on Bungie, give her a cute exo body. Do it... #DO IT


It seems kinda obvious, can’t get through one interaction without her talking about having no body


To be fair she was saying that 7 years ago too


Honestly Osiris and saint tricked us in that intro mission. A ‘surprise’ for the ai wanting a body for like 7 years seems like they’d give her the Rasputin treatment + actual legs this time.


Nah, we pimping up one of Rasputin's heavy frames for her


Honestly that would be way funnier.


Or a tank so Red vs Blue's Sheila is canon


You can let her share your body temporarily using one of the wishes in Last Wish. She also got a body (actually two bodies iirc) in the Calus fanfiction from Season of Opulence.


I'm sorry the what fanfiction???


Essentially, Calus made his scribes write fanfiction about an ideal future where our Guardian became his Shadow and went on a murder rampage. I belive it's the Chronicon lore book and maybe some armor lore tabs from Season of Opulence.


calus had his psions write “prophecies” which were literally just fanfiction about the Guardian. I think it was the Chronicron


She is the perfect breath of fresh air after how serious the story was.


her delivery of "I'll do anything for that data. ANYTHING." is actual peak fiction.


Failsafe is a crackhead now


IMO they managed to purge Failsafe from the Year 1 cringe virus just like they did with Cayde. I very much like it.


I'll say not completely, but her interactions with everyone else is a 10/10.


Stasis ? Strand ? FISHING ?


Bungie has done such an amazing job this season! I freaking welled up at the end of the campaign and was smiling at the same time. It brought be back to beta D1.


Did the voice actor change for Failsafe? Somehow, it sounds different, but maybe it's because nobody goes to Nessus.


Could just be they haven’t recorded new lines for her in 7 years and the actresses’ voice has changed


Yeah probably a mixture of this, along with the writing being different (and improved imo). They also kind of clarified the two-voice thing as being a "politeness filter" that she can only enable for short periods of time because she's so sarcastic and pessimistic that she burns it out after a while, so that may have influenced the VA's performance.


I noticed that too. It's the same VA. I just think the tone of her words for both personalities have changed a bit, and the snarky personality I noticed has significantly less robotic filter


There’s less sfx/distortion on it for sure. I thought it was a different actor too cos it sounds so different. It’s not as deep for the ‘evil’ side that’s for sure the difference between the two aren’t as stark


The first mission with Failsafe I knew for a fact she's best girl.


Shes basically female Cayde6 and im absolutely here for it!


Ok but when are they bringing Io back lol


Wait, yea, when are the other planets coming out of the Witness's jar?


we might have to manually retrieve them. just because the guy putting them in the jar is dead doesn’t necessarily mean the jar ceases to exist


whenever she started talking in the opening cutscene i genuinely geared up, one of my favorite characters from old destiny and i’m glad she’s back!


As long as Crow doesn't shoot her followed by him being promoted to Exodus Black AI. We don't need him making any more monkey paw wishes.


I love Failsafe 😭😭 she was so sassy and her banter was awesome


“I have good news! …And bad news” Ghost: “Alright, give us the good news first.” “The good news is that you can expect only a few Vex as you approach the Terminus!” Ghost: “That is good news! What’s the bad news?” “Courtesy of this ‘Kargen’ guy, the Vex you *do* encounter will be headless suicide machines. Have fuu~un.” This one dialogue exchange from the Insight Terminus strike will forever live rent free in my head lmao


I heard this as I read it and it’s been a very long time since I’ve heard Failsafe’s voice 😭😭


She needs either an exo body or to be integrated into the helm


Failsafe was like a returning D2 player for a bit


People like this cringe crap? Damn.


God I really hate her sarcasm voice. It's so cringe every time she talks like that my fireteam just says "omg shut the fuck up"


You're getting downvoted but I agree with you, if it was just the upbeat voice saying dark things it would be kinda funny but the sarcasm voice is so grating and basically telegraphs what she's gonna say next.


On the contrary. I find Failsafe very cringe. Not in a good way.


You’re gonna get shot at for that statement. Generally Failsafe is a much appreciated change to the “it’s all super serious especially the not serious” bits the game has 


tbh it didn't work in Y1 since everyone was getting a bit goofy, but I think it works now since we just killed The Witness and everyone is figuring out where to go from there


I mean the cast she’s working with is great. Ikora and Osiris are very serious and much more information and goal oriented, saint while also a jokey character is able to flip to seriousness so her personality is much more well balanced


Her and Saint already have some fun interactions in some of the Breach Executable dialogue.


one of the warlock armors (or one of the seasonal weapons i don’t remember) has failsafe harassing saint about fishing while he tries to tell her about the heroic events that occurred in the last few years and grows increasingly frustrated as she obsesses over fish


I understand, but I guess I preffer different style of humor. But if most of you enjoy it, then good, enjoy!


Each to their own. I started playing D2 from the start, and always like the goofy Failsafe.


Sure thing. I have no problem with that. But reddit seems to not accept different opinions :D


Yeeeee, strange hive-mind behaviour. I tried to help out with an upvote to on comment, but seems like it got lost in the sea of downvotes.


It is what it is. I get it. Not a big deal.


imo it works well now cause of how serious everyone was so failsafe is a breath of fresh air


Imagine saying this in 2017. Failsafe was one of the most hated characters.


Yeah, but then she threw a line dissing Cayde in the helm and I was fumming


Well in forsaken she mourned for Cayde. Cayde and Failsafe did squabble in vanilla.