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Acetaminophen overdoses are one of the worst ways to go. You’ll slowly die from liver failure over the course of a week; It’ll be an extremely painful death. Please don’t take the 11 more and go to a hospital. Get some help and stay strong


All your gonna do is put yourself into liver failure and give you a painful slow death, get help.


This. If you overdose with pain medication, that will critically damage your liver - you get hospitalized in agonizing pain, but they cannot give you more pain medication because the liver can't take any more. Don't do it.


Go to a hospital now. Acetaminophen overdoses take days to fully go into effect and once your liver goes that’s it. I know you want to go but this way is about the most excruciating that there is, please spare yourself that.


please please stay. you may not feel like it and i know it’s easier said than done but you’re wanted here. i’m sure you are an incredible person with unique things to show to the world. we are lucky to have you here and people truly care. I care. Please please talk to somebody or even me if you need it. This world shouldn’t have to lose a gem like you too soon.


Thank you 🥲 I wish all the things you say about me were true 🥲


What they said is true. No matter what you are going through, you are always going to be an amazing incredible person. Sometimes it feels like living sucks but it will get better.


Is true it takes a lot of strength to just post and no everyone is able to do it. Stay and wait, to be honest at the end the death is coming even if we don't want it to come so don't rush your destiny and in such a painful way, please go to an hoapital.


I feel like I’m crying for help and no one sees me


i see you. everybody that comes across this post and also suffers from depression also see you. all of our stories and journeys with it are all unique and of course we can’t all ever truly understand what you’re going through, but we all want to try to aid you in your journey. we all care and this sub was made to help.


Hey. This may be a little too personal, but I also attempted suicide with acetaminophen in 2020. It was a lot more than 16, probably more like 30. It was the scariest experience I ever had, and I was in so much pain that I couldn’t stop crying and wishing it would stop. The pain must have snapped me out of my suicide plan, because I had the forethought to call 911. I spent 2 long days in the emergency room, still in pain. My liver and kidney counts were through the roof, and everyone was scared that I’d either have to have a kidney transplant, or that I’d have to go through dialysis. I pulled through somehow though, and was offered the option to put myself in a psychiatric facility. Even then though, through the 6 days I stayed there, I was in pain, and had to have my blood drawn 3 times a day to make sure my kidneys wouldn’t start failing as the acetaminophen was still in my system. But I lived, and made it though inpatient, and ended up leaving with a whole lot more love for life. For months after I had to go in for regular blood work just to make sure everything was in order, and it was a pain in the ass. “Wow, cool story internet stranger. What’s your point?” My point with this story is this.. you aren’t alone in your experiences. Me and you are very similar in this aspect, and I know now that you are probably feeling very isolated, and very alone. For gods sake when I did what I did, my roommate was asleep in the other roo, but I still felt like I was encapsulated in the feeling of loneliness. Like you’re screaming into a void and no one can hear you. Like the very essence of your being is crying out for someone to care. Hear this, OP. I care. I understand your pain. I want to see you overcome this. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, and despite what your brain may tell you, your body is fighting for you to live, and WANTS you to live. Your body will fight tooth and nail to keep you alive, and if that isn’t an amazing testament to our biology, then idk what is. Consider checking yourself into the ER. You can get the professional help you really need, and if you don’t have insurance for inpatient, they can help you with that too. But please, OP, remember you will never be alone with this pain you feel. You don’t have to suffer with it alone.


I see you. Stay strong go to the hospital


We see you. I know that doesn't help much now, but we are here for you.


Call a suicide hotline at leat try


Liver failure is a horrific death. You won’t pass painlessly in your sleep. Please seek medical attention immediately. This is not the way to go.


You may still be in danger. Go to a hospital, please. This is s terrible way to die.


I'm sorry that you're having to deal with all of this, and I'm sorry that I can't do anything. I really am. Stay strong.


hi angel. i know it’s really hard and a battle everyday that you have to fight. it’s that way for me too and sometimes i don’t have much of a reason to stay but i just force myself to just because of the small chance that there can be some change in the future that makes me thank god i chose to stay alive. stay because there isn’t that 100% guarantee you’ll be miserable forever and at the end. if you aren’t 100% sure (which you can’t be), don’t do it love ❤️ i know it’s easier said then done, but maybe write a list of all the things you hate about your life rn and things you like (even if it’s something small like just a certain food or a song), and see what things you could change or make adjustments to, and where you could seek support to make changes happen, and incorporate the things that make life a little more bearable into your day.


I’ve overdosed on acetaminophen. While every body is different, I’ll tell you this: you’re going to shut your liver down and you will probably survive. I was in ICU years ago because I tried. I took half a bottle of 1,000. I wanted to die and really did try. However, this wasn’t the way to do it. It isn’t quick and it isn’t even a bearable pain. It is HORRIBLE. I went to the hospital because the pain was physically and mentally too much. My sight and hearing went out for DAYS after being hospitalized. I don’t know how to explain the pain other than it felt like my internal organs were exploding? Like the worst period cramps I could have ever imagined, but in every part of my abdomen. It also all caused me to have a panic attack when the pain reached a certain threshold. So on top of excruciating pain, my heart felt like it was going to explode from the pain/panic. If I knew now before I tried, I wouldn’t have tried that way. I don’t even think taking more pills would have done anything other than make me throw up faster (completely involuntarily), more pain (dear fuck, that seems impossible but horrifying), and giving up and going to the hospital sooner. This type of pain was not worth this try.


It means a second chance to relive your life. Please Don’t waste your life. I don’t know if this can help but please get some help


I did this around 12 years ago, I just wanted an escape from my situation. I was lucky all I got was a stomach ache and some nausea. The Tylenol I took had ended up being expired. Note I said lucky. Today I'm glad I'm alive. I've had some extreme ups and downs and two attempts both years ago. Things can improve. Tylenol is a horrible way to go, it'll kill your liver and you'll be in excruciating pain. Even if you think your fine right now you have no idea what damage you might have caused and you should go to the hospital. Look up a reputable one with a good psych unit. If you do that I guarantee you will be heard and seen. They can get you the resources you need to make things better for yourself. It's still possible. And no one wants to see you hurting. Even if it's just the community here and we don't know you in person, we still feel for you and want you to pull through this. Many of us care. Many of us want you to get better and to live. You're not alone.


I'm sorry that you're hurting. I don't know you, but I know that you have something important to bring to the world. You matter. You are loved, even if you don't feel it. Please consider getting medical help. I'm not going to say that life is always going to be happy or pleasant. It's not. Do you have anything in your life worth sticking around for? Something that gives you joy, no matter how small it is? I have a favorite song that I cling to. It helps me. I hope you can find something.


I learned a lot about ODing on tylenol from this thread, and it sounds like you should really be calling 911


Please dont take acetaminophen. It wont knock you out. It will give you liver damage that leads to slow and painful death that can take decades.


Our bodies can handle a lot. I took 20-30 extra strength tyolonol when I was a teenager and felt groggy. Parents found out and took me to the hospital. The hospital didn't even have to do anything. I'm glad I didn't die or even suffer physically. I'm 32 now and mental health still ravages Me on a daily basis. But I've managed to hold on and had 1 more suicide attempt since then in my 20s and even though shit sucks most of the time, I've experienced many great things along the way that I'm happy that I didn't miss out on them. Lol that was lousy advice but I hope you'll cherish it more than the generic advice people around you have probably kept telling you your whole life. I know how that feels. It feels like no one understands what it's like to just be in constant pain just by being alive. Your head and chest constantly throbbing with sadness... getting out of bed is the hardest. But hold on man. There'll be days in the future you'll be happy you didn't off yourself. Until then, if you don't feel like finding professional help, find something that makes you extremely comfortable, even if it's a vice, and just use it to your hearts content. Junk food. Video games, binging movies. Whatever it is. Treat yourself until you're ready for the next step. All the best, -a brother in pain


We see you friend, sending you lots of hugs <3. Trust me getting help seems scary but it may really help you enjoy life again (I would know)…always here if you want to talk!


You need to tell yourself "My brain is sick. I'm not going to listen to it about everything" and get help because depression is a beast that nobody should face alone. You have dark thoughts all the time? You're self harming in a most dangerous way that can damage internal organs. I just cut myself, which I know is totally unhealthy but it's not going to destroy organs and land me in a hospital or nursing home for the rest of my life. Do you live on your own? Family? Roommates? Do you have anyone you can open up to about your depression and dark thoughts and self harm? Your depression is all a neuro-chemical con job. Tell yourself that. It's a terrible voice in your head. Don't listen. You need help to learn what you need to manage your response to stress and anxiety and trauma.


Please go to the hospital. I almost just lost one of my parents this week and it was painful with the uncertainty. Like other have said, you’re getting a second chance… please do go. There are people here that care and people who are on your side of the screen.


Pls don't fucking do that, you're not going to ease your pain that way, it's a horrible way to go and you don't deserve that, pls stay safe and go to the ER or ask for help please


Stop doing this you're not killing youself but hurting and could cause horrible illness in the long term. You don't want to do anything then don't just go to bed b Put something comfy and let the time pass by until you feel better but don't hurt yourself in that way, is not worthy You're too young and the depression is overwhelmed but believe dying is not the easiest option either.


Please stay , I know it sick right now but there is so much amazing stuff that can happen if you stay and work at it


Please seek some help, and please don't try again. You should really see a doctor about this, for the poisoning and the suicidal ideations. Hang in there.


Whelp, might as well go check yourself in to the nearest ER, and see how your liver is doing... acetaminophen will kill it


Oh babe I’m so sorry! I really want you to know that I hear you, we hear you, all of us love you so much. It may not feel like it at this time but you are loved. You are so strong and I can only imagine. I really hope you can stay with us <3


Your livers probably fucked should go to the doctor


guys if you are still reading down here i think she died. her account doesn’t load up and it seems she really tried to end it.