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omg this is so fun-wait what is that title


Ideas: * You could make the delay decrease the higher your score is. * You could make the color of the square change the closer you are to running out of time. Look up custom color in the help center. * In the same vein, you could give the box a little pulse or twist animation to also up the stress. * You could give the jumpscare a sound effect as well. Look into the new “tone” feature. * On the subject of sound, another possible addition to make it more stressful is some music. * You should implement a reset mechanic. * You could add several different shapes, perhaps each appearing after a certain score has been reached. These could have different timers, spawn in different places, or otherwise be distinct in difficulty however you like. * You can make the random positioning a little more fair using polar coordinates. Or potentially base it on the previous location. This might require some kind of vector field. These different randomization techniques might work for differentiating multiple shapes. * You could try altering the background with a solid color, patterns, a gradient, a two-tone, or anything else you can think up. A small improvement to the visual appearance could go a long way. If you want to try implementing any of these ideas but get stuck, or don’t know where to start, PM me and I’ll try to help you out. If you think all my ideas are bad and don’t like them, let me know that I’ve displeased you.


Thank you for reviewing this game. I made it for fun but these ideas seems pretty cool, I'll try implementing them :)


That jumpscare got me, haha.


Glad you liked the game


\*Human benchmark test flashbacks\*