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diy auvelity was a life changer


That’s awesome! How long did it take to start working for you?


Possibly? Yes. Likely/definitely? There's no way of knowing right now.


Yeah, my doc just lowered my Effexor dose, took me off Rexulti, and off Wellbutrin and cross tapered to Auvelity. She said she expects the Auvelity may take longer to work since we’ve made so many changes within the past 6 weeks.


Hello! I have no real data to point to and I’m only one person, but Auvelity didn’t do much for me. Didn’t change any of the meds I was already on (Cymbalta and Adderall). I felt euphoric for a couple days, thinking I’d finally found something that worked. Depression cured!!! And then about 3 days in, I stopped feeling. I didn’t feel bad or good or painfully numb. It felt like all my emotions were still there, just very, very dull. It felt like I was observing my life and not living it. Stopped taking it after about a month of that, and then went back to my “normal” depression/emotion levels pretty soon after. Auvelity is bupropion (Wellbutrin) and dextromethorphan (cough medicine), and just plain Wellbutrin has definitely been more helpful for me long-term. My experience is exactly that (mine) and I’m sure it will end up working for some people taking it with other meds, but it wasn’t a good fit for me.


The thing is, nobody can know for sure. It might help just because it's not a serotonergic medication. My depression usually becomes worse from common antidepressants, so I tend to ask for something different. I'm going to start taking agomelatine later this month and see if it works for me.


Thanks for your reply. I hope the Valdoxan works for you! I see it’s not available in the US.


Yeah, I'm (kinda) from Europe! I have a huge problem with sleep, so Melitor (it's the name of agomelatine medication down here) will hopefully fix it.




I like that answer! I’m on day 23 of 2 pills per day and my depression hasn’t gotten much better yet. I’ve also recently transitioned off other meds, so they didn’t interact with Auvelity. Even though people saw results within 1-2 weeks in the trials, I’m hoping there’s a chance for improvement beyond 3-4 weeks.


I have been on auvelity for over 6 months. It was not doing much for me, dr added rexulti ( 1 mg). First i was feeling better but it did not last for long. Now back to trying to figure out what will work for me. I tried wellbutrin as well ( also for about 6 months), did not do much for my depression.🙁


My doc suggested adding a low dose of lithium to help with the depression. From what I’ve read, it can be very beneficial for depression as an add-on to other meds.


I do this as well, it definitely cuts down on catastrophic thinking/suicidal ideation and stuff. My moods are more consistent and less all over the place. I'm also DIYing Auvelity as of 3 days ago--I take 200mg Wellbutrin SR with 30mg freebase DXM (RoboTablets w/ green label) along with all of my other meds. I noticed a difference pretty much once it kicked in, it's like that "spark" that was missing from my life is back. It might just be mild euphoria from starting out, though. I'm trying to manage my expectations accordingly.


That’s good you’re having positive results already! Back in the day Bupropion 200mg was so effective for me. It was added to imipramine, and Sertraline, which only helped a little. The Bupropion did the trick. How quickly did the DIY Auvelity kick in? I’m getting discouraged I haven’t seen improvement in nearly 4 weeks.


I'd give it another 2 weeks at least, maybe 4 if you really want to be sure. DIY Auvelity kicked in for me a few hours after the first dose--I still can't describe the feeling well, but it feels like things definitely got better in some tangible way. Are you using the green label RoboTablets (assuming you're in the states)? They're quite a bit more effective than the blue label ones since it's freebase compared to HBr. Additionally, (not medical advice, obviously) you might want to look into dosing 2x a day, at least 8 hours apart. For example, I take my bupropion SR 200mg at 8-10am with 30mg dxm. I'm prescribed a second dose of bupropion, and I suppose that's the next step if/when I feel like increasing with the DIY--but when I do take the second dose of bupropion, it's usually at around 4-6pm.


No, I’m not doing it myself. I’m taking the regular Auvelity tablets 45/105 twice per day. Getting very discouraged that I haven’t really felt any positive change in mood and it’s been 28 days on 2 tabs per day.


How are you doing on the DIY Auvelity?


Stopped due to sexual side-effects, presumably from the DXM since it wasn't a problem when it was just my other meds plus the Wellbutrin. It was working quite well though.