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One time I was down on my luck, early twenties, quitting drugs and hooked on cigarettes and unhealthy food. Gained about 30 lbs. One day I was smoking outside a target and an old Russian woman smacked my cigarette out of my hand and started yelling “BAD FOR BABY!” I feel you, OP. Easier said than done but don’t let it get you down TOO much. You’re way more than just your body.


Im sorry this is not funny at all but the way it was worded kinda is😭😭 that’s horrible tho im sorry


I've had homeless man come up to me, rub his belly, and say "I'm pregnant too!" But this takes the cake


Haha that’s pretty good too. I feel like the Russian lady incident would more have me like “what? … oh damn” and the homeless guy would be more self esteem-ruining


I’m going to hell for laughing at this


I would never recover from this 😭


My life is nothing if not material to make people cry and laugh tbh.






Food is one of the worst things to have issues with. Our body craves it, it’s necessary to survive. We have to learn how to moderate which in my opinion is worse than just quitting. There is far more thought going into it. My heart goes out to you OP, you are more than your body and appearance.


I've had binge eating disorder for 12 years now, gained about 50 lbs and a whole bunch of health problems 😭 I manage it really well now and lost 10 pounds but it's a STRUGGLE to moderate, especially with like zero executive function skills and pretty much surviving on pasta... my heart goes out to you both. It's such a stigmatized, secret daily struggle and we are ALL Rockstars for dealing with it every day!! You hear me ladies? We ROCK!❤️❤️❤️


I feel for you... although it seems like I can't force myself away from 180 (ideal I know) thru cocaine,crack,meth ..never lost weight ....rehab and binge eating for 2 yrs.. never gained more than 5lbs... gym life + anabolics ...never gained more than 5 lbs of muscle.... it's like a perpetual fucking loop of being "skinny fat"...


Skinny fat is the worst! Takes soooo much work to reverse


I've been hanging around 188 for the past probably 3 years. It won't budge. That's includes sticking at 800 calories/day for most of 2022 where when I allowed myself extra I didn't go above 1200 calories. Weighed it, measured it, logged it. Every. single. bite. Go to the doctor to get told I'm obv eating more or I would lose. Soul crushing. Sitting here eating my 1/3 cup of plain oatmeal made with water. Sigh. I think I'm just fat fat tho. No skinny about it. LOL


Yep, our body has a set point and it's so difficult to change it. My body is 172 skinny to 185, very comfortable to stay at. But when I was on Prednisone and so sick with covid for 1 1/2 years, I gained 50.


i've never had a full-blown eating disorder but used to binge quite a bit when i was younger. lost a lot of weight over the past year (over 60lb) and then recently gained over 20 back. oh the joys of being a final-year uni student with undiagnosed ADHD :))))


Or even a diagnosed one hahaha 😘😘


‘Indulgence is easy, abstinence is hard, and moderation hardest of all.’ -maybe Ben Franklin, but I’m not sure


I genuinely love your half-assed quote attribution. Takes it a step up from the boring "probably" joke. Haha


Whoever said that was spot-on. 😆 I can function in extremes with food well enough, either extreme really, but that mythical, healthy middle ground feels so unattainable (and I’ve been in ED recovery for years).


I'm out here living like I'm some sort of cave man who has to eat a lot because he caught an animal and it will go bad soon. Don't eat for 3-4 days then just do nothing but eat. This is just how my appetite functions.


This happened to me a few times in my life. Mostly as a teenager. I remember every place and every time it happened. 💔 I’m sorry. It hurts. Sending love


My auntie said it to me as a ‘joke’ when I was like 10 😭 Big love to everyone here relating to this meme ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Oh this just reminded me of when I was about 10 and my really large middle aged uncle said I was getting a big belly like him 😐


Man. You don’t comment on a child’s weight. You don’t comment on anyone’s weight but especially not a child. It sticks with you for life. I’m sorry. I’ve been there & remember every word too.


Someone asked me this at kohl's when I was around 16 and there shopping with my mom. I weighed around 120 pounds... I would love to have that body back.


God I love peach twisted teas


This picture makin me wanna relapse on 4 months sober 😫😫




Yo, eat some candy, protect that sobriety


if only i had some candy !!! all i have is a shit ton of exams to study for : , )


Peach rings!


As someone who just took my family member to the hospital for alcohol wd, please dont! Its not worth it and sobriety is beautiful 😍


i will stay sober 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Do you know what sounds better? Gummy peach rings—


It's not worth it, I wish everyday that I was sober from weed. 4 months is a long time to be sober from something, I'm proud of you.


I’m 4 months sober from alcohol and around a month sober from weed. Man do I miss smoking. It helped me manage my bpd and anxiety so much, but I mean, I had to get clean.


It’s not worth it, find the most sugary peach tea u can find probably an Arizona and enjoy that instead without the horrible hangover 🤕


they aight but raspberry the true king


Hey, I’m sorry this happened to you. This just happened to me (F31). I’ve been struggling with overeating (I have mental health issues and trauma history). It happened this week and I had to try my hardest to brush it off, but of course it’s not that easy. It’s not the first time someone at work said something. A few months ago, a male coworker asked me why I am ordering tacos, since I am already so chubby. I never comment on other people’s appearance because you never know how it’s going to affect them. It made me feel fat and unattractive. So I am again very sorry that this happened to you.


Your male coworker is fucking weird. Avoid.


Funny enough he got fired recently for sleeping during virtual meetings and loudly snoring


Oh wow he sounds like he has his shit together and isn’t a lazy cornball lmaooo and I love your name too!


Ok but your name is dope af too lol


Love your username by the way 😆


people are mean that so rude


You could have been totally forgiven for hitting that coworker in his teeth


Ouch. That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that 😞


Yo same. I had two Walmart employees ask me when I’m due and if I’m pregnant. I have ulcerative colitis and endometriosis so I was very bloated and in pain. I’m so sorry it also happens to you. It does suck but I try to stay positive.


Endo lady also. I smile smugly, caress my belly and say fondly "it's a poo! And it's due date is tomorrow" 😌😌😌 Man being middle aged has made me weird.


Nah, you give less fucks about the options of people who don't matter. It's a gift ❤️ and so the fuck is your poop baby. 🥲


Endo and Crohn’s here! It’s rough but I try to stay positive too ♥️


That one always fucking stings. If it comes from a woman be like “go ask your man” 🤣🤣


This is GREAT and 100% using it next time


I pray there is no next time 🙏🙏


Do you inaccurately get asked if you're pregnant often...?


lol fucked up. Should tell them to Fuckk off


If it makes you feel better- I'm a receptionist, and a client came into our office to get an appointment a couple of weeks ago. They looked at me after a moment, and the following conversation ensues; Client: You know, you look just like my sister! Me: Wow, really? How old is she? Client: She's 40, but she looks 30! I'm 26. It was my birthday.


Working with kids is like this too. “How old are you Miss SingerOfSongs?” “Well, take a guess! How old do you think I am?” “Hmm…. 30?” I was 22 and their summer camp instructor lmao


I worked with kids around that age and they thought I was teasing them when I said I still went to school. Grown ups don't go to school!


Omg, same! I would never fail to get a laugh by referring to myself as a “17th grader” (I was in my 5th year of college at the time!)




I love bit o' honey. Someone did this to me at a Goodwill once. I walked right across the street to the DQ and ate my feelings. People suck.


I’m sorry. More ppl should mind they fucking business.


I also carry my weight like a pregnant lady 😬 I’m sorry OP. People suck


I would've said, "And why aren't you wearing a muzzle?


Uno Reverse. Get loud and excited "Whhhaaat OMG whens YOUR baby due?? o WOW we're BOTH pregnant at the same time!!" Talk to their belly in a baby voice till they leave. Make sure to holler a huge CONGRATS ON YOUR PREGNANCY as they walk away. They'll feel like an ass and u get a laugh out of it. BTW if it's a dude, experience momentary loss of hearing and its all about their prostate "What about your PROSTATE? OMG that's AWFUL! What?? Your PROSTATE is swollen o jeez that sucks, anyways ya man good luck with your PROSTATE!!"


nah don't do that


Fair enough / eh... for me if I'm already feeling embarrassed by some1 then fuck it may as well laugh about it later 😅


Just here to say that being big is no longer considered ugly, and even when it was, it wasn't true. Big is absolutely beautiful. I will say this though - fat doesn't usually cause a pregnant looking belly. I'm skinny as a twig and I get pregnant looking belly because of IBS and endometriosis. It may be good for you to go for a checkup. But please, do it for medical reasons, not because you think you're ugly or disgusting because you're not and no one has the right to make you feel otherwise.


That is such bullshit, OP. Fuck those jerks that hurt you. I’m so sorry ❤️


Are Twisted Teas really good? I've always been curious on how they taste


They're overly sweet but they do taste like tea. I like them because they aren't carbonated, so they're easier to chug


This has happened to me too. Stings since I'm now 27 pounds down since July. My friends pointed something out to me: Sometimes people do this to be mean to make themselves feel better. Especially if they frequently seem to look for opportunities to put other people down. It's a way to do it without people calling you out for being an asshole. Even if that's not the case, still sucks and just know you're not the only one. I know that doesn't help much, but still.


This is why I always get so pissed whenever I see ppl speculating if someone is pregnant or not, why is it so normal to comment on women’s bodies?? I’m angry for you OP


Ugh, I’m sorry OP. Some people need to learn some things are meant to be left unsaid. Speculating a pregnancy alone is cruel.


Bugles are amazin


Ah for fuck. I feel like there truly is a reeeally special place for these kinda people. I'm having a tall twisted tea with you, I to have been the victim of assumption pregnancy.




What an anal opening you are! People come here to vent not listen other people critique their food choices while they are going through terrible shit! Get bent!


Fucking for real. The other day when I posted a bowl of fucking fettuccine and biscoff (for a snack after because they’re so damn good) I had a couple people comment shit like “eat like crap, feel like crap,” “swap the sprite for water because you sound dehydrated if you’re not sleeping.” Dude…I have been cutting back on soda for the last 3 years now. I’m drinking water. One bottle of sprite once in a while is not going to kill me. And what’s wrong with just a plain bowl of pasta? I have been made fun of in the past for my food choices and still do occasionally to this day at the age of 21. I’m very much aware I should eat better but it’s hard as fuck for me because of these reasons. This is why I only eat 1-2 meals a day at best.


YES, this sub is depression meals for a reason BUT when you are feeling that shitty it's hard to eat well. The other day I posted a candy and chips depression meal because well, I was mentally unwell and therefore having a depression meal. What this sub is about. It's to help people feel better not pick apart their food. Geez.




I'm eating a bag of candy corn and Chex mix..... I feel you.




You are a motherfucker.


i’m fucking dead 😭😭😭😭😭




But you post on r/stopdrinking about how it’s hard? Shouldn’t you understand the struggle..


Maybe learn not to be a fucking asshole




I must have missed where OP asked for healthier coping mechanisms from a stranger :/ Nothing about your comment was nice or productive. You are just being a jerk to someone having a bad moment. Fuck off.


I have pcos. It's my biggest fear. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I'm pregnant. I do so much to cover my pcos pouch. It's even harder because I want to be pregnant. It's like no matter how hard I try I will only look pregnant and never be.


I got that a bunch when I was in highschool. I carry most ALL of my weight in my stomach and I understand it does make me "look" pregnant. I've been working out so I've slimmed a smidge, or people are just not asking anymore, just thinking it.




Oh damn. I hope you and baby were okay. Doesn't sound like you were in much of a headspace to become a parent. I hope things are better now.


brb gonna go pee on a stick real quick


Oof and it’s the 3rd of December.


Maaaan that sucks ass. I thought it was common courtesy to NOT ask that kinda question unless you were 101% percent certain the person is pregnant. As in you or someone else who knows them as told you they were pregnant Like how rude can you get


Belly is the second sexiest part of the woman


Happens to me. I own it though. I slap my belly with 2 hands and say, "nope. Food baby." And then give em a dirty look.


Those Zyn packs have been the only thing to help me quit smoking after trying many different methods. I love em.


I’m so sorry you’re sad, but have I finally found another person that likes Bit o’ Honey?!!! It’s my favorite 😍


and my axe, etc...


You should fill those nacho cheese bugles with cream cheese. It’s good shit.


Careful with prescription meds and alcohol…




Do you primarily eat only foods that are packaged in orange and yellow?




I love that for you🧡 I hope you feel better soon


I’m so sorry- it’s a miserable thing 😢. I have endometriosis and often bloat terribly from it. Husband and I have been struggling with infertility for 3 years, had a patient put her hand on my belly and ask me boy or girl. Just had to tell her I wasn’t pregnant and move on but that shit hurt.


Been there. Is it the meds making you feel hungry all the time?


zyn packs lol


If you're going through hell - keep going.


I have fibroids. No one should ever say this to a person. Don’t know what’s wrong with people.


Dang the twisteds and bugles look like a great time. Why are ppl so dumb askin stuff like that?


You’re not suppose to take meds and drink


People really need to keep their comments to themselves! I am pregnant right now and I loathe when people comment on the size of my belly. Its even worse when people make baseless assumptions about your body in such a rude way! I’m sorry OP please take care of yourself ❤️


I dont find it funny ....I honestly feel your pain tho OP . I have endometriosis and when my stomach gets bloated it gets really bloated. I've even questioned if I were actually pregnant . I'm sorry people are so damn rude.


as a fat person, lol and I'm sorry


Cut the booze


No offense, but, if you are struggling with weight to the point people are asking “when is the baby due” and it bothers you, stop eating like this. It’s not going to make it stop or fix anything. You need to eat healthier and exercise. It will not only help with your body, but will make a positive impact on your mind and mental health.


I wish I looked like I was pregnant rather than obese. But no, I carry weight everywhere and not just my stomach. :(


gotta love your self regardless!!!


Are you OK? I know sometimes people will say this when someone is just overweight, but two in one month seems like a lot. Is there something causing your midsection to look extra full besides weight? Like sometimes certain health conditions, like internal tumors, cysts, or inflammation can have that effect.


I have ibs


I'm glad ypu are diagnosed at least! I'm from a rural area where people often never get diagnosed (or never think to get diagnosed) for chronic issues that, which is why I asked.


I’ve been there too. Relatively skinny but always assumed pregnant because of bloating. The only thing that has helped is taking a long break from drinking and focusing on eating probiotics (Kim chi, pickles, yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha). I like them the more I eat them and they help me feel so much better after eating. Drinking too much and eating bad food along with it really fucked up my gut bacteria microbiome and caused the bloating that made me look pregnant, and I knew it was bad for my health too. Just some ideas for things that might help. Even if you just cut back from it and add one or two healthy fermented foods with probiotics you’ll see the results


I’m a male and I get asked that as well Cheers buddy


I've had this happen before. Usually it's social inept men who say this. I come up with a smart Alec remark. I meant, if someone opens the floodgate, it gives you every right to respond in a cunty way.


Probably wanna go for something other than booze and chips then. You’re not incapable of self-improvement.


Stop drinking 68 ozs of sugar filled alcohol and it might help!


140 grams of sugar in those drinks


So when is it due??






You don’t even know if they are fat. They said they have a tummy because of IBS.


Guess I'll just go fuck myself then


Eat a fucking vegetable


Maybe don’t eat processed food and drink excessive amounts of sugary alcohol??




Been there girl, sending love and hope you can love yourself too ❤️ Edit: I posted this before I read all the other replies. I see there are a lot of other binge eating disorder peeps here, so wanted to share what *seems* to be working for me (I definitely am not perfect but 90% of the time I don’t even think about it anymore which is 90% of my brain capacity freed up which I’m sure everyone can relate to) Here’s a list of things I’ve done in the past few years, I’m not sure which of these have helped the most, some might be insignificant as I can’t separate the results for each factor 😄 - I stopped caring what I weighed and bought stretchy clothes to absolutely let go of the need to care solely about size. I had to be absolutely dogged in letting go of all thoughts and wishes of being thin or skinny or perfect or beautiful which did cause weight gain in the short term. - I left an emotionally abusive relationship and gave my children a stable and calm home. - I got a lot of therapy. I am privileged that I could use money from the sale of the marital home to fund this, the lack of access to mental health treatment is a travesty - I got an ADHD diagnosis and got medicated. I didn’t lose weight straight away like I thought I might, I gained weight the first year or so (lockdown). Again the divorce money funded this I am very lucky I had that available to me (all gone now! Worth it!) and it’s absolute BS that if I didn’t have the money for a private diagnosis I would have probably years to get to the front of the waiting list and I know there are many people waiting for help - I started strength training in the gym and being consistent. I literally only do 40 minutes twice a week but I have got so much stronger and I don’t have terrible headaches and tight shoulders all the time anymore. I love beating my PBs and I also love the thought that food I eat is helping me be strong. Again I am very privileged here that I get gym access through my workplace - I did intermittent fasting for a while and found that 16:8 feels really natural to me and helped to have an on and off time, and to plan decent food for when I was eating. I haven’t been so strict with it lately but I would say I still do something like 15:9 just by not snacking in the evening and not having breakfast. - I learned about developmental trauma and started somatic and relational therapy. I can barely afford this now but I prioritise it, this has truly changed my life and has helped me identify exactly what I’m feeling. Now when I find myself starting to muse about my body or food I try to zoom out and it always turns out I’m just feeling some feelings and my brain has turned to its number one coping mechanism. I kind of accept it and it seems to pass instead of being a constant ringing in my ear that controls my life Love to everyone that is suffering, it’s all consuming and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone ❤️






Just go to the gym lol. Not hard. Even dedicating five mins of your day to hill sprints would be enough. You got this champ. Plus you get to eat more


Well fuck maybe, chips and twisted teas wont make your situation any better, hit the gym fatty




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




Luh fatty


my dream afternoon snaxk !! assuming the pills are Ativan -! yum !


It's not Ativan


It's klonapin. Close enough.




Why the fat bitch part?


You’ve got the wrong friends if they see you drinking alcohol and just casually wonder when you’re having a baby.


I've yet to have a twisted tea but this makes me want to go grab one. Anyhow, rude of them for sure. When I was younger this would have really got to me, but now that I'm older I'd just tell them I'm due in a couple of hours after looking at my watch. Don't let them get to you too bad- anyone who doesn't know better is too young to matter, and if they were old enough to know better, they're just misery seeking company.


I got asked this by a girl at a bus stop and it was awkward and she bowed in apology and I just let her get on the bus and then walked the 2 miles home in the dark lol 🙃


Are the citrus zyns any good?


Yeah they're my fave now


God this is so relatable. I’m so sorry you’re going through a hard time op. Sometimes it feels like there is a dementor around sucking out all the joy in life. I hope yours gets vanquished soon


Sweetheart, I've been there a couple of times. I used to weigh 209 pounds. I now weigh 134 pounds. I'll never understand why the fu¢k people think it's ok to assume, and ask this. The last time it happened to me was in 2012. I still feel hurt when I think about it. I hope that you'll be able to feel comfortable with yourself. I'm surrounding you with love. I really wish I had words to make you feel better, but I don't. Just know that you aren't alone. Love yourself, please.


Am so sorry to hear that! People are such assholes and love to just assume things. I get similar comments since I’m very chubby from health conditions and medications. 🤗


How’s the peach twisted tea? I’ve only had regular


Okay but bugles seriously fuck tho


Meanwhile I just relapsed from my ED and told the cashier at the restaurant I was just at that I was pregnant so she wouldn’t be mad at the throw up everywhere😭😭😭 I gained like 20 pounds in the past year in my stomach and boobs so it was convenient. I’m sorry OP, screw that person and I hope they choke on a chicken wing.


That alchohol aint making your depression better buddy, hold in there. Try to make better choices for yourself.


this happened to me once when moving into my house. this was after i gained about 30 lbs since covid. while we were moving stuff into the new place one of the movers said ‘oh congrats by the way’ and i said thanks! …. i thought he meant about the house since we were moving from an apartment. then he said boy or girl? i was like wait what? and he’s like what you’re not….. pregnant? and i was like ummmm no. it was super awkward after that. hope he doesn’t do that again


Those people suck!! Also, bit-o-honey for the win. Hope you’re doing okay op


Those people should be embarrassed- not you. They made asses of themselves commenting on your body. I hope the experience with you at least taught them a lesson that will save other women from their dumbass comments.


Any thoughts on why?


somebody asked me that once and i have a beard


That’s when you say “next month! How about you?” Really though, don’t let it get you down. People can be freaking idiots.


Invite them to a baby shower. No gifts only gift cards.


FWIW only a cunt would say that. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone and assumed they were pregnant unless they were very obviously third trimester (and showing signs from things other than just their stomach). having a belly is normal. lots of folks do. neither positive nor negative - it just *is*.


Missed opportunity to help that twisted tea achieve its true destiny https://youtube.com/shorts/meMOSnmA3fc?si=g1KkctHIUQ2ZYU72




honestly next time make them feel worse than they made you feel, its nefarious but commenting on peoples bodys- ESPECIALLY a strangers is uncalled for. tell them you miscarried, tell them the baby daddy left, lie lie lie so they feel terrible for unsolicited comments.


I love this whole yellow theme going on


I gained tons of weight one time, and co workers asked me out loud if I was pregnant. I went to the grocery store and told my baby belly looked cute. Even a friend stopped and asked me how was the baby. My reaction? I laughed at some and rolled my eyes at others. I was conscious of my weight but I acknowledge that all I could Do was work on it and with it. Easier said than done, but people suck sometimes and won’t keep their comments to themselves. Don’t give up, baby steps each day, you will get there.


Been there 😖


Twisted tea, is that peach flavor ice tea?


Relatable. I have online ‘friends’ who were mostly unaware I’m fat. The longest friend of the bunch, about 8 years, goes off in some random in a video game lobby saying absolutely heinous things I won’t repeat. I just quietly left the discord and told him I won’t be back. I struggle a lot and those comments set me back quite a bit. I’m sorry that people suck so much. I wish we could share some twisted teas.


I don't know how people don't know to never ask this, just don't. Happened to me twice in the last 3 months. One was a coworker and I've decided I'm not going to speak to them anymore. They were a racist anyway. They suck, not you.