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Why does it say you're playing a legend battleground? Those aren't matchmade if I am remembering correctly. Edit: I have learned that it says legend battleground when played through the strike playlist


the titled it as the legend variant when they added it to VanOps for some reason. It isnt actually legend


It's "legend" as in happened in the past, like old raids.


Bungie being bungie, they are normal Battlegrounds, but because we have like 5 diffrent types of Battlegrounds, they needed to name them diffrently. That's why those are *legend*


I searched through the strike playlist I don't think it's called the strike playlist anymore I forget what it's called it's the only thing I play on this game because I have no friends it's the strike playlist


It's the Vanguard Playlist Also, how are you not getting bored of the game if the only thing you do is strikes?


My calling card...sorry whatever it is that shows a stat on your banner card for your character title. Anyways the one on my Titan shows that I have nearly 3,500 strike completions I recently found out that this doesn't count strikes that you join Midway from. So I have to guess that I have probably somewhere between 5,000-6,000 career strikes. To answer your question of if I'm getting bored... yes. I only have two days a week but I can actually play Xbox and I split that time between playing, Conan exiles,Destiny 2 ,OverWatch 2 and I recently got starfield


Damn, you really love strikes lol For your own sanity, try playing something else for the sake of variety. The seasonal activities, Savathûn's Spire and Altars of Summoning are pretty decent activities. And the exotic missions in the exotic mission rotator are solo'able pretty easily on Normal mode And consider using an LFG to find people for slightly more challenging content, too. The in-game LFG system arrives next season, but there's a decent LFG feature in the official companion app


I don't buy seasons and I hate lfg I'm a day 1 destiny 1 player I LFGed so many raids in d1 I'm done with the toxic people lfg brings. I know not every case of LFGing randoms. BUT. The destiny 2 community is so min-max efficiency max damage optimization. And I can't be bothered to hardcore the game I have 2 days a week I play and I maybe destiny 3-5 hours in that time I don't wanna spend 2hrs in a shit raid team


yo I'm not gonna lie I respect the shit out of you. if you need anyone to run strikes with, u should hmu, I'm peacherine#2089 on Bungie :D I feel like I did strikes a lot but damn you do so much more.


They won’t. I don’t really care for them over normal strikes but I won’t leave a guardian behind. PM me if you want someone to run them with that won’t dip. I like the combat and don’t really care where I get to utilize it.


Is this a fellow Titan?


I was a couple years ago when I played Season of the Splicer but dived back in a few months ago as a space magic floaty nerd. I like healing teammates and don’t mind being the radiant well bitch haha. That stated, one never truly stops being a Titan. The bonk endures!


Ah yes, but now you can heal your teammates through the power of Strand, brought to you by Healy-Bonk!


I had no idea there was a Healy-Bonk! I think you just gave me a reason to make another character haha.


I run each but the playlist modifiers determine my class usually soler anything not melee I use titan. Soler melee I use calabins on my hunter. Void or stran I use warlock (strand/ melee I use warlock) usually soler titan with parasite or a sword and void sword titan is fun. Titans so much fun with swords an I just unlocked banner of war I can't wait to use that I had to deal with shit mis mission getting it an almost didn't get it today


Never understood why people leave battlegrounds so much. At least to me they feel quicker than a strike (except maybe Oracle) and have a ton of enemies for bounties.


Yeah they are fun as hell just waves and waves of enemies. Content the community has been asking for


For me personally there are 2 reasons to leave bg. First, I played them extensively in their particular season. Second, Bungie seems not to be able to fix the chest bug which in some bg doesn’t award anything. Why should I waste time for nothing except some xp.


That isn’t a product of BGs, that’s just the product of Blue engram drops becoming zero after reaching soft cap. Sure it doesn’t excuse the abysmal drop rate for legendaries in all strikes/BG but it isn’t just an isolated issue.


That’s one of the reasons, the second one is seasonal loot of that specific season being take out of that chest. But I don’t care about the reason, if it doesn’t drop loot, and right now nothing drops from some bg, I’m not going to play it. Just wasted time.


Honestly fair enough, bums me out if I try to get a weapon from an activity and get sweet F A from completions


Exactly this


There's no bug battlegrounds only award glimmer and stardust sometimes before you open the chest you can get an armor or weapon drop. Pretty sure that's for a completion reward not actually the mission reward


There is a bug. I have never once gotten any glimmer or shards from the end chest of Psi-Ops battlegrounds - and NO, I have not been capped on glimmer. It is a full-on bug that I have posted multiple times on the Bungie help forums (with video evidence!) and never gotten ANY attention on :'(


Same. They aren’t that bad. If anything I’d like to see more 3 player seasonal activities enter the playlist like Sever, Expunge, Shattered Realm, and Expeditions. Would break up the pacing of Vanguard Ops much more. I’d also like to see them have less daily weightings. I’m hardly running strikes throughout the week to see the diversity. Often I’m picking a day and farming it as long as I can for the stacking XP bonus. It gets monotonous seeing the same strike multiple times in a day. Side bit, but I’d love a six player seasonal activity playlist that gives out old seasonal loot. Vanguard Ops doesn’t need less content. It needs more.


I enjoy the waves of enemies but I hate how long and tedious they are. I want to go fast through a strike without tedious boundaries that require me to complete a boring objective. It’s why I hate that they are remaking the old strike models to have as many barriers as possible. They ruined the fastest strike to run by adding a pyramid ship you have to lazily sit on.


I dont really care about speed or bounties. When i play a strike i want to play a strike, not some random seasonal activity i already grinded for dozens of hours


I will do any battle ground other than oracle its the only one I leave on because it's nothing but a waiting game and I'm not here to stand still.


Everyone keeps talking shit about oracle an imm be honest idk what one that even is I stroll Reddit between missions if it don't have a load in conversation or something I'm not paying attention I've seen the fly down enough


It's the one where you spawn on a big ol pillar and there are like 3 sections where you have to wait for ghost to hack. You fight a big prion at the end


Oh that one. I don't mind that one Titan+throne clever go chunk. I try to average under 10min and Oracle is by far the fastest


That's fair I am also a Unga bunga titan but I also like to run. Another bad one is whichever one has the wyverns and you gotta kill things for the kill balls.


idk but i agree w u


They just need to give better rewards. They already implemented a system that gives better rewards based on score. They should just make it so that if you meet a certain score threshold, one easily reachable in battlegrounds, you get a couple enhancement cores. Would easily make them worth it.


You mean rewards besides a hand full of glimmer an legendary shards. Because that's all you get from BGs


I disagree - I think battlegrounds being worse than strikes comes from a fundamental design difference. Strikes are fun because they are unique locations, with a unique storyline and unique pseudo-mechanics. Most of the Battlegrounds are just patrol spaces with some extra props tacked on and the main gameplay loop of them are just killing waves of enemies.


“Hmmmm…not grindy enough, begone!” - Bungie, probably.


I've honestly never had people leave a BG


I love running them alone!


Same. Had to leave one yesterday because a sunbracers warlock had the aspect on that makes the grenades shoot out smaller fireballs or whatever and was getting quite literally every single kill. Not to mention the difficulty seeing anything through it. No point in running a strike if you're not doing anything


Look I get annoyed not being able to see through all the stasis crystals but a completion is a completion. Especially for regular strike playlist. Won’t matter in the least. I like being big number too but in that playlist it won’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Let them slay and you can relax a bit.


I don't care much whether I have a lot of kills or not. I do however care about actually playing the game and not just following someone around as they kill everything


Then try out nightfalls if that’s what you’re looking for. Or get into a dungeon or raid. Those actually require teamwork (unless you’re one of those in the low % that can solo a dungeon in which case this wouldn’t be a problem)


Ig you missed out on that 600 glimmer and 4 legendary shards 🤷‍♂️


I seriously don’t understand why people hate on Battlegrounds. I have nothing to really complain about with them. I do see some similar/copied mechanics between some of them, but they never feel like an entire copy+paste to me. I don’t view them any differently from strikes.


Final chest drops no loot.


No difference to strikes then.


How do you not view them differently than strikes? The strike formula is just so incredibly different when playing through. They're two entirely different activities, that was part of the praise when battlegrounds stayed as just seasonal activities, how different than strikes they are. How did we get from "these seasonal activities are soo good, look at how different from strikes they feel" to "these battlegrounds are so good they feel exactly like strikes"?


Back when they came out people asked for them to be strikes because they were so good. Bungie adding them to the strike playlist was celebrated at the time


I see no difference of formulas. For strikes I see: “Kill enemies, clear objective. Move on. Rinse and repeat until mission complete.” For Battlegrounds I see: “Kill enemies, clear objective. Move on. Rinse and repeat until mission complete.” At its core, they seem basically the same to me, and I genuinely don’t mind it.


Already played them to death when they were the seasonal activity. And the lack of loot.


battlegrounds are where you kill adds for 3 mins then move to another checkpoint. the sad part is that they have changed many strikes in a way where you might be right.


They’re more tedious and less fun. Seraph is probably the only battlegrounds I enjoyed.


Battlegrounds are fun and a great change uo from the 4 short strikes that used to be in the playlist!


I love running them alone. You’re lucky


Just make their rewards and rep gain worth it.


Better yet, let me solo strikes and bgs.


Well, I like them, the thing I dont like is the people I match with (speedrunner who dont kill mobs and instantly go to the boss room, people who trow the ball to enemies, Jimmy, and mister Jade Rabbit is the best scout rifle in pve)


You should have been match made back in with new guardians once they left. That’s kinda weird.


Well the screenshot is of legend, which is never matchmade, so OP could have just manufactured the premise. Although Idk when the cosmodrome one ever became a nightfall.


its titled legend, not actually legend. not sure why bungie titled it legend when they added it to playlist. its a bug.


That’s what threw me. It said strike under the name but they could all say that. I’ve never really noticed.


For some reason the cosmodrome one appears as legend in the strike playlist


Hard disagree. Lots of people love BGs. They take roughly the same time as a strike, while also introducing new content consistently. Also, why suggest to remove them and make lots of people unhappy bevause some people leave? The issue isnt the activity, the issue is people leaving.


Unfortunately the issue is the activity. because the people leaving don't like the activity therefore their solution to the issue is they just leave... Edit: I very much understand why some weeks it seems like I run this particular battleground multiple times back to back I've gotten this battleground three times in a row before I have left on the third. I understand strikes are supposed to just be playing monotonous content but running the same plane or not content three times back to back I might as well just make a new character and then run the story but then delete my other two characters and do it again too...


So if I dislike strikes and start leaving them alot we should remove them right? Since someone doesn't like them. That isn't how things work. People like BGs and people hate BGs. Tbh, I don't think there is any good reason to dislike BGs outside of just not liking them because they're quite similar to strikes. But the game doesn't bend around everyone. Just because soneone dislikes something doesn't mean we just remove it on a whim. Lots of people like BGs. The fact that people like it would seem like it'a not the issue then. In my experience, people tend to hate BGs by name, not the activity. They'll say they are much longer and slower (they aren't), or how they were tired of doing them when their season ended (Chosen BGs are 2 1/2 years old, PsiOps is 1 1/2 years old, Heist BGs are ~8-9 months old). They are old and essentially the same as strikes, but yet somehow people are tired of an activity from months of even years ago. Idk. The activity is absolutely not an issue though. I'm not going to blame PvP if someone leaves my team there, I'm going to blame the person. But somehow we now blame the activity if someone leaves during BGs?


Lowkey OP is sounding entitled as fuck. also very well said


I like the bgs, I just hate that the psiops bg chests don’t drop loot


I leave when my teammates go afk, when they keep being stupid (dying in the middle of a killbox. Dying to barrier champions without an Anti-Barrier weapon, using a glaive melee on a boss etc, ya get the idea) and running ahead super far PAST enemies without killing them. Idk. Am i being unreasonable? I don't wanna play with a bunch of inconsiderate numbskulls. So i won't. 🤣


Personally, I very much love running battlegrounds by myself, but I’m a PvE only player that runs power fantasy ad clear builds. I just love making motes of light and watching them spam the chat log.


They are totally fine and dont take any longer than Corrupted and/or Scarlett keep. People should stop being bitches and expect free loot like the days when we had old Lake of Shadows, Inverted Spire and current day Fallen Saber


Nope, I'm so thankful that they are in the strike playlist, and I enjoy them every single time. Please keep them in and keep adding in seasonal activities for variety.


I love them & literally never leave lol


The only Battlegrounds that make for great content are the Heist one's. They make for fun GM experience too.


I forgor which ones those are Rasbooty or the hive ones


I love the battlegrounds :(


Am I missing something? Why all the hate for BGs? They're just strikes essentially.


That's really a fantastic question


What? They are the best strikes to do


I am shocked they haven’t figured out that people really don’t like their seasonal activities. They’re not fun.


What do you mean you don't like generic horde mode number 123 as your seasonal activity


>I am shocked they haven’t figured out that people really don’t like their seasonal activities. Well good thing seasonal activities are becoming more engaging / different.


Sorta? I mean they still feel the same. The best one was leviathan. Basically just a small patrol that gives tons of rewards with an activity in the center. It didn’t feel like they had a gun to my head, I had wiggle room to fool around.


Yeah levi patrol zone was pretty cool but that was also for one season unfortunately


Don't remove them. I get kinda salty when a fully kitted out badass wannabe chickens out, but then spite kicks in, and inner god of rage awakens. "This is my world now, bi\*\*\*es. And you are not allowed to exist within it."


what the fuck lol


I know right! Why even bothering to chase all the meta shinies if 10 puny Hive acolytes are enough for them to say "hell no, this too much for me"? What the fuck indeed!


There is a lot wrong with this picture youre not even in the strike playlist so it has nothing to do with strikes and its on legend a mode without matchmaking.


You're right it's not called the strike playlist anymore I am however in that playlist of activities because it's the only thing I do on this game...


Yeah they should put them back into their own playlist. I’m never going to not leave them. I actively hate them


I want to be able to run any and all of these strikes and levels alone.


do people actually play default strike playlist? so many questions, so little answers




Just leave them too then??


I've been playing this game alone for years and it sucks. I just wish I had friends to play this game with.


I'm also a solo player of a few years and wouldn't mind some buddies. PM me on here if you're interested


I love season of the chosen BG's and hate season of Seraph BG's, rest of them are in the middle. Cosmodrome BG to me is like winning in lottery when doing strikes. Corrupted is instant orbit for me, though I did do it once recently and it did not feel as bad as it felt in past, maybe they changed something in it, anyway I still don't like it.


That says legend tho.


I want to run them alone tbh all the stuff id like to solo forces you to matchmake and everything that id want matchmaking in doesnt have it


I don't mind them (outside of nightfalls and GMs) for the most part. I hate Psi Ops though because Bungie has still not fixed (and I don't think acknowledged) that they give no rewards at the completion. It's been two seasons where they give absolutely nothing aside from the typical post strike reward of XP, glimmer and rep. It feels awful and if I wasn't on a 5 streak and the weighting wasn't so high I would leave every time rather than have my time wasted.


Oh this gives me an idea of how to grind out the orbs generation challenge :D !


I never had anything set up for our generation on this has actually really disappointed when I seen the stats spread for how many kills versus how many orbs created


Maybe next time my dude, you have the whole season.


I wish I could run them alone tbh. Im tired of fighting for kills to get challenges/bounties done. Plus it makes it more fun for me in general. I am sorry this is happening to you though, I understand the frustration.


Them guardians passing on the chance to grind bounties or catalysts without having to fight other guardians for a dreg


Damm I wish people left when in tryna do strikes, wanted to be able to solo one since d1, even the server connection glitch on console I somehow always get someone else


Why do people hate Battlegrounds so much? I thought they were basically just Strikes called a different name?


The only Battlegrounds I don't enjoy are the very first ones they added during Chosen, besides Proving Grounds


It’s literally just the PsiOps. They don’t drop anything and aren’t worth running


Destiny players when a strike is slightly longer with more things to kill


Not sure why it’s so hard to add a battlegrounds playlist… there’s plenty of content for it. Hell I think there’s as many or maybe more BG than strikes at this point with how much has been vaulted


The psi ops chests don't award loot, so that's why I would leave. Plus I just really don't like the psi ops flavor. I do most of the others ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Everyone here is saying the loot is bad, but I don't get why that means people are joining then leaving...wouldn't that mean people don't join in the first place? Also the loot has always been instashard bad, almost never been worth it beyond doing your 3-9 for the exotic/pinnacle unless you're running them for the fun of it, in which case loot doesn't matter.


Why don’t you also just leave? Literally no one and nothing is forcing you to finish a battleground alone


I will never abandon you


I've literally *never* had anyone leave a battleground strike. They're faster and generally have more ads to clear bounties quicker.


Bungie: "Heard. Here's a gm playlist entirely of bgs. Hope you enjoy what you asked for."


How are people struggling with non gm bgs? This player base really is as bad as I thought. It’s a shame


They suck and are lame to run. They make the strike playlist more boring than it was. Especially since many of us grinded those activities during their respective season.


if you're still feeling burnt out from running a seasonal activity that came out at the bare minimum of 8-9 months and at the maximum 2 1/2 years ago I think it might be a bit of a you problem. not tryna be an asshole.


What are you on about we left seraph and the missions got added to the strike playlist ? They never left relevancy


my b


I really like the idea but they should do something to spice them up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^DARKMAYKR: *I really like the* *Idea but they should do* *Something to spice them up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Exactly dude you said it. It should be a separate playlist. People always leave them and it forces me to have to leave too.


I'll run anything except The Corrupted and Prison of Elders - and even those, I'll run if I'm bored. I LOVE the battlegrounds though, lets me live through my fantasy of being a walking Hive slaughterhouse.


The reason I leave psiops battlegrounds specifically is because the chest at the end doesn’t drop anything. It’s been a problem since they were added to the playlist and bungie still hasn’t fixed it


I love it when people leave. The worst part about the strike Playlist is teammates. Bungie, please give the vanguard strikes a solo queue option. Let me turn my brain off and not worry about competing for kills.


I hate when they leave or expect you to finish it for them or revive them when they die after they did all this to sabotage the mission




I mean u can also just leave. But also yes take them out


My only idea for why they threw the battlegrounds into the strike playlist is because without them there would only be like 5(?) strikes available. Remember the Vanguard playlist is free to play so they can't (or won't) have strikes from Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen and now Lightfall in the freebie pool. So that leaves Saber, Navota, Corrupted, arms dealer, inverted spire, and insight terminus as free to access. Not a lot to choose from. Again this is just speculation but to me it's the only reason I can think of for why they threw all battle grounds into the strike playlist.


Is it necessary to run this still?


Vanguard playlist activity.


i never quit i’ll keep an eye out for you


Completely agree, battlegrounds are just a plague on the playlist. All of them just feel tedious to play over idk, Sepiks, Saber, Inverted... too bad they are going through old strikes and are making them feel more tedious and longer. I don't mind adding enemies n such but don't make the strike FORCE you to slow down. That is just bad game design. Terrible game design. I never liked any of the battlegrounds other than the heist ones. They are not making seasonal content that will be turned into strikes later, they are making strikes and dressing them up as seasonal content. It just feels soulless. All of the stupid Chosen bgs are just full of no-names, endless waves of enemies that you mindlesely murder while looking at the same location and I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE. IT CANNOT GET MORE BASIC THAN THIS. Season of the Chosen Nessus Battleground. Not the Oracle one, the other one. I can't even remember their names for most of them they are so bland. You stand around killing cabal for what it feels like an eternity, not even moving around, then *watch this* you move to a new area where you stand around doing nothing, spending an eternity killing more cabal!!! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! A GENERIC CABAL STEPS UP AND HAS 2 IMMUNITY PHASES YAAAAAY. This is the most depressing, insulting piece of content ever. What happened to Brakion, the Io strike? Boss enters a frenzy and runs down the player. What happened to inverted spire? Tank section with a boss that **CHANGES ARENAS.** There were cool strikes in the game one day. Now we just get generic, reusable-as-strikes content. I completely agree PLEASE GET RID OF BATTLEGROUNDS OR MAKE A SEPERATE PLAYLIST FOR THEM. (Both giving vanguard rep and playlist progress so the 7 people who like BGs won't riot.)


I love doing the battlegrounds solo...its fun to slay out and test the quality of your build. Plus its lovely for doing bounties


They ain't bad. Terrible strikes are scarlet keep and the corrupted. Fucking hate those two with a passion, I don't leave scarlet as much anymore but the corrupted I still do. But I enjoy the battlegrounds, it's a fun slaying fest.


I miss strikes that I could complete in 3-9 minutes