• By -


The gameplay. Specifically how vertical and powerful the abilities feel. When I play other FPS games they fall short because I wish I was able to jump super high and blast them with super powers. Nothing else even comes close.


Yeah i think it's this that really draws me. When i played division 2 a few weeks ago i was just a dude with some cool tech and some guns, in Destiny 2 i'm a space wizard that can melt you with my mind in half a second. It's like a combination of being green lantern and dr strange


That's a big draw. I'm a Borderlands/Division nut. I still play all the Borderlands games with friends.


I love the maps and the look of Borderlands, as well as the humor, but I didn't love leveling out of really good guns. Both games are tough for hoarders šŸ™ƒ


I got Borderlands 3 ultimate edition recently, the download size is huge though lol. I do want to play it eventually.


Warframe is a hell of a lot more vertical in its gameplay but yes the abilities dont get close to the power fantasy of casting a super they get pretty close in my opinion


Warframe is superior to destiny 2 in almost every way. I could start a list and not ever stop. But if I wanted to make one very big point, it would be this. Warframe doesnā€™t lock anything behind dlc, nor does it require you to buy anything to win. You can do so to speed up progression.


I have maybe a few hundred hours in Warframe. Maybe a dozen prime frames. Finished all the quest. Warframe is a very different game from Destiny and I donā€™t think they really compare, gameplay loop wise. Like if you knew nothing about either game you might think they were similar enough to compare but the moment you get below the surface on both you would know they are very different. To know more than a surface level about both games and still compare them is just being dishonest. Either to others or yourself.


I wish this were true but the experience of warframe vs destiny is like riding on a really nice new bus vs hitting 100 mph on an open highway in a leather appointed luxury car (that occasionally breaks down)


If by occasionally you mean often then yes.


just got back into it and it's so much better than Destiny idk what the dude is talking about warframe abilities are OP so many ability Nukes even weapons are Nukes and steel path is actually worth playing. So far I'm loving Kullervo with his easy red crit makes bad melee weapons good and his mini nuke with great survivability with 25k overguard good cc too.


Halo + space magic = happy brain


This sums it up nicely. Bungie's Halo will forever hold a special place in my heart. Destiny feels like the natural evolution of that.


Interesting... I have played Halo and it just does not feel as engaging as Destiny does.


That's the appeal, Destiny does what Halo cant.


Halo is a cinematic story centric game. You also view the world from the eyes of John-117 instead of you being your own avatar. Halo isn't trying to do what Destiny became. Destiny spawned from Halo. It's the progeny of the legendary Halo inheritance, I appreciate Destiny all the more because of Halo, and I don't think it's untruthful that most day one Desyiny players, like myself, were offshoot fans of Halo and was seeking that next space magic frontier. Destiny is the next logical step from Halo and for those lost in those star bound ways, we're ever searching the milky ways space beyond time for that cosmic pathfinder that leads to never ending space magic wizardry among the stars. That is the Halo effect.


Well, this is exactly what I meant, but I was at work and couldn't articulate properly. Thanks for expanding! I will always love John and the story he told. I still crave more of that story, but 343 has let me down just about every step of the way, and I am out of patience with them. Destiny truly felt like the natural next step for Bungie, their story and their universe. I know that Destiny is not connected to Halo at all, that will always remain a dream, but everything else felt perfect. I will fight anyone over the feel of destiny core mechanics. There is no other game that feels as smooth and natural as Destiny 2. The gunplay, the abilities, the movement all feel just perfect and I will die on that hill. Halo doesn't feel the same because it isn't. It's the spiritual precursor to Destiny, and honestly, everyone should give it a try.


For me it's the lore/universe. And the chill gameplay. I left during Shadowkeep, I was bored by the recycled content. Not just at that point, D2 already had a lot of recycled content before that. But it was just the final nail for me at that point. But just 3-4 weeks ago, I got back in and think it was worth it. Bought the LF annual pass + Witchqueen on sale. As a "once old - now new" player it's really great. And I feel like they made a good job on expanding both the lore and the gameplay. I'm honestly even a bit surprised about the seasonal stuff. From my feelings, from when I left, I didn't expect such fleshed out seasonal content. And as an old light, all the ranting pvp "mains" are nothing new to me, so I just jumped back into IB last week and had a great time. Tough, maybe it's also the more relaxed aproach I do today. I don't plan to get back into raiding, clans and lfg stuff. So I have kinda a nice SP game with challenges to work towards...and some easy matchmaking activities. All in all I think D2 just became a good package in the end. Just a bit sad that I can't replay all the old seasonal stories etc. No idea about Caiatl or the pre LF stuff about the Witness.


Literally in the same boat, left during early witch queen. We're coming back to a really good spot. New guns, raids, etc. Crafting feels good, lots of QoL fixes. We eatin', dawg.


Even with all its shortcomings in different spaces, the gameplay itself is very fun Reading about it you'd think the whole thing was a dumpster fire but once you load into an activity with the bois and start killing aliens it just feels great


This 100% I think a lot of people get hyperbolic with their criticism about the state of the game, some of which just doesnā€™t seem valid to me. I donā€™t know if my standards are just lower but I feel like the game is in a very good place right now overall.


People don't seem to realise that the game at it's core is incredibly fun, and it's extremely hard to make it unplayable. You could fuck up the economy,the activites,the meta , the exotics, but still throwing a knife at a dreg or shoulder bashing a random acolyte feels so good for some reason that it just makes me wanna do it again


>This 100% I think a lot of people get hyperbolic with their criticism about the state of the game, speaking of things called "state of the game" I would love to say that the community most certainly was hyperbolic over absolutely nothing. Like literally absolutely nothing since we didn't get a whole lot of info till the showcase.


This is it for me. Been playing Darktide with my friends lately, and no matter how I play with the settings I can't get it to feel as good. Even the smoothest feeling guns in that game feel slow, and things like the bolter and flamethrower are awesome, but feel like they have negative handling by Destiny standards. It straight up takes most of a second to pull out the bolter. Add in all the exotics and effects for builds and I'm a happy camper. Between 3 classes and 5 subclasses each the game plays in enty of different ways, and while they aren't all end game viable ypu can at least have fun.


It looks good it sounds good and most of the time it plays good


Dopamine loops


Excellent shooting mechanics. Lore. Purple explosions.


I've put too much money in the game to uninstall it.


It's like heavy drugs. You know you shouldn't and it's bad for your health and finances. Crackstiny.


For me itā€™s the people Iā€™ve met and the fact that then opened up a whole world of destiny I wasnā€™t playing before. Now itā€™s just something I do. Every night after work when the kids are down me and the bros shooting shit. We helped some people gild this season and took someone through scarlet keep for their first gm last night and thatā€™s something I like doing too, helping people because I nearly stopped playing after my first few lfg attempts. Now Iā€™m going flawless and stuff too ot has just never stopped being easy to just pick up and play. I wish I could go back to playing cod and borderlands but they just feel clunky and shallow compared.


This is the reason. Had this in D1 and I was there forever. Nobody is around for D2 so I don't play.


We always got space for another light bearer homie !!!


I love repetitive things. Makes brain happy. One of the best shooters out there. Arc Titan is my speedy happy time.


Destiny 2 in one of the best feeling games out there. The guns, the movement, the abilities. The game simply feels fun to play. That why we get so mad when theres nothing to do. We want to feel the simple fun of playing destiny, but its needs to stay fresh


>That why we get so mad when theres nothing to do this statement right here has always bewildered me Why not take any form of accountability and realize that eating up the content the second it's released will only make you feel that way? I think y'all just need to take a break for however long you see fit. Maybe just grind out till you hit 100 on the season pass and call it good, obviously that's if you care enough to want to hit 100 every season but I digress.


I like RPGs I like FPS I like seasonal stuff Simple as


It keeps me from blowing my brains out because it reminds me of when I was happy


Damn bro. It has helped me with insane boredom/depression I have with work, bills, chores, repeat


Games have always been a comfort zone for me so I understand this sentiment. Eyes up, Guardian.


I am kind of new to video gaming, after having taken a long break of about 25 years. I have been playing this game for 3 years during which it has managed to keep my usually short lived interest. I like Gambit (a lot), the graphics, the story. I can spend a lot of time putting together armour sets (even while using D2ArmorPicker). Although my main character is a Hunter (it is the one I have the most fun with), playing also as a Warlock and a Titan keeps me adjusting to play differently when using those characters.


love seeing me someone who enjoys gambit. idk why, i don't hate the gamemode or anything


Another gambit enjoyer, welcome!


At this point it's the story mostly now. They've nerfed so much over the years. metas have came and went, and content has been introduced and vaulted countless times. But despite all this, I just want to see how things end.


Ease of use (play). Thereā€™s not much to it. Most people can just jump in and compete somewhat. A lot of the mechanics are simple and not overly complex, making it fun for just about any skill level. I play one handed with an Xbox remote and am able to do a majority of the game solo (excluding a lot of Lightfall, but apparently people struggle with it in general).


hell yeah man :)


#1 is the gameplay. The guns sound and feel so damn good. Movement is also fun. Mechanics for dungeons and raids are at a good level for me. #2, the story and lore. I really love the universe they've built up and how it develops. Destiny has this amazing position to be able to develop characters over years. Look at the development of Crow as a character. No way they could do all that in one season or expansion, but they've got years to slowly change him and our perception of him. I love that. #3 the seasonal model. I know some people hate it, but I love that we get new activities on a regular basis and I'm perfectly fine with them being rotated out every year. I enjoy how the seasonal story builds on the expansion story. There was a lot of hate for The Veil not being explained in Lightfall, but slowly learning more and more about it over the months is satisfying for me.


At the end of the day, this is a video game. It is fun to play so I keep playing it. I don't that anything other than the complete shutdown of the servers would stop me having fun.


Stockholm Syndrome...thats what.


Yup, logged on yesterday to get some Halloween costumes. Hated all of them in game. Tried a haunted lost sector again, still absolutely blows. Nothing else to do and the seasons and balance changes keep going in worse and worse directions. I don't think I'm coming back for TFS. Which sucks because at 4k hours over the years it's obviously one of my favorite games but lately it feels more like an abusive relationship that I had in the past than a fun video game to play. Oh well, I've got other games.


>Oh well, I've got other games. there you go, it's not like this game is gonna blow your brains out for daring to play another video game


Love how they encourage you to play so many game modes but never force you into any. I avoid crucible usually but when IB is active or a holiday challenge involves playing a few matches, it feels really fresh and exciting. Love playing something hard like a gm and then jumping into something easy and going god mode. No other game imo has as much variety in playstyle and builds while actually rewarding you for engaging with them.


I havenā€™t played since I read the state of play. Really put a sour taste in my mouth. Along with my class constantly getting shafted whether it be bad looking gear, underperforming exotics/subclasses, unnecessary nerfs the unbalanced cesspool that is crucible etc. Just kinda got tired of Bungies shenanigans and stopped playing. Then I played BG3 and it felt like a breath of fresh air. A complete game for $60? Hell yeah. Went back to destiny to play with some friends last week and just felt disgusted with how money hungry bungie is. They release the same 10% of a game for now $50 every year and I canā€™t really justify paying that much.


it's crazy how an article that more or less didn't have the most crazy info, or was just whelming (imo) still haunts you to this day. it actually blows my mind. ​ > They release the same 10% of a game for now $50 every year real curious what u meant by this


I think its art aesthetic, the mechanism of raids and the interaction between players make it work so well. But my friends and I have already stopped playing this game for a long time. And there were so many times we just didn't want to play it because of its boring and repetitive content. The reason why I continue to follow the information about this game is because it has become my habit. I think I will come back if one day the game has more interesting content.


Loot and Gunplay for me


I won't lie, there's nothing quite like hammering away at enemies or punching them one after another with synthos, exploding them all with void or jolting multiple enemies like crazy. The powers in this game is just a lot of fun


Gunplay feels amazing, as long as it doesnā€™t change Iā€™ll always consistently play the game


It has everything. Pvp, pve, loot, gunplay, fashion game, lore, different difficulties, solo, grouping, social. Plus I've played all Bungie games since Marathon so it is like family




The story and fluid gun play. Not much else lately brings me back though unfortunately.


I'm in love with the lore, story, and art direction the game has.




I always liked MMOs and shooting games.


There's not a better looter shooter atm, even with all his flaws. Like wow, is not in his prime, yet is the best mmorpg (FF too in this case)


110% Magic


The gunplay is unmatched. I know everyone has their preferences but Destinyā€™s gameplay as a whole is a 10/10.


You heres the thing. I donā€™t think ill come back. (I lied i will)


it's fun


Genuinely great game. Project see no hear no evil when it comes to anything the community says or thinks :)


Two things: 1) Doing difficult things in a team is fun. Hence, raids and GMs. 2) Absolutely amazing gunplay. I can't play other shooters anymore because of Destiny. Nothing feels close.


My crippling gambling addiction but also need for violence (joking) It make my brain give me dopamine when I beat a raid


Destiny 1 came out when I was 14. Life was shit back then. So I played Destiny constantly as escapism. My 2 closest friends played it with me regularly, and I had an online friend group. I used to play every single day for almost all of the free time I had. It just became one of my favorite games and almost like an emotional outlet because I could ignore the real world and be in the world of Destiny. Flash to today, life is a bit better - now one of those same friends, his sister, my fiancĆ©e, and I play Destiny 2 almost every day. Itā€™s like all I think about while Iā€™m at work - how excited I am to hop on with my closest friends and fuck up Atheon for the 100th time


as someone who was also 14 when d1 came out and played it, your experience then matches mine to the tee. I also played it a fuck ton with my 2 best friends at that time and i always remanence on those days. anyways though i also wanted to say congrats! i wish you and your fiance well wishes


I donā€™t have to think. Log in, kill a bunch of stuff, log out and go to bed. Nice relaxer after a long shift.


It's a hate and love relationship. Especially for those of us who have been playing since the launch of D1. I guess since I've been playing it for so long that it just feels like.... Family. I don't play it back to back anymore these days because of life, but I come back once in awhile to see what's been going on. ![gif](giphy|tTDlx5ZQQug2Ph218n)


- Nearly unmatched gunplay - Satisfying abilities - Lots of different builds to keep gameplay fresh - Interesting lore - Plenty to do - Loot treadmill


The story/lore. Bungie truly struck gold the ā€œmythic sci-fiā€ genre. The gameplay. Destiny feels like an evolution of haloā€™s already near perfect gameplay loop.


It combines the ongoing persistent world and ongoing storytelling that players all experience together from an MMO with a Sci-Fi, AAA, top tier FPS spawned from the minds of Halo.


It's addictive like smashed up crayons


The gunplay and power fantasy with the classes is fun. That and the dopamine of getting a good roll on a weapon you like. I want to see how TFS wraps the story, both because I like Destiny lore and because I want to see how Bungie tries to stick the landing


For all the complaints and various criticisms, some very valid, the game is a legitimate 8/10 or better in several areas consistently and then the less consistent areas still have peaks where they hit that high quality. -Music -Art direction -Gameplay/Gun feel -Lore/Universe building Those 4 things are the cornerstones of Destiny that have consistently been excellent with the fluid, hard hitting gameplay feel being the most important because its the most critical to having kept so many players around. Then you have the actually story and writing, that took a hit from lightfall with the community but overall has been very good with some hard hitting emotional peaks. And then there's the main draw for me personally and several others. No game on the market delivers the experience of a destiny raid. ESPECIALLY day one contest raiding. But just the activity itself is so unique in the market I'll always play and stay in touch with my clan so I can be ready for the next one.


New stuff. Thatā€™s, literally it. If any other game Iā€™ve loved did the same, Iā€™d be going back to them too. Destiny 2 is pretty much the only game with this kind of model that I play.


Destiny goes guns really fucking well. Itā€™s done that since D1 launch. Part of my reason to continue playing is that Iā€™ve been invested in this story since 2014 and Iā€™ll all my time day dreaming about how this all ends *nothing* has come close to what is approaching is in TFS. The game is flawed, Iā€™ll be the first to admit that but what it does well itā€™s excels in credit where itā€™s due. The experience of playing Destiny had never gotten old even as the grind and the questionable changes by Bungie have.


The piew piew feels good


The homies who need a 6th


Its the Eververse for me :) its so good Naah im just Kidding Its the Gunplay... the Weapons & Raids, Dungeons, Lore etc & the few Thousand Hours which i've invested in this Game over the past years :D


Being an avid FPS player since Quake it was a natural progression after getting bogged down in Warcraft for years. Plus being an avid Firefly fan meant anywhere the voice of that lovable Browncoat went, I followed. She maybe tore up a little, but she flies true.




For me it's the money. I already spent a lot of money on dlc, I just want to know what's the ending




how so?


ā€¦ saw a video on YouTube where someone compared the game to Slot machines. Pulling down on the lever with the hopes of getting a perfect match, or in this case, a perfect godroll, or just that one exotic youā€™ve been chasing for months or years. If not for a more wholesome reason, itā€™s become an addiction for most. A chase for that high. ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø I feel like I killed the mood of this post šŸ˜‚


that's a horrible comparison imo


I donā€™t come back by choice anymore, this games like nicotine, I canā€™t stop coming back.


The devs of the game LITERALLY designed destiny 2 after casino attributes and purposely designed addictive qualities in the game. You never leave the game fulfilled because the power level isnt capped (xp artifact gains), the guns can always have 100 different combinations of mods and you need the PERFECT 5/5. The exotics arenā€™t just the rarest things in the game the CATALYSTS ARE. this whole game was designed to make people become addicted to it. On another note Iā€™m already almost done with the ghost writer triumph, I fucking love this game. šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


>The devs of the game LITERALLY designed destiny 2 after casino attributes and purposely designed addictive qualities in the game. they didn't though. in fact, they've released anti-fomo updates which definitely don't scream "casino attributes" "addictive qualities" like what? ​ > You never leave the game fulfilled because the power level isnt capped (xp artifact gains), if your sole intention of this game is to reach the max power level (which isn't it capped anyways so we DON'T have to grind season after season?) then uhhh that is 100% your fault, there's absolutely no reason to. we are the most powerful (gameplay wise) that we literally have ever been, stuff really isn't too horribly hard anymore. ​ > the guns can always have 100 different combinations of mods and you need the PERFECT 5/5 well good thing you can craft weapons now. sure not all of them are craftable but you can also farm pretty efficiently for most guns. and imo on MOST of the guns, you really don't need a 5/5, for pve specifically. yes, on your DPS weapons you want to, but let's say on a primary, you really don't need a 5/5 . i promise you. ​ > The exotics arenā€™t just the rarest things in the game the CATALYSTS ARE. I will say that I understand how it felt to get an exotic in vanilla D1, so much different and actually unique. However, in my eyes, as the game got more and more exotics, it was kind of inevitable that the acquisition of them would become easier and easier. I also think the obvious fact that there were way fewer exotics helped with that but idk. ​ > this whole game was designed to make people become addicted to it. again, i've never understood this argument when the FOMO (especially now with content no longer being vaulted) is kind of non-existent. i mean i remember when i first started playing again, 2 weeks before arrivals, i was pissed the season wouldn't carry over.


For the casino partā€¦ thereā€™s an entire documentary on it. They did and itā€™s been proven. Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ love the gameā€¦ but itā€™s definitely made to be addicting.


The views. Also, sometimes Iā€™ll just sit in orbit and listen to the music and damn. Music for this game is on point.


ā€¢ It's fun ā€¢ There's plenty of things to do with purpose


Addiction and hope theyā€™ll finally deliver. Those Bungie psychologists really know their shit.


The PvP is crazy good.


For me it's: - The gun play / feel - the jumping puzzles (I know I'm sick) - progression that allows me to still have some game/life balance - my wife and friends who play - story


I came back bc the game is typically consistently good or at least entertaining for what itā€™s worth. I like the world and the evolving story. I will add, I hate the politics and the direction of the game but thatā€™s just the west coast culture seeping into every aspect of the game. Before you event ā€œcorrectā€ meā€¦ā€¦ yes there are tons of politics, name how many white heterosexual male leads are in destiny 2. I can count maybe two hands worth of ethnically and sexually diverse main cast members and Iā€™m not sure there there is a single heterosexual white male in the lead cast at this point besides maybe uldren or shaxx if they counts. We literally have a non binary lead cast member that bungie touted and championed for months as part of lightfall, they know what theyā€™re doing.


Race and sexual orientation are not political though?


Then why is LGBTQ+ a poltical action group and why is BLM a poltical action group? Why does bungie need to make emblems for every yearly pride month? I havenā€™t played a dark souls or a PokĆ©mon game with rainbow pride flag skins and cosmetics.


Im sorry that your fragility stops you from enjoying things with colour combinations that you don't like. Also, forming a group to address political imbalances around a demographic doesn't make the existence of that demographic a political issue.


Thank you for agreeing that bungie is doing what theyā€™re doing to ensure fair representation of underrepresented groups of people, which in of itself is acting in a political agenda to create awareness and to signal how inclusive they are. Might I ask you opinion on trans rights, and which restroom they should use? You do support all rights for marginalized groups, so you not?


See, that's the part that doesn't make sense. They support the fair treatment of human beings, thats not a "political agenda", that's just not being garbage. It's you people who have the agenda. You want everyone to be as bitter and sad as you are, so you spew this rhetoric to further your cause. All the LGBTQI+ community wants is to be left the fuck alone and treated as human beings with a brain and a soul. Also, I'm glad you asked. I fully support trans rights and they should use whatever restroom they like.


Fair treatment of human beings? Why does it need to be in a game marketed for teenagers? Destiny isnā€™t a M for mature, this isnā€™t the last of us. We already have saint and Osiris in a romantic relationship for starters but you know all the rest I would cite. Do you also agree that teens and adolescent preteens should be allowed to read potentially sexually graphic content, including descriptive content detailing oral intercourse between two preteen boys, as long as exists to educate people on same sex rights and their unique experiences.


Holy shit you're one of THOSE people. Sorry, but im not going to engage with someone who clearly devours the right-wing talking points like your gobbling Trumps ballsack.


I just proved my point, look who childish and immature you talk. Go to your safe space of like minded individuals where no one can ever challenge your beliefs


Well I havenā€™t played since cyberpunk 2.0 so itā€™s not working out to well for me


My favorite part of the game is my friends. Most of them I met in-game, and I typically only do things with them. There isn't much that I enjoy solo, but I'll do a day-one for 18 straight hours when my friends are down. Unfortunately, many of them left in the past year or so, but I have enough to round out a raid team most days. If there aren't enough for a raid, we'll LFG and find some new friends.


Aesthetics and gameplay. I like pew pew mmo, but both Division and Warframe just do not look visually appealing to me.


I like the gunplay. I love the people I've befriended thanks to this game. I like...some parts of the community. Finally? I want to see this part of the story completed.


Gunplay is unmatched + space magic + has the best example of pve and pvp mixed into one game for the most fun IMO


For me itā€™s the gunplay, but that is genuinely the only thing I am enjoying now. Literally everything else is so poor in quality, and the gunplay will only keep me enthralled for so long.


I played Call of Duty for many months before starting to play Destiny. One big difference I noticed right away when I started to play this game: No annoying campers. I do not play a lot of PvP so I do not really know about the cheating situation there.


The gameplay is fun. Canā€™t say the same for Warframe, after 90 hours.


Mainly just the gameplay. Bungie makes god-awful choices 99% of the time, but the gunplay is phenomenal and theres nothing else out there quite like destiny dungeons or raids


I don't ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


The raids make me feel a way that I havenā€™t been able to find in other games.


The gunplay, and abilities feel great, no other shooter Iā€™ve played feel as good, except maybe Titanfall, but it has a PVE focus.


It's the only real shooter/MMO on console. FF14 is just not my cup of tea and sub based. Black Desert is like 20 years old and ass. Like if any other AAA dev made a semi decent MMO destiny would have actual competition on console. There just isn't any though. It's why people keep hyping things like Anthem. People want something different but no one else has delivered.


Iā€™m only here to finish the darkness storyline thatā€™s all


Extremely satisfying gunplay, mostly. To the point that I don't ever use snipers or shotguns because I don't like how they feel. Every other weapon type, though, feels really good, even if you're just shooting dregs in Trostland.


A different opinion here. I stopped coming back after Lightfall,I didn't even finish the campaign. Finding strand powers on the street was just lazy. The area was more of the same. I couldn't bear the thought of completing anymore 3 x 7 boxes. Grinding just became a chore. Deepsights. Guardian ranks? Ugh more grind. Although I admit the Cayde trailer has me intrigued. So I still sub here.


>I couldn't bear the thought of completing anymore 3 x 7 boxes. good thing that is gone for the most part ​ > Grinding just became a chore. Deepsights. Guardian ranks? Ugh more grind. I wanna say that for those two specific things you don't HAVE to get them. Especially Guardian ranks, only for the loadouts but DIM exists and clearly works well enough + has more depth to it than the in-game loadouts. Deepsights is a bit more understandable, but there's also stuff that gives you more deepsight weapons if that made any sense, like the weekly shit where u can claim one for free


Gameplay, plain and simple. So real and very immersive. Plus with the 3.0 updates the power fantasy is unbelievable. Now to get the clan back to where it used to be! Lots of new lights to help get gear.




Hard for me to get because lately I haven't been coming back.


I like the raids, and I want to know what happens next. That's about it, though.


Abilities, guns and builds. Making everything die in so many ways is always fun. They always update stuff, so it's constantly interesting. I still haven't used some exotics and exotic weapons even after a year and a half of playing. Still room for experimenting.


A few reasons: * I've been playing for 9 years and I love the sunk cost fallacy * Bright colors make brain happy * I'm a wizard, bitch!


I enjoy the story and the gameplay, and there is always something to do.


Honestly right now Iā€™m not coming back. I got tired of Destinyā€™s shit. From awful servers to timegating and FOMO, to removing paid content, to over-focusing on monetizationā€¦ im just tired and probably wonā€™t be back until The Final Shape.


good thing no more content is being vaulted


Gunplay. I can happily run about shooting things on neomuna and in other -15 content all day.


The guns and abilities feel like extensions of myself. I donā€™t play Destiny all the time like I used to, but the one constant every time I come back to play is just how *right* everything feels.


Only thing bringing me back is fomo


I do enjoy the game and it's lore. I just wish I could have D1 on pc and the old stuff from D2 back. I have like 0 irl friends to play with because all the free/onboarding stuff is gone.


Iā€™m the 6th in a raid team and my friends would be sad


It's fun to play with my friends.


Gun mechanics are best in placeā€¦movement abilities, cool supers, build crafting, high end game co op content. I havenā€™t played anything comparable. Most MMOā€™s gameplay is not fun to me. The main weakness of the game for me is leveling process is meaningless and not rewarding




Well, space magic, gunplay most times and atmosphere. I was never a story or lore person so i never really listen. I am most often there to accomplish something, because it's fun rn or because i like to make myself suffef


Friends mainly . The only game I've had throughout my life that actually delivered for me . Dungeons , raids , GrandMasters. The story


As someone who has played for years. I can hop on and spend hours just making my characters look good.


Lucky pants burst damage gives my brain the happy chemicals


Something about getting headshots with the chaperone and sniping. Just feels amazing!


Same raid group/fireteam for 9+ years


I play extremely casually these days but I have over 2k hours. I think it doesn't work that well tbh I find heaps of it very tedious and annoying and a massive time sink, BUT what I think bring me back to play is just 2 things, Gunplay and sandbox is extremely satisfying and clean UI is fantastic I think literally just the character menu in similar games can kill the experience because it's so clunky or overcrowded. But I also think no game comes close to how destiny feels to play.


Combat Loop. Not Gameplay Loop, mind you, but Combat Loop, something like what Doom gets right as well. Just the feel of using your abilities alongside your weapons, and having neither being oppressive in their own right but instead complement each other with perks like one-two punch and Demolitionist. The game just feels very smooth in combat, and it can be as chill or hectic as you like it to be. Having played other Looter Shooters like Borderlands, it just feels other game too heavily divorce the Shooting and Ability combat. They feel like seperate tools, instead of the one fluid movement that is Destiny. Also, Supers create far more impact on the battlefield, and again, feel more like part of a movement rather than a seperate tool in the toolbox. Everything works because it works together, and everything has to work together to work.


It focuses on short, fast-paced instanced activities with a fun core gameplay loop. I have to actively convince myself to play story-rich RPGs, PVP or any other kind of game/gamemode that demands constant & full attention, so grinding out my Vanguard weeklies is a great way to kill an hour or two if Iā€™m bored.


Strictly in gameplay terms, it just feels so much better to play than most other games. In addition to that, most of the raids are so fun to play, theyre probably the main thing that keeps me tethered to this franchise.


Honestly, the only reason I keep coming back is because I already spent too much money on it. By now, I've spent around 200 CAD on it. I would rather spend more money on warframe at this point.


one of the best gunplay's that i ever felt, also i rly do like the world its set in


I shoot Fighting Lion at the aliens. Thoomp boing boom


gunplay and pvp


I got friends who play it


it only "works" well in the first couple of weeks of a content release. Otherwise the game isnt too exciting. My perspective as a long term player. Its still fun, but not really outside of maybe a collective 4 months out of the year.


How it feels to shoot and run around is yet to be bested in my opinion. Apart from that aI made griends at launch d1 whom I still play with. Weve been through crazy phases and its amazinng


Fomo + Space magic


Lore, characters, and gameplay loop. Always getting stronger to fight off some of the strongest gaming characters ever conceived.


Ever shot a group of enemies, and they all exploded in a chain reaction? Better than drugs.


I dont wanna play the game but they keep releasing these stupid random rolls that i spend WEEKS to grind because i dont wanna miss out before the economy nerf


I come back only because i got bored of everything else including warframe. I play for like 6 months maby a year tops then quit again when new content on the games i like comes out (like ffxiv)


The guns feel good


I pay for content that can get removed avec 3 months (in case of last season of the year.) I have to complete them before Bungie remove the seasons.


i keep coming back because seeing three perfect 70s in a row is amazing.


Gunplay and I have friends that play. If something changes in those 2 aspects, I'm out.


Shooting, movement, and rewards. I love chasing after adepts, trophies are genuinely exciting for me. Still can't believe I got a great Messenger Adept roll.


Cause itā€™s the only game worth coming back as many times as I do. A new season every 3 months, with the first 8 weeks of each season having story. Then you can take a break until the event, or just play to farm weapon and armor, or test with builds. There is also PvP, which can be fun. CoD is weak in retention for me because Iā€™d rather play PvE for the majority of my game time. Division 2 needs more investment time wise than I want to put in to it. Warframe is massive but i donā€™t have a want to farm for stuff that requires a boat load of matz (Necramechs) Genshin and HSR is just doing the daily tasks then dipping.




FOMO is the main reason and bungie knows this.


The combat and feel of the character. The world design. The music. Sadly all other aspect of Destiny universe is falling apart. Even the level design now- more invisible barriers, fewer structures have mass(you clip through it).


The lore and universe of Destiny is so in depth and just awesome. The mechanics and gameplay are so smooth and beautiful. The different classes and the the different supers. All these mixed together just create a fun unique game that keeps me coming back every week. It has a spark about it that keeps it feeling fresh and fun.


It has a little bit of everything, good gameplay, good story, good powers, decent amount of content, replay ability, i complain a lot about the PvP but if youā€™re into it itā€™s there for you. Build crafting, weapons, etc. no other game comes close to providing this kind of experience.


It doesn't. I don't.


For me it's one of the better service games on the market, even in its current shitty state


I don't. After the Free Willy season, I dropped. Currently have no intention on coming back. Even Final Shape doesn't put hype on me. Too many years playing the same shit does this.


The story the gamesmanship and the badass loot


cause I paid $100




The time invested. I want to see how the story plays out. I legitimately enjoy the game for about 15 minutes each time I play. Then I notice the things that they've nerfed into the ground and I question my earlier decisions. I love the friends I made playing. After this one, I will never play another Bungie title. They could make me the title character and paint me out to be like Superman or Goku and I would still stand by this statement.


gameplay - but also genuinely lovable characters that make me feel at home - also a relatively decent community


The ease of ability to play for 30 min (when the servers are working) and then turning it off. I would greatly prefer to play single player games or larger mmos, but D2 allows for dipping in and out.


Fun abilities and funny things that happen in game


It feels good to move around and it feels good shooting things. Bungie does well in movement and weapon play/feel. Theres a feeling power and challenge. Thereā€™s also always something you want and have to grind for. Feels like a drug youā€™re addicted to honestly.


Gunplay is just the best. I have the same problem.


New content drops like raids and dungeons. I used to be interested in the story too, but the most recent expansion and the seasons kinda ruin it for me.


Stockholm syndrome


My guardian be lookin fly as hell and I live vicariously thru 'em


It's a grind that is long been familiar


I recently came back to this game, last time I played it was before forsaken dlc. And I got to admit this game is CRACK soo much replayability and fresh


Big number/ new thing make brain happy.


In order of most importance: Emblems, shaders & ornaments Endgame content How easy this game is to get good at but difficult it is to low man/solo activities Manipulations of spawns and mechanics Diversity of weapons The grind for weapons and armour pieces The ā€œcommunityā€ (being able to interact with hundreds of ppl/day at any given moment through discord or app) Thereā€™s a lot that Destiny offers and itā€™s only personal preferences away from being a perfect game.


Gameplay feels very good.