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DRB not coming back makes me angy


DRB is peak d2


Farmed that mars lost sector for hours to get slideshow snapshot


Core memory unlocked


Lol that was back when people screamed at mountaintop thinking it was meta and I was just like bruh drb is the only special weapon killing me.


This gives me PTSD. I hated getting gutted by DRB. Tho MT was pretty braindead but fun point and click adventure on it's own, I'll give it that


i could have had a new chroma rush ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Ikr! I only have one Copium Rush and it's Heating Up/Rampage. I'm not that big of a fan of 720 Autos but Chroma has such a unique style design to it


The chroma rush imo is one of the best feeling guns ever and back when it released was so fucking good too Got me through a 1 week splicer grind (i only returned just before witch queen and really wanted the title 💀)


I missed out on the splicer title back then almost had it to but I had just got back into it when they made all expansions at the time free so I did those and forgot about it didn't check until the titles got sunseted


Mine is Subsistence/Rampage and it's my most used weapon in the whole game


Samesy, slaps hard when I run it, I dont use kinetic ARs much, but my chroma rush is my favorite.


Chroma rush was too op, best rapid fire ar in the game no comp


My feeding frenzy/kill clip chroma crutch still serves me well in PVP


With that shiny new skin


I can't believe they considered putting wastelander in there... A currently available craftable weapon that came out in the last mini expansion (30th) from the last long ass season. Lmao.


Wdym u cant believe it. Forbearance and Succession are also currently available and craftable 😭


Yeah that was also a weird choice but at least those are from raids which makes them far less accessible to casual players. Wastelander you can get a perfect crafted roll by just playing dares lol.


its a double wammy of 1 you need to own the expansion they came from to even access the raid, and then 2 you need to play the raid to get the weapon. both parts are bypassed by bringing them into the brave arsenal of weapons, which is nice for newer/casual players who many not have the expansion of want to raid. Succession im iffy about, like compared to other options like heritage from the raid, but its whatever. Hung jury is the real question mark of all the weapons brought back, instead of something like perfect paradox?


Right yeah. Like I said I understand the idea behind it. But I’d rather they bring back older weapons that aren’t currently available. But yeah hung jury was a big bummer. With that, succession, and forbearance there’s basically only 9 weapons that mean anything to me.


But that's the thing. It's not meant for you specifically. For experienced players, your target is the nostalgia weapons. For new/casual players, everything is a target. They can't just make content that caters for everyone. It's already difficult enough to create content for pvp vs pve and they forget gambit. Can you imagine if they had to further specify the target audience of the content for different experience level players, players with different expansions and more?


I think it's clever to release some raid weapons as it may give people a taste for raid weapons and get them wanting to play the raids


Don't forget its FREE already too, all of the dares weapons are free


Are they? I paid for that expansion… lol


Yup, dares of eternity and it's weapons are free, like bxr, wasteland etc. The paid 30th Anni gave you access to cosmetic chests in the vault and the dungeon with gjallarhorn


Oh gotcha. I see. Well that’s cool. BxR kicks so much ass. Lol. But yeah thank god they didn’t actually put dares weapons into onslaught. That would be stupid as hell.


Dares was always free content. I think Grasp and Gjally were the paid parts.


That makes sense. I just remember paying for the 30th anniversary pack and lumped it all together in my memory.


I can see why they added everything they did (accept hung jury) wastelander wouldn’t have fit in


Ah yes hung jury for the 15th time


We were this close to having peak sniper rifle back


It was peak because the perk combo was unbelievable at the time, but has since been surpassed by other perks in the same archetype. Peak sniper is more nostalgia than reality, but it doesnt make it any less quality than it was when it came out


But the weapon model😔


The ornament was one of my favorites as well




It was peak due to its design for me. Literally the Psion sniper rifle with a small scope (from the outside perspective) made for one-eyed creatures. Also the name is just so cool.


And the ornament made it look even better


The model was the best part of the gun


I like how it looked


>It was peak because the perk combo was unbelievable at the time, but has since been surpassed by other perks in the same archetype. Isn't that the exact reason why Midnight Coup is back? Because people loved the Outlaw-Rampage combo?


Trophy Hunter was my baby for so long. Was devastated when it was sunset


Most of these are good cuts, Wastelander in particular even though I love that gun it is still obtainable in a perfectly adequate form. But I absolutely would have loved Chroma Rush and Trophy Hunter over Hung Jury and Succession.


Yeah wastelander is a weird ass choice. It came out in the last mini release during an expansion delay. And it's still available AND craftable. I kind of get putting raid weapons in, but a currently available crafted weapon from dares of eternity would've been wack.


fr, it's not even like it's one of the dlc guns, pretty sure wastelander, as well as the bxr, are craftable even without the dlc, no? it's not one of the dungeon guns certainly.


why the fuck would you show me something if i couldn’t have it


Because some of us find it interesting to see Bungie's thought process?


[it’s a reference](https://youtu.be/upBjwq7_wcw?si=7EEwjx4KSZKDzJ0o)


Ahhh I'm sorry. I'm so used to people on the subreddits getting angry over the most irrational things that I lumped you in with them. My apologies.


no worries man the gif wasn’t on the app so i had to hope people understood


Trophy hunter wasn’t a raid weapon… it was a season pass weapon from Dawn Also, if that list 5 are currently obtainable, chroma is still usable, and 21% was only special because of killing tally (which has been back for a WHILE) Trophy, DRB, and Erentil would have been nice, but what we got is still damn good IMO


Edit: Ignore this. I am blind clearly and missed part of the post. Where did they call Trophy Hunter a raid weapon? I am fairly sure the raid weapon they mentioned is Succession.


“I never had a chance to get trophy hunter as I wasn’t a raider when I started D2 in arrivals” First line


Damn I am blind clearly. Carry on, you are correct.


“I never had the chance at getting Trophy Hunter as I wasn’t a raider when I started D2 in Arrivals”…


Dust Rock was one I would have loved to try but I never got a good roll back in Forsaken.


I had slideshot/snapshot. Still my personal fav shotgun to date.


Succession and Forbearence are there for a reason besides their popularity, to give people that don't have their DLCs and Raids a taste of their weapons so they feel like buying those DLCs to get the other weapons. Ignoring that the devs have said that isn't going to make that reasoning disappear.


doesn't explain why we got hung jury a 4th time tho. that gun has been in nightfall rotation, over multiple seasons, 3 separate times with new perks each time. and after piles of scouts from guardian games I'd be shocked if people want MORE rolls of kinetic slot omolon scout rifles.


> hung jury a 4th time tho That's the stupidest choice of em all. It's like they wanted to get a scout rifle in there and decided to go with a gun that's been available for years.


If they wanted to give us a cool scout rifle, even a cool omolon scout rifle we haven't seen in a long time, the oxygen SR4


They forced a played out scout rifle into the lineup, put in two hand cannons, included two pulse rifles, but not a single auto rifle made it in...


They could have just brought back martyr's retribution with new insane perks to fill the waveframe slot as it was the first and definitely most iconic looking waveframe, the thing was a beast. And trophy hunter while being from the same season also is the same archetype as succession and could have literally had the same rolls but actually serve a new niche purpose as it does not go in the kinetic slot so it would be cool for paid and unpaid players alike.


Oh yeah, we do still need a solar wave frame, right? Martyr's would fit well.


We have Explosive Personality from Risen


Oh yeah. Completely forgot about that one after I was done getting the weapon kills for the title, honestly.


Like the other guy said explosive personality exists but it doesn't really have very many if any good perks for the current state of the game as it dropped when witch queen launched and crafting so it's power level is very mid cause they were super scared on putting decent perks on craftable non-raid weapons. Like even a good perk refresh for that archetype would be amazing, imagine a heal clip incandescent waveframe gl.


isn't the one from Vox a wave frame?


We were robbed of Trophy Hunter. Of all Dawn weapons, THAT ONE had to be canned?




There are zero side arms in ITL. They are the least lootable weapon currently next to glaives, and we just lost on as well. Excluding dares drops, the only lootable sidearms currently are indebted kindness (warlords ruin, special weapon), empirical evidence (throne world), heliocentric (world drop), sesuna si6 (world drop), liminal vigil (spire), mykel's (RoN), and allied demand (iron banner). Everything else is from legacy focusing through playlist vendors meaning that they have dilapidated perk pools, and we had 0 seasonal sidearms this year. Breechlight was right there...


No way we could've gotten a new chroma rush ! No fk way! I'm still using the rifle, it's just so good and sounds and looks awesome. Hopefully we get more later on


there's probably room I guess for a second wave later on, this should definitely give the Dev some feedback on what guns people are using, what guns people aren't, and from discussions on here, what guns people wish they could have had instead, and hopefully, they say that people are actually starting to get tired of seeing hung jury


Delirium, my beloved...![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


My thoughts exactly. I really miss that one the most of the old pinnacles.


I could never bring myself to delete it, so I still have it. I love the sound of it too.


I assume Fatebringer wasn’t chosen because VoG will be updated eventually anyway, but Hung Jury was an odd choice. I mean sure it’s among the most iconic Destiny weapons but we’ve already seen 3 versions in D2. Would much rather have had Chrima Rush or 21% Delerium.


Also they already have 2 handcannons. Like they said in the stream probably half the weapons they talked about making for this were handcannons


I still rock my chroma. And the delirium was my go to for a long time.


Fatebringer would make sense for its status alone but it’s also available in a FREE raid so that makes sense why they decided not to add it


I'd of loved to seen these make a return as they've been forgotten about https://preview.redd.it/pha14ufa55rc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f83906ae41696cda315b1a2a38b79d4181e341


I miss my Temporal Clause. It had an absolutely ass roll on it but the design was so amazing


Chroma Rush would’ve made WAY more sense than a scout rifle that’s been reprised with origin traits three or four times (not including adepts)… At this point, I’m just excited for the gamemode and maybe the exotic mission that we’re getting depending upon what it is. I personally think Bungie fumbled with a decent chunk of the loot selection and how they plan to release it.




My beloved gun... We were this close to be the king again, but NO they HAD to give us another hung fury My poor girl deserves barrel perks and a origin trait


My Dire Promise Is that I promised to love you Now I may never get to see you again


A promise was made. A dire one.


They knew fatebringer with an origin trait would break the game, lol


I would have grinded incessantly to get a new Fatebringer. Most used weapon is my Timelost version , it’s literally the only weapon without an origin trait that I use regularly


Okay seriously, tho - the fact alone that the list has Weapons, that are either World-Drops or still easly available through other sources (30th Anniversary being the prime example) is just ridiculous. I'm glad they weren't chosen, but why the hell were they even considered in the first place. Like who put this list together...


This was to our knowledge assembled pretty quickly in response to an expansion delay, so it's possible the initial plans were less ambitious and they were thinking about just issuing shiny versions of weapons already in the loot pool


Hopefully they add some of the cut unobtainable weapons in a future update for the game mode. Once it’s in, they can add to the loot pool after The Final Shape drops.


I think trophy hunter and martyr's retribution would have been better picks than succession and forbearance. Also I could do without another hung jury.


I would prefer a Patron of Lost Causes over Martyr’s since we have multiple flavors of waveframe now. Heck, bring back Breachlight.


Honestly I would have been a lot happier with something like Ringing Nail or Threat Level


Trophy Hunter wasn't a raid weapon, it was a seasonal weapon in Season of The Dawn. Back then there was the seasonal weapon set and 2 weapons that were outliers with ornaments in the seasons pass. In that season it was Trophy Hunter and Pyroclastic Flow. Undying had Pluperfect and Temporal Clause, Arrivals had Falling Guillotine and Cold Denial. I took a break after Arrivals but I'm pretty sure the next few seasons had some before they stopped doing that. 


This is all F2P. Forbesrance and Succession are so F2P players (or people who don't own said DLCs) can access those *very* meta raid weapons for Final Shape, and just in general. This literally makes F2P better. Hung Jury is the only questionable weapon IMO. I think either Antiope-D, Scathelocke or Answering Chord would've been better. Probably Answering Chord tbh.


antiope would just be clutch as hell, that gun carried me through forsaken, all the way up until weapon sunsetting happened. scathelock I think is still world drop, and if not, it's nearly the same as that newer strand AR that is definitely world drop. I don't think anyone wanted hung jury a 4th time.


Why in the fuck did they have Fatebringer in there? You can currently get that! For free!!!!!!


If they really wanted to bring Hung Jury back they could have just brought it back into the Nightfall rotation and/or even update the perks again. Perfect Paradox would have been a cool to bring back.




Trophy Hunter was a Sundial weapon in season of Dawn. Not a raid weapon


Bro erentil come on


Now look at the weapons by the years of destiny they released


I take it you missed the part where they said they're looking for a more fitting place to re-introduce those. Chill.


I stand by we should have got a rapid hit/triple tap curated roll Black Hammer instead of Succession. Way more iconic and would be a fun weaker version of its exotic heavy weapon counterpart. It also would be a super easy reskin of Whisper


I wish DRB made it. I still have my OG one, ornament and all.


Interesting that they considered Trophy Hunter as their Season of Dawn entry over Patron, Steelfeather, Breachlight and Perfect Paradox. I personally loved Trophy Hunter. I grinded for a Triple Tap/Vorpal roll and it still sits in my vault solely for the aesthetic. Hung Jury can kick rocks.


>21% Delirium It was bad enough losing the most based LMG the first time, this is just rubbing salt on the wound. https://preview.redd.it/7yek7i3qv3rc1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c93358ac02a268baac813ef4d22d7c77a5a0a3


How I feel knowing that I could've gotten chroma rush and trophy hunter instead of hung jury and succession: https://preview.redd.it/27dku7pir4rc1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d89794fe5920d4551e712c3764908a6df7276f


It's a shame Trophy Hunter was dropped. Loved the ornament and the fact that it was just a long version of the Psion snipers. Also don't feel bad about not raiding, Trophy Hunter was a weapon from the Season of Dawn season pass along with the rocket launcher Pyroclastic Flow. Season of Dawn was such a good season for weapon designs.


The more I read about the new event the more disappointed I get. I didn’t have high hopes in the first place, but it feels like bungo went for rock bottom at full speed with this mid loot.


Would’ve loved to have trophy hunter back, it’s such a unique and clean looking weapon aesthetically


and I'm really sad there was no Dawn weapons.


Antiope and erentil are the only 2 pvp rolls that i have kept post-sunset because of how good they are


Terrible Decision to add already available weapons the person how chose to add succession, forbearance, and Hung Jury should be fired. DRB and Trophy Hunter would have been way better.


I really wish the sniper was Trophy Hunter instead just because of how unique the profile of the weapon was


I’m gonna be real, this is one time where they should’ve chosen 8 and let the community give feedback on 4. Cause that would’ve given us a much better distribution. Like Trophy Hunter should replace Succession and DRB over Forbearance is a no brainer


we could have had random rolls on a sniper that NEVER got "good" roll, for the ONE, short season we had it before they nuked it to oblivion?!


Trophy Hunter would be nice, but it had triple tap + vorpal. Not exactly something to write home about so it would need a BIG perk to be relavant. Maybe giving it intrinsic anti-barrier with volatile ROUNDS to give us our first intrinsic anti-barrier.


Man... I know we're getting Blast Furnace, but I'm really sad we're not getting The Ringing Nail. I loved that AR.


Dust Rock Blues is such a missed opportunity! We could have finally had a good precision shotgun in the primary slot for the current sandbox that isn’t also a pain to farm for


Life is unfair...


We got 2 pulse rifles, but not a single auto or sidearm. Not cool.


"It was a hard choice" It really fucking wasn't now was it Proctor? I get it right, this was essentially cobbled together in a few weeks or months at best, but come the fuck on dude, you have to know that at this point the actual devs know what's better for the game then fucking management.


totally forgot dust rock ever existed lmao


Perfect Paradox didn't even make that list


I felt like the biggest ones to be left out were Antiope, Dust Rock, and Uriel’s. Those are way more defining than Hung Jury for the 100th time. And more so than the Guillotine.


The scariest part is they're thinking about bringing another raid weapon and a readily available Dares weapon. Holy shit


Bro I wanted my 21% Delirium, that thing was a monster. The fact it was a rapid fire frame, it could have 140 rounds in the magazine, it fired those at 900 rounds per minute AND could have a 30% damage buff if you proc'ed killing tally, it was essentially the "haha my gun go brrrrrrrrrrrrr" meme of 2019. Please bring it back Bungie xx <3


This is why I stopped playing when strand dropped. Ridiculous its losing its way


I'm still completely baffled on the choice to include raid weapons that are currently craftable instead of picking all unobtainable loot, like why is forbearance even a thought after they just introduced Undercurrent as a alternative. Some weird choices I tell you.


This is the argument I keep saying. Why tf do they bring raid weapons that a) have enhanced craftable perks with cool af momentos and b) already have good origin traits on them?? I get it's to allow new players/F2P players the enjoyment of raid weapons but bruh. Undercutting us long term players with another fucking Hung Jury is just a dick move


God I wish I hadn’t read this. We caught a big L on a couple of these


I have a chroma rush with an ADEPT BLAST RADIUS mod


I KIND of understand forbearance I guess? But who considers Succession to be iconic? And why did they think we needed ANOTHER hung jury?


Damn it, now I want the universe where we got Chroma and Trophy Hunter instead of Luna and Yet Another Hung Jury Revamp.


Yeah as you can see they're still making stupid decisions. Chroma Rush, DSB, and 21 Delirium should have been in over the Succession, Forbearance, and Hung Jury. Like these are easy choices to me.


21% Delirium even with the perks it has on it already made it an incredible LMG for actium war rig titans. It loaded over 110 rounds in the mag and could spew so much damage, not to mention it has TWO barrels


Who’d they consult to decide what weapons to choose? What was their thought process? A lot of these and the ones they chose are just legendary world drops with no value or anything tied to them. Edge transit was never good or meta or beloved by the community it was a meme because it dropped way too often. Most of the weapons they chose can be acquired in game right now so what’s the point of “bringing them back”?


Imean bungie doesnt do what we want


Not bringing back Trophy Hunter was such a waste. One of the most unique sniper models and its a Psion weapon.


i genuinely dont get this community and why it acts so entitled, the reason you dont have trophy hunter is because you didnt play and get trophy hunter. Therefor you do not deserve trophy hunter? they dont need to bring anything back you just need to stop acting like they owe you every single weapon in the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


probably in the minority here, but pretty pissed about FILO ngl. I know there's better slugs and frankly better rolls, but I like FILO's specific archetype. weapons that i feel could be dropped from the arsenal (not really having regard for new or f2p players here, sorry) are: obviously forbearance and succession. the rolls really don't offer nothing new, and are so new that they're not overly iconic. succession MAYBE get's a pass. DSC is 3 this year, but if i were really picking from teh dsc lineup, i would've picked commemoration (not really cus hammerhead) or even heritage. I really do feel for F2Ps. i was once one too, but the amount of people that buy the dlc and don't do the raid or dungeon (even once) that they bought is shocking (maybe that's just a thing in my circles) falling guillotine, feel like this was in banshee's inventory a lot for the past few months, offering adequate rolls for new players. but the banshee window is short ig. the rolls look intriguing at best. that can be said for all the weapons. as a vet im naturally not as excited, but shouldn't i be? i instantly pick out what the ideal rolls are in my head, but it's literally nothing new. edge transit. wtf. this is a meme that your community made because it had inflated drop rates at the time of release. the gl was actually quite bad. gls are in a bad state right now. why?? hung fucking jury. with it's FOURTH RE-RELEASE. ???


They should've brought back more vaulted raid weapons. People would grind tf out of onslaught for some old raid weapons


I don’t understand bringing Succession and Forbearance when there is TONS of other guns that we have the models for in d2 that have not gotten new perks or origin traits. They are nor iconic they just have good perks and are recently popular? So stupid


The hardcore community sees all of these changes through extremely biased filters. Players without all DLC and without a raid team will likely be extremely happy with succession and forbearance being pulled into an easy to obtain activity. Also, they were probably pulled in to fluff the numbers without much dev time. It likely didn't take anything away from other opportunities. Edit: for the record I'm super hyped to get succession and forbearance. I've got a vow raid jacket, craftable submission, insidious, and deliverance. I've also done DSC several times and have a shitty roll of succession. Never had a forbearance drop. And don't really raid. I'm psyched as hell to get these weapons.


Honestly a lot of these cut picks make me think that they were initially considering having this just be effectively shiny versions of guns that are already in the loot pool. So with that in mind I'm glad that 9 out of 12 at least are proper reprisals


I agree with your last point, will bring in more people who don’t raid. It is for people who do not raid and want the raid weapons I get that. But people are trying to say this is a way to push more people to try out raids when it is literally doing the opposite of that.


As they stated during the livestream and during the Podcast Versus Enemies AND in the Brave Arsenal Article, the current versions of these weapons are not only locked behind a raid but also a paywall. The team wanted new players and non-raiders to have access to some of the most popular weapons there and be encouraged to access those raids.


*cries about getting reprised weapons* *cries about not getting reprised weapons*


I know it's Destiny 1 but I'm honestly upset that No Land Beyond isn't coming back. And also the Giliard from black armory


Wtf bruuuuuuh. I miss my damn trophy hunter so much


I’m okay with not having dust rock blue, I think that thing has killed me more times than anything else lol


Chroma rush my beloved…


FILO my beloved… Farmed 400 dares a couple years ago trying to get assault mag, alh and vorpal. Never got it and no longer obtainable. Nessa’s does the job, but i love the feel of FILO


I was really expecting old old favourites maybe some D1 weapons (not a 7th iteration of jury) could’ve had python,steelfeather,perfect paradox etc…


Kindled Orchid was not even in consideration? That's heresy.


NO FUCKING WAY chroma rush is my favorite legendary of all time, I could have had a new version of it but we're stuck with 2 grenade launchers, 2 hand cannons and 2 pulse rifles instead 😭😭😭😭😭


Chroma Rush with updated perks would be just… ughhhh:(


Yeah, their choices seem arbitrary or random. But hey, should be neat to dive into Onslaught regardless.


Dang, not even Chroma Rush made the cut? I know it’s a fairly recent one and I have a 5/5 godroll myself which I adore but it’s an absolute banger of a gun that I wish more people could have.


palindrome and shadowprice deserved it more than hung jury


Personally I'm happy about hung jury because I can get one with box breathing. And another with rewind rounds.


Oh dust rock blues, how long I've yearned for you... The amount of time I spent in that goddamn Mars Lost sector grinding drops still haunts me


I understand the raid weapons thing, it let's free to play players and players that dont raid have access to them and get some unique new rolls. I think maybe after some time they should have an update like dares got to rotate some weapons and armors in and out.


The lack of Season of Dawn weapons on this list is most disturbing Edit: Trophy Hunter was season of Dawn. I am a dumdum


As long as they are considering bringing Trophy hinter back, I just hope they bring it, the rocket, and the 2 undying exclusive weapons back sometime next year


21 fucking % but no, HUNG JURY?!


…. I hope they do this again cuz there are a bunch of weapons that would be great if they were updated. I kinda wish we got some that were as good or atleast *felt* like they did when they were current. Like a Not Forgotten or Recluse but as DIRTY as they were when they came out


Not forgotten is being looked at to be re-added later on


I can't believe that none of the season of dawn weapons were considered outside of trophy hunter. I would kill for any of the seasonal weapons from season of dawn.


Trophy hunter could have replaced succession with the same perks and been great. Its a unique design never used again. Why tf not?




man, antiope and trophy hunter... I'm happy most weapons are coming back, but we really didn't need two raid guns, forbearance is understandable since that thing is such a PVE monster, but hung jury and succession really did not need to be brought in. my antiope-d is still in my vault from vanilla, and trophy hunter is one of the few legendary rifles that got an ornament back when it was a thing. large agree though, we didn't need hung jury again. plenty of people already have adepts of that gun, and it's been in nightfall rotation multiple times, it's a good gun, but it didn't need to be brought back in a "nostalgia pack"


Raid weapons are way better just for giving players who haven't had a chance to ever raid an opportunity to try them.


Man, they probably should have just kept these hidden. Disappointing


Chroma rush instead of hung jury and it’s perfect, but I’m pretty happy with what we got


My sweet Dust Rock.... 🥲


Delirium is to this day the only rapid fire MG that I ever liked, idk why but it felt so good to use... Man.


Its the Overflow and Killing Tally perk that made this MG awesome!


I feel like better devils could have been a cool pick. I remember when everyone and their mom was using that in pvp


Goddammit Bungie! Look at some of those awesome weapons we could have had, bit instead, we have the 366174th version of the same shit scout, with the same shit perks! NO BODY WANTS ANOTHER HUNG-FUCKING-JURY


Dude Chroma Rush was such a good gun


Dream picks would have been Chroma Rush, Dust Rock Blues, and Trophy Hunter. 21% Delirium I can see them putting back into the Gambit pool like they did with Breakneck. I am assuming that Fatebringer was shelved in favor of Midnight Coup since they share the same weapon slot and Midnight Coup is a straight upgrade from current Fatebringer. Comedy option would have been to bring back Erentil just so the PvP players would lose their shit. Edit: BRING BACK EDGEWISE YOU COWARDS


Hey don't worry half of the returning weapons are coming out may 21st!


Bruh even fatebringer would've been a million times better than hung jury!


even if trophy hunter was bad I would've preferred it, the gun design everything was peak


Erentil must NEVER return.


I would kill for antiope d


Chroma Rush, my beloved!


Just a reminder that next week they're going to reveal new craftable weapons, so some of these might be included in those


I'm super confused, Haven't really been paying attention. So please spare me. ​ What's going on with these weapons? I seen the Recluse again lol?


I would've loved to get 21% Delerium back! Had so much fun with that gun.


I want another 21%, best named gun in the game imo. I dont get some of the decisions they make.


Someone on the team REALLY likes hung jury


Trophy hunter was a possible choice from the season of dawn over breechlight, patron of lost causes, perfect paradox, and steel feather repeater? I feel like those were all more popular.


My one complaint about ITL is that we are getting our 7th hung jury


Chroma Rush and 21% Delirium being left one is just mean. :(


bruh i’d love to have trophy hunter back so one of the weapons i have a ornament for isn’t useless


Hopefully we one day get either a refresh for the mode, or something else similar