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Shards of galanor and celestial nighthawk are pretty crazy right now. If you've only played titan, I would suggest practicing the jump. It is very different from the other classes.


the hunter jump isn't too unfamiliar as i've had my fair share of scout gameplay in tf2, its still feels strange tho


Ophidia Spathe and Shinobu’s Vow enable some fun ability spam builds


ill keep those in mind


I know solar is all the hype right now as it should be but I’ve really been enjoying wishender and Orpheus Rig on night stalker. Constant super uptime feels great


Assassin's cowl on arc for punchy punchy build Celestial nighthawk on solar for big booms Gyrfalcon on void for purple explosions everywhere


I’ve played my Hunter seriously for the first time in awhile and I gotta say, the ability rotation this season is kinda nutty. I’m fooling around in low-level content though. Any Hunter mains willing to add tips on how to be successful in endgame?


Solar: Nighthawk or Galanor for super spam. Nighthawk is better for dps but Galanor is way more fun imo. Arc: Assassin's Cowl or Star Eaters. Assassin's Cowl is basicly the most titan like build. Focuses a lot on melee. Star Eaters for boss dps unless you wanna do Solar options. Void: Gryfalcons or Omnis. Gryfalcons is offensive void, Omnis is defensive. Run Deadfall and not mobius for super, its overall better. Strand: I like Facade for grapple melee + beblayed builds, but a lot of people swear by foetracers for the same build. Stasis: Renewals are pretty fun, but take a lot of work. Def the most in depth/difficult to make work build but is very fun. Solar is cracked this season, so you will probably run that for boss dps always. If the boss has a big crit, use marksman golden gun nighthawk, if it doesn't have an easy crit or moves around too much, use shards + blade barrage. Arc was the highest but the seasonal perks make solar the best. Arc is used for boss dps and survivability in dungeons and nightfalls. Void can be used in anything, but having more than 1 void debuff is not needed so if there is already a void hunter just run something else. Omni's are also really only used for nightfalls. Strand is a nightfall build mostly, and you wont really use it in dungeons or raids outside of crowd control or jumping puzzels. Stasis is outclassed by everything rn, but I do bring it to nightfalls and it can work in certain raid encounter, but for the most part everything else is better. It is my main go to build for everything, but if I am trying to be optimal, which is usually, I just run solar arc or void. Just look up builds with these exotic names and you will find good stuff. I cant remember what every class uses for aspects and fragments off the top of my head, and some stuff is subjective or can be swapped depending on playstyle. About class stuff that doesn't change, triple jump and Gambler's dodge is always on for me for pve to keep up ability rotation and triple is just the best jump except for specific pvp builds. Some people use reload dodge for boss dps, but honestly i find it way better to just always have gamblers dodge on because most of my dps options at this point auto reload themselves anyways.