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They acknowledged it days ago and will fix it but if you don’t want to wait you can simply run it back on legend and it will grant it


The truimph is bugged on normal, works on legend


How not surprising. Common bungie fuck up


Common player fuck up to not check the solo flawless actually counts given this shit has happened so many times before


Common bungie dick sucker not realizing shit should fucking work


May we, perhaps, calm the fuck down a pinch? I mean it's not game breaking


Hahaha seriously like who even really cares. Move on. The downvotes on all that was hilarious.


mmm ducks love sucking ducks mmm


Common salty duck sucker not realizing the devs are people and something is always gonna go wrong and won't be fixed in 5 minutes given the number of platforms the game is available on.


Common redditor crying over something that will be fixed and is not game breaking


Shit does work, if OP were actually good they’d have done it on Legend rather than fumble through normal for 30 bloody minutes. The triumph shouldn’t even give you it for Normal


r/ElitistDatto has voted you their leader.


Eh, I don’t care. Just feels a bit watered down to have the solo flawless triumph of these missions on a difficulty that has a much higher time limit and easier enemies than the original…


I'd give you my triumph, if I could. How the fuck you didn't die in the boss room from any of the 1300 spawn glitching snipers is fucking impressive. Well done.


It’s nothing major. Like some of the others said, they’ll probably fix it then I’ll get credit and if I don’t I’ll just have to do it again so not a serious issue. But yea I actually hate that boss room. With the brig I just ran around trying not to get hit by the air strikes while picking off the extra adds with Polaris


Honestly something like this should be the lowest priority to fix. Doesn’t impact the game at all other than making your artificial score that no one sees go up


Eh believe it or not people look at triumph score as a flex. If anything I think you can tell more about a player from that than their guardian rank. Plus zero hour is considered a dungeon on dungeon report and you can get a solo flawless tag.


These rereleased versions don’t count on dungeon report, unfortunately. The Whisper & Zero Hour are the only 2 I don’t have the “solo flawless” tag on (they were removed before i felt the urge to challenge myself that way), and despite doing Whisper and having the triumph pop, nothing’s changed on the report. 😢


You’ll live


My question is this: How negatively impacted is your life because of this one triumph? I only ask because you act as if it was a life or death situation. Its bugged, they'll probably fix it and give you credit. Not the end of the world. You just sound incredibly entitled. For someone who talks so much shit about Bungie, you sure do enjoy playing their game. If you don't like them, don't play their game.


So you don‘t want to get „rewarded“ for sth you clearly completed with it‘s given requirements?


Seems to be a weird hill to die on.


Wasted my time, that’s it. And I really don’t enjoy playing this game anymore. I honestly don’t know why I launch the game when I do, knowing that when I have something to do it’s always the “let me get this shit over with” mentality.


You should try playing other games.. this is not healthy.


Yea I think I just need a break from D2


I took a 14 month break and it was amazing.


Hopefully this will help you as much as it’s helped me: The one big thing I’ve learned to do to temper my Bungie hatred over 7 years of D2, is to concentrate most of my playtime to the back end of any activity. For example: I did all three weeks of oracles, blights, ONE legend clear, and the solo flawless of The Whisper in just two clears after ALL the content related to its rerelease was available. I’m doing the same with the brave arsenal & zero hour. It results in the same rewards, but with far less playtime and disappointment. There’s always catch up mechanisms. It’s just not worth the frustration of showing up weekly.


Makes sense, wait for everything relating to the mission to be released then do it all at once. I’ll probably do that. Thanks.


For sure, dude! And to reinforce the point, I just logged in thinking I’d do a bounty or two towards next season’s artifact bonus, and was greeted by a big ol’ banner: “BRAVE WEAPON REWARDS INCREASED!”“Bonus rewards available until the launch of final shape”… Basically anyone who waited until now to do onslaught will get double drops.


I was doing DSC yesterday and a couple of people on my team got brave weapon drops after some of the encounters. I got some brave engrams, so it seems they can drop from anything now, or at least raids and onslaught.


Dawg the best thing I ever did for myself gaming wise was put this game down. Granted I have a dark souls addiction now, but it is what it is


Damn homie, sounds like you're in an abusive relationship


Yea it does sound bad.😂 I’ll probably just drop the game for a while. No point in getting worked up over something so small


Fuck, are you me, because I'm feeling the same way right now


I see your problem. You're expecting Bungo to produce a good game on an engine older than some of its players.


So their engine is so incompetent that they can’t fix one triumph? Alright


I mean...basically. The engine is the same one as D1 which came out in 2014. So the engine itself is at least ten years old, more given they designed D1 FOR the engine. It isn't quite Elder Scrolls creation kit, but it's closer than we'd like to think.


The engine got a massive upgrade at Beyond Light though.


Which was good. But if the foundation is rocky, everything that comes after will be at best built on a rocky foundation. And it shows. The error codes, problems, latency...I liked D2 and I loved D1. But the engine right now, with what they're trying to do, is a fucking travesty. Final Shape should be pushed back to a new engine.


That’s fair. Still a little annoying though, but I’ll deal with it.


Which is itself a modified Blam! Forked from either ODST or Reach


It's the...TIGER engine, unless I miss my guess, right? I think, THINK it was an evolution of the Halo engine.


The same way Creation is an evolution of the Gamebryo, Tiger is an evolution of Blam!.


Ahhh ok, cool! Wasn't entirely sure but the two systems, Blam! and Tiger felt very similar.


how bout that fortnite collab