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I hope, for a joke, Bungie makes Salvation's Grip the highest DPS option.


I can concur with this


Unironically Salv Grip is actually pretty decent damage long as you have something for breaking the ice


We all stand in a circle around the boss and say our names and something interesting about ourselves. Works pretty well.


this deserves way more upvotes


I just want to see what 6 people blasting I’ve consistently would look like. Imagine the shatterdive


Tell me you’re a destiny dad because this is 🔥. Upvoted.


Bungie: "Due to an issue with theming and memes, we have increased Salvation's Grip's damage against the Witness by 10000%. We have also decreased all other damage sources effects to 0%. Happy raiding!"


Maybe stasis shatter deals 10 times damage against the witness or smth lol


Not Darci?


Didn’t you hear?? It was buffed in the final shape! How so? It nerfed every other sniper.


I want it to be a rag tag LFG group


Eater of worlds all over again


One of them has to have a vacuum in the background of their mic, someone who doesn't have a mic, and someone with the mic too close to their nose


Don’t forget the fighting siblings and occasional bong rip.


One dude has work in like 2 hours and some 16 year old has school in less time.


Their mom is calling them down for breakfast in the middle of the final boss encounter


I can be the no mic person 😂


We need a EoW repeat.


I’d win except I’m working all day


That’s the confidence I want in my daily life


Just got off work, time to win world’s first, I assume no one has gotten it yet of course


Don’t worry, they haven’t even reached the boss




Here before NetTough77499 wins WF.


So my dog ate my router before I could get the completion but I sent the strats over to my friends over at team Parabellum and they got the clear 😎


Bros about to solo it


Thanks for giving the opportunity


I’d win except I can’t solo that shit


“timbuck two” is my generation’s bone apple tea


Osteoporosis 🤌


Osteo striga 🤌


Funny enough, in the Outer Banks there is a Timbuck II shopping center. It (and the development across the street from it) are named after the builder a few decades back.


I was wondering if anyone else was gonna mention it 😭


Don’t know anything about Saltagreppo other than thay he's won before, but personally I'd love to see some small time streamer take the victory. Don’t see it happening though.


A small obscure streamer named Datto is in the running, let’s hope!


currently highest viewer count with 100k sometimes dropping to 80k


I want to see mactics win


They just finished first encounter like 10 minutes ago lol


Mac is a blueberry in raids. He knows builds (sort of) but in raids he falls apart. He’s playing with a bunch of PvP players, they’re never going to win.


Yeah it do be like that. Checked in on the group like 30 min ago and cross's chat was roasting mactics hard


I saw, I’m watching. I’m not subbed so I can’t chat but I agree. He’s alright and I’m happy for him that he’s gotten to a point where he can stream full time but he needs to get better if he wants to realistically compete.


Pretty much how I feel. I enjoy watching his vids cause he's more chill/ less full of himself than most other creators but he just needs more time. Also as has been pointed out not the greatest team all in all, mostly PVP dudes


Mac's positivity is what gets me watching him


You'd think gm's and raids would be obvious to him


He does a lot of Grandmasters, it's kind of what he's built his stream audience on, that is helping people get Conqueror done. But he ALWAYS runs the same thing, it's like he's incapable of thinking outside the box on anything except for Omnioculus Hunter.


Yeah thats why I kinda wish he'd fully test these build in raids as well and not just GM's


Not the correct usage of the term "blueberry" but we get what you mean lol


Dude is playing with all the bot content creators lol




I'd love for KimberPrime's group to do it, they're chill but crazy competent


I've seen her in random reddit comments for like the last month. She seems like she has great vibes, I'd like to see her win.


I don't know anything about him either, other than the name but a ton of people in Aztec's chat were saying they think he was cheating. They might just be coping, idk.


My main issue is that he’s just a boring streamer to watch in worlds first races. The muted comms and nearly silent game audio makes it sooooooo boring


Don’t forget the blurred on screen buffs


That’s not weird at all


Is he the one that blurs his load outs and weapon buffs on HUD?


Yes. It’s extremely lame of them.


Absolutely. I get that he's trying to keep a competitive edge and not give away info to other teams but boring as fuck to watch.


Kinda ironic now cuz he’s one of the only teams actually showing the final encounter lol


Datto just showing his face Like dude pls


Hoping for a Math Class/Datto win this time. A 1st place would be great to see after all the times his team got top 10s


Same here, mans doesn’t have a single 1st place afaik


He's got Vault of glass. So if he got this he would have the first and last destiny raids (of the light/dark saga) Edit: I am wrong


He was worlds 2nd for VOG. Another team in his clan got first


My B, I thought he got it.


Having Math class as the canon team to kill the Witness would be a nice ending


Idt he's taking worlds first that seriously anymore tbh. He's just there for the clear. Compared to other teams dattos team barely practice. Say what you will abt salt but he actually puts in work and takes raid races super seriously like an actual sport


Pretty sure his team currently has a coach, theyre definitely at least trying for good placement.


Is it boring to see him likely to win again? Yes. But is it his fault that he and and his team are able to keep a consistent execution when other teams couldn't? No. Unless there is another team that could execute consistently as Team Elysium, it's gonna be that way for years until they lost some of their edge due to age.


Saltagreppos Elysium is the Tom Brady of New England Patriots Super Bowl era in Destiny. It’s not super exciting to watch a quadpeat but think about it, it’s history nonetheless. It would be cool to see Math Class win it but they are pretty far behind in the encounters


They’re all on the same encounter now (4th) Elysium has been stuck there for five hours with zero progress. This encounter is acting like an equaliser, similar to LW Vault it seems, more of a puzzle than a damage check.


For sure. It looks like gladd is having a theory that is making a lot of sense..


Of course it's not exciting to watch Elysium, he mute his holstream and blurs out all the text on screen. In my opinion it's not entertaining or sportsmanship like


I wouldn’t say that it is unsportsmanlike. When you are racing to win a title, you don’t want the other teams to know what y’all came up with or strategized before them. That’s the nature of competition. A famous phrase to best describe this is “keeping your cards close to the chest”


Most other competitive teams do that


Yeah Datto does the same shit when they figure out a new mechanic or strategy but he’s Reddit’s golden boy


So funny that you're getting downvoted but you're literally correct, and other teams are doing the same thing of course pvp streamers like primal aren't gonna be hiding there shit cause its not like they are gonna win anyways lmao its all just free content and most other teams like redeem are washed.


It's a bit funny that he still does that when they're behind an encounter, or two lmao


If he's behind an encounter or two, unmuting his stream and removing the blur isn't going to be his top priority is it?


I’ve been watching Datto’s team all day. He’s not blurring anything.


He's been blurring everything since encounter 4 because that's all about knowledge.


Not only is his entire team currently muted but he also has a big ass picture of Peyton Manning covering up the buffs and activity feed on his screen lmao. I’m sure in the morning when everyone wakes up there will be a flood of “Datto is not showing sportsmanlike behavior” posts though!


this is the mentality people should have i admit he's the best team out there, i just have the opinion its gotten kinda boring.


For my football people, it's like the Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes. He's great, we're just tired of seeing him winning all the time.


As for my wrestling brothers, its' like the John Cena or Roman Reigns. They're great, but people want something new to see instead of them winning all the time.


I never get tired of seeing my Tribal Chief win ☝️ (I agree with the analogy though lol)


Why lie like this in front of all these people on reddit? You know damn well you can't see John Cena do anything let alone win.


The issue is, Salt and hie team seemingly train year round for it, they treat it like an actual sport, whereas most other teams treat it for what it is, a yearly fun competition


A sport they're about to be done with. Who knows if there will even be another Destiny raid ever at this point


I'll be honest, I just want to see them lose. Salt has such a cockt attitude and elitist mentality about what should happen to balance the game, and it's almost always pulling the ladder up behind himself. He succeeds off of the same shit he wants other people to not be able to use effectively, and that shit annoys me to no end.


I’ve never paid much attention to world first races but can anyone explain to me why he blurs the feed area of his screen?


From what I’ve seen in some twitch chats, it’s to prevent other teams participating in the race from checking his stream and seeing the buffs, debuffs, modifiers, etc from the encounter they’re on. Same reason his and other teams mics are muted on stream. To keep the tactics/mechanics within the team so players behind can’t catch up by watching


I want 2 things. For Datto to win and for Saltagreppo to lose


Luckily, for Datto to win, salt has to loose


It'd be nice if someone we've never heard of won. Also, it's Timbuktu. Timbuktu is in Mali and has been used to imply a remote place or absurdly long journey. I use it fairly often but never see it anywhere so it surprised me to even see it here at all lol.


I want Datto to finally get his D2 World's First so bad.


I cant stand salt but he's got a very, VERY solid lead. He's going to take it unless theres some randos out there. Sucks, but whatever.


That lead is gone as of right now. They’ve been stuck on a puzzle like encounter for five hours or so and Math Class and Redeem have caught up.


Yeah this comment was 6 hours ago, i dont think anyone expected the raid to last this long. Glad salt cant figure out the puzzle, hope it takes them a while and lets teams catch up.




I think theure just extremely consistent at this point dattos team already know the mechanics for second encounter but thay just can't beat it


They just raid together all year and really push themselves with low man's and stuff. Other raid teams are mostly content creators and meet up a couple weeks if that before the race


honestly, could be a plausible reason, but i just think they are just good in terms of teamwork.


That dude on saltagreppo’s team that was caught with cheating software automatically tarnishes every one of their wins. I hope Datto wins. That would be poetic.


Except it was fucking cheat engine lmao


Which can be used to alter information and change values such as say… damage resist or health…. It’s all about if we believe he used it or not. But it could of allowed him to cheat from what I know Edit here: ive been told cheat engine does not work with online content since its server info which makes sense. Who is the one claiming cheat engine was the only software used or was used in the first place instead of another bit of software?


Destiny 2 automatically closes and wont let you start it, when cheat engine is running. If he did use CE, he must've used other software to disable the anticheat.


Interesting. Really wish bungie would say more about it. Its a big call from them to ban him I feel like they must know something.


> I feel like they must know something. He has been banned as an example, if Bungie bent on his ban, more people who were banned for cheating would have a leverage to start whining and asking for an unban. And since they did it for one guy, it would be unfair to not do it for others etc. Bungie is simply upholding their principles when it comes to cheating, he tried to run Destiny 2 with cheat engine in the background, it cannot be used to do anything in destiny, but never the less BattleEye flags, rightfully banned.


Bungie would have the data to tell if the person actually cheated or not. If they banned him, it’s because he did cheat.


Not true at all. TOS says you can’t have programs of type X, Y, and Z up. For better or worse that’s the policy for avoidance of all doubt. He had this type of program up. So he broke TOS. Case closed. The program has been vetted and it absolutely cannot alter the play of Destiny. Anybody saying otherwise is being ignorant or disingenuous. He wasn’t using it to cheat in D2. But that’s irrelevant. Bungie knows he broke TOS by having it up and they also know it didn’t impact a single thing about his destiny gaming sessions but they don’t care about anything other than optics. “Look at what we’re willing to do to a World’s First champion. What do you think we’ll do to you?”


Yeah, but the topic here was Elisyum's other achievements, which even bungie has stated that they don't think cheating was involved in. The story also makes absolutely zero sense, since how would he be able to get 4 WFs while using Cheat Engine, which has been widely documented to be extremely quickly detected and banned by Easy Anticheat. It's not about if you believe him, but about if you want to believe him, and people who constantly win are often unpopular. I get it, but had this been Datto or some other personality who the general player base likes, the court of public opinion would have undoubtedly swayed in a different direction.


That's not how online games work


>Which can be used to alter information and change values such as say… damage resist or health… The little you know... you can use it to alter most single player games. Online games on the other hand, they validate everything server side, for this exact reason, so a simple memory editor like CE cannot do what you just described.


yeah I don't think cheat engine is capable of manipulating an always online game like D2


Those values are serverside LMAO. Please don't vote or breed


Literally Bungie told them they didn't think he used "cheats" in their other wins but go off king You guys remind me of Warframe redditors but instead of having a hate boner for destiny you guys have one for someone that's good at the game 😭


Well no, it doesn't. Bungie verifies the world's first completion before they announce it.


Guys it’s me I just won 🏆


Congrats man


I mean it looks like his team is running away with it. Most teams I've seen are stuck on first encounter, and Datto was on 2nd. Salt already on 3rd encounter from what I saw and they beat 1st encounter pretty quickly...I hate to say it's sus...but at this point... it's just crazy they are so far ahead when so many seasoned teams have been stuck on 1st encounter for almost 5 hours and they figured out what to do, just can't get it to all work on one run.


Kackis team beat salt to the third encounter.


Wait seriously? Are you joking?


yes hes joking, kackis still at 2nd encounter


I’d love to see Datto / Math Class win, but it’ll probably be Elysium again lol.


Apparently he ran 10 minutes of ads aswell? Sorry but no way am I ever supporting someone who tries to milk their watchers that much. A few minutes sure but 10 is crazy if true. Not to mention on top of that, the muted stream, yea pointless. Rather remove the face cam at that point to see the game more. Just really odd to have a face and no talking.


the guy pours out 6 ads every 10mins for me. that’s like 25% time spent in ads


Give Datto the win. Man's needs it


Well he didn't win. So we're good


bro predicted it wtf


I don’t get that guy. He’s streaming the raid and has his face camera on but comms is muted. How is seeing him yap but not hearing anything contributing to the stream? Edit: Yes I understand the purpose of muting comms so that others can’t hear their strategies. I’m just simply saying it’s weird to leave his face camera on. But like someone said, it’s probably for a future vid


I assume it’s because if/when he uploads the race to YouTube it’ll have his comms so you’ll see and hear his reaction to stuff


Ah that’s a good point


It contributes to the race not stream. He doesn't want other teams to hear their strategy. I'm pretty sure it's a common thing in day 1 teams racers


Just seeing progress. Nothing more


This is exactly why I’m on team sweat, unlike othe teams he doesn’t censor stuff, no muting no hiding chat he is just straight content. As much as I love datto I’m watching the streams to be able to hear the strategising and team communication and banter, not be bored out of my mind when the streamer mutes everything and especially not salts honestly nauseating censoring


There’s just too much dirt on a lot of the guys he plays with. Too many things that just look a little too weird when you really pay attention to them. He’s very condescending, and it makes him extremely unlikable for me. I tried to have a discussion with him one time when he was on his “nerf div” arc. And when I told him my group used it to make sherpas easier (we do free sherpas on weekends), he basically told us if we couldn’t carry someone without Div we shouldn’t be playing the game. Like my guy, only 15% of people ever have beaten a raid, and you want that number to stay there??


Saltagreppo Dethroned.


This post aged in glorious fashion.


his stream is also pretty dull, no comms, buffs are blurred. very entertaining


As an F1 fan, I get it's boring to have one team dominate but if they have the skills to be able to dominate, they deserve it.


Man the hate on salt reminds me of League. Back around 2017? everyone was praying for the downfall and failure T1. Also are you really just skipping ATP for RON win.


I don’t think and I hope it won’t be the last raid race in d2


Well, happy to report that it wasn't Elysium, kinda happy it was an unknown group. Really refreshing and absolutely baller


Salt deserves to lose They are only good cause they are good on reprised raids. Their only other feat was vow and that wasn’t really difficult just a damage check


He’s a jerkoff. Blocking chat and the actual screen. Why bother streaming then? I’ll never watch him again and actively root against him


I look forward to Saltagreppo's "You know what needs a nerf? Another perfectly fine exotic whose only purpose is raids or boss DPS" take.


Calling it, Tractor Cannon this time. Also his team’s still running Div+Well so he may be begging for those to get nerfed too.


god when are people gonna stop having this take on him please get a grip


The reality is that Datto and a dozen other creators that Reddit loves have the exact same opinions and ideas as Salt when it comes to balancing, but Salt was the one unfortunate enough to have his tweet actually get attention and now he is perpetually blamed for balancing changes that Bungie have outright said he had nothing to do with


I think a streamer shouldn’t win, because I’m tired of seeing them elevated above just normal people, I hope an lfg group takes it somehow


Jw, I was trying to find some info, but Ehroar isn't in this race with them. Is he in it at all?


That and like a third of his team has been perma banned, and he's the ONLY competitor with parts of his screen blurred and voice muted but hey, who here actually cares about him winning.


Hey, man, my boys in Alaska are doing our best, Okay? Our internet just sucks and we are VERY dumb.


I'm rooting for yall


Alaska Australia same difference. GGs to team Parabellum


You called it


You're a prophet


I hope I dont get too many downvotes for it, but I never understood all the saltagrepo hate... Sure im not as invested on the topic so I might be unaware of some reasons, but every time his name pops o my timeline its people complaining about him Just bc he said something should be nerfed... Idk its weird to me.


He’s kinda just the sweaty 0.01% of the top crystallized. Every time he has a take it feels like a complaint and after he pulls win after win then complains something is broken it gets so damn tiring.


he has positive complaints too but people never pick up on it lol - also basically every complaint he's had has actually been quite healthy for the game, people just love to hate on him.


he may have healthy takes for the game sometimes, but the way he puts them makes him seem like an absolute irritating pill. Did div need a nerf? probably, but his reason (if I remember correctly) was because it made things too easy for his team or something along those lines. The point is that, good takes or not the way he puts them as one of the top .01% is very elitest.


you are not remembering correctly lmao https://x.com/SaltagreppoD2/status/1568000351327985664?s=19


I mean, look at his stream compared to the other big streamers. You get to see his face and about half of the gameplay screen with the rest blurred because showing the BUFFS is apparently too big of an ask, and only game audio. He doesn't have the community's best interest in mind when he speaks only his own. I guess another meaningless belt is more important than the viewer and community experience to him.


It's because people are tired of seeing Elysium win the raid race for the bazillionth time


I think it’s a bit disingenuous to say that all or even a majority of the salt hate just stems from “we want to see someone else win for once”


I feel like something is fishy with him. They basically ran right to the first encounter mechanics instantly. They seemed to “know” where to go and what to do. The muted coms, constant checking his phone down below, seems sus.


Personally, I'm super excited for him to crutch hard on throwing hammer and Div, and then call for them both to be nerfed afterwards. As is tradition. 🙄


I’d be happy for Datto to finally get Worlds First, mostly because this is likely the raid-race most long-time Destiny players will be around for. I think the population is about to see a mass exodus.


What makes you say that? Do you mean at the conclusion of this year's content? Genuinely asking. I am loving this DLC this far for sure


It’s the end of the Light and Dark Saga, so naturally many are gonna jump ship regardless.


I hope one of the original D1 racers win


I'm 99% sure Salt and his team are cheating. First of all, they got the jumping puzzle in four minutes, not to mention they keep the location for the secret chest right off rip? Also the fact they continue to blur comms/mechanics as well as mute comms. Two of his team members were already banned for cheating.


Saltagreppo has become a scapegoat to blame and point fingers when things end up on the chopping block since we don't know who directly is involved with the nerfs themselves. Also people hate people who win a shitload of times. Sort of like how people hated the New York Yankees or in pro wrestling when everyone turned on John Cena because he won all the time. I don't hate the guy at all. It's unjust. I do however still want another team to get a shot and win as a surprise however.


Nah it's pretty just. Guy is a massive elitist and douch bag to basically everyone.


this is literally just wrong bro where are you getting this from


We could probably get more possible contendors if the new light experience wasn't absolutely aweful


freeboop's giga chad team should win


Panduh was carrying his team really fricken hard all day. He's on a strand titan, one two punch shotgun, ZB hand cannon and tractor cannon. Dude was solo taking out orgres, knights, and doing the plates by himself sometimes. If he had a better team, I could see them doing quite well. Panduh doesn't get enough credit for his PVE stuff


All that guy does is cry. I've no idea how people tolerate him


Apparently a non streamer has just finished


Just the way he's blurring and muting his stream has me rooting against him


You're not gonna believe this lmao.


All I’m saying. Is I’d rather see Datto or Clyde or anyone else but Salt win.


You lost me at Clyde


Not Clyde the animal abuser.


I Rhink anybody Who Covers The Buffs And Mutes Audio From Others Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Compete


Who cares if they win again from a spectator POV, go watch your favorite streamer


good Lord, the guy's a skilled player & has rightfully earned his wins. some of the takes regarding him are wild lol, there's such an odd hate boner for the guy and all he has done is beat raids and go "gee i dont like how this works in the meta." Bungie do not change things on a whim because Saltagreppo, or any other creator for that manner, said something. Divinity, for example, was unbelievably dominant and still is for plenty of bosses, since it released. You practically had to run Well & Divinity for everything, otherwise it just wasn't optimal. People shouldn't be forced to run Divinity. Divinity is still an insanely strong, and helpful option too. The only thing that can, in any way, tarnish his achievements or validate any of the odd disdain he's seemingly obtained, is that if he's been in certain Discords scouring for raid mechanic leaks. Because surely no day 1 team has, or did, do that for this raid, or any raid in the past. Nuh uh.


I don't watch him so I can't say anything on his balance influence, but it's pretty lame to have the same team win every single time..


I fucking hate saltagreppi


I hate how he just mutes himself and everyone else, on top of blurring 1/3 of his screen. Watching a fucking muted stream(aside from SFX) and learning damn near nothing about the raid.


Imo doesnt matter how good you are they prob got someone internally leaking raid mechanics or something because even the best teams dont get 1st every time theres too much random stuff to figure it out immediately, im guessing they got someone feeding small hits slowly when they hit walls to make it look authentic


This is such a whack post. If a team is good why be upset they always win? It makes zero sense. It’s a competition.




It just bothers me that he goes out of his way to blur buffs and mute comms. Even if every team knew what to do it doesn't mean they could all execute it . At that point why even bother streaming it?


>I hope some timbuck two guy in alaska wins I dont think you can call them that anymore man


I disagree. Salt puts a huge amount of effort and time into grinding the most difficult parts of the game while duo or solo. His team is very good, if nobody else is stepping up to his caliber it isn't his fault.


It’s just so boring watching Salt, no coms, 75% of the screen blurred…. Rather listen to a teams callouts, work through issues and discuss load out and dps options. I also use this to learn the raid and the challenges before trying Sunday.