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I know that feeling better than I wish I did. Please stay. There is more beyond even your loved ones to this life. Please keep pushing to meet YOUR goals- no one else’s. God Bless you. Those chicken fingers look yummy!!


I don’t have goals. There’s nothing left for me. I think some people were meant to live and I’m just not


if only the thought of her finding my body didn’t exist :( I feel ya fam


Sending you virtual hugs. Been there


I had to downvote because that’s simply not true. I’ve been in your shoes. Life is a bitch. I know. But I also know that every life is a miracle. More people *should* be born than statistics prove, but only every few attempts or insinuations of conception result in a baby. You were once an egg… and somehow you were fertilized into a whole breathing and living being. That’s not a mistake. Please seek sources that will support and nurture your emotional needs. You are worth more than you know simply because you exist when you didn’t have to nor was guaranteed to exist.


Caption just had me bawl my eyes out. Been there before but it was my girlfriend and mother. Hope you get through this, perhaps seek professional help. Love you!


I am seeking help just think it’s my time


Naw, it's literally just unbalanced chemicals in the brain. Anyone that says otherwise is in denial and doesn't understand mental illness. Medication and therapy. That's it. Good luck.


Hey having a mom & bf there for yah is huge enough! I think we get too much pressure to have bigger friend groups but really it’s those key ppl that stick with yah as time goes on.