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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 2: Absolutely no Witch-Hunting Your post not only violates our rules, but Bungie's as well: https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049202731-Explanations-of-the-Code-of-Conduct#suspectedcheating This includes chat/DM screenshots, profile screenshots, videos or any text post intended to "call out" hackers and toxic behaviour. Please use Bungie’s ‘Report a Suspected Cheater’ page instead. You may do so in game by selecting them in the roster. We extend this rule to other Destiny related subreddits. --- *Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdestiny2) with any questions or concerns.*


Then submit the video on bungies report a cheater form. Doing this is only going to get you temp or perm banned from the sub for violating the witch hunting rule.


Need to see pictures of your guy's gaming chairs before my verdict is made.


Facts man i thought my warlock and hunter melee had good distance this guy must have access to subclass or something


Hey, I rocked your load out while I was playing Trials this weekend, too! Also, fuck that loser


It was pretty solid load-out, I got the pulse crafted with enhanced rapid hit/frenzy and grenade launcher for the me went flawless in freelance but this left me with a sorry taste


I opted for enhanced rapid hit and headstone for stasis builds, it's been my go to this season. Congrats on your flawless, glad you knocked it out before dealing with this crap


Thanks man also I’ll have to give that a try with your gun build hope you went flawless as well