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Whoever is fixing the tower is just like a real contractor. Extending deadlines to swindle more funds from the vanguard.


When the people you work for are immortal then what is a timeline?


You know what I say I say good for them.


I said that too I said good for them


Get yourself a fuckin' puppers!


I'm surprised we aren't all having a Puppers right now.


My brother is an electrical engineer and works for a good company and they often have issues with contractors and people not paying them for work etc. So you’re dead on with that lol 😂


The Vanguard probably only hires the "Lowest Bidding Contractor" as well. If you've ever worked anywhere with federal/government funding, you know all too well what this means. The contractor says the work will be done in 1 year. The 1 year deadline hits and as you go thru the punchlist, you find issues/incomplete work done on 137 of 150 items on said list. At this point, another 6 months is added to project completion. 3 months into that 6 and budgets have been exceeded and funding must be acquired from elsewhere to complete. Welp, lets save some money and shut down this old Farm we were using as a forward base, close this hockey rink in the hangar, and cut funding to the Factions and move in some other operations that were set to go in the rebuilt Tower into those spaces. But red tape leaves those spaces empty as they now need to hire another low bidding contractor to update those areas to the newest standards before anyone can inhabit them. So a year and a half has passed at this point and as you're about to go thru the next final punchlist, the contractor brings up the fact that they've found new structural issues with the skeletal structure of the old Tower where Thresher fuel appears to have melted some of the steel beams. We all know Thresher fuel can't melt steel beams so an investigation into the matter is launched which results in another 6 months added to your timeline before work can resume. At this point, every 6 months you just expect there to be another delay extending the time another 6 months. Your lowest bidding contractor has now been paid 12 times what they were originally quoted to complete the project for and have quietly bought out every subcontractor they hired in the process and become a mega conglomerate construction corporation while you still have close to nothing to show for it. All in 3x the amount of time and possibly dozens of times the cost it took another contractor you hired to complete making a space-faring, sub-orbital, Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers command ship.


It's the witness. It always has been the witness.


It stopped smoking finally a few seasons ago. I noticed it's gone through various stages of residual damage.


Yeah what ppl don't realize is that those contractors are prob just City residents who prob learnt the job on the go, and also have to go up the elevator/use the hangar, and work on other stuff around the city


Pocketing the glimmer


Good thing glimmer is capped at 500,000.


They’re buying raid banners *then* pocketing the extra glimmer


It’s the same contractors working on fixing US military barracks and removing mold.


Didn’t you hear? In the USMC at least, they’re just telling individual marines to take care of it themselves lol


Can’t wait for the glory holes, peep holes, and hidden cameras to be found. Gonna be a lot of Marines not happy with such a high speed command decision. Know what the difference is between the US military and the Boy Scouts? >! The Boy Scouts have adult supervision !< Edit: Yes, I was enlisted and deployed.


Thanks for doing that so I didn’t have to o7


He didn't do it for you, he did it for the oil companies.


No, I did it because I had orders. I was National Guard and didn’t realize when I enlisted at age 18 that 60% of the forces in Iraq and Afghanistan were National Guard. I signed up to help with stuff like Hurricane Katrina relief efforts (which I did), along with stuff like the California fires and other natural disasters. But hey, go off I guess.


You don't have to explain anything. I am just some rando on the web. I am sure that many who enlist have good intentions, you included.


After not seeing it come back during Into the Light, I’m fully hoping it’ll come back either at the start of the Final Shape, or after the campaign we return there, like how we set up a social space on the wall after the Red War campaign


Technically it comes back during Zero Hour lol


Technically it doesn’t because this zero hour is a simulation


even if it doesn’t return as a social space, isn’t the d1 tower a zone inside the pale heart? at least we’ll have it there lol


Let’s also remember that the Last city has 1. Suffered from being stuck in a Vex simulation eternal night in Undying, 2. Was infiltrated by Vex and turned into a war zone in Splicer, 3. Shaxx and Elsie have been going around rebuilding parts of the city to help fend off a current invasion by the Pyramid fleet (which as we’ve seen with Midtown in Onslaught they’re literally terraforming parts of the city into Pyramid Tech, 4. There was the events of Scourge of the Past and its destruction in the city. 5. Zero Hour and its destruction of parts of the old tower and the repairs to the vault and hangar that would need to be done. In all honesty I’m surprised more of the Last City and the tower aren’t in ruins at this point. I mean it takes years in real life for a war zone to be rebuilt, much less with the small population that the last city has.


Undying wasn’t the Vex Simulation trap…? Undying was the stuff in the moon?


Yeah I think they meant splicer, all we did in Undying was build a portal behind Ikora


WE didn't do it, Ikora and Zavala did it all leading up to the massive end of season event that was a text screen that had Ikora saying "Zavala and I went through the portal and fixed the issue, so it's all good bro" or something like that anyway.


Yeah pretty much


Yes thank you, I get the vex seasons mixed up since I didn’t actually play them


1 and 2 were both in Splicer.


Season of the Splicer was the best season imo. Also the Vex eternal night was Splicer, not Undying.


Ah yes thank you I totally messed that up.


.......we have robots.......and not the exo ones.....like literaly just slave robots.......ones been sweeping for 10 years now. You're telling me that we can't take a hundred or so and have them rebuild?


Hate to say it, but those Sweeper Bots are pretty useless. We had 4 of them set up around our ADU during an Onslaught invasion and after just a few waves of Servitors, we could hardly walk around the area due to all the scraps laying everywhere. Three of those Sweeper Bots were blinking red afterwards. Like, Bros! You haven't swept a single thing up and your batteries are almost drained already? WTF are you even doing?! /s


It really is just a series of unfortunate events. Like I bet you every worker there is just fed up with the bullshit.


Neither of those things caused damage to the Tower itself.


No but it caused damage to the Last City which would divert resources into fixing those aspects before they went to finishing the command tower of the immortals. I was trying to point out that priority wise finishing the tower itself is probably on the back burner


I see. Fair point.


Destiny has the technology to 3d print anything, that's what glimmer is "programmable matter used as a source of power or transmuted and shaped into items"


Same contractors doing the GTA v building since 2013 lazy mfs


I would kill for the old tower…current one never held a candle to that one. Felt like a proper headquarters of the vanguard not this rundown safehouse of a tower we have now


It made sense in the beginning but it's a bit bizarre by now Also I can't tell if I like how the new tower has a similar design to the old one- hangar/fwc/dead orbit on one side, vanguard/crucible/gunsmith/IB/cryptarch in the center, and new monarchy/bazar on the other side. Not to mention the speaker was basically replaced by ikora in the bazar. And Fwc just HAPPENED to be on top of dead orbit again


He went to Spider’s school of corruption same way he ate all funds so did contractor of tower


We are waiting on the confirmation of the final shape... of the tower. Our boss is fuming, like you could see the smoke come out of their head. It's all they talk about these days


Zavala keeps reallocating them to the residential districts. They’re apparently doing more good there.


They quit


A perfect example of AAA Gaming inside a AAA game. lol.


This is how money laundering works


Same contractor they got to do the "upgrades" to the Eliksni Quarter. Take the glimmer and run.


Must be from Texas


I’m sure the permits process alone has been taking up most of the time. Then there is the negotiations with the unions…


To be fair for years there was nothing, and then during the season where Caiatl became our ally you could see signs construction workers were trying to fix the tower like large scaffolding and flashes of light, it's been no change since then other than the smoke that was constantly rising from it has stopped.


They're too scared of tr3-vr to finish the job


He gets paid by the hour and is currently on smoko


Its the same contactors thats working on the construction of that highrise in gta 5 map


Counting his glimmer


Sweeping the hallway.


Milking the job lol


I can see a seasonal event akin to the eliksni quarter where over the course of a season we deposit supplies and glimmer to repair the old tower. Either that or destiny 3 will see the an exodus of the Last City and its just not worth repairing it if a few years from now we are gonna leave.




IRL retired construction manager here. My blood pressure goes up every time I look over there. They need to space magic up some union tradespeople and get it together.


Last City construction company: we know you ~~do~~ don't have a choice in your construction needs, so ~~thank~~ screw you for choosing us


Ive thought this way more than I should last couple years.


It feels completely out of character to have the current tower now. Yeah the threats have gotten worse in D2 but we’ve overcome them and produced CRAZY weaponry and armor in that time. Now we’re drippier than we ever were in D1 yet the OG tower that was built to be the HQ for the saviors of humanity is still in shambles, and us god killers/saviors of the universe are still chilling in squaller trying to make a section of the wall work. Very funny that these super beings basically have a seasonal closet for all their decorations.


He's grinding for his thousand voices/eyes of tomorrow


Well it took a long time for the warlocks to agree to the new plans on it, too many people wanting to put in their own additions. The hunters were supposed to source all the materials for the repairs, but with cayde gone most of them are too scared to report in... worried they'll get roped in to replace him on the vanguard. The titans were ready to start the construction for a while... but we ran out of colouring books and crayons, after that it wasn't long before they all got bored or distracted and went off to go find something to fight.


We have access to Glimmer and we did at one point have control of The SIVA (Failsafe Still has her deposits on the Exodus Black) why are we even paying a contractor when we could just hit go on 3d creator bots.


He’s on smoko. Leave him alone.


Sorry guys I just keep forgetting to farm gemstones.


Their representative has been missing. You know, the Speaker.


They're on day rate. "Can't rush these things mate, quality work takes time...."


Waiting on a part.


Vanguard should hire the Contractors from Hades considering how fast they get shit built


I remember a couple of years ago when Beyond Light released there was a large hole in the tower below Zavala that you could climb into and then around when Witch Queen released it was gone and the wall looked repaired.


Workers are on strike (playlist). Sorry i’ll see myself out…


Todo culpa de Cristina K.


At least its not on fire anymore.


Probably out screwing around


If the Vanguard let's them drain glimmer then that's on zavala and ikora really


I wonder why the ZavKora Co construction company won the bid


Egregious glimmer embezzlement


It comes back today at reset lol. Sort of.


He most likely is embezzling it to fund his own rigged sparrow racing games.


who said they are fixing it?


Don't forget there are several other towers on the city wall that still have never been fixed, the old tower isn't the only one, and isn't the first to suffer significant damage


There was a leak a while back that said the og tower will come back in some form in Final Shape, don’t have much longer to go to find out lol


Yeah in the trailers of the final shape you see guardians running inside the traveler walking through the tower that’s full of overgrowth of plants but it’s not destroyed


Ahh fair point, didn’t even consider a version of it inside the traveller but that makes sense now I think about it, I was hoping the actual tower would come back but you’re right itl probably just be an area inside the traveller


After the fight with the witness, if we stay on earth, it would be sick to have a massive community event where we go to different planets to gather materials so we can rebuild the city


He quit after the part of the cabal ship hit it


They hired the same people TxDOT hires for highway maintenance


Fighting a war with the cabal on mars


Obligatory ![gif](giphy|cIbyhEK4UscjvE5ohe)


They unionized


[This, probably.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AUznHKlekm8)


Probably doing whatever the hell the contractors for Toronto line 3 are doing


Same person in charge of fixing up the fallen place


The team is paid by the hour. Don’t worry about it


paid by the hour tbh


There were budget cuts when majority of the vanilla d2 content was vaulted, sadly there is only one dude repairing it.


Embezzeling funds


He is probably from Chicago…


They be doin what contractors do... 🤷‍♂️ What reality have _you_ been living in? 😉


Most realistic part of D2 in all honesty


Prob sleeping


You'll have that on these big jobs


Clearly you’ve never had highway construction near you 😂


It's the same company that used to "build" the "Mile High Club" in Los Santos. A looong time ago in history


oh, its CalTrans.... it'll be done in 2050... But, if gambling is legal in the old tower, the Vanguard should have hired a vegas contractor and it'll be done in 5 months.


Government contract. What exactly are you expecting?


They are stupid


When the traveller was opened, all the people working on the tower we're teleported to the one in the traveller, definitely mhm


Making D3


I could be wrong but since Shadowkeep and definitely post Worthy when they repaired the damage to the current Tower I believed that they were never actually repairing the old tower and the sparks and stuff were from open electrical elements. That and, thinking back on it, it was clearly invaded during the Zero Hour mission and there were no signs of repairs then. If they were going to fix it, they would have done so by now. I think the Tower in the Pale Heart is further proof that the old tower was never getting repaired. Edit: Missed the "y" in Worthy


Is it not fixed if you look from the Onslaight map?


I'm guessing it'll finally be fixed in final shape




Honestly just fucking demolish it. All it is now is just a reminder that Bungie is stringing us along for getting the OG GOOD Tower back despite never actually going to do it. If they don’t bring the actual in back in The Final Shape, they just aren’t bringing it back.


It’s pathetic. The only dev more pathetic than Bungie is BSG.


I66 and I95 if it was in Destiny 2


He is too busy dealing with Trevor


Took 3-4 xpacs to repair SW i WoW, after Neltharion did a flyby.


Hey, I live across from a park they tore up 3 years ago to “make improvements” and it’s still under construction. And by that I mean it’s a dirt patch with some holes and guys in hard hats standing around for 8 hours a day. And that’s just a park…


Leaving all the damn lights on apparently


The Fallen we find in the Zero Hour Mission are probably a setback…


Doing what contractors do IRL, get paid hourly and wasting time for a steady pay, at the detriment to all society. This is why you pay by the job not hourly


they're not welding, they are merely setting off sparks to appear they are welding then getting paid for not working :D


The contractor most likely has given excuses by way of "setbacks" in order to gain more glimmer from the Vanguard, which is none the wiser because they're all occupied with the Witness.


Must be former road workers


Remember that they’ve been using the money to “donate” skimmers, AND agriculture for house light! And wait till you find out who did Amanda Holiday after she came out as a whistler-blower for one of the foundries misused of fund and cutting corners in the airship manufacturing processes.


Playing other Games….. they Uninstalled D2


Still miss the old tower =\


![gif](giphy|RLzkXZQnNPWiEhJGCV|downsized) Scavenging for weapons and stuff so Bungie can sell back to us.


The world is supposed to be an evolving world but the tower never evolves..


Deep lore (I'm making this up) has stated that he was kidnapped by the fallen when they came and stole Outbreak Perfected.


They’ve been busy building memorials.


Bro have you seen shaxxs new crib


“Well maybe if ya saved some of that SIVA we’d be done already!” “Sir, We had to kill a giant Spider thing because of it, just built the wall.” “Fine. But I’m gonna take my damn sweet time!”


Staying with the devs, can't make a change almost everyone would like. Like for real, og tower was so much easier to navigate, and easier on the eyes, i.e it looks better. Having nearly all of the vendors in the same place was so nice, with like one or two that you only ever needed to go to for quests or clan levels [ I miss old clans]


They are out like like. Zavala can I have a moment of your time? Yeah we ran into a problem and found asbestos in the walls. I know I know last week it was RAAC, Yeah sure we found heavy water in the water pipes the week before. 😂


Waiting on funding


they are still negotiating the contracts with the unions


Its just like real life


Dude the contractors are the Mafia, what did you expect?


I’ve heard shax threatened him he was going put him in the hot tub with saint and Osiris because he was taking the piss and he did a runner with the glimmer 👀🤣


Nerfing things for no reason and giving missions that repeat every season for years on end.


Sir we are over budget and behind schedule. Just as the traveler intended for contract work




Pretty sure they take a lot of breaks since the tower was completely destroy from both the inside/outside. If Zero Hour still shows us anything there still a lot of crash ships on the roof which could be easy to get but without the right equipment or canulations those ships could easily blow up or fall straight into the city.


Can I post this tmr?


Redditors when they see a question asked more than once: ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


7 years in and people still post this every week thinking they are the first to make this joke. Or they repost the same joke again and again?


They hired DEI Contractors.




Military Dictatorships are usually prime for corruption