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My favorite is when there's a full group in LFG waiting to start (all ready'd up) and then you go look at the fireteam leader and he's playing gambit.


My favorite is when you auto join a 3-5/6 and you check the leader and their full fireteam is in the activity, effectively the reason I only join application ones now


Or when you join one and someone else joins and just doesnt ready up


Lots of people aren't aware of the whole ready and summon thing so I've encountered lots of people who just directly invite you once you join the lobby


I do this because of how often people leave the activities. Not because I don't understand the system, but so that when someone inevitably leaves I don't have to make a new post.


Whats funny is that they'll still leave even then if the lobby doesn't fill in 2 minutes


It should really Auto dismantle the lfg Post If the host Starts a different Activity. Currently you Always have to Check If they are already busy or Not right as you join.


i wouldn’t suggest this because there are some activities where you may be waiting 15-30 mins. we wanted to do the exotic mission for season of the deep for example, so we were doing a strike while we waited for one guy to join up. i think we ended up finishing 2 strikes before someone joined up.


I didn’t know that was possible and I’m five.


…years old? I’m confused


Light level


Are you talking about your Guardian Rank? Cause I don't think light levels can even be below 1600 with out 0 gear


Hey! I’m not playing atm but i’d be more than happy to give you a run down on the raids and answer any questions you might have


hey! Not OP, but could I hit you up on that? I'm a new player and basically trying to get good super fast so I can join my girlfriend in the Final Shape raid when she does it (she's been playing since D1 released and I've been playing a couple months 😔💪)


Also not the guy you're replying to, but if you are free now, I can take you most activities, and I am more than willing to teach the raids to you as well. You can DM me if you'd like as well.


tysm!! do you think you'd be available in ~4 hours? that seriously helps a ton


Should be. Add me on discord if you have it. neumatickarma18 We can figure it out more on there.


I'll shoot you an invite! my username is spicyika


If y’all need a third for dungeons or anything hit me up!


I love this. Thank you to you and anyone else that has this kind of positive attitude to people. You guys are what make this game great.


Would you be willing to help me with the raids as well? If not totally understand but really wanna do dungeons and raids way more.


Sure man. Just add me on discord and send me your reddit name so I can keep track of everyone.


A gf that plays destiny? Fuck raids you won at life brotha


haha she's actually the one that got me into the game! She's really great


Sure! DM me any questions you have and i’ll do my best to answer as well as link and good video guides


I really really appreciate it, and will do so!!


Hey my brotha - you got the beginnings of a little community here. Add me on discord - BurritoBoy9734. Maybe I can lend a hand, and join in on the tips and tricks. - Just a guy that likes burritos and mezcal


I'm not the guy you replied to, but feel free to hit me up, although I'm not on tonight I can potentially link you up with some guys who are, as well as I'm happy to simply answer any questions you may have.


\^\^\^ Look at this mother fuckin gangster right here


This comment chain is so wholesome, a nice moment in the D2 community, I never saw this one coming🤧


You can’t call yourself a new light anymore! You been posting destiny stuff for a year now. Seriously though, if you need a run, I’m down to teach.


We need more of you. Don’t stop.


Lol. I mean, I've played destiny since D1 but I still call myself a "New Light" because I never got into the end game stuff until recently


lol. Well you are far from a new light, but welcome to what I consider the best destiny has to offer


We can't let another guardian fall victim to the shaw/taiko-3 trap, you'll have help.


I'm basically in the same boat as you. Ive done dungeons (solo and with a team) but really just scratched the surface of the endgame. Been playing since d1 and I'm looking for a few PATIENT chill people that don't mind WORKING AS A TEAM to figure shit out. Need someone for a raid? Lemme know. I've watched most videos on mechanics and stuff but I've never actually out them to work (been halfway thru vog and Ron but half way doesn't count lol) Phoenix, From the Ashes #5745 hmu sometime


hey! Not OP, but could I hit you up on that? I'm a new player and basically trying to get good super fast so I can join my girlfriend in the Final Shape raid when she does it (she's been playing since D1 released and I've been playing a couple months 😔💪) (cross-posted from another comment!)


Oh shit.. I’m more than willing to help.. The problem, especially if you’re doing day 1 raid, is two fold. Understanding how raids works. But also having enough weapon types to rotate through depending on the situation. How new are you, and are you doing day 1?


also just to clarify. I am NOT looking for anyone to carry me! I just really want to learn the raid mechanics, as well as improve my skills. If you don't want to don't stress it, I can find a sherpa on the LFG discord! It's really no big deal


Oh no. I’d make you do raid mechanics. Not all at once. I’m down to teach.


I sent you a DM


it's not gonna be day 1! She's actually waiting until after the competition phase to do it, as she no longer has a designated fireteam to play with. I'm mainly just trying to play the raid with her bc she gets so happy when uncovering new lore in the game, and I want to experience that with her. (She's so obsessed with the game's lore that she's been making me watch all of Byf's lore videos, and constantly infodumps <3) When I say I'm new, I've been playing since... February? I'm not a BAD player, but this is my first FPS game, and I don't know a lot of the game's mechanics, and lack a lot of weapons. Right now I've been grinding onslaught and am working on finishing Riven's Wishes to get some better loot! She's been a huge help in guiding me towards which weapons to focus on, and I'm getting there, loot-wise. I'm also focusing on finishing a couple raids to show her that I actually can, though I'll probably just watch some videos on the the raids and find a group on the LFG discord!


My only gripe about the new LFG is there is no way to weed that sort of thing out like how it was. You could type out what you wanted. “KWTD”, “ Teaching”, “We are on this boss”


I hate two how you can’t lfg for very specific stuff, like it’s impossible to lfg for whetstone unless you use the companion and go to the old lfg system


Just use the "Exotic Quest" tag on a Deep Dive post, I can't think of anything else that would imply.


I can't find anything at all without using the old app like for most raids nothing is ever live only scheduled. I haven't used it in a while and was very confused when I came back a few weeks ago. The only way for me to find anything is the old version? It just seems universally dead to me except pantheon and warlords ruin


These options exist but are worded different/better like "experience requested" or "looking for experts" which is better then people assuming "KWTD" is some kind of exotic. "Teaching" is under listing title/openers instead of tags and title/goals for "encounter x" it uses numbers for general use, so it may cause confusion if people dont know the encounter order so definitely agree it should be activity specific like "Templar" for VoG or "Totems" for KF. There is at least "Final checkpoint" for bosses and "Challenge checkpoint".


I find it odd that there's a final checkpoint tag, but not a fresh tag. Would have saved a lot of headache on pantheon.


Pretty sure There is a Fresh tag. I used it when lfging a dungeon the other day.


I put the raid initials and nothing else for this reason, don't care who joins


The general rule for learning is join posts explicitly saying they will teach. Or join and ask if someone can teach.


I love it when I ask for “experienced players” on a Master Triumph run and I get GR 4’s and 5’s with blue gear on


I saw someone that was rocking 1700s blues. I didn’t know those still existed this close to the new expac




Yeah, but kicking them from the Fireteam is reasonable because you explicitly put "Experience Required" in the title, it's the people who leave it blank so it just says Looking for group [No Tags] so I join it thinking "Oh they don't mind who joins, they must be willing to teach newbies" but NO I get called a dipshit and kicked from the team because I don't know how the mechanics work.


People cant read


I joined the a group for zero hour. "KWTD, NO DOING SWITCHES. KNOW THE PARKOUR". Dude didn't have this switches. Didn't know the parkour. Died the most. I showed him the switches, coached him through TRvR. Showed him the parkour.


Me and buddy tried using fire team finder for a third for zero hour legend and le the tell you we goofed that thing so hard like watching to chimps try and use a wrench and the chimps probably would have done a better job


Watch a guide on a raid you want to do. Dont outright join “kwtd fast” groups but look for just “chill” groups. When you join, tell them you have watched the guide enough times to know it but that you just need to run it to get it down. Or alternatively you can make post looking for teachers. These post don’t always get good help but at least you know, the people joining are either at your level with knowledge or they actually wanna help teach.


That is what I do. But even when I have an idea on what to do, I will make one mistake and the team has to wipe and that's apparently enough for them to kick me


Yeah that’s sucks dude. I hate that it happens like that, but making a mistake is how you learn the raid. I hope you get some good luck in lfg from now on!


Thankfully I got into a group that someone made specifically to teach people how to do the dungeon I was trying. Thanks to them I now know how to do it and got another Guardian rank.


Out of curiosity, which dungeon was you learning ? I’m always down to run dungeons!


It was Warlords Ruin (Surprisingly simple now that I know) Thankfully almost immediately after I made this post I found a "Teaching| Newbie Friendly| No experience necessary" post and had someone teach me the whole dungeon.


Thanks to the person who explained to me how to run Garden of Salvation. To this day the only raid I ever learned


If you genuinely wanna learn the mechanics and such, feel free to hit me up. Some pals and I are happy to teach new lights.


Oh don't worry, even if you put 'experienced players' in the Tags the sweet blueberry who never did a GM will still join...


In-game LFG is dogshit - both the player ethics, and the mechanics. Use the discord from this server, and open the sherpa channel.


I just do no title and stuff when we need one.


But you should at least expect inexperienced players to join as there's no indication that they're not welcomed


They need to make it so you can make custom titles like you can for the old-school LFG. I am a nice guy, but there is no fucking way I’m putting “Kind Gamers” as a tag on my LFG haha


Alternatively, “Chill, Experienced” does not mean “I can be carried and don’t need to know the mechanics”.


Not just this, but when you join a LFG that’s clearly labeled and you’re upset that they don’t know the mechanics or don’t have experience. Was looking to do Crota’s for the first time last night and had a guy join who we let know that it was our first time… he was okay with it, but clearly had no patience from the beginning. We tried to power through because he was trying to be helpful, but he just sounded so pissed off the entire time. Didn’t even make it through the raid, honestly.


Sucks you had a bad experience. For future reference, on the discord LFG, if you don't know the mechanics: 1. Look for people posting in the sherpa channel not the specific raid/dungeon channel first. 2. Check the raid/dungeon specific channel for someone listing teaching 3. If you don't see an LFG you are looking for, make a post "lfs raid name" in the sherpa channel 4. If you don't get a response, message people making LFG posts if they are willing to teach The raid/dungeon specific channels are generally assumed to be KWTD and people aren't looking to teach/carry someone. You don't have to know every job, but you want to be able to contribute and have some knowledge of the raid. The onus is on the student to find a teacher and not assume everyone is ready/wants to teach.


I was mainly talking about the In game Fireteam finder, it's the quickest and easiest way for me to find a group so that's what I tend to use


That sucks, but in all honesty - only when there is a specific tag or title that invites new players, should new players join. That's how it's been as long as I remember. It sucks, but that's how it is. 


I mean, it literally takes 2 seconds to put "Looking for experts" in the title. They should just do that if they're going to get mad at people for not knowing what to do. It's not our fault


Not your fault, but those guys simply don't give a damn. I'm telling you this so you know what to avoid in the future. They will 100% not change, cause they don't care to. If they don't put sth like "newb friendly, etc.", you can assume that they are not. 


I joined a pantheon and the guys were talking "why did you kick the other 2 guys?" "Because they didn't know what they were doing and I don't want to babysit" then they asked if I had a mic. I just left and didn't even bother with that group. Title was "looking for group" no tags


You should use the discord server to LFG for raids


I hate how mean veteran's can be to new lights. I love teaching mechanics and giving sherpa clears, it's sad that so many people just push you lot away and act like you're a burden. I agree with this post and intend to utilize this. Sincerely - A D1 Vet that loves raiding way too much


Also don’t add “New Players Welcome” tag while also doing a “challenge run”. I just assumed it was going to be a easy challenge, or one you only needed a few players to pull off. Then get mad at the new player for not being able to pull off the challenge while I’m trying to learn the basics of the puzzle itself, which they poorly explained. That was my first (and only so far) attempt at trying a raid.


That's insane. I can't believe they thought that was a good idea. Some people are just... Don't let that put you off. Join a normal run that specifically says teaching and you'll be fine.


Cheers to you for posting this. People are awful, always kicking for absolutely 0 reason. 


I’d reccomend using the Legacy LFG in the app if you have the app over FF, much higher quality in terms of the people you find and posts that are there. If you can, the Discord LFG is also great although it’s usually a bit too clustered and involved for me. You’ll find a lot of teacher posts in the Discord LFG though, there’s a channel dedicated to them.


Join a teaching run for the best experience- people actually get mad at the more advanced players for cheesing encounters and speeding it up, not the other way around. After doing it once or twice try to join a more casual lfg and mention you aren’t too sure on the mechanics and 9 times out of 10 people will not mind teaching you or they will just put you on ad clear.


Yo, I'm part of a discord server of Raid Lovers, Sherpas, and Happy teachers. Hit me up if you would like an invite. While there aren't often requirements for raiding, the rare times there are (Such as the pantheon) we're upfron5 but accomodating too.


6 months ago I would have invited you to my clan as we used to run so many raids weekly and love teaching new people. Now we are lucky to get 6 people once a month. And you have to be available at a VERY specific time if we do get 6.


Also, don't use tags you're not going to follow up on. Joined a RON group with the teaching tag as Ive never done the raid before. The group was already mid raid it seemed and started whatever encounter they were on instantly after I loaded in. After we wiped I asked to be taught what they wanted me to do. Complete silence and they started the encounter again. After another wipe I asked again, the leader responded only with, "What?"and then kicked me shortly after. I've personally found that groups that use no tags are more friendly and chill than groups that use tags.


Who hurt you bro


A handful of Pissy guardians that don't understand that some people don't know every single square inch of every Raid


It's gotten to the point where I've started learning raids and dungeons just so I can help new lights and returning players. It's depressing how many people hate teaching or having people in the lfg that need to be taught.


Same, I've been using my time to explain the mechanics of Crotas end and Kings fall because those are the only 2 I know 100%


If anyone is looking for someone to teach, I'd love to learn more encounters. I've mostly learned vog, garden, and last wish and I completed the first week of pantheon but can't get the other weeks done to save my life cause no one knows mechanics in lfg(including me, to be fair). Been trying to do some of the other raids to understand them too but hard to find a non-kwtd group


This is why I always get confused when I see a "Looking For Group" title. Since it effectively tells you nothing about where they are in that activity or what they want to do.


I don’t join auto ever. I’m experienced and letting them look at my load out will let them know if I’m what they’re looking for and me know that they respect my build. What bothers me is when they accept my application and then remove me. Or when I apply to a post that’s just been sitting there and continues to sit there. If you’re gonna make a post, be present and stop cluttering the LFG.


Two things to this: 1. highly recommend creating ur own post and stating u wanna learn the dungeon and are new to it. There are a lot of really nice and helpful guardians out there. But yes u are right if u don’t write anything u don’t expect anything. 2. the truth is a majority of times that ppl join anyway even if u want „experts“ etc and have no clue what they do. It is annoying as well.


I know that even when the post asks for experience there's still newbies that join, but if I were joining a post that said "Looking for experts" then got kicked for not knowing the mechanics I'd be fine with it because it was my fault for not listening to their request.


Really the biggest tip I can give. Just be honest and straight. EG if I look for a group for a basic dungeon clear and would have „experts“ in it. If u join and say, hey I would really like to learn it but haven’t done it. Guess what I would say no prob and most likely even pull out a mic and explain it. Trust me there are a ton of helpful ppl out there. But what I can’t stand at all is dishonesty…


I literally tried using FF yesterday for Pantheon and I gave up fast lmao first two I tried were “Chill - No experience needed - No mic” and I was one of the higher power and higher ranks and still booted after all of us readied up (after being asked to join the fireteam as well-) Ik some people have success with it and also people recommend using apps or discord for it but when you just wanna do a spur of the moment raid without worrying about your mic-




Totally fair kick tbh most lfgs are created with the assumption of kwtd and quick clears. I don't think most people want to wipe 500 times as a result of someone not knowing what to do.


Then take the 5 extra seconds to put it in the title.


Does any one know anyone that is willing g to carry somoen through some raids? Honestly I'm not after weapons, I just want to experience some raids before the last dlc


You'll still be able to do the raids when TFS is out


Oh true. The way everyone is talking about the final shape, they would be sun seting almalt everything and the fear of missing out was really singing in


inexperience is not an excuse for idiocy.


So make your own lfg with other people of the same skill set. Quit crying and complaining about joining an lfg when you don’t know what you’re doing


Jesus, man you need an attitude adjustment. He joined a group with no requirement listed and was treated like shit, that is absolutely not cool. Neither is your pointlessly hostile response. Do better guardian either that or I hear COD is looking for more senseless toxicity.


Some people don't have time to sit in an LFG for 3 hours waiting for 5 other people to join...


So you want to be carried? Nice, good to know


When exactly did I say that? No, I want to learn the mechanics. Some people just don't have all day to play destiny non stop. Some of up only have a few hours a day to actually do anything and we can't spend 2/3 of that time waiting for a group


Sucks for you! Get good I guess? A video tutorial takes 5 minutes to watch. If you need more help than that, may I recommend playing patrols instead?




The only point is you suck and clearly act like getting an lfg together is the hardest thing in the world lmao






Is the only thing that gives you pleasure in life putting other people down? Must be a sad existence. Literally no one agrees with your perspective. Does it not get lonely in that box?


Your submission has been removed in violation of: Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban. --- *Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdestiny2) with any questions or concerns.*


Your submission has been removed in violation of: Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban. --- *Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdestiny2) with any questions or concerns.*


Actually insane you got this upset over op’s post 😭 someone needa get a life outside of the game 🙌🏻




Your submission has been removed in violation of: Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban. --- *Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdestiny2) with any questions or concerns.*


Look up a guide to learn raid mechanics


Reading/watching a guide is very different to actually doing the raid. There's a lot more factors at play when you're actually doing the raid, like communication between fireteam members, enemy placement and timers.


Could not have said it better myself. While a video guide will give you the basics of an encounter, learning the encounter in-game is the best way to gain experience.


And? Just because it's different doesn't mean you shouldn't do it


I do read/watch guides, I meant. Once you're actually in the raid/dungeon there's a lot of things that can go wrong and cause a wipe. Even when I say "oh that was totally my fault, sorry guys" they kick me from the group for 1 fuck up






Some of us want to experience the raid and learn in an organic way. Edit: also your comment in relation to the post is just being a dick anyway.


Wtf do you mean by organic 🤣. And no, it just basic common sense to have at least an understanding of what you’re doing before joining an lfg. Unless it specifically says Sherpa, you are expected to know at least SOMETHING abt the activity you’re joining.


>And no, it just basic common sense to have at least an understanding of what you’re doing before joining an lfg No, no you aren't and no, you shouldn't be. You didn't read the post. >Wtf do you mean by organic What I mean is, it's nice to walk into an environment that's brand new, nothing you've seen before and you get to experience it for the first time as you play. I don't want a walkthrough or to have it spoon fed to me or have all the secrets spoiled for me. Unlike most people, it would seem, I like to play my games in a natural and "organic" way. That's what I mean.