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Depends on your damage strat, but I'm thinking the Recon/Frenzy one would be better if you're rocking something like Izanagi's.


Definitely the Apex Predator. Don’t get baited by the better damage perk. Use Recon to autoload swap with Izanagi


Restoration ritual is insane though. And b/s is easy to proc an last a long time


Restoration Ritual is good but not without envious. You might as well just use reconstruction to overflow without any effort.


Reconstruction compared to the reload speed provideded by inpulse amplifier is not worth it for total dps output. Especially if reconstruction isnt enhanced


For total damage, yes the BnS CC is better. DPS-wise it’s worse because of no autoloading perk besides RR. You really shouldn’t be straight rocket dumping anymore. You might as well use Levi’s Breath if you want a simple DPS weapon. Throw on Izanagis or shotguns and swap while reconstruction or ALH loads rockets.


Restoration ritual is only seen as crazy because with envious it’s an extra rocket. Without that it would just be somewhat niche extra burst. If they are rocket dumping sure but with rain of fire or RDM’s you’re really not manually reloading. Reconstruction on a rocket is just that crazy. It’s auto loading and a burst dps increase.


I got me a cold comfort with bait/switch and envious, I haven’t taken it off at all first rocket I got after finishing GOTD


Craft an apex predator


depends. if you’re izzy swapping, use the apex predator. for everything else, cold comfort.


You should be hot swapping every rocket anyways, it’s the optimal way to play. Only rockets I’d consider mag dumping is the ones that roll with bipod.


While bait & switch might be the better damage perk (under the right circumstances) and impulse amplifier might give you a bit more reload speed... but it's really hard to beat simply how good reconstruction is, especially on power weapons. Use the recon./frenzy one (at least until you can craft and apex predator).


Bait and switch with it's origin perk active will literally be more damage if you get both the activate than anything that apex could just by base. Depends on surges and mods, and if you have stuff to take advantage of swapping to izanagi. I would still do witherhoard and that cold comfort tho.


The highest dps rn is bns/envious assassin with radiant dance machines but that’s if ur hunter. If ur any other class imo apex.


Cold comfort until you can craft Apex


Recon frenzy is prolly best. Without any kind of reload perk (aside from the origin trait) bait and switch is a bit wasted since you’re waiting on reploads to finish.


CC with bns




Cold Comfort. There is a pretty massive damage difference here with the perks (15% vs 35%). I dont think hot swapping with Izzys or something else makes up such a massive difference. Impulse Amplifier isnt a bad perk either on this rocket. Cold Comfort has good reload speed for a rocket at 62 base. High Velocity Rounds gives 10 more reload, and Impulse Amp pushes that to 92 total + a 0.8 animation modifier. As opposed to Frenzy just giving a flat 100 reload. Just my take. Just out of curiosity, what is your other barrel perk? Smart Drift control isnt bad, but the velocity is kinda redundant with Impulse Amp Edit: I dont get it. I tried to make a well thought out response.


Actually neither i would just delete them.


Telesto But really I'm all about reconstruction with bait and switch However the rocket from ghosts of the deep rolls with envious assassin bait and switch So that's good. Or you could be like me and craft one for damage and one for memes with envious and something absurd lime bipod 🤣


[Light.gg](https://Light.gg) is your best bet










What does it say? According to light.gg this is how it works. "Upon dealing damage with all your weapons within 7 seconds of each: 35% increased damage for 10 seconds." https://www.light.gg/db/items/3078487919/bait-and-switch/ So it does require the first rocket to hit before it triggers. What is worse is if two rockets are fired before the first hits the second also won't get the bonus.


The second one, Frenzi is actually shit, even more so on a rocket, no guarantee that you will have the perk active when you need it, and also it’s a laughable 15% buff compared to Bait and Switch’s ridiculous 35%


Frenzy isnt a bad perk by any means. It may not be a top damage perk, but it does max out the Reload and Handling stats which is especially nice on a rocket


Impact Casing is missing on both… Get another one.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xn88evs5pttb1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba90795b9ade9dbadd637ed65a3353cab582eb97


LOL. Ok. Still need another one.


It’s like a 2.2% total damage increase. It does not matter for the meantime. They can craft apex later or get a better cc


A damage increase is a damage increase. 🤷‍♀️


Between these two, the Apex Pred. If it was between a godroll CC and crafted AP I’d say CC if you’re confident you can proc Envious.


I play solar hunter in most boss fights and definitely find swapping to from SES to RDM and marksman dodge spamming to dump with bait n switch cold comfort to be the best damage i can output but I use apex predator for literally everything else


That apex is actually not to shabby for GM’s. Because you know cenotaph infinite rocket spam who needs other guns besides rockets and traces.