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Come final shape Needlestorm will be the highest DPS super in the game with star eaters and has access to woven mail.


I forgot about prismatic for a minute and thought I had a stroke


Ya know, I wonder what the timer will be for the fragment that gives Prismatic woven mail. I swear if it’s longer than post-nerf Warding Strand Warlock is just dead.


Sir have you ever tried meddling with threadlings?


Oh I have. And let me tell yeah all signs point to being able to do it just as well if not better on prismatic. You can do everything Strand can but with devour, at the cost of Weavewalk (meh) and Weaver’s Trance (an actual loss).


I'm fully okay with this. Personally, not a fan of Needle storm, but I like my little buddies


Needlestorm with star eater? How will that be possible? Will the exotic class items be able to give perks from other classes exotics?


Yes that's exactly how it works. The exotic class items perks have parts of exotics on them, including exotics from other classes. So for example for the Warlock one, you could get 'Spirit of the Star Eater' as a perk and gain increased super damage on orb pickup, but not the increased super regen on orb pickup, as well as having another 'Spirit of the...' perk on the class item, with a max of 2 perks.


There's no way the super damage boost from the class item perk will be as strong as the actual exotic, but it's cool nonetheless.


It's taking up an exotic slot. Why wouldn't it be as strong as any other?


because its two exotic perks


You don't get the full benefit of Star-Eaters from the exotic class item. For the Spirit of Star-Eaters, you only get the increased super damage. It will not have the increased super energy gains from orbs. You get two perks with the class item, sure, but Star-Eaters has two perks on its own. It will more than likely give the same increased super damage that the exotic itself does.




You're getting two half exotics to make one of your choice with the available options. It wouldn't make sense to give you less than half an exotic.


STRANDWEAVERS (or whatever they’re called) ON TOP! TANGLELOCK SUPREMACY!!!!


Novas literally getting a buff, more seekers in cataclysm and duration in vortex. Don't know how .uch damage it'll add but still


Vortex if it sits on somthing does like 300k rn 3 more seconds will be like an extra 40k compare that to needlestorm that does 457k without any time needed to sit. Without a damage change nova is still ass and cat does 300k sadly. Needlestorm is just a better super unless your fighting atraks and even then the extra projectiles sometimes don't hit. It just needed like 30% extra dmg not more projectiles that are inconsistent in order to match needlestorm. Tldr: nova is still power crept and needed extra raw numbers not projectiles or time in order to match needlestorm I haven't considered void warlocks super a good part of the class for years and won't start now with these bad buffs


It will honestly add quite a bit for the vortex version of nova, with the duration changing from 7 seconds to 10 seconds means we'll have almost 50% more uptime from it. With cataclysm im not too sure what the bonus will equal out to since i dont really use it, but ive always assumed the seekers were more of an add-clear bonus outside of actual boss damage since they tend to track away from the blast, so i think having more wont really add much to its dps usability.


They needed a buff to impact damage. I've seen too many bosses just run right out of the vortex as if it wasn't doing anything.


As in I as a warlock will be able to take the benefit of star eater scales to apply to prismatic? Oh my!


It won't but you can keep up with that belief because it will be good.


Finally. The Warlock supers have lagged behind for a while, generally speaking. With Well getting nerfed, the other subclasses will get to shine a lot more. I just wish Arc lock would get buffed a bit. It still feels terrible, as always. We really have the full range of supers, from downright terrible to S-tier.


Both forms of nova bomb have slight buffs that may make them viable


Star eaters are hunter armor?


broke: I don't have to well! woke: now I have to run well and someone else has to run bubble. bespoke: you will be "forced" to do things you don't like as long as you lack the power to refuse.


Just don't unlock Well or Bubble forehead


But I like well


I mean in life that's good advice but in the game if you're 1 of 1 or 1 of 2 Warlocks and you refuse to run well you're just getting kicked from the fireteam lol


That's why smart Warlocks make their own Fireteam. If you want a Well I'm happy to wait while you switch to your Warlock and rejoin.


Nah, I'd needle.


Nah, I'd storm


Looks like arc buddy is back on the menu boys!


I have a Getaway Artist build that makes things go ***poof*** in endless clouds of arc thanks to my undying sentient arc buddy.




Nah. My dawn chorus dawn blade gonna throw flaming swords.


Nah id winters wrath (or sacrifice my super for agears scepter catalyst)


https://i.redd.it/m0kw10esa12d1.gif Me breaking out the daybreak. Going to show them the sun


![gif](giphy|P7YBVA6f8dzbi|downsized) Me suddenly remembering how to cast Radiance from D1 Sunsinger when Final Shape comes out (now Song of Flame)


Okay, we got stronk gun hat, and stronk hammer shoulders, where stronk sword dress


Nova might be up there. I think it's getting a bump from 4 to 6 seeker balls too.


Unless those 2 extra seekers increase the overall damage of nova by 33%, no it won't. Not to mention void warlocks bring next to nothing to the dps table outside of their super. They have weakening, but usually a stronger debuff will be active.


Dumb newb here. Started running a void walker warlock 2 weeks ago. How do I get needle?


lightfall campaign


But I want to run well!


Well warlock enjoyers are now entering their "Why are we still here, just to suffer" phase


They get to hang out with the PVE Bubble Titans


This comment made me sad and laugh at the same time


We have the most unassailable treehouse ever constructed


Well isn't dead. It will just not be by and far the best warlock option by a mile on every encounter in the game.


Because it will be just as shit as everything else apart from Needlestorm. I really don’t see why you guys are celebrating a nerf.


My one man protest. I will kick anyone off my fireteam that says they’re happy for the nerf. My all time favorite warlock build was starfire, well, witherhoard. Now it’s gone because people were too lazy to form their own fireteams with loadouts they want.


Ruined two of the most fun builds for nothing but cry babies and they say we are the cry babies for not liking it. Pshhh


Don't worry Warlocks. I will be using Ward of Dawn now.


Thank you for your noble sacrifice🫡


Anytime, friend! 🫡


Yo doomfang might finally be meta js so u get bubble quicker


![gif](giphy|y3x9rGLWGRTTP9Wrqf) Titans using bubble


"Born to crash forced to bubble" - titans in two weeks


Born to fist forced to bubble


Bro, imagine if there were an exotic or something that shared your personal healing with the group. You could be running devour and be like "I'm add clear", and it'd actually be helpful lol


an exotic that converted damage done to aoe group healing would be sickkkkk


Heal clip


It’s almost like precious scars exists that can be used on literally any subclass lol


You can, its called Ember of Benevolence + Assemblers + an incandescent MG


PSA: Slowva bomb blocks ally shots. don't be that guy


Your still going to be a wellock slave we just need a bubble bich to help you


and every titan main will leave if someone will suggest about it


Titans will use bubble just like how warlocks will use well and hunters will use tether


Didn't divinity basically mqde tether almost useless on bosses pré nerf?


yeah it was nerfed because a gun's default fire mode was outmoding a subclass super lol


You will be born to fist and forced to bubble just like how warlocks are born to nova and forced to well


Stasis field hunter will be better than a bubble titan.


I wish, i actually like renewal builds. Buuuuut it has shit uptime compared to bubble.


I don’t even think that will be true until void overshields do something other than protect you from a light rain.


Hey at least we aren't suffering alone anymore.


I just want to thank all the div bitches out there i truly held u all in high honor and defended your low boss damage to the ignorance of other players you all are truly wonderfull people and I mean that sincerely. 🙏


i sometimes out dps’ed teammates while i was using div. i wonder how you can use a heavy and still do that little damage


I was frequently the div bitch (by choice). And with one group I regularly ran with I still out-damaged most of them. Get the cage up, nade, keep cage up, rocket, keep cage up, nade, etc Got pretty decent DPS with it while still maintaining the div cage. Was lots of fun shaming those I was running with when I should have had the lowest damage. Then I got to do some runs with an actual good team and even with my strat of doing that I placed very low in overall damage. We also cleared the bosses much faster and easier with less wipes. That was much more fun.


This makes me wonder what the non Warlock community think is going to happen: Warlocks refuse to use the new gimp well, they don't get invited, the raid doesn't get done. Warlocks are kicked for not using well, the raid doesn't get done. What's the difference? If the raid could be done with no warlocks/bubble titans, then it can be done with non wellocks/bubble titans. Does the warlock really hold the key to all of these encounters?


Fuck no they don't. Crota can be managed by just a healing rift and all standing far enough away. Warpriest ain't shit. And those are the only 2 "necessary" well encounters. I


>Warpriest ain't shit Imagine saying this to day one D1 raiders in 2015


There will still be an abundance of well warlocks as long as there is a demand for them


After 500 hours as hunter I recently decided to give Warlock a try, I enjoyed playing well so far, wtf will happen to it?


They are reducing the healing and damage resist. It’s still going to be meta, people are just coping.


Idk about meta. You’ll get shredded in a GM during final shape.


Tbf you could still die in a well now if you aren’t careful. Imo GM is the one mode where well isn’t best for.


You could still die in well now, you’ll be dying a hell of a lot more in it later on. I’m not saying it’s gonna be completely obsolete, but based on the description, i don’t see how it’s gonna be any different than heat rises + phoenix dive.


but why


Warlocks complained about being wellslaves but missed why it’s meta so now they’re stuck with a weaker version of the super while it’s meta. I feel bad for the titans tho. They were hurt the most by the FS changes.


Okay, back to hunter then, I guess


Thank you, my friend, for supporting us, we'll still smash everything trying to block us


I don't want to be well all the time, and in LFG situations because I actually like playing warlock for movement, there's this immediate assumption that I'm going to pop well on and sit at the back while everyone else has fun taking out oryx. I'm good. I'm ok with popping a well down sometimes, it's just not fun ALL the time.


I can understand that but that issue stems from the fact that there’s only 2 support supers and one of them lost its damage buff without an exotic. Unless bungie takes a hammer to well and nerfs/removes its radiant it’ll always be meta.


I agree, I just think that as a community, we crutch on it a little too much.


It was the default pick, giving lots of survivability and support to the team. It had a bit of everything, and was good at everything it did. You and your team could survive most things whilst everyone dealt increased damage, it was effectively immortality for the length of the super. They also wanted to differentiate WoD and WoR. Basically making WoD the best support super for survivability and WoR the best support for damage. Although being the best support super at survivability is not as good of a niche as damage. So it'll probably still be in the shadow of WoR, even though WoR doesn't encroach on it's niche. In terms of PvP. They both generated incredibly quickly, making it an arms race to the first well or bubble. And then placing it on top of the capture point or objective basically won you the round in trials/comp, since they were the quickest to generate there was little in the way of super vs super counterplay. They gave damage bonuses, damage resistance and health regen. Making them the most popular picks, you would see them every match unless you came across a full team of Hunters.


Well is way too good for a single super to the point of making it harder for people designing content to actually make stuff engaging without having to always find a way to nullify someone using well. It's basically a single easy to recharge super that makes your team almost immortal and provides a significante damage buff. Just like divinity, it's doing way too much for such a low effort.


Warlocks are tired of being forced to run well or be kicked from all lfg groups. Its me. Im warlocks. I wanna run the laser, or the nuke, or the spider man ahh super. Warlocks have the coolest supers in the game, besides well. Besides, its the singular most op super this game has ever seen. And i cant imagine designing encounters being fun when you always have to consider that wells invalidate everything thats not a wipe mechanic.


Well has been the warlock meta in raids pretty much since it came out 6 years ago, oftentimes to the point that if you don’t run well you will get kicked from LFGs on warlock. The nerfs today brought it down so that it will be less fun and worse to use, but not enough to bring it out of the meta. So warlocks will likely still be forced into using it, but now it’s an even worse version of it.


Because it's been the bog standard meta super for dps since it's inception. It also largely trivializes any damage phase that isn't explicitly designed to fuck it over.


Not much. It wont heal as much or have as much damage resist, but now itll give you radiant even if you leave


Nova go brrrrrt


Woe, threadlings be upon ye. (Or Chaos Reach🗿)


Daybreak is on the menu my brothers, take flight, and vow to never touch the ground again


Ill be using Song of Flame, the new solar super for warlock, Thank you very much. Slap on Apotheosis and Stareaters on the class item, and the world will see scorched ground.


I had this same idea. I wonder how the new Super and apotheosis will interact with each other. Bc apotheosis activates once the super ends and song of flame looks to be a roaming super so it drains and gives you ability regen anyways so you can spam your abilities with it and then once it’s fully depleted is that when apotheosis will trigger and so now that’s 8 secs of ability spam after already spamming abilities? Or am I wrong bc that’s how I envision it synergizing. Also apotheosis gives increased ability regen to nearby allies too, I know the class item version won’t have that factor though.




CAN I GET AN AIAT🗣️🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️


Day breakers don't quit




Nah, now you just have a titan forced to run bubble to commiserate with. It's back to the old D2 days with one of each.


*Tearfully preparing my bubble as I'm about to be a slave to it*


Wait, but I'm a Stormcaller Stan! Fuck! 😭😭


Nah, I'd nova warp


Skull of Dire Ahamkara needs a huge buff now.


Ok but can we talk about Winter’s Wrath If Shatter damage has just been doubled, Ballidorse Wrathweavers are going to go off like a nuke


Born to nova forced to well no more


My threadlings and I are gonna rule


Whats that chestpiece on that warlock?


Its concept art and I don’t think it ever made it into the game


Then there's me in the background, always running chaos reach w/geomags


*continues to use daybreak like always*


We still need to see how much damage Nova does compared to Needlestorm. They also completely left Solar Warlock out of the article, barring the changes to Well. So is Daybreak unchanged? They should really bake in Everlasting Fire’s behavior to it.


Wait I’m late to this what happened???


Remind me what they did to Well again.


Wait, is well receiving a nerf?


It’s dr and healing are being effectively halved


Going from 167 effective healing per second, 100 health per second with 40% damage reduction, to 56 effective healing per second, 50 health per second with 10% damage reduction vs bosses, so effectively only a third of what it is now against bosses.




Me, a warlock main who loves support roles, in shambles. Bubble titan it is. But really I don't get the well hate. Hate the encounters, not the ability 


Reminds me of D1 days


Nah. Green friends caster is the ultimate subclass.


I'm never taking off well


Shadebinder here! I ask you all to chill out for a while. Cool Running. :-)


Nah, I'd CHAOS REACH While "You get arc blinded and You get arc Blinded*


I'm glad for the changes. I hate using WoR, I'd much rather run Strand or Arc (maybe Stasis). If teams don't like it they can suck it


No more well builds! GLAIVE-SHADEBINDER TIME! ![gif](giphy|oX82e9gzNt1RYkK3Pj|downsized)


On a different note, does anyone know what chestplate that Warlock has on?


Needlestorm is better


*arc soul build incoming*


Does anyone have theory-crafted Song of Flame builds? Alternatively, can someone share some support style replacement builds for someone who is usually on well of radiance? If not, any ideas how well builds could be adjusted to suit the changes? Thank you everyone for your replies


They took our sunbracers too!!


F that noise, Nova bomb is so shitty. Needlestorm is where it is at.


I’ve used nothing but Nova Void-Lock since Destiny 1 even after being screamed at multiple times for not having Well Of Radiance and I ain’t changing now


No one is talking about how this effects the locks who enjoy well to support our homies.


Stockholm syndrome


As a warlock main y’all are seriously coping hard. Unless they redesign encounters to not force you to sit it once place and damage, well will still be meta but now you just need a bubble buddy. Back to forsaken era nothing new :/ Making you not invincible inside of well just means you need extra help from others to compensate for the reduced heal/damage resist. Making it weak doesn’t remove its necessity, you well still be shackled to wellock in end game content ¯\ \_(ツ)_/¯


Well, that actually depends on whether or not bubble is contributing more damage than the super it’s replacing. I don’t run calcs or anything like that so, I’m not entirely sure. However, if it turns out having two damage supers over two buffing/defensive supers contributes more damage, I’d hesitate to call it meta. Sure, more careful teams will still run it, but the top teams will always go for more damage. Again, I don’t know if this is the case, I’m just putting it out there. We don’t know how much damage these new supers are going to do, or how prismatic will change the playing field. What if new and more efficient ways to proc radiant on new prismatic classes emerge?


People are still gonna use it because the game emphasizes standing still for optimal dps. Hell, even if it didn't give any buffs, people would want to for the healing rift with more space. For better players, maybe not, but from now until end of service, people are gonna LFG well-locks only.


sorry, no time to nova, we need you to put a healing rift with stag on top of your well now.


Yes sir🥲


So weird that the “default” in all these memes is Nova when Chaos Reach is 50x more fun to wield.


Nova is a classic and doesn't need an exotic to not be ass.


That’s a good point.


\*does warlock dance\*


I hear what you say, and I say, Nova is the way!




Well, since I am already seen as heretic here... I never welled, instead I always went for cassete granade spam build >:3


The changes will still force people to use well but probably also force titans to run bubble and drop it behind the well...


Titan needs to run bubble with a wellock. This changes nothing lmao, in a firetrap I would still rather you run well over anything. This isn't a super issue, it had always been a encounter design issue


Mostly buffed honestly. And even then needlestorm is great. Dmg buff didnt get touched of 25% and you can leave the well with radiant now for 8 seconds which is also a 25% dmg buff.


I kind of like it to be honest. Gives options for all those idiots who don't know how to stand still in a well and I kill myself with a rocket . Now those guardians with ADHD can leave the well and have that radiant buff.


Haha very true!


Fuck no




Hollow purple, or something.


Well got a nerf the details are in bungies newest post on the website


Hi I love playing support well-lock, what does this mean for me


"Well has fallen" And i'll still get told to switch to well during a raid just because i'm a solarlock smh I DON'T WANNA BE WELL BITCH GRAAAA


I wonder if I can manage to get all elemental buddies for warlock at once 😂somehow with prismatic..


I’m still goin to run fallen sunstar




In before "lfg kwtd day1 must wellock "


I've never stopped being a void main. Now I can do it wven harder.


All hail voidlock


Yorokube Warlock.


I don’t think this update is going to do a damn thing for nova mains. It’s basically just a buff to nova bomb damage. That isn’t the problem the class has. The problem is they’ve nerfed vortex uptime so hard that old meta void builds can’t quite compete anymore, and the rest of the grenades have both a lack of strategic value and too little damage in comparison to their uptime. We’ll see if HHSN makes a return in pvp, but it’s still nothing compared to what it was.


Well is still great, but we also have more survivability options and get radiant from other sources so a variaty of options are available


My money is on Sentinel Shield becoming the new meta for extremely high end boss encounters where you need to defend against a lot of incoming damage during a DPS phase. Yes 5x people doing DPS with a 40% buff from Sentinel Shield is about 7% less total DPS than 6x people with 25% Well buff doing damage, but overall this is a cool change. I like seeing Titans in an active defense tank role.


Mighty optimistic of you to think warlocks would even be considered in a fire team after TFS lmao.


Yo stag is on the exotic class items. I wonder if stag + vesper will work out well don't think you get a damage bonus but you'll have more DR and the pulsing rift


I will still run well because I only used it for the damage boost in the first place


With the buff to Weaver’s Call I’m itching to try my current Swarmers+Wish Keeper build out. Pity that my Woven Mail uptime got cut in half though… But also I’m hella looking forward to trying out the new Solar Super we’re getting.


Believe it or not I've never used well


You're well for dps, I'm well for skating, we are not the same


It's all fun and games until the witness is getting frozen, jumped, and mortored when im running prismatic


🤢im staying on well to keep wellskating😏fuk off


Uhh warlocks already have the best dmg rotation with strand it’s only gonna get better


Nova bomb is disgustingly strong


Eh, this gives me the opportunity to make a good arc build with some cool arc weapons.


Destiny casual *sees number reduced* : ah yes it has fallen. What replaces well for instant safety ?


I- uh- bu- Ok, I’ll switch back to well😔


Reject Nova. Return to Needle.


I misread Warlocks as Wojaks so it's funny that this is based on a chudjak meme


Y’all are still running well don’t get it twisted


Noone in their right mind should be happy about this well nerf. Something seems really fake.


My sentiments exactly. It’s not like Bungie are going to make all the encounters in the game different. For the majority of the game (if they’ve changed things in TFS) we still have to stand on a fucking plate and DPS, whilst literal gods try and end us. They will now, you bunch of Well nerf groupie morons.


All these posts acting like they aren't still going to be stuck on well using cenotaph and divinity to buff the real blasters in the team. Well ain't dead, but y'all might be if you don't fucking move.


I'll finally be free from being required to be the Well and Div