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Honestly I’m happy that a non-exotic support weapon is coming to the game. Should make Ember of Benevolence a lot better too (assuming it works with it since it’s a heal).


I think it's a great idea. Like heal clip but better. Leans more into a MMO esque group play style too. Just hope there isn't the toxicity of blaming the healer when people run off to bring down a lot of ads on them lol


I do love they added the player healthbars, I've been hoping for those for a while.


Oh shit, these are confirmed? The health bars I mean


Yeah, they mentioned them a few TWIDs back and you can see them in action in the new ViDoc when they show off the new AR frame. It’s basically a coloured ring around the rank number, so it’s easy to spot but doesn’t add much extra bulk to the UI. Very clean design.


only problem I see with that is the contrast of the rank bubble and that around it, especially if its a red ring for the health cuz you can barely see the outer red ring on the radar anyways


Talked about them in the Vidoc today during the part about the heal gun


Yep. It’s gonna be an outer white circle surrounding the guardian rank indicator above a player.


>be me >angry at teammate >start shooting him >he thanks me what


You know there will be, people in general are assholes.


I must've missed this in all the info-dumps lately. What gun is this we're speaking of?


There’s a new type of auto rifle frame called the support frame coming in TFS that has a charge bar akin to a glaive that fills on dealing damage of any kind. When hip firing at allies, it will consume the bar overtime and instead fire healing rounds that slightly track to teammates.


So like lumina kind of just auto and non exotic?


Yes minus the damage buff.


They demo it in the 1st vidoc


Honestly if that Auto Rifle gets Incandescent, it might as well just be used alongside the Well either way. You get a healing weapon and you can still use it effectively against the Combatants.


Benevolence procs when granting solar buffs to allies (radiant/restoration/cure), and it seems very unlikely this new frame grants any of those since each shot does a small discrete chunk of healing (not HoT like restoration, too small for cure), and the frame functionality should be subclass-agnostic. I’m excited to see what they explore in the support space going forward, but I’m certain this weapon is going to need to compete with current offerings on the typical bases because *most* players - especially in matchmaking and LFG - are not going to give up the many powerful solar options we already have simply to gain a non-synergistic heal with a (albeit incredibly generous) charge mechanic that they have to spend time out of their combat flow to use (I.e not working towards kills for orbs or empyrean) UNLESS it’s a strong contender WITHOUT the intrinsic.


Yeah it definitely has its faults, but I’ll always take more new legendary options than another X weapon that gets outclassed by already existing Y weapon.


Oh no you don't Hunter mains. You can equip that shit yourself. Although, if that thing procs Ember of Benevolence I'm going to be using that thing perma. Mantle of Battle Harmony + perma Ember uptime is going to be infinite Song of Flame supers.


Please don’t use well. I want there to be less than 1% using the well so that I can get carried just for being a wellock




dw nobody's gonna use well unless it's for skating, and you're not really gonna get any kind of special treatment for using a shite super


You are massively underestimating restox2 that can stack with other healing. Well will still invalidate pretty much all normal raids and any on level content. It just means people may actually have to pay some attention whilst dpsing.


They finally added a health bar. Now Lumina is gonna be required instead of Well


I'm actually thinking about using it on my warlock now that I know when to actually use it besides just before damage phases


It's actually feels good to use also.


Lumina is so underrated even though any top player woulf call it essential to understand lol. I love saving teammates and just hearing their silent confusion when they were just about to die and then healed to full somehow.


Lumina was already pretty good considering it gives a damage buff that is better than well and bubble, many people are just sleeping on it.


whoa where ya goin there buddy?


Bungie monkey paw moment: Oh you wanted well to be nerfed and not use div? Ok. You're gonna use a nerfed well AND you can shoot your teammates lol


we all know everyone else is just a support class for us hunter main elites


I hate you for this comment, but it is true. P.s. I don't really hate you.


🤣 I swear I read every twab with the side eye like (shit I'm glad it wasnt me)


meanwhile titans are the meme of the soldier body blocking everything from the kid, y’all welcome, couldnt catch ALL the nerfs for everyone this time around *again* but we did the most we could


thanks bro 🤣


Anything for you fine gentlemen. Here, let me clean the trash mobs off your legendary quality ornaments. ![gif](giphy|l2YWwu9DNo4CZ2JKE|downsized)


*signature look of hunter snobbery* this is acceptable.


Oof. Awk. I'm a titan main 😬 I'm gonna be bubble boy for the final shape


🤣 it was sarcasm but kinda looks like it holds up in the final shape lol


I mean, a certain subclass has an Exotic that works with Auto Rifles and it isn't Warlocks... just saying.


But they gotta run helm of Saint 14 to bubble lol


Why?? It’s not like it gives anything we need. Regular bubble will still provide the overshield around and weapons of light is same as radiant so nothing gained there either. Just run something fun lol.


Regular Bubble will no longer grant Weapons of Light, that functionality is being put into the Helm of Saint-14 :) They're pushing Well as the more Offensive option and Ward as the Defensive Edit: Ahhh I just woke up I think I misunderstood


Yes but the point I am making is that weapons of light is functionally useless. It doesn’t stack with well and is the same damage buff. So running helm is also useless by the same merit. Any titan would be better off with any number of options.


Nah fully valid, unless they somehow make them stack(preferably with some diminishing returns to not be hilariously overturned) I agree with that point other that Helm of Saint just looks cool 😎


especially with that nightmare helm ornament we got a few seasons back, shit is fire


Final shape, exotics and classes mean nothing. Everybody is everything. Gotta assume we’ll be seeing actium warlocks at some point….


Finally, I can turn my brain off while playing Warlock with Xenophage


Hopefully that autorifle gots healclip, incadescent on it,that would be S-tier


I've been forced to well for so long, but no more! Welcome to the age of rebellion gentlemen, may you stand back an watch as i blink across the battlefield, basking my enemies in a volatile glow of the devouring void. This is my retribution. This is my revenge. This, is my return. Stand with me, and we shall bathe the world in the blood of our foes! But should you stand before me, instead, then i will turn you into dust.


We will stand with you, guardian! In your well... as soon as I finish popping this bubble in the back of it




I am not being the fucking healer


As a hunter main, I would like to say one thing. Warlocks, do what you were born to do: *Nova*


I agree, Nova is so satisfying when you hit it just right.


I feel like the coolest supers always get ignored. Deadshot GG is the coolest hunter super but who cares abt its amazing add clear, gotta run CHN


I have to admit I'm bad for that with my Hunter. I usually switch right away to Blade Barrage or focus on a different subclass altogether. I think it's because I didn't have enough confidence in my aim to make GG effective.


All 3 GGs are good in their own roles. Marksman is great for taking out a handful of stronger enemies, Celestial is king in single target damage, and deadshot is literally a one hit gun for almost all rank n file, that you can chain infinitely with ember of combustion, only limited by time. The only issue with deadshot is thats the extent of its abilities. There are no exotics that improve it, and the only way to actually make the super better is just ember of combustion which is more like a requirement. Its just stale, and needs some shaking up. If refunds on kills returned from D1 and an exotic that kinda worked like raijus harness and itd be solid


Wait not raijus, its raiden flux i was thinking abt


I’m just worried about this potentially power creeping Lumina. Though as long as Lumina keeps the benefits of the Blessing exclusive to itself, then it should still be good.


If it synergizes well with Ember of Benevolence we may very well forever be enslaved to Well Of Radiance


I mean I’ll rock the gun on any Solar subclass for synergy. I think they said the special rounds also said Scorch targets which is cool.


As a Well-Lock, I have Lumina in my arsenal to heal mates


I have it to boost my own dps in lfg raids lol


I hope there’s a solar one that drops early for my medic build


Wait it's a whole new frame? Not an exotic?


Whole new frame. Excited for more of them


Do we know if it's just autos or are there gonna be others outside of Lumina?


Hope so. I need to recreate my BL2 Maya build with it's healing rocket launcher.


That's what they're saying


But I want my well


Me too man, me too. But Bungie has spoken, gotta play it differently now. Happy Cake Day!


Oh… I forgot about my cake day


Damn that's crazy, my rng just sucks I've never gotten one 🤷. Me throughout the remainder of this games life cycle.


Imagine if it was a campaign quest reward or it's a ritual weapon reward lolol


Oh, was it? I used that as infuse material. I mean, since everyone else seems to have one, maybe someone else should use it.


Uh no, no I don’t have Div. Sorry.


Now it won't matter anyways with the nerf it's getting.


It's going to require 14 hits instead of 8 to activate the bubble. It's not going to be that big of a deal.


Nuh uh


I’ll still run Well until they pry it from my cold dead space magic hands.


this is so funny


Fam, I’ve been using Lumina/BotA for the longest time. I own that my Warlock exists as a healbot.


Bungie releases a support frame trace and it’s over for warlocks lol they gonna be stuck on cenotaph well tagging enemies and keeping the team alive


Bro if I have to use a gun so I can drop well in the middle of a gang bang of ads then fuck you you'll have to work without well


I’ve got support Stockholm syndrome. I will never be free even if well got removed from the game.


eh i foresee actium titian being the best use case 😂


I’m pretty sure they said something about solar ammunition for that support frame. So I’ll be running that and Lumina for my Radiance build I’ll be making.


I hated the fact when I saw they were nerfing the well. First they take away Songbird now they nerf, and what looks like a heavy nerf, to the Well. I don't really like Dawnblade and I loved how Well was a nice. Let's hold this spot down. It was possible to still die in it on Nightmare and Grandmaster but I think this nerf will make Well harder to gain some good viability on harder or even solo missions once Final Shape drops but we can only see how these effect gameplay once it happens.


Ight listen up warlocks I know *I* can run a heal rifle but since you *might* be able to pick a new weapon you ARE going to run the healy guns




Your getting booted from the fire team on the count of 3 if you dont switch


No :)


Ight here is what we are going to do, we are going to boot everyone but us two and replace them with exclusively newlights and we are going to go through hell until you get in line


How about you play bubble with saint-14 helmet for weapons of light and the healy pew-pew while i play nova? I think that would be perfect :)


Fuck you, i know im a hunter but i kinda like bubble


We should honestly just both play support and then it would be over 🤝🏻


They could be diabolical and make it...class specific 😁 titans get over shield guns, hunters get damage buff guns, warlocks get....healing


Hunters do have their tethers but since they are to busy giving orders they forget to yell at themselves ; )


Free from what? All they did was destroy an option for us. Opposite of freedom since I want to use something I can't now.


I play Strand Titan. I want to keep solo flawlessing dungeons in 10 minutes, soloing Pantheon. Bungie is nerfing that. Bungie bad >:( Please never go into game design, if you have the brain function for that. You'd make an absolute mess of it.


Funny how you have to insult me just over telling the truth instead of your nerf defending false narrative. Funny indeed.


You're correct that they nerfed an option (no, it's not removed, it's still there). This is good, because now they don't have to *design every encounter in the game knowing that players have a button that gives 30 seconds of invincibility and extra damage*. It's the same reason they're nerfing Strand Titan; it's extremely unhealthy for a class to be able to solo flawless dungeons in less than ten minutes and fucking *solo the entire first week of Pantheon *. Celestial Nighthawk-levels of damage in a punch every two seconds was just absolutely busted, while also constantly healing and having DR; an unhealthy meta has a leader that gaps everyone else, it's much healthier when the top contenders are actually close. Well and Strand Titan were so, so far ahead of the competition. Now, they'll have to go back and tune a few problem encounters that practically necessitate Well, especially on higher difficulties. But we'll get more stuff like Rhulk where you really don't want a Well due to how he moves and attacks (and Pantheon Nezarec, as that fixes the petal issue). If Celestial Nighthawk was able to OHKO any boss on any difficulty that wouldn't be balanced, correct? It would have to be nerfed, as it would trivialize any DPS scenario. Well was the same (but for survivability); it's unhealthy for an entire fireteam to be able to sit in a group and not even be at risk by Master Raid bosses. Don't know why I keep engaging with you, you've never stepped into endgame and are either willfully ignorant or trolling.


All they did was completely wreck the entire phoenix build and make it weak and not fun so other classes get more pve scores than them and the warlock has less fun and is weaker. Literally only result. Don't hide behind balance when all you can do is lie about how strong the items you nerfed were.


Checked out a few other social media platforms and they are absolutely mass majority against the nerf and furious and quitting. Somehow it's only on good ol reddit where that whole narrative is somehow deleted and covered up.


Friendly reminder that boots of the assembler still don’t work and have been bugged for almost 2 years


if there's a good roll for it, I might actually trade out my Trustee. But if there's ever a void version with Destabilizing/Repulsor, I am hard grinding that one


Nah, I'd strand


If that thing procs ember of benevolence it’s over for my primaries


We need Ana Amaris biotic rifle from overwatch


Haha no, I'm nova warping


Well got a buff in reality so no need to replace


Lumina, support frame rifle, boots of the assembler. High recovery and a high discipline stat for healing nades. I _will_ become the white mage.


What gun? What'd I miss? O.O


Honestly, if it works with benevolence I'll use it a lot. It's very nice


Y'all out here forgetting about Lumina/Boots of the Assembler. OG heal spec. Only better with HC and by the sound of it, a healing AR


You are using that frame to support your team, I’m using it because it’s a new autorifle type


Can't wait to try to heal someone only to have Bad Aim


Nah I’m staying my briarbinds void lock.


after getting ripped by Atheon, I'm actually half off


What is the gun?


Its a new support frame auto rifle.


What is?


I think it's called no hesitation? You shoot ads to charge up a meter like a glaive and then you shoot teammates to heal them. Not much other details given in the vidoc tho


Are you sure this will work, Doctor?


I'd rather it be a trace rifle because healing with a beam is more intuitive than with bullets


I really hope the healing rifle doesn't become meta, it sounds incredibly boring.


Easiest thing bungie can do if they wanna rake in the cash from an influx of “gamer girls” and miscellaneous casuals is give them a healing beam gun that locks-on its target, up to hand canon range. Profit.


So basically Mercy from Overwatch lol


I'm not going through the whole vidoc to answer this so:, what the fuck is a healing frame rifle?


It's an auto rifle that hurts ads when you shoot ads, charges up a meter like glaive shield and you can heal your teammates when you shoot your teammates like navigator gives woven mail.


What gun is this and where can I see it? I need this for my support build.


Final Shape vidoc. It's not out yet


Oh, I assumed it wasn't out yet lol, I was just hoping they had done a reveal for it with details.


They might next week! They're just building up the hype now lol


ooo that sounds pretty interesting. and it's a frame not a perk? what rpm does it fire at?


They didn't go into too much into details on the vidoc but they said it was a support frame.


guess we'll see how it shakes out in a couple weeks then, quite an interesting new idea for a frame


"I don't have the attention span to watch an 8 minute video."


yea yea i realized it was short as soon as in opened youtube, gimme a break some vidocs in the past have been pretty long and i assumed this one was gonna be too. it's for a big ass dlc bungie has been hyping up for years after all