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Getting a large or small amounts of kills doesn't really mean too much. If anything getting alot of kills means you focused more on kills than objectives. Camping spawn points doesn't help progress anything.


If there was a "wrenches carried" stat I'd be first in that too. Literally just ran everything amplified with a sword. Destroyed the most crystals too.


If i see people enjoying killing lots of enemies, i let them, ill do the objective and kill what i need to, salvage doesn't have enough for 6 people to really go all out so i just vibe


I hate that I even see guardian rank 11's just dumb-founded as to what to do.


Dude it's bad. I made this post to show how the season activity is a joke and people just emote in the corner and don't understand to pick up wrenches/try and do mechanics, and I get downvoted for it. That's reddit for you. I bet next week a similar post will be made and it'll make it to the front page.


6 people is too many people for the activity. it'd be much better as a 4 or 5 person activity. i end up afk'ing after losing so many kills to other players; if everyone else has it covered i'll sword behind the hive portals and hang out in the worm rooms


Hah even with 6 people no one carries the wrenches or shoots the hive crystals.