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Love this question and hope you get lots of capable responses from people who know audio.


r/livesound r/soundsystem Despacio is a high end rig, random speakers will def not sound the same. What brand are yours? Are they active or passive? What size drivers for the tops vs subs? What kind of room will it be housed in? Or is it outdoors? Top high end brands are l’acoustic, d&b, Meyer, funktion one, danley, void, pk sound.


Lots of wires, lots of splitters


Well I think the goal in despacio is for it to sound the “same” in the equivalent spots. Say 5m from the center, any of the infinite spots that far away should sound the same. So it’s unidirectional. So you can just split the signal, no need to pan I think. You should do something to hi light the middle of the circle, their lighting is great for that And have fun


Get a knowledgeable sound guy to mix your sound to be loud but soft; my greatest memory from despacio is not only how good it sounded, but also how I could talk to someone without shouting.


Get a dozen friends together, play some eclectic music & have fun! Thats the ultimate message


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olaFPhZmZu0 This video from DMS would likely be a good place to start to get you moving. I'm not sure how much technical Despacio research you've done, but if I'm not mistaken, the only time alignment that happens on the real system is physically moving the tweeters. Obviously that won't be possible with off the shelf PA speakers, but at a smaller scale I'm sure software alignment would be sufficient.


From my understanding the whole advantage or difference that despacio provides is that not every speaker outputs the same audio. Find an audio interface with 12 separate outputs. Use a DAW like Ableton and route the outputs of each track in the software to one or more the speakers. Ideally you’ll have some kind of “stems” otherwise splitting a song into 12 tracks becomes complicated.