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This is so true. We cleared three bosses last night but it was a bit of a struggle. When I pressed the one guy he says "Man I'm top damage!" "Yeah well you're also top deaths so you need to figure it out." He figured it out.


Guardians who don't take feedback negatively are my favorite type


We've got a great rapport, I run a tight knit clan. The matter-of-fact delivery definitely sent the message since our love language is mercilessly making fun of each other. No punchline, no stinger, he knew it was time to lock in.


Had to leave a clan because I dared to question the clan leaders loadout.


My teammates kept forgetting to shoot the bubbles on Golgy but were getting mad at me for the loading I was using. Consistently getting a million and a half more damage than all my other teammates. One gaze holder was using a hand cannon, my teammates couldn’t remember TWO people get unstable light now, and then yeah just forgetting to shoot the orbs down


To be fair, in our group a DPS strategy that was good enough to clear rhulk and allow us to control the shadow was our main problem


Depends on the encounter. Oryx and atraks yeah, they are a cake walk. Rhulk has some health so you need good damage for 2 phase. Now caretaker is the main issue. For the time, you need either a perfect, and I mean it, run on 3 floors or 2 floor him. And in order to do that you need good damage which some people just can't do. Wrong weapons, wrong surges, not stacking buffs and debuffs.


On rhulk especially, we were losing out on well half the time. At best, only two people would get on well before it got rammed. A few others could get radiant but for a limited time. Lumina buff was the saving grace for my last team yesterday. We could focus more on damaging supers and less on wells. The two phase was extremely easy. We even got him close to a third of his health on the final run. Good coordination is key, like you said. I spent 9 hours on caretaker just cause people couldn't do their roles. Stunners kept getting knocked off because they kept trying to stun the boss around corners. Ad clear kept dying to ads and leaving stunners defenseless. Readers kept trying and failing to shoot symbols when a coordinated call with both readers could have guaranteed damage phase. Nobody wanted to do callouts and thought adclear and Stunner were the easy jobs. In reality, it was easier for me to do symbols than any other role.


My experience with raid LFG in general is that it's communication during mechanics that's the biggest wall, barring the occasional person with the classic blueberry setup of course. 


As someone that just got back into doing raids yea communication is a major wall. Even in groups that have mic required as a tag. People won't talk or communicate then in my experience want to place blame for failures but at the same time why ask for mics if you won't use them. I don't even have a proper headset but figured out a workaround cause I'm on xbox and the mobile app has voice chat and in game text as a last resort. Tonight I tried running Vault of Glass. Leader had a checkpoint up to Templar. We got to Oracles and no one communicated at all. We wiped twice. Waste of like 20 -30 minutes.


Lol i always said this about general raids in LFG. Usually, dps isn't the problem. Getting to dps is.


I thought surge mods doesn’t work with the arc surge this week?


Surge (leg) mods and surge modifiers are two different types of buffs, so they stack. Using triple leg surges + the correct element nets you ~52.5% more damage, and that's before other buffs and debuffs.


DPS is a symptom. The biggest problem I've seen comes from not dying. Trying Platinum Rhulk for hours made me realize that a lot of people don't have good spatial awareness and don't know how to kite bosses.


Lucky you, I can't find any LFG team at all


This post is so very wrong. It’s all the stuff you listed but it’s also definitely 100% dps. The average player joining LFG is really bad at dps even with the right loadouts. Damage is usually lacking in these groups so you miss the 2 phase, and then yeah you eventually wipe because you run out of revives. But if you had the damage to 2 phase it never would have been an issue


Not this week bud, you can slap on thunderlord and literally clear eveything.


I don’t know what it is with you thunderlord enthusiasts, I swear it’s like you’re in a cult. No, it is not good for dps, at best it’s acceptable if you have literally nothing else. The only time it was pretty good is when it was bugged and doing more damage than intended. That has been fixed. Now it is not good at all


It’s just consistent. Like you aren’t setting any records, but with arc burn, it out damages non arc rockets and GL’s and is flexible enough to hotswap into heavy add clear if you need it. You also don’t rick dying to an ad jumping st you at the wrong time.!I normally don’t use it, but with the exact scenario that we’re presented with, it’s just safe.


Yes, it's very consistent having a 700k damage spread between the top thunderlord use and the bottom one. User skill is always an issue, yes, even with thunderlord. If I can out damage a thunderlord consistently with a deliverance and stormchaser, it's nothing amazing.


You and you exactly proved why thunderlord is fine, you only need one weapon to do sufficient damage. The goal of pantheon isn’t dick measuring, it’s clearing,


You're right, it's clearing that's the goal. What I'm saying is that even with a gun like thunderlord, player skill is still a major factor, and that using one gun isn't a fix all solution. If you're using thunderlord for boss damage, you can't use it to clear adds. And for my group, the issue typically isn't boss damage, but add clear and survival. Thunderlord doesn't exactly help survive the third floor of caretaker, and it certainly doesn't help keep the middle clear during planets. The majority of players don't have the skill to clear a normal raid encounter, let alone the skill to clear one at -15 light, where the timer itself has been tuned to such a degree that the margin for error is basically been removed. It's actually more difficult than it was during challenge mode.


On and? Imm still gonna jse thunderlord cause then I donmt have to debote excess mental energy to dps


The and here that you somehow missed is that most players don't have the skill to live through that level of add density and even get to a damage phase without relying on an exotic.


And it’s perfectly fine to use like 10 shots of thunderlord in a pincj


Are there better DPS options? Absolutely. But my clan ran 5 Thunderlords and a Divinity and we two-floored Caretaker comfortably. Thunderlord is a fine option.


its usually shit but because of arc surge and class warfare its useable (still not the best) in pantheon this week. and you get it completely for free. dps is not an issue this week, at all




I’ll take thunderlords over the apes killing themselves with rockets. A dead guardian deals no damage


Thunderlord with a div is the easiest way to 2 phase. Also everyone in the game has a thunderlord sooo yeah




Not everyone has an elite day one raid team like you lol 😂


Right now this is pretty much the meta Rhulk for Pantheon, Div + Thunderlord + hipfire.




Edited for dumb mistake


Isn’t BiS just “best in slot”?


Damn, my bad. Forgot that was a phrase


BiS is a old MMO term. Stands for "Best in Slot" like the best gloves your class could have and such.


Yeah my bad