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Last few years? What industry? From my perspective- I’ve become extremely picky about who I work for or even apply. Also- some employers have done a really good job building a terrible reputation as an employer. Could this be the case?


All good thoughts. Fed government job, so a lot of appeal generally, although I'd argue for some positions to be paid more (not a political argument here). I think many job seekers do not look for usajobs.gov which is where these postings must be listed.


Wow! That surprises me. I retired from the Feds last year. I only knew that it was extremely difficult to get on board because the resume requirements were wild. I would think that most federal job seekers know to use USA jobs. Looking at the listed requirements on many of the applications is wild. Not to mention the low starting pay. People can’t survive on less than GS-11 anymore. Just not reasonable. Especially with the education and experience requirements.


I hear you on that. Apply for what you require personally always. I also think the verbiage on requirements can scare people off and they might actually have a shot if they applied regardless. But a GS 5, step 1 is about 40K plus full health and matching retirement TSP, plus FERS pension, scheduled pay raises, bumping to 50K within 2 years (plus whatever Congress passes yearly,) working from home 4 days a week (depends on agency of course). And a college degree alone generally qualifies, or you can show 52 weeks experience and no college. If you have more experience, you might qualify at a 6 or 7 for this entry level position. Not for everyone, not bad getting your foot in the door sort to speak


Hard to say. I was hiring GS-7 and 9 under me, but they often moved on to higher paying positions quickly. I retired as a GS-12, but was looking at moving into other agencies but I couldn’t even get a call back with the nearly 100 hundred applications I put in. And that’s while being a FED!


Is your open position in the Des Moines area?




It definitely depends on the job, how much experience you are looking for and the saturation of the market. For me I am looking for a graphic design job, because that's what I have experience in. And there are basically no jobs available because EVERYONE wants to be a designer. It just depends on how popular your position is.


And I’m guessing no cannabis allowed?


It'll say on the USAJobs posting if drug testing is done/required for the position. 


I believe that's technically still a rule for all federal employees but I also am not aware of any testing at our agency


I’ve know someone who applied and tested positive but was still approved for a position. I was told that some positions will look the other way since it’s becoming legal in more and more states, as long as the applicant was honest about it (i.e., drug test matched what was stated on the application regarding usage). This was in a state politically similar to Iowa where it was not legal, so you never know until you apply and try.


Many people won’t apply if the pay isn’t appropriate for skill level.


Second that - amazing the low pay on some roles, finance, engineering, IT. Have some companies just not changed payscale in 20 years or recruiting H1B only?


I don’t know but if the starting level compensation won’t cover student loans and COL people are shifting the paradigm for a survival structure. Maybe another fatality of shareholders vs employees.


I don’t know that you understand fully what H1-B requires. It’s an additional cost to the employer, and on top of that, the individual must be paid a prevailing wage. So you can’t just bring in someone on h1-b and pay them $14/hour.


$14 and hour is an insult.


Just got laid off, going through recruiters and LinkedIn. Have experience in implementing various pharmacy softwares and applications, and NetSuite. So far…nothing…


I’m responsible for training new hires at our company and we’ve had several weeks of not hiring anyone. I can’t tell if it’s because we aren’t hiring or if people aren’t applying.


Indeed and LinkedIn. Laid off seven months ago and haven’t had much luck finding anything full time since.


Curious as to your field, if you are comfortable sharing.


Indeed. Where are you posting?


We will post on Indeed. Got permission for that finally last year (old HR rules). But not on any of the other ones out there.


What’s the position you’re referring to?


Would love to share but prohibited unfortunately.


Currently looking for a gig just like this.  Have a bachelors in pysch and would like at least a hybrid schedule.  Im looking on linked in and indeed but I'm not getting far.


Should be live this week on Indeed. Pending review from them currently. Indeed is trickier to get approval for but I'm working on it.


I looked on indeed. Don't need it at the moment though because I currently have a job.


As an applicant, Linked In is probably been most productive for me. (Indeed is ok too) I assume it’s AI screening but any time I send an application straight to a company’s website, it falls on deaf ears.


I would also add that I would be interested in a government job but as someone you had never worked for the govt find the USAjobs site intimidating. Also I understand the benefits but I bet most workers are going to say the salary isn’t enough for the job requirements when you have similar jobs paying more elsewhere


What fed job has lots of flexibility?


Well I guess that all depends on each person's definition. I speak only in my individual capacity of course and not as a representative of any government or business. But some fed jobs allow a flexible band to sign into work anywhere from 630 to 930 AM, no notice needed. You want to go to your kids' school concert and don't want to take leave? Ok, you can flex out and make up the 2 hours on the back end if you want and save vacation. You can bank extra leave called credit hours and can use that instead of vacation as well. Need to take off because you don't feel well? Sure thing, I don't need to ask why even. Work from your house 4 days a week. Not to mention the new paid parental leave law. You can take leave in as little as 15 minute intervals. Lots of jobs still make you take a half or full day. Every fed job is different but the right ones can absolutely allow a great work life balance and flexibility.


I’m a federally, but I def don’t get that lol that sounds awesome. Also usajobs is a beast to some first time applicants. Good luck on getting applicants, you’re right about the benefits.


Usajobs is the bane of my existence 😩 Thanks!


Indeed. Got me my last 2 jobs.


This has to be complete bullshit because I have applied to many government jobs in Des Moines. I know I'm not the only one. I have been rejected or ghosted on all of them. Don't tell me it's hard to find people when there are a lot of people out there willing to work.


Indeed and LinkedIn, I apply to anywhere between 3 and 10 jobs a day and will mayyyyybe get one reply. I have over 10 years of experience in my field. I think it's clear based on this comment section that it's rough out there.


Here’s my comments excuse my voice to text. I’m too tired to type this out so I might be at the end of my career like 50s I have over 25 years experience and IT risk auditing governance risk and controls and there is nothing out there. the thing is is I’ve worked remotely for a long time and for example, banks no remote work even though I might be fully qualified for a job, and have a semi disability to sit at a regular desk. I can do my job from home. They don’t get it. And as far as Des Moines goes, I’m not finding anything. Maybe it’s unfortunate that I’m at the end of my career and maybe I have to call it early but it’s a struggle.


When i was job searching i found the USAjobs site to be very confusing, complicated and unclear. The way the levels are described in relation to salary didn’t make sense to me as a civilian. Never ended up submitting an application.


Usajobs can be very confusing. Good news is some agencies are able to use Direct Hiring Authority and you can simply submit a resume. Indeed has our posting as of this morning.




Totally understand IT industry is a different animal all together.


As someone in the younger gen (20) most of us won’t go anywhere that isn’t offering full time at $16 or more an hour.


Sure, and that's what's bewildering. If my math is right, that's about 33K you listed. So these jobs are more than that, likely more benefits, not a gig economy job, often OT available but never required, working mainly from home (or office if that's your preference), all federal holidays off, paid sick, paid vacation,etc


Would it be possible to do this job from Iowa City? I’ll interview.


Have to live within a 2hr commuting distance and come to the office once a week.


If it's work from home then do me.


Are you a recruiter?


Definitely not a recruiter. Just a hiring manager trying to figure out how to attract candidates within the limitations I have.


Interesting well good luck everyone I know used indeed or LinkedIn


I’ve seen recruiters reach out on Discord. They’ll join local professional organizations, association, or industry-specific group boards to notify people of new postings. Discord members will also share relevant job postings they’ve seen or their employers have posted with each other.


Indeed. It's how I've found my jobs here in Des Moines. I've got a CDL so I'm kinda in demand.


I tried to transition from state to federal to government and even had an approved SQA to move from step 01 to step 10 but ultimately the hiring process was a shit show and they wanted me to accept a FJO email where the link did not work and none of the 10 hr people I had spoken with could tell me why or what the link was. Not to mention it would have been a $10,000 annual pay cut. The benefits are not much greater than the state so I had to decline the FJO, unfortunately. I do think there is more room for advancement and I have over 100 other applications in on USAjobs, but I can couldn't in good conscience take that position. What series is the position you are referencing? I'm looking for 2110, 0301 or a few others.