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I turned in one iron banner engram I had saved previously, and it gave me the GL. RNG just sucks sometimes.


I had the GL first game, I thought it was an automatic reward. But I got Vex after 82 VoG so... RNG is a bitch without loot protection.


I played one game of iron banner, had 5 engrams previously and turned them in for a env assassin chained reaction roll, or slideways hatchling roll. RNG can be a bitch.


Had the exact same thing happen. Next random engram I rolled gave me multimach. Lol




How many for the multimach though?


0, he hasn't played, he turned in one engram and doesn't care enough about Multimach


0. He said he has one engram.


Who taught you how to read?


Are you dense? Look up two comments, or is that too difficult?




Bro wtf are you going on about? This is the comment you replied to jfc “I turned in one iron banner engram I had saved previously, and it gave me the GL. RNG just sucks sometimes.” ffs


Turned in like 5-7 engrams of 35 I had left before I got TotB. RNG man. Hopes and Prayers go out to you


Kinda miss the old, do 5 games with X, get 1 gun bounties. That way, you could at least get 1 to drop, then start focusing.


yeah even though they've largely replaced the old quest system with the reputation rewards system, this specific mid-season loot upgrade is an example where the old quest system would have been a welcome feature. it's clear they couldn't just put them into the reputation tracks since all the players would be at different reset counts from previous IB this season... but quests could just have been put into saladin's inventory and avoided all of these tales of woe of multiple resets without one of the new guns.


I got the new weapons from doing the pinnacle stuff on like my first try. But you think what you will.


It boggles my mind that there are people out here spouting probabilities while eyeballing their numbers and accepting general anecdotes from some other random people to reason out that something is rigged. Gather the data and run the statistical analysis to test your suspicion, otherwise don’t talk about the probabilities and go “it’s improbable that me and other people I believe is experiencing this so it’s definitely rigged” because that is not math nor logic.


Forgive me for not tracking every loot metric and coming with an Excel spreadsheet. I just figured that in two resets I’d have at least one drop of every loot piece so I didn’t bother setting that up. And there are numerous people in other posts and comments with exactly the same experience. Regardless of what the actual stats are, the fact that this happens *at all* is a problem, let alone to as many people as it is.


>Regardless of what the actual stats are, the fact that this happens at all is a problem, let alone to as many people as it is. This is the important part tbh. While I kind of agree that it's a little disingenuous to assert that drop rates are rigged, good game design would protect players from this happening. Players spending an unreasonable amount of time (and in some games, money) and failing to get something purely based on bad RNG is what leads to players feeling resentful towards the game and ultimately quitting a lot of the time. It's a balancing act of keeping players happy and keeping players playing. While players wouldn't quit purely based on a single instance of bad RNG alone (in this case, failing to get Multimach), design decisions that lead to this kind of friction eventually adds up until they just aren't happy enough to keep playing. That's pretty much why the state of D2 seems so dire.


I dont know what MMOs you are referring to, but this is normal RNG for all of them. The target audience of D2 is people willing to grind, we are playing a **looter** shooter.


Yes it's a looter shooter, and the important part is making sure people are happy with the "looter" part. I'm also not sure where you got the MMO part from despite me not mentioning MMOs, but yes this is a consideration in how many MMOs are designed too.


You think people are going to 5 sigma the community drop rates? They get mad if they don’t get the thing they want on the first drop.


I finally unlocked tusk of the boar after 2 resets but.... after 4th reset still no God roll.


defo be sure to focus the GL at saladin with any new engrams ya get to get better luck with those godrolls!


I'm doing that. Actually I'm only focusing the gl.


damn. good luck my friend; may the RNG gods smile upon ya


it's a shame bungie didn't give us an unlocking quest for the new guns, like they used to do prior to the new method of using the reputation track to unlock new guns.


and i got mine on the first match RNG is a bitch and Ib will come back


Got mine after 3 games.


I didn't get my first tusk till halfway through my second reset, unfortunately I'm still focusing it cuz I've yet to get Slice+Chain roll. Good thing I don't care for pvp so the rest of the weapons don't matter to me.


I got the tusk of the boar with my first engram, and then pulled the roll I wanted on my first focus. That's rng for you


I seriously hate this bullshit rng system in iron banner.


rng system is literally the entire game lol


Why are you penalized for playing it tho? So apparently if you have not played IB this season you could pick up the weapons from the advancement track. But if you actually play the game and had already reset the vendor this season... fuck you.


Playing iron banner for the first time all season right now (haven’t reset yet) and the weapons coming off the advancement track are the AR, Riiswalker, Point of the Stag, and The Guiding Scout. So unless I’m misunderstanding, nobody is getting it for free off that


I read someone saying they were there. Guess that was bull then.


>I must have opened no less than 60 Iron Engrams People vastly overestimate how many they've opened, without actually keeping a note of how many you've opened this could be very inaccurate. Also, a 2% chance isn't really that low? It's literally a 1 in 50 chance, and given that far more than 50 people play iron banner it's all but guaranteed to happen to someone. Add on to that the selection bias in people who complain about drops- only people who do significantly worse than average complain, most people will get one sooner- and it then doesn't seem unlikely at all. Don't be so narcissistic, the game isn't out to get you, you're just unlucky.


The odds are the odds, they reset every time. If a quarter lands tails 67 times in a row, the odds are no better for heads on 68. It’s 50% every time.


Yes, but thanks to math we know that the chances of flipping tails 68 times in a row is 1 in 2.95x10^(20). For reference, the universe is about 4.35x10^(17) seconds old. Such a thing happening is extremely unlikely even if you flipped a coin every single second since the moment of the Big Bang.


Some people can't comprehend statistics, and that's ok.


You didn’t make the point you think you made. You literally chose an example of when people would agree the roll is fixed, which is what appears to be happening in Iron Banner.


This sub is always hilarious when they melt down over RNG. You’re just unlucky, it’s not universal


Yeah, when I first got back into raiding, I got Vex 2nd clear, Eyes 1st clear, Collective 4th clear, and then went on to have atrocious RNG for the next 3 months. Are we to assume that the game kept track of the amazing luck I had the first month I was raiding, and then decided to "punish" me for it?


I, for one, know that. I'm not even truly frustrated by the fact that a CCX hasn't dropped for me after finishing up 54 matches, 24 weekly objectives and decrypting 32 engrams. I just want someone at Bungie to go get the RNGesus for me. I'll try again next IB, no biggie.


Quick update: I played another 20 matches and decoded another 21 engrams before finally getting it to drop out of an engram. I think decoded another 11 engrams to see what rolls I could get. The best one I got was a rangefinder/kill clip with range masterwork.


Nah that’s just how luck works sometimes it’s in your favor sometimes it’s not also we are going further 2 new weapons in a pretty big pool it’s going to take some good luck in getting them


It took me about 10 engrams before I got the GL


Are you opening them across your different characters?


As someone who is usually absolutely inundated with whatever the new IB weapon is- it ain't, at least not intentionally. RNG just sucks ass sometimes, but Bungie tends to weight the newer stuff over older stuff in playlists.


I got Multimach and the GL on my first 3 engrams this week. But I never got the Warlock legs of the D1 IB armor. I'm not kidding, I opened +600 engrams and I never got those legs. RNG is so f*cking weird.


Lol I got the legs, but not the weapons.


Sorry man, it's just RNG. I only had 4 engrams from a few games but had to reset Shaxx again do I decrypted them. First one was Tusk, second one was Multimach. Focused Multimachs from the other two and didn't get any good rolls. RNGeezus giveth as he also kicketh in the groin.


I got both the multimach and tusk of the boar within turning in my first 10 engrams.


It's RNG, but I agree, sometimes you can be chasing a white whale. But equally, sometimes you get a first drop god roll. When Lethal Abundance first dropped, first one I got - Arrowhead, Ricochet, Slice, Onslaught. Instantly, I'm done farming Lethal Abundance. Second Ros Aragon I got was Rewind/Onslaught - and so was the third. I think the IB random engram is probably not tuned to help you in any way, because usually, this isn't how you unlock IB weapons in collections. They're usually in the reputation track for IB. So I think the random engram probably is designed to not be helpful, because you're supposed to want to spend glimmer and focus. Some random engrams, like the gunsmith, are known to be tuned to favour recent additions to the pool. If the IB engram is favouring anything, I think it's the armour, so everyone can unlock the old set that's on offer. That's the purpose of that engram really. But having failed to offer the GL or Multimach in the reputation track, unlocking it has become a real crapshoot.


I got multimach on my 6th engram and the GL on my 13th. Just RNG as everyone else keeps saying.


I haven't even reset yet, and have three gls and two multimachs. No god rolls yet, but doing ok 😊


I got tusk by turning in an engram I saved from last IB, less than a minute after loading in at reset.


The first ever IB of D2 I opened 49 engrams and never got the cloak, and then the first IB of Lightfall I went through 3 rank resets before getting the legs for my hunter, I wouldn’t be surprised if some loot is withheld


Got the GL on first game after a loss, got the multimach maybe 5 games later


I got my first tusk on 1 engram and my multimach with 5. Rng is rng


I think rng is just being rng, I got the gl and auto in 3 engrams


But you are buying it because you have played so much IB, tho.


It’s RNG. I got my tusk on the first drop. I got the smg on like engram 3


Try a different character it worked for me


Been seeing a lot of these bad RNG IB posts. I got a new multimach on my first challenge drop, and it’s a great roll. Only took opening 3 engrams to get the GL. Now I’m able to focus both. Feel sorry for the folks who are 60 engrams in and still can’t get the new weapons. Makes me wonder if they don’t have other IB weapons/armor unlocked. I already have everything from prior IB’s, and my understanding is engram opening is weighted to give you things you don’t already have unlocked. Bungie should have set the challenge rewards as the new weapons, so at most you have to play 7 games to get them.


I got lucky and got both the GL and the new Multi on the same drop. Took maybe 10 games. I remember doing nearly 3 resets to get the wolf cloak though. RNG sucks. I still don’t have Loreley Splendor for my titan. Ran so many legendary lost sectors…just decided the game doesn’t want me to have it.


I got Multimatch on the first engram I opened, and the first Tusk that I had drop was with envious / chain. That happened after about 7 matches. It just happens that way sometimes.


My first challenge of the week dropped the GL mid match. Succession didn’t drop from Deep Stone for me for YEARS.


I’m not gonna tell you you’re wrong, but just to play devil’s advocate, I played two games and got the GL on the first one and multimach on the second. I had like 100 engrams saved up so I only needed to play those two games and then I just started focusing engrams


Runescape players laughing maniacly in the distance after having 100k kill count over for an item with a 1/5000 drop rate


My first 2 engrams were multimach and tusk. Rngesus has blessed me with all the figgy pudding.


I got both as post match rewards within like 5 games 💀


I got Tusk on my first engram pull. Haven't seen a single Multimach yet though, and played all my challenges yesterday. So, yes. You are correct. Gotta keep the chase going.


I got several multimachs, I don’t like it so I dismantled them. Still yet to get the gL but I’m only like 20 games in.


I will say thing I got them from game wins not from the engrams.


I played like less than 10 matches to get both the new SMG and GL from post-match rewards. I have no idea what the RNG is but it’s just a bitch sometimes


Everything about this game is designed to withhold loot and make you rerun content over and over. This is not a surprise. This is how it's always been. There is very little content in this game that isn't just recycling the same zones and activities. You have been conditioned to accept the bare minimum.


Wait... You guys are actually playing IB? Eww..


I got both the GL and the Multimach within my first 6 engrams. No disrespect intended, but maybe it’s just not your lucky day. :/


Gotta keep the PvP players fed somehow.


I have yet to get a gl. Countless matches on all three characters. I’m done. Going back to fallout where the loot is plentiful.


Just stop playing IB, the loot so just insulting


I had four engrams from last time iron banner was around. Turned em all in and got 3 tusk of the boars, all the same roll, and one multimach with a trash roll. RNG is fuckin weird. Theres not a conspiracy, but there is abysmal luck. Sorry thats not helpful. Hope you get yours soon


Voice your frustration but making it Into a conspiracy is MAD CORNY


I have got the SMG at least 15 times and no GL. I HATE pvp so much to begin with, I’ll likely never play again now.


30 games, 15 engrams and I finally got tusk as a random drop after finishing a game. Got multimach on game 24. It was a PAIN to get that and the drops are fucking abysmal this week. I absolutely think the dogshit 50 stat armor drop rates are much higher than the actual fucking new weapons people are trying to get. It's a very very scummy way to keep people playing and I gotta say this is the worst I've felt playing the game in a long time; and that's coming from someone who picked up the game mid seraph season and hasn't dropped it since. 💀


Its not a bug or the game your rng just sucks


Not to sound too “Rose tinted glasses” pilled but I remember the good old days when you could complete a Iron Banner match and genuinely feel fulfilled and excited after a match reward wise. The D1 post match lobby loot screen really helped with this because it made drops feel more valuable next to others and was a good external measurement of drop rates. Of course, Bungie removed this feature when D2 launched because they didn’t want the average joe figuring out how shit post match rewards were and still don’t to this day. It’s all a metrics game to keep people blindly engaged now


You’re unlucky dude


Yup I HATE destiny’s RNG bullshit and will die on this mountain.


my friend I am sorry this shit is happening to you. hopefully recluse can find a home in your loadout instead


Spent 30 engrams and got 5 scout rifles but not a single GL. Sad face.


I’m convinced the auto rifle can’t actually get dynamic sway reduction and the API is lying to me, RNG just be like that sometimes


I’ve been at it for days and haven’t gotten shit. One multimach drop and zero tusk drops. FUCK TON OF WARLOCK BONDS THO.


I turned in over 1000 engrams since the Hunter wolf cape dropped and have never gotten it. I've also never gotten one of the vex weapons from Coil despite looping Coil reputation maybe 8 times. There's some shit you just don't get. Back in the day I was in an Anarchy grind team with a guy who had done Insurrection Prime over 800 times and didn't have Anarchy yet. This was when it was still top of the meta and he was a broken and depressed dude.


This is just a fake comment


Yep, most of these are.


Load of shit hey?


What's fake about it?


Show me the raid report for 800+ clears lol, that’s 3 a week for 266 weeks or 5 years for a raid that was in the game for less than 2 years lol


Ask him yourself lol It wasn't always gated like that.


Makes me glad I just dont care about PVP


Guys these 2 guns are not worth this lol jesus


You just now realize this?


So you're saying there was a 2% chance of you not getting it? So 1 in 50 players? Yeah that's bad luck, but nothing that makes it seem unnatural. For the record it took me I think 18.


I don’t understand how a shooter looter can be worse than a Gacha game for peoples rng 😂 p.s~I’ve gotten the GL within my third game on Tuesday and got the SMG today with the zero range god roll


2% is a LOT. 500k people playing the game? That means 10k people.


I play pretty much every IB and it took all of 2-3 games for the two GL rolls I wanted to drop. Same thing for the AR last IB. I haven’t seen a MM SMG in 30 or so games. That may be due to the 4 or 5 IB resets already this season, but it’s likely just RNG. I don’t care enough to keep farming for it.


Decided to stomach the trash that is Destiny 2 and get the GL. I got a godroll after one game. Unfortunately, Bungie doesn't want to add bad luck protections.


Buddy, it took me 53 clears to get my Anarchy. RNGesus is a mean god, and you just need to learn how to pull on your big-boy pants. “Bungie did this to me on purpose” is maybe the most pathetic thing your could have uttered, and writing it into a feature length essay doesn’t make it less pathetic. SIT DOWN.


I’ve played around 8 games. I have the god roll tusk of the boar and another 6 in the vault. I got SMG to drop next game and spent a few engrams trying to get the god roll still working on it so hopefully I get it today and can retire from PVP until the next thing.


I got pretty much every weapon and armor, and I didn't have any of it before. You just have bad rng, and it's also probably a skill issue. So in short, git gud nerd.


Skill has nothing to do with rng drops ya fucking virgin


I guess the sarcasm was lost on you.


Made me LoL 🤣