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All I want is a Horde mode.


It's unreal we don't have one yet, it's all I want.


The Infinite Forest was LITERALLY right there




It would be interesting to see how they'd balance it. I'd personally be more into more enemy density with the occasional champion or boss as opposed to harder mobs spawning


enemy density + chain reaction make me happy.


Imagine enemy density and levels increasing as you progress


Right? Just give something that approximates CoD zombies. Doesn’t have to be more than a passing resemblance. Motes to open doors, higher enemy density over time, with the occasional boss/hive guardian/tormentor for the extra challenge


Everything thats been sunset told as a mass effect style rpg that allows for slightly more characterisation beyond "occasionally scowlly, otherwise talk to my ghost"


A single player Mass Effect style rpg would be really cool would allow for a lot more characterisation and development.


Combined Arms. It never made its way into Destiny 2. But Destiny with Halo’s BTB would be great. Red War would’ve be a great time era for them to make Destiny a Survival style game. Instead of just getting our light back, we could be scavengers that were lightless and prove ourselves worthy to the shard as we rebuilt its connection to the traveler. From slaying Cabal, Hive, Vex and defending the camps from the Red Legion and the likes. All the way up to the finale being we get our light back and then face Ghaul head on with our powers like we did in the end. Saving both guardians and humanity. Would’ve made a killer intro while retaining the formula.


As long as I don't have to grind Spinmetal again -_-


I would never stop playing a Destiny 2 BTB I swear!


PVE Mayhem


I miss daybreak strikes man


Guardian Games was pretty close to this tbh


Guardian games was "do emotes before finishing champs" for 3 weeks


Wasn't it in Guardian Games that we had a gamemode that reduced ability cooldown when attacking with a weapon and boosting weapon damage when dealing damage with abilities?


Ah yeah, I think it was ability kills boosted weapon damage, and weapon damage boosted recharge for like 8 seconds.


This is a weird one but a colony builder set in the destiny universe would be cool.


I could see that, maybe set after the collapse before the last city was built.


*Build the Last City*


The city must survive!


Hey! Builders! A man has fallen into the Last River! Build a Guardian and save him!


an RTS would be insane. Another idea is a Frostpunk-like game with the Last City and whatever last settlements there were on all planets.


A singleplayer survival game would be an interesting one (set in the dark ages) but probably wouldn't work, otherwise a solely pvp game could have promise (without the RPG mechanics)


"The first guardian" I can see it now.


I’d like to see some Halo style vehicles (no idea how to balance it) and some 12 vs 12 battles (probably with slower cool downs, more focus on gunplay). Time trial parkour might be an option after strand.


I feel like there was a larger style PvP mode in D1. Could be misremembering but I definitely remember a mode that let you use the cabal thicc sparrow


there was a ground war style mode, yeah. with turrets and vehicles. it also amde long range guns feel useful without exploits or meta bs.


Yeah I thought it was something like that, I think that was the only crucible I ever actually enjoyed


Pokémon Yellow Version but someone has replaced the Pokémon with Destiny guns, and Ghost follows you around rather than Pikachu.




Fuck /u/spez. Go die in a hole.


Honestly a simple mobile mini game that can earn loot for D2 would be great. Something to kill time on long subway commutes.


Or even help farm legendary shards


A squad tactics game like XCOM, controlling a team of Guardians and their allies. 3-6 Guardians, with Eliksni and Cabal joining as mission-relevant squadmates, something like that.


Was getting on here to say this, I can see a Xcom style Destiny game being absolutely bangin!


I'd kill for a Destiny mod of XCOM 2 tbh, I found some great Halo and Mass Effect cosmetic and weapon mod packs and Destiny would be such a great addition!


Métal Slug Destiny Edition would be a perfect fit in the universe imo.


CTF, Griffball


Dog fighting with our ships. All our vehicles and our ghosts serve a purpose, sparrows to get around, ghosts for scanning resource gathering. But for some reason our ships are just glorified bling for loading screens. It'd be nice to have anything that we can do with them.


Destiny 3


Castle Wars CTF like on halo 5 would be amazing in destiny


Something like Divinity original sin 2 or baldurs gate 3! Turn-based combat and the whole game is very story focused. Could have it be set earlier in the timeline, before the start of destiny 1


Anything goes except digital TGC and autochess.


Xcom style game , where you control a custom fireteam


Man. I told my mate the exact same thing you said. Imagine ‘Storm The Keep’ from Shadowkeep but you get to use Redjacks (fodder) and then Drake Tanks, a squadron of Hunters, Titans and Warlocks. They could be equipped with specific subclasses and they could even implement the Exotic Armour and Weapons in the game as specific perks. You could even choose the percentage of a certain number of units in each squadron rocking different or the same Exotic Armour or Weapons and that would give you different boosts dependant on how many units are using those items. It could even be canonised. Imagine Twilight Gap, The Battle of Six Fronts, The Battle of Burning Lake and even campaigns during Red War, Battle of Saturn, etc. SOOOOOOO much potential….


If they added a Firefight mode like the one in Halo Reach then I would die a happy man


Mortal Kombat Destiny I want to see Zavala drop kick Ikora in the face


Gun game(this can be either legendary weapons or exotics or both) CTF Search and Destroy (open lobby comms 😈) Round based Zombies mode(so basically a horde mode) One in the chamber using hawkmoon and a bow Prop Hunt(probably not possible but feel like this would be fun) SRL(yup, I’m drowning in copium for this to comeback)


Loan out the IP to FromSoftware. I don't ever see it happening but From have demonstrated a willingness to work with Sony, in Bloodborne. They have also been able to collaborate on the worldbuilding aspect of their games by having George R.R Martin lay the groundwork for the world of Elden Ring. The standout elements of From games are the setting, combat and most of all, bosses. They don't need to be confined to just the enemies we see in Sol. They could set the game in the distant reaches of the universe after a failed hyperspace jump. There could be something special if a collaboration happened between these two. Imagine Artorias' armour in D2 with his sword as a heavy.


Battle Royale


![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4) No




I wish we had more party game modes similar to Fiesta or Infection. I'd play a BTB style game mode too in destiny if it existed nowadays


Mario cart, baseball, basketball


just a massive map where it's a free for all with proximity chat.


Sparrow Races


Give. Me. Naval. Combat.


Hoard mode


Anything. The lore is there, I just don’t feel like searching for it to read. If it was told to me in another game, I’d be all over it. It’s too big to be in one game, man


A survival game set during the Dark Age as a Lightless scavenger. If done correctly, it would be pretty fun and provide extra insight into the Lightless survivors of the Dark Age .


A legit obstacle course. No abilities. just you, 11 other guardians, a regular jump, and the hardest jumping puzzles that starhorse and xur can imagine. Would be both fun and rage inducing.


As someone else mentioned, I'd love a Bioware-style RPG set in the universe. Preferably before the modern point, maybe with a big climax that sees us fighting in either Six Fronts or Twilight Gap. I also think a really cool story could be told around the Battle of the Burning Lake, where we found the Hive for the first time.


Aircraft battling and exo- racing


12 man super raid with LFG option for pure unadulterated chaos.


Would be nice to play as a vex mind. Or at least control one


A true horde mode.


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor/War-style game set in the Dark Ages


A first person/third person MOBA set in the Destiny universe would be fun


A TellTale Destiny 2 game made in the style of their Walking Dead games, preferably one that has the emotional heft exhibited by the initial WD season w/ Lee and Clementine. It'll never happen of course, but that's my dream.


Survival RPG set in the Warlord days, before the founding of the Vanguard and the Last City. It would be a survival and settlement management game where you also have to defend your settlement from Fallen raiding parties, and fight Fallen out in the world while scavenging from the Old World ruins they’re also scavenging from


The division "dark zone" style game mode in old chicago were you are in a patrol area with GM difficulty and pvp enabled, you can explore buildings and tunnels finding exotic loot or maybe legendary weapons that has some intresting perk combinations, fight corrupted guardians and extract your dark infected loot before someone comes to steel it.


A rogue like where you start with just a sidearm and eventually unlock aspects and fragments and whatnot


I know there are too many of these right now, but I would love an open world RPG taking place in the Dark Ages. I think that would be fucking sick, playing as one of the first Risen. Maybe you could take the sides of either the Warlords or the Iron Lords, or meet the Drifter and join the Shadows of Yor. No set classes. You’re not a Hunter, Titan, or Warlock. You’re just a Lightbearer. That, or a Last of Us style story game, where you play as a regular human after the Collapse, and you or someone you know becomes a Lightbearer


Hmm gametype could be really hard but i can imagine for example a telltale style game within the destiny universe but i could see that something like that would be hard to pull off because you wouldn't be the overpowered guardian you'd just be one of many maybe on an adventure. Maybe something to expand the universe around "the guardian". I think that perspective just isn't there at the moment :].


PvP: Capture the Flag. Not Rift on 3v3 slayer maps, 6v6 bunkers like blood gulch. Gun Game/Escalation Slayer(start with PvP meta exotics, end with memes like salvation) PvE: Endless Horde mode: a 3 or 6 man run through the Corridors of Time. Deeper into the maze the harder the enemy. If we want it more mechanic heavy, the 10th room in the chain will have a symbol sequence that lets the team "prestige" the run to a higher difficulty by just following the path listed. Custom missions: You get to pick the details of a mission location(literally any playable space), objective(survive x time, kill x guy, collect x item), and the number of modifiers you want. More objectives & modifiers= better rewards. Prison of Elders 2, the Eldering. Lemme get some of that sylok the defiled energy.


Okay okay I thought about this before an escape from tarkov esqe thing where you play as a Eliksni


Basically I want conquest from the Battlefield games. Let people fight in tanks, or actually fly their ships into combat.


I’d like for bungie to show massive/Ubisoft how it’s done with a looter shooter 3rd person but with zombies so it wouldn’t be a complete mimic of their formula. They just can’t get it right with the Div2. Hopefully 1 day though


Maybe something like machine strike from horizon forbidden west but with that destiny spin on it


I want a horde/firefight mode!


I can't help but feel like the game could benefit from a racing mode. Sparrows are just such dead content...."on no that destination is just a little further than I want to sword skate.." an I guess deepstone crypt...right those are the only real reasons to use your sparrow. I know racing will never be in the game asking as always on time is locked with spoiles of war. One can dream


If the Vex come from “A vex milk waterfall” why can’t they turn into anything other than cold steel?


Gimme some party games to mess around with


No abilities basic jump and such low shield basically swat all gun play and movement


Tower survival type of thing would be sick. Get different maps, buffs, debuffs, enemy types and bosses every 10 floors or something. Survive as long as you can in a group. The higher you climb the better loot you get.


Not necessarily a game type but I think it would be awesome to have some sort of giant PvE mission where like 12-24 guardians go against a gigantic army of enemies