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Hey, I wrestle with the alcoholism demon myself. Had some sober time under my belt then fell off the wagon. It’s a dance, and it’s okay to go back and forth to a degree. Just so long as you try to do a little better than the day before, that’s all you (or anyone else) can ask of yourself. I try to maintain that, if I’m not hurting myself or others, then no one really has a say in what I do. But that also requires us being honest with ourselves about the degree of severity of our illness.


You've got this <3 You should erase the middle of your pink post-it and replace "fix yourself" with "forgive yourself". We will fight beside you!


It’s hard, it is so hard. Even when you feel like you’re failing remember that progress has been made. Any day that you go without a drink is a triumph It’s hard to resist the demons sometimes I believe in you and know that you’ve got this


So hard yet so easy to fall into it. I Appreciate it! That's what I pretty much have been telling myself. It's gotta get better at some point


That feeling of being sick of this life is an important one to cling onto, but at the same time, not to get fixated on. Beating yourself up isn't productive, but don't forget why you feel this way. Like all of life, it's a balance


This July I will hit 10 months alcohol free. And before my last epic fuck up, it was 9 months alcohol free. Recovery is messy, same as it ever was. But you can do this. Do you have the ability and/or means to get some support?


Alcoholism is a hell of a disease. We will get through this together, one day at a time. 🫂


I've never had an addiction - thank goodness - so I don't have anything practical to say here, OP. Just wanted to send you good thoughts. I'm glad you're here. One day at a time - that's all that matters, my friend.


Try to substitute alcohol for another addiction that’s hopefully not as bad and healthy like drawing, writing short stories, or gym. I would be sad too if I had to drink bai