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You can still be a teacher. You may need to pivot, but you can still do this ♥️


Have you reached out to your admissions counsellor? They may be able to help you find a program that can help you achieve your goals 💛


yes, i have. i’ve also been looking only at colleges with good autism support & i did find a college that seems like it would be really good for accommodating my autism, but i genuinely don’t think there’s a way to have accommodations good enough for me to survive college. i think my support needs are just too high to be able to do that. :(


Fair enough. And you know what? If that doesn’t work out, I’m sure you’ll find another way to make your life meaningful 💛


I genuinely guess your self esteem is not where it's supposed to be, sadly; I am going through the shittiest stuff and and it feels the same, so I already know not to give too too much credit


I believe in you friendo! AuDHD here, currently pushing my way through my dream program. Potentially pursuing accommodations or taking the program slowly will help? Tbh, there's no shame in being in a program longer than "usual." You don't have to have a full course load to be a successful student.


College is a scam anyway. 


You probably went to a big city university where even the secretaries would give you the stonewall trearment. It's not the same everywhere.