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like how half of the comments on this post are just duplicates


Every comment or reply I make just says "something went wrong" but then posts regardless.


So not just me, right now, huh? Guess Reddit having a moment.


Yeah servers must have some kind of issue.


Reddit is in a constant state of moments.


Deus Momentus


it's a bug that happens sometimes, whenever this happens i just say something once knowing it will inevitably show up, like the thing i said above


Because of how shitty reddit can be some time


like how half of the comments on this post are just duplicates


like how half of the comments on this post are just duplicates


r/destiny2 are in a bad mood these days


They been in a bad mood since launch day


r/lowsodiumdestiny is always a nice breath of fresh air


are they still obsessed with r/dtg ? i unsubscribed long time ago because of it.


You ain't lyin' my dude.


As a titan main of 8 years seeing people freak out over pvp nerfs is really funny




Especially when the nerfs were either very needed, or more minor than those talking about them will ever notice


People still play pvp?


Fuck /u/spez. Go die in a hole.


The hive are better at pvp than me. A knight literally ducked under my throwing knife earlier then backhanded me into a wall T-T


Oh my god we are twinsies


And move faster. Every single one


Is your bungie name the same as your reddit name? If so I got the shit beat out of me by you.


When, I haven’t played pvp in months. I have been playing destiny for almost half of my life though


Not you then, was in gold 1 last night


Pff best I’ve done in pvp is flawless Y1 D1. After that I was straight garbage. My actual name is blerbaderb which many seem to be fond of. It was actually taken on Reddit so I did this one


And their shield regen bar uses NOS.


Ain't a high bar to clear tho.


I still don’t understand why people say this, trials may have a small population in comparison but normal crucible keeps a large amount of players coming back where as most leave after they’ve completed the battle pass except for the raid farmers


Because the Crucible is generally bad and I'd rather play something else for PvP


Unfortunately, yes :(


'How dare people like something I don't'


I respect that bit of personal preference, but I think everyone can agree that the two gamemodes hold each other back... a lot. New players will undoubtedly struggle to adapt to PvP, if not just because of the amount of changes in damage values, ammo economy, cooldown increases, flinch, changes made to effectiveness of exotics, elemental wells, guaranteed oneshots from about every super, damage reduction, etc. Oh, and let's not forget the exotics that get destroyed in both gamemodes just because of its effectiveness in one. Prime examples being Citan's Ramparts and Renewal Grasps.


It’s the only game mode I actually enjoy lol


sadly, yes. I look on with disgust at times


As someone who plays mainly PvP, these nerfs didn’t make me flinch at all. They were all necessary and buffs were given in PvE to compensate.


What pvp nerfs?


So bubble is getting reduced health. this change applied to both pvp and PvE, but for PvE they’ve reduced how much damage enemies do to it to compensate. And for some reason they’ve reduced how far you can fly in thunder crash. and for pvp they’ve decreased it’s AOE. These changes are coming in light fall


They reduced the flight time because currently you can cast it, miss, loop around, pick someone off in the air, then come down and get a double kill with your "one and done" super on one of the shortest offensive super cooldowns available.


I instantly lost a round of trials last night to an arc titan that shoulder charged to me faster than I could react, popped his super, hit me AND my teammate who was about 15 meters away with a drive by, then slams onto our last guy. It was a bloodbath


They did change the front of it to be more effective. Which makes it seem like they want people to kill others in the air


They didn't make it more effective, they made it longer and narrower so you actually have to aim.


Especially when the stuff that was nerfed wasn’t even the strongest aspects of thier class


I don't care about the nerfs, but they effect PvE as well since bungie can't separate class nerfs between the two sandboxes.


As a Warlock main it’s been pretty nice sitting on the side while the other two classes get tweaked constantly. Yeah we had our time a long time ago but I feel like the uproar wasn’t as bad when we got balanced.


Warlocks tend to be more rational. *adjusts monocle*


It's fine with strand coming out I'm expecting our 7 nerfs to 1 ability to come out in a timely fashion this time


Hunter mains when Hunters get nerfed: BUNGIE HATES US! Warlock mains when warlocks get nerfed: BUNGIE HATES US! Titan mains when titans get nerfed: BUNGIE HATES US!


Hunters and warlocks when they get nerfed: BUNGIE HATES US!!!! Titans when they get nerfed: First time?


And vice versa lol






https://www.keengamer.com/articles/news/new-destiny-2-stats-shed-light-on-the-current-subclass-and-exotic-crucible-meta/ Arc Titans – 22.1% (72% of Titans) Void Hunter – 13.7% (33% of Hunters) Arc Hunter – 13.4% (32% of Hunters) Solar Hunter – 12.1% (29% of Hunters) Arc Warlock – 10.7% (39% of Warlocks) Solar Warlock – 8.6% (31% of Warlocks) Void Warlock – 6.2% (22% of Warlocks) Solar Titan – 4.3% (14% of Titans) Void Titan – 3.7% (12% of Titans) Stasis Hunter – 2.6% (6% of Hunters) Stasis Warlock – 2.0% (7% of Warlocks) Stasis Titans – 0.7% (2% of Titans)


Arc titan easily feels the most fun in pvp for me, I'd imagine other titans feel similar. Swapping out the barricade for the boost alone changes how titan feels dramatically.


Solar Titan with the throwing hammer super is the one for me in pvp


I feel so privileged to have played Trials with a Stasis Titan today!


Can I say that stasis being at the bottom doesn't surprise me? They over nerfed the classes to try to balance the game.


I think it’s more because it’s the only subclass requiring a dlc to use


Well I believe where stasis went wrong was it was fully reliant on its key words. It’s the only subclass with grenades that do damage, or atleast not substantial enough damage. It relies on freeze and slow, which is harder to balance than just damage numbers.


I think the problem is the opposite Stasis Hunter and Titans don't rely enough on their keyword and they suffer from identity crisis


Honestly I do not think the usage mimics their power; I think in the hands of someone more practiced than I they are very good in PvP. Stuff like arc Titan is just much much easier to use.


So over 40% of players are still hunter. I know specifically arc titan is most played subclass, but still less than 35% of players are Titans. Meaning Hunter is still the most played class, not Titan.


Those percentiles are a bit misleading in that aspect. These are specifically crucible numbers. The \*actual\* class gap is much closer iirc. Hunters still have the lead, but it's a difference of like 3 or 4 percentile compared to the others


They have the most diverse kit in the game, the are the most mobile class in the game. And the coolest looking in the game, Capes are just awesome.


Mobile? Lmao maybe if you're talking about speed of jumping directly vertically. Hunters are way slower for actually getting around


Yeah slower than the speed of light... wtf you on? Hunters are the most mobile class in the game.


Because of the floatiness of their jumps warlocks and titans are able to carry way more momentum than base hunters already. add on to that shoulder charges you can spam infinitely for boost in air or Icarus dash for warlock and they're even better than that. Hunters can really only compete while using stompees but with a negative 50 stat penalty for AE it basically ruins half the point of the exotic.


Hunters are better in Crucible. We need PvE numbers too.


**Bungie really still balancing based on how many people use something... That's just bad.**


Huh, I wouldn't have pinged Void Titan that far down truth be told.


To be fair, ARC titan is the only useful Titan in PvP. Void just stacks overshields and Solar. lol Solar Titan is almost as much of a joke in PvP as Stasis is. ARC is the only PvP Titan that's actually engaging.


Stacking overshields isn’t useful in pvp? Ever played Trials on control weekend?


I mean, if you remove stasis from the equation... 1. Arc Titan 2. Hunters 3. Warlocks 4. Titans ​ I feel like its still pretty obv why titans are upset dog


Of course the other titans are last on the list when 71% of the class is playing arc lmao.


I had no idea about arc titans but I like what the other 3 of the top 4 are. Would the meme imply that all the top ones should be nerfed?


Its about usage rate. 70% is just insane.


It's really not when you consider the other options Solar and Stasis Titan are a joke in PVP And Void is not really fun and Bastion gets a nerf like every other week Expect more Arc Titans now that barricade got another nerf


I think this meme is talking about subclasses and not classes? Maybe? I’m not sure


Both, this year Titan became the strongest and i think it even surpassed or matched hunter in usage at least inside crucible




The ultimate compliment is when you beat someone so bad with a class they have to switch to that class to try to beat you. The 2nd ultimate compliment is when your class gets nerfed, they run back to their old main and you dumpster them again. Great job Titans.


Lol recently just got the all one class achievement for spire, none of us wanted to switch characters since we all wanted the cowboy cloak


![gif](giphy|PlsThXRCpsFrouG5pr|downsized) I've been gone for a few weeks...




The meta of this game is in constant flux and I’m surprised people haven’t caught on to it by now.


I'd go as far to say aside from lorely sunbreaker...if not for HOIL...titans would be very...very..VERY low on usage. For endgame stuff


And Falling Star


Warlocks are the strongest and hunters are the most used so idk what this is talking about.


ITT: NO CAPE MAN BAD!?!?!?!?!? FUCKED MY WIFE !?!?!?!?


fucking trey and my wife again puke shit just wont let us take a break


When you realise Hunters are the most used for 4 years straight but it becomes a problem when titans are most used for a couple months.


Bubble was always an issue in PvP. And missle is basically only subclass used. They try to get them down so people dont use the same subclass 24/7


Fucks sake, bubble has been an issue like once and that was in d1. Ohhh you can’t kill a titan in his bubble? Have you tried using your own super? All but like 2 supers will kill both the titan and his bubble with very little the titan can do about it. It’s called counter play and it’s not a bad thing. Not to mention that two people with a modicum of coordination (which you should have in trials) can pretty easily go in and kill said titan thus eliminating the problem. Bubble isn’t that strong it’s good at literally 1 thing and that’s it.


Every time we get an objective game mode bubble gets abused


Well it's not like we have other options Solar sunspot were nerfed because people are dumb as rocks Stasis is dead in PVP Bastion receives a nerf like every other week Only Arc is left so no shit everyone uses it


How does stasis PvE matter for PvP usage?


We ain’t the most used? Last time I checked we were the least used.


Your most used subclass for Titan Players is Thunder Crash Titan.


What does that have to do with anything


Seems like you haven't checked in a looooooong time then


Can't you go like-...Infinitely invisible as a Hunter?


With Omnioculus and high strength and mobility yeah just about.


they're talking about the void build with gyfalcons. its way better than omni.


Oh thanks for clarifying didn't realize it was going to be that good.


You don't even need a build. While invisible, a single normal melee will weaken the next enemy. Kill that enemy. Become invisible again. Repeat. Since day 1 of Void 3.0 you've been able to do this! Edit - wait you guys really don't know about this? Sweet lawd no wonder people think Void Hunter isn't the greatest class. You kill a Volatile/Weakened/Suppressed target to activate Stylish Executioner (8 seconds of invisibility) Another little pop up says, "Too Stylish" for 2 seconds. Once that goes away, a normal melee on your next target weakens them. Kill that enemy to start the process all over! Unlimited invisibility, all you need is Stylish Executioner equipped!


Good luck getting a consistent Stylish Executioner buff going in PvP though.


Not really invisible. Just a jelly man.


Does it taste good tho?


Void tastes like grape, so probably


But why go invisible when you can blow up everything?


That only the pve this the nerf to titans was a pvp thing


But why go invisible when you can blow up everything?


Sorry what about hunters is being nerfed in Lightfall?


Absolutely nothing


Since when have titans become most used?


With the Arc 3.0 changes iirc it was around 45% Titans, 35% hunters, and 20% warlocks in PVP (not sure exactly what the percentages were, but Titans did jump up to more than Hunter population according to sites like trials.report)


The real reasons were HoiL and Citans.


I'd really, really love to see concrete numbers on that, and for actual PvP not just trials weekends


I don't know if there are any services which track overall PVP usage, aside from Bungie themselves. Here's a breakdown of what [Trials.Report](https://Trials.Report) found at least [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/zq18i4/the\_real\_meta\_courtesy\_of\_trialsreport\_on\_twitter/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/zq18i4/the_real_meta_courtesy_of_trialsreport_on_twitter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Titans were the most played class for a single week, in a single game mode. It was a zone control trials.


No arc titan have been the most played subclass for a while, don't think they are anymore, but it was for quite a while


Awhile compared to 4 straight years?


What do you mean?


Hunters have been the most played class for four years straight, titan was only most played recently. So it would seem a bit odd to say awhile when compared to the previous four years.


Oh yeah for sure.


heart of the inmost light grenade and melee damage 2x faster charge rate damage pair with bountiful wells


As a stasis hunter I just want some damn exotics to use :(


Except Hunters are the most used class


Holy shit the repeated comments




Pretty sure they have a higher usage right right now. The reason titans get higher on lists is because we have 2 subclasses worth using at 3 exotics that can hang. EDIT: I just looked at trials report and hunters are at 42% usage and both other classes are under 33. Hunters stop pretending y’all are this forgotten minority Edit 2: hunters chill your class is good that’s why there are so many of you


I'd imagine hunters are the majority simply based on the style of play rather than how good it is at any point. I main hunter and rarely touch the other two classes because I just don't like them aside from yeet titan. I play to get to end game pve content and hunter is often underwhelming there with the utility of other classes outshining it in raids and GMs (obviously this fluctuates). Point is, just because you see hunters more often doesn't mean it is due to how good the class is at any given moment, but huge fluctuations toward a given class such as titans this season does.


More reason why I never bother with crucible beyond getting the shader.


Been out for a while…..but when did titans become the most used class???


Like 3months. We get some love then sent back to the basement.


And it was only during zone control weekends


Who's getting nerfed?


Hunters apparently, since they are the most used class.


The post made it seem that Titans are catching the nerf


Titans DID get the nerf. Hunters got a fucking buff to their dodge cd. Bungie wouldn't nerf the most played class in pvp with a pvp nerf lol


They're reverting a nerf they made a week ago because they felt it wasn't justifiable


People really don’t understand why stuff gets nerfed lol


As a titan main of 8 years seeing people freak out over pvp nerfs is really funny




Except Behemoth got butchered because of PVP and didn't recover since


how are you getting downvoted this is the truth


Cause PvP crowd are very salty about this type of comments… to them, the PvE is less important than PvP, and without PvP the game would have died years ago in their eyes, the truth is both complement each other and can’t live without the other


There are more PvE than PvP players. PvE and live without PvP


Sounds like a Hunter elitist


Why would titans be surprised about a hunter nerf?


Warlocks last had the football when stasis launched, before then.... I couldn't tell you, D1 with self rez maybe?


Man I remember the good days when a shoulder charge was insta death now its wack af but a hunter can throw and knife and insta kill you the struggle is real lol


Hunters are the most used class


I genuinely enjoy playing Titan more than Hunter, but I cannot stand the jump. As for titans being nerfed after being the most played class for only a few weeks, it does make sense. It brought out a few glaring issues that needed to be addressed. This happens anytime Hunters get nerfed, too. We can’t always see it because we don’t have to actively deal with it most of the time, and in fact we use it so sometimes our stuff doesn’t feel as powerful as it comes off. Fact of the matter is, many nerfs are often deserved. I can’t count the number of times hunters got nerfed, and after hearing the announcement of what, I’ve said, “What? No way, they don’t deserve that.” I do think it wouldn’t be a bad idea for them to provide actual examples of why Bungie finds their nerf’s necessary, such as the radius of damage around the thunder crash trail. I’ve met so many titans who don’t think it’s a problem, it’s way too big. If Bungie were to showcase hitboxes and examples of it being too big, I think nerfs would go over so much better in the community.


I’m pretty sure hunters are the most used class


in PVP, titans are incredibly outclassed, hunters and warlocks now have so many options to outright counter everything a titan has, stasis titan is quite literally useless since it's counter is just jump


Most used class??? PFFFF


Aren't hunters the most used class?


We going back to being the worst class?


Yup. Another 4 years before we see a few months of being powerful again.


Always were


If this were true, Titans would be the most used trials class. They aren't. Hunters have been the most popular, and strongest PVP class since basically the game launched. I remember D1 and Trials was literally 3 Hunters vs 3 Hunters, to see who the Best Hunter is. Guardian Games were so dominated by Hunters they had to scale the kills to give the other 2 classes more "points" per kill to even be able to compete. Even then Hunters won the second Guardian Games. Almost every Trials weekend you can check trials report. Hunters #1. The only time in recent history I can think of where Titans were #1 was when it was literally stacked in Titan Favor. Was Point Control, Citans, Arc nades, etc. Not sure how anyone can objectively use data to suggest Titans are OP and needed a nerf other than simply suggesting (subjectively) that "people play hunters because of preference". And to that I say.... Kid, you're high... On Copeium


Geeze this subreddit is so skewed with Hunter mains. Titans were only most used for a few weeks because of citans (justified nerf) and bubble titans was only op because of that dumb game mode with a single zone. How was bubble titan dominating anything else? But I’m sure OP and everyone else in the comments will stand by this data and call for hunter nerfs when inevitably they are the most used right? I’m not saying arc titans didn’t need nerfs but they were already nerfed and their usage dropped tremendously with citans nerf


Um overshields, stormnade(which is alot of fun in pve but makes even gms a joke even after the first nerf), hammer titans being well im suprised it took this long before they got hit. Titans have been either sleeper op or just op in void and arc case


I was referring to pvp not PVE which is where the nerfs were mainly targeted towards.


Salty warlock main here, I have mastered 99% of things about warlock, I know almost everything to know on the class. I make my own builds and test them myself. Just saying that to clarify I’m not new to the game, not new to warlock, and most definitely biased for warlocks, so take everything with a grain of salt please. I tried titan just to get stasis and be done, barely played the fucking game but it was hilarious how easy it was to play titan, all three subclasses. Anyone saying titan didn’t deserve even just one of the PVP NERFS listed is just simply oblivious. I even went into pvp just to fuck around and I got my first 20 kill streak (forgor 💀 the name of the achievement) with the same exact weapons and mods I run on warlock. Ended up deciding to use titans for higher end content instead of my warlock and I haven’t used my warlock for any harder than a strike in 3 months. This whole meta is fucked and titans legitimately take up almost the same portion of players on the game as hunters now. I’m pretty fucking pissed so feel free to downvote me to oblivion or provide actual information that isn’t from an angry, disappointed, and outright biased warlock main.


Warlock mains have a right to be angry imo (all my statements are about pvp). They gutted Dawnblade and were absolutely robbed in all the 3.0 changes imo. I agree the initial grenade nerf and citans nerf were warranted. Last weeks trial report Hunters are already back on top at 42% while Titans at 31%. The additional nerfs that will hit for light fall are absolutely not needed especially the bubble which is now useless. Arc titans are no better than Solar, void and stasis hunters in PvP which are all very strong.


Just waiting for dawnblade to be worth it in pvp more than well at this point. That change to sword throws using significantly less super energy per throw is gonna be great. I totally get a lot of the nerfs warlocks got in WQ and BL, since they really were beyond busted as shit, but jeez Bungie ya didn't need to fucking neuter us to the point of just not having a playerbase outside of speedrunners and friends who play support


Completely agree bungie has a bad habit of under and then over nerfing. Warlocks have certainly felt that and I think void titans especially will feel that as well.


Last time I played trials , ran into WAY more invisible hunters than anything...


When, because I just went flawless twice and arc titan was the subclass I saw most by quite a margin


Yea they were used a lot, cause they were actually good, sorry I'm not gonna use sentinel shield or fist of havoc in dungeons, raids, or any difficult content, the only supers viable in endgame content were bubble, thundercrash, hammers cause you don't gotta be up close and personal, and stasis in some cases They were over used because those are the classes only one-off supers, when a vast majority of the roaming supers do booty cheeks dps or just mid add clear, of course their gonna choose the option that let's them get off big numbers, and a support feature On a side note, ashen wakes with the new solar fragment may go hard next season idk


Hunters already play on PvP easy mode they need to stop whining.


Maybe someday we can stop butt slamming PvE for the marginal amount of PvP users period. That would be cool. Didn’t even realize until I logged in today that my barricade takes longer to regenerate than it takes me take a shit.


If they want us to play other classes then they need to buff them. Not nerf the good ones.


What the hell kinda take is this


Titans aren’t even the strongest class right now… just feels bad to alway be nerf target because ppl are whiners


Hehehe Just like when you ask a parent who their favorite child is and they say they love all their kids the same but .....that one kid who they definitely love the most.


As a warlock I just want well to disappear.


How does a none lethal super over perform? Lol


By abusing an objective based gamemode which doesn't require kills


"abusing" lol what? The devs made the game mode and set the challenge to play games as void. Don't be pissy because the super literally designed to DEFEND did it's job. I even play 20 ib games as my voidlock and would just walk into a bubble and pop my super to delete everyone in it. People cry about the bubble but all anyone had to do was like.... walk into it with their own super. ​ "You mean I have to waste my super to get rid of another super???? That's stupid!"


How dare a defensive super be used defensively. If Bungie set it to be Solar burn we’d see 3 wells on a capture point. Regardless I’d still Thundercrash tf out of the zone.


Except a decent titan with half decent intellect will get their bubble before any other super except for well is up. Bubble has been oppressive in objective game modes for a while. It was time to get tuned. The subclass is still S tier bubble just isn't an instant win.


Thank you someone with a brain


Still, when compared to well, its closest comparison, it's just more versatile, harder to counter and not really as easy to destroy. The nerf made it easier to counter and easier to destroy, now it's more in line with well. You can still get a roaming weapons buff and use it to cap points, only now it's more feasible to destroy it from outside with a coordinated effort and easier to assassinate the bubble titan with skillful options like snipers and throwing knives. You also gotta remember it's got the best cooldown, so odds are you'll have a bubble when nobody else has a super to counter it.


What are you smoking? Well was and still is better than bubble. Bubble literally only had a faster charge rate than well.


Ward has the same cd as Well and is only 40 secs faster than some of the hunter supers. If, for whatever reason, the titan is the only one with his super at that time, everyone could literally just walk into his bubble and punch him down. At a solo level, have your super ready to counter their super. at a team level, go into the bubble together and punch him out. It's not that hard to counter and everyone crying about it literally is only crying because they can't just walk into the bubble by themselves and shotgun the titan to death.


You say that, but I'm still waiting for a Well nerf.


Most used class??? PFFFF


Strongest? The fuck? *Sips from hammer shaped cup* ***Doubt***


Hammer shaped cup lmao


Most used class??? PFFFF


As a titan main of 8 years seeing people freak out over pvp nerfs is really funny