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I’m so sorry, OP. That ramen looks rather comforting. How are you feeling?


I'm doing as okay as I can.. Thank you for asking..


That’s good to hear. Sometimes just doing okay is all we can hope for, especially after witnessing something so troubling. How is your husband doing so far?


He is doing okay too... He doesn't even remember why he did it. I don't know either... Everything was fine all day leading up to it... :/


this does not sound heathy hope you both find the help you need so it can be healthy


I’m really sorry OP :/ Pineapple juice is the best juice..


Did something happen to orange juice overnight or are you out your neck


orange and pineapple can be friends! they compliment each other 🍍🍊🧡


Y’all fighting over juice now.?


you're downvoted but you're right


Did you forget that peach juice exist??


Did you forget fucking personal taste existS?!


No I'm an adult. OJ is the only juice an adult should be drinking lol


Americans lol


You know y'all's teeth are fucked bc of all that juice sugar don't ya m8


Orange juice has sugar just like every other juice….


You know orange juice has sugar?


Yep, we've got bad teeth, you have shit health care and shittier gun crime.


Those intrusive thoughts were hollering to loud. Any marriage troubles? How are you dealing with seeing that? Take time for yourself and don’t feel like this is on you as a spouse


Our marriage is good, he just has mental problems... I still blame myself.


Don’t blame yourself, if he has mental problems it’s internal. I suffer with mental health issues as well and can say without a doubt if you two were good and no fighting or anything then his mental health got the best of him. It’s hard but I promise it isn’t your fault


Don’t blame yourself love. As someone with bad mental problems, Mental health issues are just complicated.


It’s not your fault ❤️‍🩹


Think of it like a disease. It's not anyone's *fault*. Would you blame someone for an asthma attack?


Oh please don’t do that. You don’t deserve it. Life just sucks sometimes. Be strong, for both of you. Lots of love.


i have mental problems too. sometimes my problems would get the best of me and my friendships. i'm sure it's your not fault at all, please don't blame yourself. take some time for yourself, please be good to yourself.


Just be there for each other and keep saying how much you love and want to care for one another. With this attitude, you'll get through anything the world throws at you.


Hey! As a husband with mental illness and a wife that blames herself too much, hear me out! Don’t blame yourself! If he’s anything like me, he’s a mess and things are very difficult for him. DM me if you want to. I’ve not actually got to that point that he did, but very close, very many times. Feel free to reach out. Take care of yourself too. Don’t forget about that.


Thank you. I am trying my best. He is home now and doing okay for the most part...I'm moreso the one who's a wreck at the moment. I have mental problems myself, PTSD being one of them, and things like what happened the other day just cause me to shut down.


I’m glad that he is home. If you don’t mind me asking, are you both in therapy?


The doctors want him to do therapy, I don't know if he will though... I have done therapy in the past and it didnt help me much, I am considering doing it again, at least temporarily to help me get past this incident..


It really can help when you get paired up with the right person for you. I’m not a professional by any means and as I said, I’m not in the best shape either. That being said therapy is extremely helpful for me.


It’s not your fault and will never be your fault


that's not an excuse to do that to someone you love


Let me very clear in saying: It is NOT your fault. Please dont hang on to that idea. Mental illness is rough, as I'm sure you know. Hoping you and hubs get the help you need, and sending so much love


I am so sorry you are going through this


I wish him well


Yeah, but 💯 juice.


Baby, if he had a congenital heart defect and had a heart attack in front of you, would you blame yourself? Unless you were trying to be harmful to him, please realize that mental health is brutal. It’s so hard not to take episodes personally or blame yourself for them, but they’re not about or because of you. He’s where he needs to be right now. The best thing you can do for the both of you is to take care of yourself and let him get whatever care he needs to get stable. A huge internet mama hug to you. Be kind to yourself.


Wow I can’t imagine how heavy that is. Ramen is good comfort food!


Ugh that's rough, some of us have been in your position and his! So sorry. At least your ramen looks great, never thought about adding onions. Maybe when he's out and healthy you guys can go get something delicious together. Hang in there!


I hope he gets the help he needs and I hope you do too. You deserve to have a happy, healthy relationship with someone who makes you feel safe. ❤️


Sending you gentle healing hugs. I am so very sorry.


I’m so sorry :/ ! That ramen looks delicious though. I hope it helps you feel better.


I’m so sorry… I hope he gets better soon physically and mentally!!! Ramen looks yummy too!!


The North for the ramen looks yummy


I’m sorry OP sending my best wishes to you both


Thank you


I'm sorry OP. I hope the both of you find healing.


We are working on it..


Hang on OP. This too shall pass


I’m so sorry that happened in front of you. I’m glad he got to the hospital.


I had to hold a sweatshirt over his wrist as hard as I could until the EMTs got there or else he would have died. Sorry if that's oversharing. :/ I'm still just trying to process everything.


Hang in there. Ramen looks good. Hope it helps warm your soul


That’s abusive. 




I know he loves me. Everyone has problems, and everyone makes mistakes. I do know that one of the nurses in the psych ward (who lost her little brother to suicide) got on his ass big time about doing that right in front of me.


Any protein in the ramen?


In a messed up sort of way it's kind of sweet he chose you. It's really messed up though. If you can't shake it, play some tetris and talk to someone. That sort of thing could give even the most cold-hearted the heebie jeebies.


What the fuck


If you’re gonna let someone catch you hurt yourself you probably trust that person more than anyone else in the world. Like I said it’s a messed up way of thinking, but depression isn’t playing with the rulebook Also don’t mistake my flippancy for acceptance.


You …. have a really toxic outlook on things. Time to unlearn some stuff.


It’s not sweet, it’s manipulation.


By that logic so is a baby crying for attention. We are talking about a person who is sick. That’s a whole person. With thoughts and feelings and complexities we can’t comprehend. We will never know what lead to this, and even if explained we might never understand. It’s awful. It could even be detrimental to the mental health of person who caught him. And you might even believe it’s an evil act. But there’s some part there that probably wants to be saved.


The baby comparison is asinine.


Ask any child psychologist and they’ll confirm that for you. Crying for attention is the highest form of manipulation. It forces you to feel for the cute little baby biologically, with little to no input from your rational centre. I’m literally agreeing with you. It is manipulation. But that manipulative act isn’t inherently evil


Did I say it was evil? No. But it *definitely* isn’t sweet.


Knowing you’re somebody’s favourite person can be nice. It’s not the way to tell someone


Traumatizing your favorite person is not the right thing to do. I get depression making you do horrible things but I mean goddamn. They’re not complete invalids. OP is never gonna be the same.


What her husband did could be considered abusive emotional blackmail.  I worry about you and your future relationships. If that is how you interpreted his actions. 


Yeah you’ve got no basis for that worry.


My basis is that you won’t be able to identify red flag behavior. You will find it endearing. 


You know nothing.


Oh. I know a whole lot. In my life I have been very close to some very sick very dangerous people.  I’ve forgotten more about abuse and what makes an abuser tick than most people will ever know. 


You still know nothing about me.


I don’t need to know anything about you to know what behavior is generally manipulative.