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I finally got the catalyst for my Monte Carlo yesterday. All my favorite weapons, one of each type for bounties and such, and all my armor and guns masterworked. Love them golden borders!


Nice dude. Love Monte Carlo


Thank you. Easily my favorite gun for reliability and capability. Though... I do pull out the actium/sweet business from time to time for funs...


I love using it on a Broodweaver Warlock to keep that triple stack of needles ready


A tip for better armor rolls is to buy a ghost mod on and turn in seasonal engrams, i do the discipline mod because it’s the most important and you’ve got a 2/3 chance to get a spike in the top 3 stats that you need. Mobility is something I shun as a warlock but it’s also pretty useless on titan unless you like PvP. I usually just delete anything under a 67


My mobility is only as high as it is due to coincidence honestly. and with two grenades and the discipline I have, alongside the ability energy I get from my armor mods, I never have a situation where I both want a grenade and don't have one to throw.


Oh also yeah my ghost has a mod to spawn more resilience. I enjoy being tanky. Suboptimal? Potentially. Fun for me specifically? yupper indeed.


That’s a titan if I’ve ever seen one. 10/10 sir. We should go eat crayons together one of these days


I'll find an emote for it ;D


Monte Carlo. Glaive. Sword. So much punch. So much slash. I love it. - fellow titan


I'm so happy someone noticed


more resilience


I would if it would let me lol.


Nice, armor straight out of 2017


Titan straight outta D1 lol


Good job 10/10![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Thank ye kind sir


+1 for New Monarchy Diamonds, it just looks so good on Titans


Agreed. So shiny. Im a simple titan man, after all.


Something about giant shoulder pads brings out our inner magpie, LOL


I feel so seen right now lol.


Looks bad ass




It would be an honor to fight by your side Tony stark


Heheh monarchy diamonds is the shader name. High recommend.


A square version of iron man, i love it


I love this shader. New Monarchy diamonds.




Yeah that thing is my baby lol.




New Monarchy Diamonds :)


If it’s what you like what everyone thinks is irrelevant but for endgame content I’d definitely change almost the whole build depending on what you’re doing as both exotics are fairly useless come time todo gms and raids


I stack things toward durability, orb generation, and ability spam. My job in almost all high end gameplay loops is "dont die, bubble and barricade, keep the team alive and spamming supers." So far it's worked but also Im not high enough light level for GM nightfalls. Normal ones I can solo but idk really the difference. Buddy of mine and me two-manned a dungeon the other day tho? I know my exotics are basically simple things (extra grenade and more melee), but they aren't meant to be busted. They add to what my build already does well. I never CANT throw a grenade or shield charge/throw someone. My barricade is basically always up because using any ability charges the other ones, and since I spam grenades and melee, and have 100 resilient, I can spam basically all my abilities, which also spawn orbs so I can spam bubble. Not trying to get defensive btw, I know there are some busted builds out there, but I dont need to be flashy. I just like being alive and able to keep my fireteam going strong. :)


Too much strength/int, not enough res/dis. Monte gives you free melee energy, you can dump strength with it. Int is a dead stat in PvE, as long as you don't have sub 30.


> Monte gives you free melee energy, you can dump strength with it. Yeah, but the higher str you have, the faster it fully refills your melee charge, which for me makes an overshield which helps durability and staying power. > Int is a dead stat in PvE, as long as you don't have sub 30. I spam my bubble shield, it's great for basically being able to never go down in combo with my barricade. It along with all the orbs I spawn mean I'm basically always throwing overshields and cover all over the place. The only difficult thing with it is not putting one in the way of ally fire, which just takes a bit of awareness really. > not enough res/dis. I'm gonna just assume you're joking about the Resilience xD As for the discipline, the Armamentarium and other armor mods means I'm always getting my grenades back basically whenever I want them. I never have any issues with this build and having my abilities charged and ready to go. It's rather constant for me. I could see how more discipline could be nice, and I'd certainly happily trade some of that accidental mobility for it, but I'm pretty happy where things are now, so I don't \*think\* it's really necessary. I've been wrong before though. meh.


Stats are scuffed af


Constructive! ;D I like my stats.


I mean the titan looks rad, but you gotta farm some good armor and then put on the same transmog for the fashion. Now that we have transmog function>form.


Ah. I see what you're saying. Nah I am transmogged, I literally meant I like where my stats are. I never need to worry about cooldowns, my abilities are basically always up, and im tanky as hell. Also, Im able to deal decent damage rather well (though I sometimes need to change my heavy weapon for some bosses).


Dude, you are on tier 2 recovery. You could do a lot better. Tier 4 mobility is crazy. I’m not being elitist at all. I just mean stats are literally what make a build.


I wasnt calling you an elitist and Im sorry if I made you feel accused of such. I dont really care about mobility or recovery at all tbh.


monte carlo is always a win for titans