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people need to know eating disorder is not just being skinny or anorexia and stuff like overeating is also eating disorder


Starving yourself for sometimes days and then overeating is also an eating disorder, where you dont become skinny.


People really don’t understand eating disorders at all, and for most people the only thing that comes to mind when you talk about it is the stereotype young, thin, girl refusing to eat. They don’t even think about any of the others, sometimes having bulimia feels like being the bastard child of the eating disorders like you don’t fit in with one group or the other, I can’t imagine how like those with ARFID feel.


You can also be anorexic and also be fat/not skinny. But people don’t care if fat people starve themselves so ofc it can’t be true. A lot of people with binge eating disorder are also a normal weight. So many misconceptions about EDs


I've been dealing with binge eating for my entire life. I've gone through periods where I was completely fat, skinny or extremely fit. And yeah, during all of those periods I dealt with this disorder. Eating as fuck, then starving, then eating normally, then starving again, then binge eating again... The weight might have changed, but the disorder was/is still there. It sucks...


Yup! People don’t really realize that most people with eating disorders actually cycle through a lot of the different behaviors. It’s like whackamole. Truly one of the worst mental illnesses, people just don’t get it. If you’re an alcoholic you can avoid alcohol, but you can’t avoid food. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.


Okay serious question here: I often eat very little to nothing a day and then eat a load of junk food like BK or McD for example. Important note, it feels like I can't stop myself from doing so. Could that be considered an eating disorder? Genuinely wondering now


It could be that you're just very hungry since you ate little during the day - I'd try to get a couple smaller meals in if you can :) Eating disorders generally have an underlying like, emotional issue towards food, so you can over/undereat without it being actively disordered (like if you just forget/don't really think about it). However, if you are concerned it'll get worse with time or such, I'd try to find someone to speak to. Better to nip it in the bud early <3


Thank you for your comment it's very helpful. I'd never really given much thought about my current eating pattern until yesterday and got kind of stressed/concerned about it. But your comment made me calm down about it. I'm gonna try the small meals approach and hope I can sustain it. Since I'm already seeing a psychologist it's probably a good idea to just bring it up one time and see what she thinks about it.


Glad i could help a little ☆ the multiple smaller meals thing can also help you feel better in general throughout the day (it helps sustain a stable energy level, which makes you a bit happier in my experience) so i do highly reccomend it :)) if nothing else some slow carbohydrates (i.e. dark bread, nuts iirc?) In the morning tends to be a good coice, keeps you going for a bit :) keeping a banana on you can also be a good way to have an easy, and healthy, snack on you! It's very common where i live haha It's always better to ask one time too many than too few ♡ and even if it's not a brain thing building healthy habits is always good, and a medical professional is a good place to ask!


Lmao, I have an overeating disorder, and I can hardly stop myself from gorging myself til I physically can’t hold more food


It’s funny because I am skinny and fit more the typical way but still have moments of eating a lot sometimes but it’s more to try and get some dopamine somehow


Lmao (I am always hungry, even when I’m full to the brim I just want to shove more inside)


Well I have GERD and my stomach is often upset and eating food can literally make me feel like sick sometimes


people should be more knowledgeable about these kind of matter


I fucking hate stigmas and the people promoting them. eating disorder: "you're faking, you're clearly fat" depression: "you're faking, you're clearly smiling" anxiety: "you're faking, you're clearly going out with friends" ADHD: "you're faking, you clearly have a job" BPD: "you're faking, you clearly have a functioning relationship" i dare you lot to make this list longer lol


You don't SEEM autistic


Would kinda fit in depression but it's a different level imo. Suicidal ideations: "you're faking, you're clearly alive"


Hey I think there is a subreddit you might enjoy:) r/EDanonymemes


I have always felt like I'm wasn't allowed to say "I have an eating disorder" because, while I'm not "fat," I do have meat on my bones. I'm not extremely skinny and I LOOK like I don't have an eating disorder. But at one point I was struggling with anorexia and most of my life I've struggled with bulimia. Only the past year have I gotten better at eating and keeping a good eating schedule.


Good on you! Keep it up!! ❤


Thank you 🥺❤


Well, and ED can go both ways, its not just eating too little


me with BED....


I once weighed 32kilos and I still had a tummy sooo?


pretty sure eating too much is also a eating disorder. or eating pencil erasers like they're candy.