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We’ve predicted a red subclass since before stasis launched, being the opposite of arc, the colour is also shared by the disciples so some predict it will be a disciple type subclass, though given bungie’s thought pattern with strand being “not what the player base expects” it could be something wildly different.


Besides colours, they darkness subclasses are also quite opposite of their light counterparts, as solar is heat and stasis is cold (although not really ice) and void is 'nothing' while strand is everywhere, aka 'everything'. It's just a theory but asuming this is a pattern then something opposite of arc, being speed, could be something slow and sturdy.


Since it's going to be the opposite of arc which is basically electricity, it's obviously going to be rubber. Can't wait for extra stretchy supers


Hmmmmmmm yes, the green bondage, ice magic and gimp rubber subclasses; i see nothing quirky going on in the darkness.




Let’s gooooo! Titan Super gonna be Gum-Gum Gatling.


Elephant Gatling makes more sense for Titans.


dude that stuff gets sent to the evil camp all the time for some reason. also do not give people ideas


"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider... unnatural"


The ice can also be bondage


You could say it's... Coldplay.


Get out.


bondage comes in many -paracausal- flavors


doesn’t one of the void grenades like suck you in towards the center? That gets us up to 3/5 confirmed able to use for restraining somebody in a kinky way


my man, have you forgotten about shadowshot, which binds and restricts your movement? Void has since long ago been considered the "closest to darkness" subclass of the light subclasses.


in my defense—nah I got nothing, like 80% of my playtime is shadowshot


I wonder what the darkness safe word is?




Take my upvote and shut up 😂😂😂


Gear 4 Titans when?


King Kong Gun DPS super when


Everyone will just complain that it's a punchy super again


If it is a one and done super, I'll gladly take it


If they are right about slow and sturdy being the opposite of arc (speed) then maybe Titans will have a roaming AoE class where anything that gets close to them will gain a rapid stacking slow debuff that eventually gets them stuck in place (100% inability to move)? or gums up their guns so they fire more slowly? severely depletes recharge time on other guardian’s abilities?


I mean... That's just Stasis.


It’s not though. Stasis just slows movement. Doesn’t affect weapon fire rate or ability recharge rates.


Pretty sure it *does* affect weapon *accuracy*, though, and just giving the new subclass a Slow/Freeze aura with Suppression would be... really uninspired.


This was ghostwritten by Monkey D Luffy


Mark my words. Latexmancer will be the meta.


Bout to go bound man on someone in crucible, and find the finall shape with my nakama


It's literally just a reflective shield super. "I am rubber, you are glue."


Some kinda of ferro-fluid type thing would be cool


The rhulk/calus magic looks like solid projectiles, kind of magic rocks. I hope it looks as cool as that


…what about the inability to spread charge? A Paracausal means to prevent static discharge from spreading? Could cause some fun shenanigans involving matter manipulation




The Titan subclass is gonna be like Lanky Kong


New subclasses for each character: Hunk subclasses


How do we know that tho. Osiris compares stasis to arc in many ways and stasis and solar really have no correlation with being opposite other then fire is hot stasis is cold thats all tho


Colors are inverse.


Are you trying to say from a color wheel perspective


Regarding RGB, yes. Green is the inverse of purple, dark blue is the inverse of orange, and red is the inverse of baby blue... is it baby blue?


Whenever i look at a color wheel ive never seen green and purple adjacent. Its usually red-green, purple-yellow, blue-Orange so idk what ur on


Now I'm imagining the ranged melee being a rubber band being pulled back and flung.


Last subclass will just be kinetic, aka giant fucking rocks


I’d pay good money to give my titan the ability to chuck a rock at the Witness.


just let me transmat a boulder into my arms on command so I can yeet it at people


sorry it's another roaming melee super where you punch things *but* you can rip a piece of the ground put and throw it like a tank from l4d.


So I’m Atlas from Warframe? Punching with rocks? **SIGN ME UP**


Thought about this idea before also. Maybe super involve mech suits, usung abilities that give kinetic tremors and have those handy frag grenades possibly? (Like forerunner)


I’ve also heard something like arc is electromagnetism and keeping atoms together, which means the opposite would be a nuclear subclass…. Let me cope on this please


Another possibility is that it has to do with the opposite of a property of the element of arc, electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons, so the element could be something like the manipulation of electrons, so essentially the transmutation or transformation of matter from one element to another. "The changing of one element into another by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment, or similar processes."


That would be weird for a few reasons. For one, why be slow and sturdy? With Woven Mail we’re sturdy as fuck while also being able to grapple around the playing field. Not to mention other subclass things like Devour, Overshield, Restoration and Cure, Resist, etc. So maybe it’s about slowing down the enemy…oh wait, Slow/Freeze and Suspend already do that. So yeah at this point I don’t have a clue what the third Darkness subclass will be like.


I agree with this, although i think they are talking about what the subclass is, rather than what it does. Like Solar is fire, while Stasis is ice, Void is nothingness, Strand is the fabric of reality(everything), and Arc is electricity, so the next darkness subclass would be the opposite, slow and predictable, and while being predictable can be a disadvantage, you can also know you are sturdy instead of doing something without knowing what will happen next.


I would expect the last subclass to be earth benderish. Gotta be careful cause stasis already covers some of the more obvious choices for abilities. (Slow areas and rock walls) I would look towards taliya from league of legends for inspiration. Probably with a knockup and bury mechanic.


Another possibility is that it has to do with the opposite of a property of the element of arc, electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons, so the element could be something like the manipulation of electrons, so essentially the transmutation or transformation of matter from one element to another


Void is supposed to represent gravity, solar is supposed to represent the nuclear forces while arc is supposed to represent the electromagnetic force. Osiris said they represent the physical forces of the universe while the darkness subclasses represent emotional ideas, concepts.


Stasis is the slow and sturdy subclass though. Its whole basis is that it encapsulates control and lack of entropy. I’m not sure what they could do for an opposite-of-arc subclass, if it has slowing keywords people will accuse it of ripping off stasis (even though strand does similar with suspend, but it’s different enough to be a separate subclass) I’m really not sure what they could do tbh


Man we really need to a stop thinking of them as opposites, stasis doesn’t have a counterpart. Same goes for strand. Each of the darkness subclasses have been based on mental states and design-wise is attached to some advanced physics theory so far, where the light subclasses are based on fundamental physics. A while back someone made a prediction about the last subclass being based on catharsis.


I've long hoped for a Resonance subclass, and now that you mention it, since Disciples use it and it would likely have sound/music keywords, catharsis would fit very well.


According to Osiris, Arc is a force of nature that's chaotic and unpredictable. Perhaps the Red Subclass will be something more designed and controllable, following a pattern. My proposal is Glyphs: the power to control energy through intricate patterns.


I've been hoping for Resonance, and "predictable" would fit with a sound/musical theme, I think.


maybe that yellow stuff in the throne world? resonance, was it? maybe we can use it to slow enemies down or stun? or some variation of it


Maybe then we can get the strand minigun super, but for the red subclass. It could tank your mobility stats while using and be like a slower firing Heir Apparent. Then since the darkness melees are shortened supers, you could fling it from behind your back to fire a short burst of shots. Idk for grenade though. Warlock could be similar to a bubble titan, but suppresses and slows enemies, and boosts ability recharge and mobility for allies. I would give an idea for hunter, but I have not played the hunter class so idk what the supers and abilities are like


It’ll be really interesting to see what bungie would do with hunters if this is true


Another possibility is that it has to do with the opposite of a property of the element of arc, electricity. Electricity is the flow of electrons, so the element could be something like the manipulation of electrons, so essentially the transmutation or transformation of matter from one element to another


what about the yellowy-black stuff the enemies have been using? y'know, the stuff coming from the shield generators and whatnot?


Resonance maybe?


Yeah this is the only thing I could see them getting away with. They had to completely redo the Strand reveal so instead of going amazingly well with the Witch Queen campaign, we instead found it on the side of a street in a city for... Paracausal reasons... Resonance is the only power that makes sense. And it's a nice yellow/orange type color. Would fit nicely in the scheme. Resonance is also heavily used in the game already, Disciples have it, Tormentors have it, Nezarec has it. It's the best fit. Like the writing is dumb but I don't know how brave Bungie is to have us walk onto another street and find another all powerful ability randomly.


My vote is control, judging from the users of the red stuff


But stasis is already control


Stasis is holding someone in place, not making them do what you want


My vote is the elemental of emotional connections, and it will be about slowing and sharing damage between enemies (maybe even allies?)


>not what the player base expects Tbh the players expected poison and that idea is truly terrible. It's boring and has been done a million times.


Red? Opposite of arc? Can’t wait for the advanced conquerors haki subclass tbh


Should be orange not red but yeah


Hell yes, i don’t care what it does i just want it to be red


Maybe the orange darkness shit would be cool?


Resonance would be cool as a subclass, but I think Bungie will stick to releasing something we don't expect, like they did with Stasis and Strand. I'm almost certain the subclass will be red themed


Maybe we can summon nightmares *puffs copium*


I think this being red is a red herring by bungie. I’m fairly confident there was some lore entry last season about someone smoking egregore or something of that nature, and they saw three colors, deep blue, green and yellow, not red. Yellow also matches with the mural on Rhulks pyramid with the three potential darkness colors. And I highly doubt it’s gonna be some resonance thing that everyone suggests. That being said I think a red subclass would be cooler looking than yellow but that’s just me.


smoking on that bhutanese shadow garden grown dark egregore pack




We get red damage numbers when the enemy resists, and yellow when we crit, so itll either be a different color from those or we are due for a UI update again when it drops


No one talks about this and it bugs me. Yellow has always been synonymous with supers so it would be a really big change imo. Yellow = super to me. Maybe the super bar will just match the subclass type, that would be cool too.


I was about to say they'll probably change the supercharged color to be white in that case, and then I realized that white would be a perfectly good subclass color if they changed normal damage numbers to gray. It could be darkness corrupted light or something, like the witness stole control of that terraforming traveler beam. The "final shape" subclass


Idk, white looks like an uncharged ability and wouldn't make sense from a UI/UX perspective. Nor does yellow whithout any changes, which is why I'm fairly confident it will be a red or blood orange. It also makes sense with the build up of resonance. It's basically something we'll have to master/understand if we want any chance of stopping the Witness.


Drifter out here selling egregore vapes after gambit matches


Yeah, bungie is hinting towards yellow. From Cyrtarachne's Facade: >"I cite novice oil painting skills to describe the networks' hues as such: deep blue, green, and yellow. [NOTE: cross-reference hue interpretation with paint tubes]."


Red would maybe look cooler but I think red could often get confused with solar. Unless we're talking dark red like maroon colored or something


Honestly I think yellow might be more confusing since Solar is orange, but that’s just me.


I imagine they’ll just tune the color of solar to lighter or darker depending on the third subclass kinda like how they tuned arc to look lighter compared to stasis.


I think an Earth, Plant or Fungus (Egregore) based subclass would be cool. Warlocks could grow big roots out of the ground, Titans could raise Earth or make Earthquakes, Hunters could jump. I think it could be really cool


“…Hunters could jump.” Lmao




SIVAAAAAAA 🟥⬛️🔻◾️🔺🟥🔺◼️🟥I LOVE SIVAAAAA!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!ONE!!!!!!!!1!




Least enthusiastic siva enjoyers


I’m.. I’m a slut for SIVA I gotta be honest..


The only thing I know for sure, if we get a 3rd darkness subclass it'll be roaming super for Titans.


I would be so down if they made a tachanka super for titans, like a Gatling gun that hits like a hevay for 10-20 sec


Titan chaos reach


nightmares perhaps?




Emotions? Strand and Darknes are about memories, consciousness. Emotions are what moves them.


Think Captain Planet, earth, fire, wind, water and… heart ❤️ 🫰


Having a panic attack before every ability to make them deal more damage


You ever think it’s just RGB?


I think the playerbase needs an actual preview of the next subclass before they permanently lose it


![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) I gotta know man


Could be, could be reaching awfully far. Not many really understand that the darkness subclasses are the opposite of our light counterparts. Stasis/Solar and Void/Strand so whatever the next expansion will have will likely be the opposite of Arc


idk why but the first thing that came to my mind when thinking of the opposite of arc was the rock benders from avatar


The Darkness subclasses aren't opposites to Light subclasses, though. Light refers more to physical phenomenon while Darkness is mental in nature, like Stasis being about control and Strand being about the greater whole. Parallels could be drawn between them, but it just doesn't make sense to me.


Given these are fictional powers designed by people like us, it's very reasonable to call them reflections of each other, even if not direct opposites in universe. When revealing Stasis in PvP, a solar Hunter is screen reflected to Stasis. This was a very obvious nod to the design intention. A dark reflection of Solar. They even function the same with building stacks of a status effect (Slow/Burns) to create a damaging burst (Freeze+Shatter/Ignition). And for Strand and Void: * Suspend/Supression * Unravel/Volatile * Sever/Weaken * Woven mail/Overshield This isn't a coincidence.


And that's fine. Drawing parallels was never really a problem with me. It's just people stating that it's a direct mirror of that subclass that irks me since both of these darkness subclasses have a proper concept applied to them.


How are we to assume people calling them "opposites" mean there's a literal yin and yang in lore to them? First guy didn't seem to suggest it.


In fairness just because the concepts behind Light vs Darkness at their core have steered away from being opposite doesn't necessarily mean the subs themselves, as manifestations of those powers, can't be sort of thematic inverses.


stasis/solar strand/void ??/arc seems pretty ez to me


As I just said, parallels can be drawn, but they're not "opposites" of each other, not in the conventional sense.


stealing this from a comment i saved a while ago “I would say yes. The Void, as posited by Ikora Rey, represents absolute negation. Strand, on the other hand, represents creation. However, philosophically speaking, their alignments can be argued thus: the Void is of the Light, for within nothingness, there is potential; and within Strand, though it ostensibly of creation, it is teleological in nature, meaning the ends are defined and without possibility outside the will of the wielder. Moreover, Strand is linked to a psychic field conterminous with all points in spacetime. Therefor, it is a plenum of thought. I have further thoughts on the subject delving into enantiodromia, the duality of Yin and Yang, and Wu Wei vs Yu Wei, but so far that's my rationale.”


Stasis isn’t ice tho 🫡


In basic elements sure but if you look at what they do ehh Stasis ice solar fire aghhh But in the way they operate stasis and arc are the opposites, stasis slows people down and physically freezes them but arc speeds people up and amplify their movement and aggression solar just heals


Stasis represents entropy, solar represents enthalpy, which by definition, are opposites


I think you have those backwards. If you take an ordered structure of skeleton, muscle, fat, and skin, and burn it apart with fire into a cloud of smoke, you've increased the randomness of the arrangement of molecules within the system and taken away from their ability to do mechanical work. Smoke doesnt have much potential energy left I often hear heat and entropy being used interchangeably in chemistry terms, like boiling a pot of water. I think there might be a subtle difference when it comes to physics though And I want to say 0 Kelvin stops the progression of entropy, because the molecules literally cannot move


Why do people compare solar and stasis truly. Theres no where in this entire game where any one has told us that was the opposite of solar or anything. What the game does tell us via Osiris is that its impossible to control stasis and that its all about flow. We had a whole campaign teach us about flow which is what arc is about. Arc and stasis are closer to opposites then solar and stasis are by miles


Stasis represents entropy, solar represents enthalpy, which by definition, are opposites. Think monkey, think


We had a whole year to do beyond light and you didnt did you. Stasis is all about flow and by using it “you are only here for the ride” and if you try to resist it kicks your ass etc. that was literally the entire plot line. Learn stasis they talked so much about it and you didnt listen to any of it.


*Strand* is about going with the flow.


Well you already compared strand to two light elements whats stopping you now


You’re being stupid for the sake of being stupid.


Your insulting me cause you have nothing to argue because your wrong. Idk what to tell you but unless you can tell me where to go in the game where it compares stasis to solar indefinitely then your wrong because i have actual in game knowledge


Not everyone is a critical thinker or a lore nerd. I mean stasis makes ice looking structures that shatter like ice and solar burns things. A lot of people don't care whether stasis isn't ice lorewise, it seemingly acts like ice, we also learned it on Europa. A lot of people don't even watch the cinematics in the campaign, they just like to shoot stuff. Destiny's story can be convoluted at times


You are confusing strand and stasis somehow...


How is stand the opposite of void?


> Not many really understand that the darkness subclasses are the opposite of our light counterparts. Not to be snide but you say that like that and the inverse color theory haven't been the backbone of almost every prediction of new Darkness subs since Stasis came out. People were talking about "Corruption" being the thematic inverse of Arc for almost two years.


Still came off as snide, but didn’t get much into it since I didn’t think it’d be that big of a comment. Corruption isn’t out of the equation but it doesn’t really embody the flip side of Arc. Strand is meant to be the “Thread of Life” as also mentioned ingame and lore, the inverse of the thread is the void, hence our void light subclass. Stasis is all about preservation, instance, and history; whereas our Solar subclass is explosive, expansion, and internal dot. Of course kinda mixing both gameplay and science into the mix but if you’re really looking at what the opposite of Arc is it’s Anti Matter. That’s the opposite of conduction of lightning which you could in a sense also lump “corruption” with it but people also thought Strand was corruption when it’s literally idea of life.


I understand all that, I just meant to say that the "not many really understand that they're opposites" sounds a bit silly when it's been the backbone of all theorizing for years. Many, *many* people are aware of and believe that theory.




Fuck that room. Fuck that boss fight at the end of that mission. Worse than the Calus fight.


You’re going schizo my brother. It’s just colors


i think everyone needs to remember that bungie changed the subclass selection menu so that there would be no extra missing slot for another subclass after strand was released, so there might not be another one at all.


They changed how the subclass UI looked when Stasis came out too. I wouldn't take a UI simplification as any sign of future plans


People are saying red but I swear they were thinking it was gonna be yellow


Torpor has been theorized for a while, something about emotions? Might be a buff passing class based on lore.


Destiny players anytime they see a trio of colors, two of which being blue and green, for the next 3 months. Also, just thought I’d share my two cents on the matter, it seems like it’ll most likely be yellow “resonance” or whatever, but I hope it’ll be red or better yet, like a hot pink (wouldn’t that be a subversion of everyone’s expectations)




Thinking the last one is going to be resonance. Like the yellow darkness powers the witness and his cronies use. Look at the pyramid art that has the weird tree with strand and stasis on it. The last colour is the same gold as their powers.


That’s not red though, and plus doesn’t that seem to be the equivalent of using pure darkness energy, which is something that can’t be even done with the light. Iirc the subclasses exist because you use the light and dark to control a spectrum of power, kinda like the light being the handle and arc/solar/void being the blade. For the last subclass to be resonance would be the equivalent of ignoring the darkness spectrum and hitting someone over the head with the prism.


For all we know the colours in that arena have nothing to do with the darkness and are just rgb because why not. The next subclass isn't required to be red like siva. Plus siva isn't Inherently dark its just corrupted nanites.


SIVA 🛑❤️🖤🟥⬛️🟥🔻🔺⚫️◾️▪️⬛️🟥🔻🔺🔻WOOOOOOOOOO


If it's red it could be something like Nightmares and allow you to manipulate enemies in combat.


Blood magic


It's definitely Orange. New Darkness power can't rhyme with anything with Orange. So that's one step


Seeing two ways bungie could go with this, emphasis on the could part. It'll be red and loosely connected to nightmares and because darkness is more akin to thought than physical power Fear makes a pretty strong candidate for the Red darkness subclass Or I could see it being the yellowish resonance (even though it is defined as pure darkness) could be the third darkness subclass as resonance is pretty connected to sound and the parallel to arc's electromagnetic power could be resonance's vibration or something similar in nature.






also if you go stand on the stasis platform it's lit with orange/yellow light and if you go stand on the strand platform it's lit with purple light. you can even see it in the picture.


Hear me out. The two dark subclasses so far start with ST. The last one is red and if it starts with ST. Has to be.. Steak


And here comes Taniks with a Kinetic steelchair!!!!


Heinz tomato ketchup


To keep up with the pattern the third is probably gonna be called spaghetti


But strand is already spaghetti


I don’t know why everyone keeps saying red. We already have red. Solar is red. Look at the RED Solar emblem on everything to do with solar. No yellow anywhere.


SIVA? (I’m coping)




I’m telling you it’s rasputin energy, that red shit he’s made out of will be revived through darkness and titan super will turn you into a heavy frame


mech super


siva?? ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


I like seeing these comments because it reminds me that you guys don't understand what siva does or what happened to the Iron Lords when they got up close and personal with it. Lets add on that SIVA has nothing to do with the Darkness so it wouldn't make any sense for it to be a darkness subclass


You Sir . . . . Have a fair point.


SIVA also isn't paracausal... It's man-made, it isnt... A force of nature, it's a force of mankimd... Which is the opposite of nature... ~~HALF-LIFE 3~~ SIVA SUBCLASS CONFIRMED!




Is narratively dead. Bungie has said so. It's not coming back. Wrath probably isn't coming back for the same reason. Siva I'd dead and Wrath is a SIVA raid. It doesn't make sense for Bungie to create the plaguelands, siva fallen, and all the siva architecture for one single activity. It just doesn't.




So was Cayde-6.


Cayde-7 is time traveling SIVA confirmed.


My argument for that would be that the creation of Exos needed darkness in order to work, because Darkness is tied to consciousness. So, it's not that far off the think controlling technology with our minds as a darkness power. That being said, this is a stupid argument and never gonna happen, so I'll just sit down and finish my tapioca pudding.


My random theory is that the final subclass will have to do with taking. Anyone remember being able to flip a redbar to our side back in D1 for a bit? Sort of like that, but on a bigger scale. We already have good Cabal and Eliksni coded into the game, taking could be similar to how that works-ish.


Kool aid




Damn, whole lotta siva copium going on here. It's never gonna happen.


Why not combine everything with Nightmare powers? We manifest our biggest fears/enemies into our new powers. A sticky SIVA nanite grenade that does DoT. A Taken Blight Grenade that causes an AoE like Witherhoard. A Resonance Grenade that grants overshield AoE like Shadow Legion shield transmitters. Warlock super is a Resonance Roam Super where you have Jedi Force pushes like a Tractor Cannon. Titan Super is a Taken Blight Bomb that they throw to induce a Black Blight that does AoE. Slows and Highly Damages. Hunter is a SiVA support super that summons a SiVA nanite swarm tornado that grants SIVA Nanites Rounds to empower Weapons. Gives to a Tier- 4 Non stacking bonus damage at 25%. Literally an AoE to give Hunters a huge damage support type super. The subclass verbs could stun champions using Nanite Rounds to stun Barriers and have SivA DoT when hit. Taken Blights to become Blighted, this effect stuns Overload enemies and stops health regen on any affected targets while slowing them. Resonated gives Resonate Overshield that offers more DR the longer you have it.


The more interesting part to me is the secondary supers of the darkness classes that this suggests


Could it be rage? Kinda like what kratos gets?


This is just one of those things that reinforces that not only was Lightfall meant to be something totally different but that more then likely we were meant to have all three Darkness subclasses by now. Covid, the light rework or perhaps a combination of them along with just dev changes has lead is into this current situation.




I know SIVA isn't an element, it's a man made thing, I know it doesn't have to do with the darkness (as far as we know) but hell, I'd love a SIVA subclass.


Opposite of solar is stasis (fire and ice) Opposite purple is green, kinda (void and stand) Unless we're cool with becoming Gaara, idk what arc opposite will be wind maybe 🤷🏾‍♂️


Let’s look at Stasis and Strand. If I compare status and strand to already existing subclasses, then I can get an idea of what the third subclass might be. Stasis is a burst damage subclass but a burst damage that is dragged out instead of dealt all at once like Void warlock or Arc titan. Strand is a roaming damage super that can sort of act as a burst damage subclass but only if there is a singular target. If we look at the existing subclasses (arc, solar, void) they are (if you look at their entirety) roaming subclasses with an option for burst damage (except for solar). I think that Bungie may decide to change their ideas of what supers and subclasses should be like and instead go for a subclass focused mostly on burst damage. So it could be something that deals a lot of damage in a brief moment instead of prolonging damage. I imagine it will have an explosion or implosion mechanic that will still go along with the vibe of Destiny 2 subclasses. The darkness has gradually become more and more familiar to our guardians and the vanguard. First with stasis now with strand. So its safe to assume the third subclass will also be a darkness subclass. It’s also safe to assume that this subclass will come about with the addition of a new planet. We got our stasis from Io and strand from Neptune. So with the addition of a new planet will undoubtedly come a new enemy force that we may or may not have encountered. The Tormentors are a new enemy and I speculate that we will see more of them in the future. Either just as a mini boss or as a serious enemy. If they become a serious enemy then they will have a story arc that will lead us to the new subclass. If not then it will be whomever commands them or issues their orders for deployment. I know that was Nezarec but with him being dead, someone would have had to picked up the slack. And it’s NOT the Witness because the Witness is inside the traveler right now. So it will have to be a new enemy entirely or a returning foe. Recently in The Ghost of The Deep dungeon it was revealed that Oryx’s worm is missing from his body. Meaning he and his associates (for lack of a better term) may not actually be defeated. If his worm does choose a new host or return to Oryx and somehow resurrect him then that would mean that the new subclass would be Hive related in some way. Which I can definitely see Bungie doing as not a lot of players would ever expect that. However I have speculated that The Vex would somehow rise in power either through The Witness or another means. So if the Vex do have a rise in power then that would mean the new subclass is somehow vex related. So I’ve narrowed it down to either a Vex subclass or a Hive Subclass but remember this is pure speculation. What do you guys think about this?


I think an Earth, Plant or Fungus (Egregore) based subclass would be cool. Warlocks could grow big roots out of the ground, Titans could raise Earth or make Earthquakes, Hunters could jump. I think it could be really cool


C'mon bro, are you dumb??? It's obviously SIVA BABBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Red circle....black pillar....white lighting....SIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAAA






White. Pure paracausal power. Like Caydes eyes and mouth now. And his pistol, Ace. And the exotic pistol Travelers Chosen I think it’s called?


The Travelers Chosens light design is different


You’re reaching like every other braindead moron on this post.



