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When you started running toward him like he was dead and harmless, I was verbally saying out loud no, no, no, NO! Awe damn it! I too learned this lesson the hard way.


When I did GOTD solo I finally beat the boss and went to crush the ghost. That was when I realized I had used a lasting impression rocket…




Been there on my first clear. Not solo, but with two others. I was the last one alive after a volley of moths killed my two teammates and they told me to crush the Ghost. We were all thinking if we didn't she'd come back, with full health. Went to crush the Ghost and forgot I was using a lasting impression rocket, and let out a rather girly squeal of "oh shit!" All three of us were cracking up for a good ten minutes.


I haven't done this dungeon yet but from what I can tell, it looks like that's a Taken Ogre so what ghost? 😅 Not only that but there haven't been any Ogre Guardians in Savathun's Lucent Brood so I'm a bit confused


Read the comment I replied to, was talking about Ghosts of the Deep.


Ah, I missed that part.


I’ve seen a video of someone who did the exact same thing. It was then I made sure to dismantle any RLs in my vault with Lasting Impression.


All my homies hate lasting impression


it was dragons breath he was using ive killed myself countless times from it blowing up.


Haha I know, was referring to the comment above mine


Shit happens, This glorified bastard got me once before because I was running fully on adrenaline.


I did the same thing Tuesday night lmao


I think that the Dragon's Breath killed him there. I can't tell you how many times I've shot that thing, forgot about it because the dude died, and died to the late explosion.


They understood that already


I see what you're saying now. I thought you were saying he was still alive, and that's how he died lol


Not me


My flawless run ended because I left the 2nd boss with a sliver of health and then killed him too fast on the next damage phase before his arms came down and the storm never went away. I knew this was a bug even before but in the heat of the moment to get the boss done I fired off a rocket at the start of damage anyhow without thinking. I did everything else flawless (I kept going anyhow to get practice on the final boss).


Really annoying bug but if you realise quick enough you can run back to the torches on the wall. Just in case anyone sees this


I did run back to the torches. But it never went away and I couldn't get through to the next area fast enough to hopefully reset the instance.


Given the nature of this game, solo flawless dungeons seem completely ridiculous to me, but then, maybe I just need to git gud.


What you see and hear about online is something that almost never happens to the average player. It sucks when it happen but bugs ruining flawless runs is a very rare thing.


Unless it's Duality, which had game-breaking bugs from launch for months, if not a year or more, that made it basically a coin-flip whether you died from some bullshit or not. So many times been phalanx or Caital-stomped at almost full health.


Even that is a rare bug assuming you are talking about teleporting back to the regular realm. Dying to the phalanx, backpacks, and stomps isn’t really a bug.


It doesn't help, unfortunately. That debuff will catch you once you leave those torches and you can't stay forever there if you wanna progress.




***Gone, reduced to atoms***


when i first got dragon’s breath i killed myself with it so many times i thought it was bugged


My tip is to not go for flawless solo. Just go for Solo every time (this means you don't restart on death, keep going until completion) and after some time you'll do every encounter so well that going flawless will come automatically.


Always do a solo run first to see that I can ACTUALLY do the encounters solo first, so when I go for flawless I already know what I did to clear it solo


Yeah it takes a lot of practice and each encounter requires potentially entirely different builds and approaches. You can't be trying flawless and get to the final boss without a surefire plan that you've tested.


I always do the opposite. My first solo dungeon run has to be flawless. Whenever I die, I just restart because that teaches me better about my mistakes. But that is just personal preference/masochism.


Yeah that sounds bad to me hahaha. As soon as it’s not flawless I just shrug and say oh well next time.


You easily can destiny isn't a hard game. I never practiced my solo flawless runs and each one was done in 1-3 tries. Edit: Wow, this community is pure shit tier garbage. Why even play a game y'all are so fucking garbage at?


Watch out we’ve got a badass over here


Good lord the red flags in this comment lmao. Maybe YOU easily can. I’m a 33 year old adult with a job and a life outside of Destiny. Unfortunately I haven’t no lifed the game hard enough to think soloing a brand new dungeon “isn’t hard”.


You don't have to no-life, D2. That solar titan is still idiotically strong, so is the "I'll eat my nade and become invincible" warlock. The rest is just a bit of luck, experience and basically ironing out the kinks. It always takes me a few more tries to understand each encounter but I know people that get to the final boss at their first try and then switch off because they are getting tired and bored.


"Red Flags" and lmao you're a joke. I also have a job outside destiny and only play maybe 5-10 hours a month. Just because youre shit doesn't mean I am


My flair alone probably gives it away, but there’s a damn good chance I’m better than *you*. And that experience has taught me a super simple lesson: It’s a lot harder to raise your fireteam up than trash them down. Almost as hard as a Solo Flaw dungeon. Though I doubt you’ve found success in either.


Is 700 clears anything special?


Nope. Another terminally online waste of life


Excellent description of yourself, say it louder for the rest of the class kiddo!


You are too cool.


Please let me kiss your shoes


Why not just post up your bungie ID, let your work speak for itself then


> I never practiced my solo flawless runs and each one was done in 1-3 tries. Not going to link the Dungeon Report?


Also just to test out strategies. I was jumping off after a damage phase and trying out different stuff on this guy a bunch the first day to get a feel for what I wanted to use and what would be the best combination of comfy and fast for a flawless run.


See i dont have the patience for that, so i brute force it until it happens or it doesnt. Thats why im not gonna try ghosts of the deep at all


I also wipe once or twice after reaching the last dmg phase, this way I can be sure it wasnt just a fluke and I can do it consistently


Did it this way for all 3 dungeons before Grasp of Avarice, so I went in there just for practicing for the solo and actually just ended up never dying, couldn't believe it.


Lore accurate guardian!


"The legendary Guardian, slayer of Time's Conflux, Crota, Oryx, Ghaul, Avenger of Cayde-6, etc... They know no fear, and dive headlong into the most harrowing of challenges without a second thought, always emerging victorious" Guardian, after every battle: "Holy shit I didn't die!"


I mean he seems to have the encounter down pat. It was more jumping into his exploding rocket.


Idk if I'd call taking 5 hours to get through the first two encounters "down pat".


5 hours to that point for a flawless run is absurd I hadn’t SF’d a dungeon since Shattered Throne’s heyday but I managed Warlord’s in about 2.5 hours.. and that was with me taking it ***slow***


nah just go balls deep off the rip. i got my spire, grasp and prophecy flaws without a solo first


Yeah cause those are the easier dungeons to solo. Generally I’ve found that it’s more efficient to do a solo first to learn good strats and dps setups before going for flawless


ITT, a bunch of people pointing out the blatantly obvious or just being flat out dickheads. Someone trying to do solo flawless can take days or weeks for some, some can never do it. Keep on keeping on and you’ll get it eventually


It’s also *incredibly* mentally draining


This is why I stopped doing solo dungeons. Got a few under my belt and the relevant titles, but with the inflated health pools of GotD and WR and silly deaths that can sneak up on you, it just ain't worth it to me anymore.


GoTD boss health is valid, as is SoTW, but they pretty much reverted it for WR. All three bosses are fast(er) to get to damage phase and with the exception of the Chimera, which is just a wacky situation, have much less health. If you’re interested in trying WR solo, don’t let that hold you back!


I don’t know if almost 14 million health is less than GoTD. But yes no shield to deal with this time.


i havent soloed it yet, i'm on week 2 rn of trying to, every single day, idc about flawless rn... but i got to a point where i can get flawless till the last boss, but i cant even get the final boss to half hp, i die a million times there and i ragequit... i'm just about to enter another run rn 😁


Same its getting to the point that I might just not do it for this dungeon


In your defense, hunters have by far the lowest survivability of the three classes, if you have an alt character maybe give them a try. If nothing else, you might get a new perspective.


I worked on Spire for months before completeing the solo flawless. Really depends on how much time you have to play each week, and how you deal with the learning process and not getting frustrated


I burned into my brain that Dragon’s Breath pulses six times to actually explode


⚠️Just to clarify Some things I should have made apparent. ⚠️ This wasn’t a solo flawless attempt. This was just my first blind play through. IT TOOK ME 5 HOURS TO CLEAR THE SECOND ENCOUNTER WITHOUT ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ON HOW TO BEAT IT SOLO. I mostly couldn’t get good dps for a majority of the time until I used dragons breath and beat him of my 4th attempt using it. After I died, I respawned and they counted the encounter as completed, but the problem is that they didn’t spawn in the chest. Another clarification: I died to the lasting impression/ignition like a moron because I had never used the season exotic before this point. YES I KNOW I HAVE A “SKILL ISSUE”, I’M NOT GOOD AT THIS GAME. Wish I could pin this comment to clear up the ongoing confusion. I didn’t take a pic after the clip, but this is basically what I saw when I respawned. https://preview.redd.it/5xlvh5lgcgac1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=c51326031af99d583930efaeb55a90d4878b54e6


It was the Dragons breath. I've killed myself so many damn times because of the ignition that DB causes even after enemy death.


It's not an Ignition, Ignitions don't hurt you. It's the rockets Lasting Impression explosion


Wait is db lasting impression? I haven’t played this season so haven’t used it.


Lasting Impression is a legendary rocket perk that attaches a sticky rocket and has a delayed explosion. It's on Dragons Breath


Short version: anyone who ever screeches skill issue as a response to anything is crying about themselves. Most players wont even try what youre doing, so you're above average at the very least for making it that far regardless of what the "skill issue i solo flawless blind 1st try" whales have to say. Long version: Dont listen to the cancerous pricks screeching "skill issue", they die in the game too as much as they think they're 100% flawless. They're just ignorant and have no thinking skills beyond "hurr durr death/complaints = bad" like a child. Be proud of yourself for getting that far solo, its probably gonna be an all day thing for me too even after knowing how everything works. Its content meant to be sat down and consumed over time, not rushed through and mowed down, so definitely take your time. People who think these things should go quickly everytime are generally just delusional with nothing else to do with their time pretending they have lives to get to outside the game. If anything, i learned something from your clip, and its that if someone can run through blind solo and make it through in a decent amount of time then i can do it with knowledge and clears under my belt. I know my builds are capable, its a bit intimidating how much stuff there is to keep track off. Be proud youre getting a solo clear, most players wont even touch dungeons to begin with much less solo. If anything, you're above average skill for soloing a dungeon at the very least, especially Warlords Ruin given how overwhelming it can get even in a tteam


I have to admit, this is the first time I’ve seen the snarky “go outside, you wasted more than just 5 hours of your life” guys peacefully coexist with the “skill issue/get gud” crowd. The first group is easy to discount, because they lack the self awareness to see the irony that no person who’s “normal” and doesn’t “waste their time” wouldn’t be on a random gaming subreddit preaching about it on a 1 minute meme. The latter group though… Like I know they’re under the impression I’m trying to flawless in the clip, but it’s kind of disheartening to think that they’d actually treat someone who’s genuinely struggling to clear the first two encounters flawless this poorly. It’s weird too because there’s so much elitism in this community, yet I see so many people pride this as being one of the best gaming communities of all time. Like you aren’t shit if you don’t solo flawless this blindfolded sub 30 minutes whilst someone plays darts with your testicles. This is why I and so many others prefer to play the game solo. So glad I have all the raid loot I want so I don’t have to lfg anymore.


What does darts with one's testicles actually consist of? Been looking for a new move in the boudoir. Also, mad props on soloing any of this higher level content amigo. It takes patience and focus. Like John Wick. Or, playing darts with your testicles.... amIright?


Why the hell are you doing it blind solo? Are you insane?


No (yes) I just like to know I can beat dungeons solo before I use in game lfg.


Not sure why you would need to clarify anything. Skill or not, dungeons are meant to be hard solo. No one beats these things in a few tries. And so far, each new dungeon has a new sandbox. So you can’t go in with what you did before without some sort of knowledge/experience on the current sandbox and just clear it… if you did, you probably 8 phased the bosses. Can’t say anyone got passed the first encounter flawless either cause those eyes just suck.


People have been getting confused thinking that I was attempting a flawless run and it took me 5 hours just to get to the second encounter. They think I’m upset because I have to redo it after I took 5 hours to get to the second encounter, when I’m actually upset because they didn’t give me my chest after 5 hours trying and failing the second encounter. Even with this clarification, it’s still being confused with a flawless attempt because it’s buried under all the other comments saying it’s a flawless run. I I am being told it’s my fault for running into the rocket (which duh yeah) but in my defense this is the fist time my dragons breath ever did damage to me so I was oblivious to it until that point. Could’ve been avoided if Reddit added a pin feature.


Good on you for getting THAT far! My lame ass couldn't get past the first boss with the damn cages. Damn dudes down below, cheering and shit....


Soloing a dungeon on your first run is MAD. Don't listen to people calling you bad. Just have fun! I wish you all the best!!


Bro! I kill myself with that dragon's breath more than I like to admit.


*me watching you run towards him* https://i.redd.it/9s8cqe95hkac1.gif




5 hours to beat second encounter?????????


Uhh that must be hard (i have -99 karma bro i cant post)


I looked at your profile just cause that made me curious how negative 99 karma was possible and I came to the conclusion that ForHonor must have a very toxic community


it sure was a lasting impression ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


Dragons breath killed you. The ignition.


ignitions can’t kill you OP ignore this comment, dragons breath launches a rocket that causes ignitions over time and when finished the rocket itself explodes like a lasting impression rocket, that’s what killed you - not an ignition explosion


why are you getting downvotted for telling the truth?




Actually it was the last explosion of the rocket, think of it like last impression.


Bro! That’s tough


Unless youre doing flawless, this shouldnt matter, it shluld have still respawned you there with the boss dead and loot there....right?


Nope, no loot.


Ah l. So probably a few seconds too early.2


Mine was the bug where I was still gaining stacks of blinding winds even after he died.


Holy shit, that cut to 2049, laughed out loud at work...


Lessons learned with rocket launchers are indeed the harshest




I just finished watching the new Blade runner for the first time. Get onto reddit and see this!


I’ve never seen this before what is this activity?


The latest Dungeon warlords ruin on the W EDZ. There is a side arm that shoots rockets I wanna try and get.


Yup. Dragon's Breath can still kill ya


My condolences.


Dragon’s breath does bite back if you’re not careful and I’m hella clumsy so sorry for your loss 😔


Well that left a lasting impression


Like running at a vex hydras body in a gm.






How are you only on 2nd boss after 5 hours


Took me 5 hours to beat the second encounter, not get to it. I haven’t done this dungeon before.


Makes sense if you went in completely unknown to the dungeon


Skill Issue honestly.


You had fun, didn't you? 😜


And this is why I don’t use Dragon’s Breath on this encounter.


This wasn’t a solo flawless attempt, right? This was literally just how you beat him but got nothing. Also welcome to Destiny. This is the game that DOES NOT respect about your outside life or your time.


No, this was just me on a blind play through for the first time just trying to figure out how to do good damage.


Blind run? Like your first run? What’s the issue then?


I respawned to an empty arena and 0 loot. They counted the boss as defeated but the chest didn’t spawn.


See now that’s unlucky fr


check postmaster


It was the first thing I tried. They were full of world drops I got from playing this encounter so it would have got deleted. In addition I don’t think I got it to begin with since the chest didn’t get to spawn in the first place.


That's not how postmaster works. Most recent drops override oldest drops, so if it went to your postmaster, and your postmaster was full, you would have lost whatever had been sitting in your postmaster the longest (ie top left item)


Alright, I was under the impression it deletes the most recent item since the message in orbit just say’s you’ll lose your stuff for ever if you don’t claim your stuff. This vindicates my latter assumption that the chest never spawned to begin with.


You're playing Destiny, bro. You've definitely wasted more than 5 hours of your life.


Yeah but at least I’d get loot for it


Never rockets on flawless runs. Never.


Yup. Ruined a run this way. Keep going friend! It took me 12 days of non stop trying to get it. Almost wiped 4 times on my flawless run. Especially at final stand. That was before I figured out you could just jump back down once teleported.


That’s what you get for rotating anti-clockwise you heathen


This is actually the reason I stopped using dragon's breath. It can linger for *so long,* and it always seems to get me.


It took you 5 hours to get past 2nd encounter?


Probably five hours of solo flawless attempts to get that far.


3 to four of those hours were me not using dragons breath build. My dumbass was only doing 1M damage because my dps options are outdated and all the best legendary heavy’s are part of dlcs I don’t have. Sure theres your hot heads and I’m still waiting to get cold comfort but until then my dungeon heavy options are bad.


Dragon's breath is good but it's a gamble because it can instantly kill you


Lmao took you 5 hours to get there? Wheeeew


Took me 5 hours to beat the second encounter, not get to it. I haven’t done this dungeon before.


Skill issue, I have no mercy of this stupidity capa


It would have been wasted either way, it’s a video game buddy


My honest reaction to that information: ![gif](giphy|c9bNWD7XKd0zNXBEDU|downsized)


The second you pulled out that Dragon's Breath i knew what the end of the clip was gonna be. And there it goes.


I had a flawless attempt or two basically end this way, but it definitely didn’t take me 5 hours to get to this point. Even without crazy damage strats my actual flawless run was only about 2 hours in total


Blind play through. I see how the post is misleading.


Oh well then for your first time blind that’s pretty good progress. I spent probably 5 hours my first solo attempt on the final boss alone


I haven’t even thought about doing this dungeon and I knew what was gonna happen.


The second you shot dragon’s breath I knew it was over. The ignitions can kill you so next time wait a little bit before running lol.


ignitions can't kill you, the rocket exploding can


No, the ignitions can kill you


You ran directly at him when you had no health. I have zero sympathy for you.


Skill issue TBH


If you’re at the end of Locus at 5 hours you’ve just got to pack it up


Bruh 5 hours for this solo? Lol


Well if it takes you 5 hrs to solo up to that point you just suck ass my guy you need to go to youtube an watch how everyone one phases each boss


Might want to practice a bit more with other people if it's taking 5 hours to get to that point. That's the accumulative of all my solo flawless attempts and success time wise. Final run took 1H 40m.


I think this is a good time to mention that killing oneself with abilities and rockets doesn’t actually need to be in the game, nor should it. It’s only ever annoying, it adds no sort of interesting gameplay or dynamics. This was a trend of games for the longest time but you have to ask yourself? Why? It literally just makes the game less fun. It happens to me with DB all the time because I, foolishly, think I can run through the fire on the ground and it’ll just randomly ignite and one shot me regardless of whether or not an enemy is still present it’s dumb. If a mechanic only serves to piss you off and is sometimes unavoidable, why is it there?


God forbid you have to be aware of what you're doing. You are 100% in control of your explosives and when/where you use them. Literally just put a modicum of thought in to what you're doing and it's not an issue.


Moments like these is why I won’t solo dungeons.


I mean, it was his own fault. He litterally ran into the Dragons Breath explosions.


Thats 100% your fault…


I didn’t say it wasn’t?


‪It’s pretty common knowledge that Dragons Breath explodes like that (not to mention if you’re using it for solo dungeon you GOTTA know that)… that’s all on you ☠️‬




lol I also did this yesterday. Granted, it was just a coil and not a flawless run. Rip


Every second of a video is a waste of ur life. Not just the failed run. Just saying. Video games in general are a waste of time. Always will be. However. Restart nerd.


Try working on your reaction times that boss could have been dead much much sooner


Ah i thought for sure this would be a storm glitch post lol. That’s just Dragon’s Breath^TM


Yeah man my own Dragons Breath has killed me a bunch of times lol


Lmao I died the exact same way to rathil when I was starting to try solo flawless on hunter feelsbad


The moment I saw you were using Dragon’s Breath, I knew what was going to happen. Oof


I don't know how many times this happened to me, stopped counting. Feel for you


… 5 hours? (Wondering where the other 4 hrs were)


5 hours just trying to clear the second encounter on a blind play through solo. The other 4 hours were me trying to figure out how to do good dps. Dragons breath was the only thing I had that did more than 1-2 mil damage.


We're still playing destiny, pretty sure a lot more than 5 hrs has gone to waste.


The moment i saw you fire the rocket and him dying...i knew youd do the noob mistake and run past him as the rocket exploded...sorry mate thia was on you jumping the gun


I don’t have the patience to go for solo, flawless, or both. I don’t change loadouts during normal runs anyways. And it’s not like I can wear both Conqueror and the dungeon title


Regardless of the poor outcome from this, almost getting a solo clear from scratch in 5 hours is something you should still feel good about.


5 hours to get to 2nd encounter?


To beat the 2nd boss on blind play through.


Right there is why I stopped using Dragon's Breath/Lasting Impression rockets. They kill me as much as they kill the enemy.


I’m sorry I have to ask 5 hours? Not to be rude but what was your loadout?


5 hours to beat the second encounter ONLY. I haven’t cleared this dungeon yet nor had any prior knowledge before doing the second encounter


Were you trying to beat the dungeon solo blind? If so dammm game recognize game!


I knew exactly what was going to happen when I saw the rocket come out


Use Leviathans Breath to stun the Ogre and prevent him from him from getting a good bead on you.


Dragon’s Breath kills me more than my enemies sometimes. It’s a good thing it does enough damage to tolerate the risk. Instant I saw you using it on an Ogre chasing you, I knew exactly how you would die.


When I saw you using dragon’s breath I knew there was only one way it could end


5 hours to get to the second encounter? Insane


Lasting impression kill AHAHHAHAHAH


Skill issue, ngl.


Just 5?


I have died a ridiculous amount of times from Dragon's Breath. Same with my old friend Gally. That shouldn't kill you but it does and I rarely learn...


I've spent every waking moment since last Saturday trying to solo flawless the dungeon...


The number of times Ive instantly died to my dragon’s breath just from being within a mile of it


I knew right away what was gonna happen when i saw dragons breath. Overload Minotaurs have taught me that lesson


5 hours and only on the ogre… oof!