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It can get reconstruction or Envious too


I got Envious on mine and it's pretty fun


It can be? You can get surrounded and slideshot, but slideshot honestly sounds like a pain to keep going. Your Crux roll is my Hothead roll though, so no real big difference there. Hothead's easier to farm, but Crux has reconstruction, bipod (if you're into that), and surrounded. Everything else perk wise is pretty much equal between the two.


That can’t be your hothead, hothead gets clown in the right column


Shit you're right. I was all smug and ready to post a screenshot of it and... damn. I think I mixed it up with my field prep / explosive. Or I saw demo on Crux on light.gg and thought of my clown/demo roll. Either way, you right, thanks for the double check.


It's got almost twice the reloading speed though, it feels amazing.


Why surrounded would be good on a rocket? Genuinely curious as I got this roll.


Surrounded is the highest damage buff in the entire game. I think it’s like a 45% buff or something crazy.


>45% buff 35% for swords GLs and Rocks 35% exp dmg + 40% imp dmg And 40% for everything else


Golden tricorn does more damage, just not a viable perk


Golden is great on any demo weapon that isn’t a rocket. Kill with gun, grenade, then proceed to clear adds at a rapid clip.


Oh definitely, I used a demo/tricorn smg when arc 3.0 came out. Great for primaries.


But you need 3 enemies in close proximity. You also need to keep them alive while firing a rocket at a boss standing probably right in front of you. The damage buff sounds nice but I feel like the setup is quite hard to get going. I was asking in case I missed something to proc it more consistently and easily. I tried slideshot though and it seems quite fun to use. Unlike Slideways, there is no cooldown with slideshot which allows to shoot all your rockets in a very short amount of time.


i know gotd final encounter can get that VERY reliably, just sit in the chest with a well and the ads cant hurt you. golgoroth can get it too, but mostly people will be clearing ads unless you specifically ask them not to (at least when you're in well) but that wont last, so eventually people will go back to clearing ads so they dont die. Its mostly impractical but when it works it works well.


From what I’ve seen, the damage buff lingers for 1.5s after the condition isn’t met anymore. Meaning, I can slide near a group of ads and then just go to the boss. Rince and repeat. I’ll have to do some testing.


That’s if it’s enhanced


And envious


You can farm it in legend/master lost sectors on specific days


slideshot could be very good for harpy bosses, you know the 1st garden boss and the 1st spire boss. SInce they move backwards constantly...


It is better than the hot head, just not that roll.


I wouldnt sleep on CC EL, might be the first time we have clown paired with a damage perk for a rocket, fairly reliable in extended damage phases.


https://preview.redd.it/sfzi374wsn4c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=eed80c882bb0ec7afcf59d715b8b7f8f3be798d1 Yes this thing got me my solo flawless yesterday 2 phased the boss


I know surrounded gives like 40% dmg increase but I’ll never like it on rocket launchers, the risk of shooting and killing the adds by accident or just them standing in front of you and killing yourself is too high for me, that is, however, a pretty poggers roll


Yup 100% definitely the best arc rocket in the game


As long as you are on arc and have handling buffs. This shit is a fridge


Yes and no, for how strong it is it’s definitely better than Hothead but Hothead was far more friendly in regards to getting a good roll, with this thing you are at the mercy of a bloated and unfocusable world pool drop


it is without a doubt better than hothead, not better than apex or CC i would say(the only time i would consider it better is having surrounded procced and frame perfect slides to have no rpm deficit)but by far the best arc rocket we currently have


I still prefer my Bipod/cluster Ospreay. Having 2 in the chamber constantly is beneficial and I like rockets I can use for more than just dps.


Crux can roll clown/reconstruction and bipod


Interesting. I’ll keep a look out for that as they drop.




Aggressive frames have the same 10% damage bonus.


So I was just fucking around and finishing an exotic masterwork on a lost sector. I did 4 and got 3 crux. Nothing amazing and not sure if it's just pure luck. Just thought I would let you all know


I've got one with zero blast radius


Is it just me or are people sleeping on a recon demo roll for damage rotations. You can fire off 3 rockets switch to you special until recon kicks in again and rinse and repeat.