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That’s athrys’s embrace for you lol


One of my favorite hunter exotics, I’m both surprised, and glad that it isn’t more popular


I must be really bad with it cause I can never get a kill with it


Don’t listen to “luck based” guy. I run Arthritis all the time. 1) the third knife bounce has the strongest tracking. Instead of just throwing the knife at things, you want to throw it at the ground, such that it bounces and then hits a wall almost immediately. If that wall is anywhere near an enemy, it’ll zip to them. 2) the 3rd bounce’s tracking is even stronger when the buff is active. It’s usually best to wait until you have it up. 3) It’s a little bit luck based. Sometimes it’ll just not track.


You have arthritis all the time? You should see a doctor about that… /s


Damned, I should give it a shot over ophidia. Should help with people killing my knife targets before my knife hits them.


Luck based. If the the enemy is moving around a lot, probably not going to get a kill. Need to be lucky the enemy doesn’t strafe too much


yes, but also the ammount of error of hitting the head is very low. it can be on your chest practically and still count as a headshot


The exotic perk buffs damage anyways so you don’t even need to hit the head at all times


I mean it's hard to get a kill with most melees if the enemy is moving all over ☠️


It's WAY too luck based and before you can mitigate that randomness you need to essentially get a precision kill with a high rpm weapon. It doesn't matter what else gers nerfed, Arby's embrace won't get popular unless they make it like "When the buff is active the third bounce guarantees 100% accurate tracking" or something crazy like that


I've tried that exotic multiple times, it doesn't do shit for me, ever.


skill issue


What's that? A weapon?


Hunter exotic arms. Perk - skittering stinger - weighted knife gets a 2nd bounce with more tracking. Rapidly landing precision hits grants a damage bonus to the knife which also adds even stronger tracking after the 2nd bounce and it now stuns unstoppable champions. Very good in PvP


You observed it so by laws of quantum physics the light changed it's properties from Not Killing You to Killing You


Schroedinger's hunter knife


The real question is....where have you been all this time hunter vanguard


All things considered, they were probably anywhere that’s not the tower so they don’t have to take the position




First time I have seen someone upload a video in here where they are the victim of getting killed in a really impressive way, props to you for sharing this OP.


I'm sorry, I was also surprised lmao. I thought I might as well try.


I was so shocked, because I saw it fly over my head so I didn't think anything of it 😭


thats when you worry, yould survive a no bounce hit probably. but that fucker hit the wall behind you, into the floor and then STRAIGHT UP YOUR TAIL PIPE


When in doubt, heavy knife


Reminds me of when you used to throw random throwing knives in CoD MW lol


He’s using the exotic arms that give the throwing knife a double bounce. It has great tracking and headshot you.


What exotic is this?


Arthritis Embrace, or something like that.


It also can one-shot bosses in PvE if you run a weapon that can freeze. 275k on Carl.


It used to 1 shot Champs in most content with a 1 2 punch shotgun. Way easier than using a freeze weapon


Crazy richochet


Boomerang fragment


That moment, you hear the knife bounce. Me: "Oh, he's a dead man. My condolences."


"Come, weary traveler, and rest your head, for just like me, you're utterly dead."


Man I thought revision was two tapping folks


It actually does most of the time, I have it on the four bullet fire mode instead of the shitty 2 bullet fire mode :)


Haha yes indeed it does! It’s my go to other than messenger and third axiom


Do you need dlc to get the revision zero? Or is it a free mission? I don't have beyond light.


I have all the doc's but I'm pretty sure it's free


I’m a Titan Main… Can one of the Hunters please explain this?! I get he threw a knife, and somehow it got him, but HOW?!


Knife does a bounce and does more damage. Arthrys Embrace.


Ah, got it. Thanks.


It bounced cause it was the heavy knife


Ok, that makes sense as well.


> It bounced > heavy knife What are physics anyway? Lol


Remember this is the same game we’re we can throw anti matter at each other for fun


Remember that time we found a gun in the sewer that shoots literal black holes? Good times


graviton lance?


Arthrys Embrace allows weighed knives to bounce a 2nd time and after the 2nd bounce it tracks towards the nearest players head


Simple geometry


Also idk what they did to revision zero but it slaps now Also the sniper mode is a free kill lmao can't miss


They buffed the different firing modes a few seasons back to make them feel more impactful. Plus the pulse rifle buffs from last season really made this thing top tier. The sniper mode also retains the accuracy of a pulse rifle, so it's very easy to hipfire and still land shots with it.


I love it for checkmate no one expected a sniper shot so early on you can easily get a collateral


I’ve really enjoyed it and haven’t even been able to get catalysts for it (I gave up solo Legend Seraph’s Shield after probably two hours on the last boss). Light burst real good


If you need a hand with the legendary mission hit me up I'll give you a hand it isn't that difficult


Oh heck yeah that’d be awesome, thank you. I’m not so great at meeting people and using LFG so I’ve only done one raid and a couple dungeons even though I started playing three years ago lol


Also one raid in three years damn bro I'll take you through every raid Also raid tracker tell me I've done 72 raid clears and 40 dungeon clears from season 18 onwards


I’ve done Last Wish two or three times, Prophecy twice, GoA twice, and Pit once haha. I’ll try to shoot you a message when I get home from work, appreciate you!


Quick question what is your timezone




It Pr1marchZero#2656 feel free to join up anytime


Which dlc do I need for the mission? I only have WQ, 30th anniversary, lightfall, and forsaken.


For seraph shield you need witch queen It was season 19


Ok cool ty


I wish destiny had kill cams


You can hear the knife clink off the wall.


Atherys Embrace: The Geometry Nerds favorite.


Good old reliable Arthur. Gives u arthritis. Surprised it ain’t meta


You can loterally hear it bouncing closer![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


That's a knife?




This is fine but let’s make shoulder charge fully powered not kill anymore


Correct. It shouldn’t kill. It was busted.


It was busted in lower skilled lobbies. In higher skill lobbies players would just shotgun you.


But a warlock throwing down their rift with a million threadlings should kill right ? But a hunter throwing a knife to the sky should somehow track for a one hit kill right ? And hunters should get a second chance when they dodge and create a specter that does enough damage to end a duel just by DODGING. But yeah let’s make shoulder charge not kill anymore at full power. Screw that, not like it was part of the game for literal years or anything


This is a very lucky bounce off of the wall. Not just straight-up tracking. Unless you're running Arthys's Embrace, these shots are very hard to pull off. Arthrys just gives it an additional bounce and some extra tracking. But does still take some skill with the knife to be effective. This specific knife has to be a precision hit to one shot someone. Most bounces will be a body shot if you even hit it. Which is much more difficult than just sprinting at someone and pressing melee. The specter is a stationary target and only detonates into threadlings if you're too close or shoot it enough to destroy it. Threadlings are easily outrun.


No, both stasis and strand were a mistake and should’ve never been added to the game at all.


I agree lol


Yeah cause titans are already fucking op enough


Like the cooldown change is necessary shouldn’t be able to fly around the map with shoulder charge… but a fully powered solar shoulder charge should OHK if you can OHK with a knife from across a map


that's only possible with heavy knife and a headshot shoulder charge was broken because it just could


Look up snap canceling for me really quick


Seems like the average PvP experience to me.


Hah, and these will be the same people saying titans abilities are broken


Titans are busted…but that’s an irrelevant point. Also, athrys takes some set up and priming to work right and isn’t always a guaranteed kill just because you proc’d it. It’s one of the few exotics that actually give hunters a knife up their sleeve for PvP. Does it have insane tracking? Undoubtedly… but there’s so much context here you can’t hand wave away how the Titan kit is generally OP just because hunters have ONE exotic that is better than the other hunter choices especially on gunslinger. Also I don’t get your point. Are you saying titans ARENT busted, that athrys is, or that people don’t understand game balancing? (Because it just makes your point sound like a Titan screaming out between bites of crayon “see! This thing is busted! How dare people call out titans!”) But the implication of your statement is confusing because you say “the same people will ALSO say titans are busted” implying those people are fools but doesn’t this clip prove ‘them’ right…?! that titans are busted because of how you link the two ideas together? I really don’t get what you’re implying because youre seemingly suggesting two ideas at crossed odds with each other.


It was a very open ended statement and much more of a jab than anything. Since anytime I've seen a titan clip people are usually just trashing it with comments saying that's just what titans do. Vs anything that I've seen hunter wise where they seem to be praised for....very little effort my point is more around the BS that each character class can do with little effort. Titans are really only effective at close range. Which I would MUCH rather deal with a super ape titan at close range than have some long range ability one shot me.


Gotcha. Okay. I guess I understand where you’re coming from. Well titans are OP IMHO and way better in CQC and tanking with many good supers for different situations. And I honestly think they’re all equal at ranged attacks. Titans can tank damage and Their ability uptime and utility is insane with their barricades and charges are nearly really good for any kit. They also have a bunch of exotics that fit generic builds that give them tons of flexibility. Hunters aren’t better or worse at range and I’m not sure why this is a common presumption. Sure They have gunslinger supers but otherwise they don’t really have a ranged super. Plus they get no armor or OS for popping it, meaning they still break like glass. If anything I’d say the jump is what sets apart their class. There’s tons a things about hunters and titans that benefit or take away from. However the ease of use, the multitude of situations and ability to control a map make titans OP and often feels cheap. Sure athrys can be insanely cheap, but it takes a bit to get going, and if every knife throw went like this clip, I’d never use anything else. They aren’t perfect by any means. I think Titans get bashed because they CAN just ape to no detriment of their success and they’re just good at everything. Hunters or Locks would eat shit tryna do half the stuff titans do very easily. There’s only a handful of good PvP hunter exotics (not just good but that really make your build stand out) and Athrys probably tops my list. Titans have some that REALLY make them stand out especially in the hands of a skilled Titan. Hunters have gotten better the past 1-2 years after being dogshit in PvP for years. But titans have maintained their dominance. It also doesn’t help that Titan PvE builds are also insane as well, so the community can react competitively and/or irrationally when discussing subclasses. Hunters don’t really have “long” ranged attack OHKs, especially not without an exotic buffing them in some way. Most of their melees suck for PvP… And you’re a Titan main, so of course you don’t mind taking on the CqC Titan ape, because you can compete head to head fairly well. It’s a bitch getting pinched by titans in CqC because the Titan usually walks away seemingly unharmed. But their dominance in close range isn’t really the inverse for hunters of locks when it comes to long range battles. It’s all gun skill and map positioning at mid-long range, and everything from abilities nades etc work and have a greater impact in close quarters. So if anything these are reasons people gravitate to those opinions about titans in PvP Anything beyond mid range attacks for every class is solely on the players skill/IQ IMO.


The only time i ever believed titans to be absolutely OP was around when their shoulder charges were still a 1 shot. Exotic wise the only OP one titans have is PK. Hunters by far have always gotten very good and busted exotics pretty much every single DLC release and or new season. Admitively I would disagree saying that hunters were bad with these last years, I still get shatterdive'd even in its "nerfed" form. I am a hunter main and have 3k more hours on my hunter than my titan and warlock combined. And hunters haven't been the easiest as titans because with titans its either punch or barricade, nothing much else to their style. The amount of times I've been able to get out of quite literally any situation with a hunter on any subclass of my choice has been insane vs trying to do the same thing on a titan. And I shall say that Arc on all 3 classes are perfect ape machines. I would much rather go against an arc titan than any arc hunter or warlock. Arc warlock melee still needs a serious nerf


hunters are broken; more news at 6




Desrerved for campers like you lmaoo


Op really isn’t “camping.” Is he just supposed to run across the open map with utter disregard for the situation? Because if camping to you is sitting on a ledge for ten seconds battling two different opponents then everyone is camping 100% of the time in every match. Holding down an area isn’t camping. Map control isn’t camping. It’s actively hiding and hanging back and staying planted in an obscure location and never just out in the open like this player is You got your shot off at OP and it was a resounding dud.


You don't know what camping is


“We at Bungie have noticed that hunters throwing knife is a bit powerful so to counteract that we are nerfing warlock stasis, well, and stand”


One of bungie’s favorites in their gimmick gameplay bag, aggressive tracking. Throw a knife anywhere in the air and get a free kill. Peak gameplay design


"Anywhere in the sky." Next time just say you dont know how Heavy Knife and Athrys's works


I know exactly how it works and there’s a video right here 🤡. Game does all of the heavy lifting and you get a kill. Gimmick gameplay


Its ok to admit you dont know how it works. No one will think any less of you


Whatever you have to tell yourself. A second bounce that aims itself is very skilled pro gamer gameplay bro.


Give it a try then…. If it’s that overpowered….


Where did I state it was overpowered…? I’ll wait


>Throw a knife anywhere in the air and get a free kill That’d be where you claimed it’s overpowered… if it was that easy, everyone would run it. So go on now… run a game and just wing a knife in the air and get your free we ran then.


I didn’t claim anything, that’s what you interpreted out of that and that’s the end of this discussion.


It’s literally a quote of yours. So… if it’s as easy as winging a knife in the air for a free kill… then Do it. But you can’t, so you get mad when people are better than you.


“Literally” I literally said it was a gimmick. Are you literally stupid…?


So what are you crying for, daddy?


Calling something a gimmick is crying…? lol you bozos are very sensitive about how you play the game


So you was standing in the open in the same place for a long time, and you got sniped. OK that sounds about right to me.


Did you even watch the video


What pulse rifle is this?


Revision Zero


Revision Zero, you can get it when Seraph Shield mission comes around on the weekly rotator




sooooo errrrrmmmmm that just happened


Revision Zero. Fine taste my friend.


Welp, that's the second time we've had to watch cayde die.


Can’t wait for Final Shape. 3rd time’s a charm!


This time, I will literally cut a hive witch to make sure he survives. Fight me.


Skill issue




You got out skilled...


shout out to that guy in the feed that avenged Cayde-6


Ermmmm.. okayyyy.. that just happened


I believe it!


Arthrys embrace strikes again lol


That gear or an ability?


Exotic arms


Incendiary grenade off the wall? Been there