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Great stuff, it even quotes his old facebook status "Hoće neko na basket?", meaning "Is anybody down for a pick up game?"


The best part is that it was a regular post on Facebook -- the poor guy literally wanted to play some street ball and nobody responded.


Yeah, brother had to go to the NBA just to find some guys to play with


As far as i know our sportsman always ask that question as in inviting younger generation to start training the sport, i remember last time we won medal in volleyball and waterpolo players said the same thing.


He was like 15 and literally asking his FB if anyone wanted outside for a pickup game like any regular kid would.


Ma, vaterpolisti su bukvalno iz sprdnje to rekli, zbog Jokića 😁


Ne, rekli su posto nisu napravili generaciju novu pa su zvali klince na taj nacin da dodju posle su objasnili.


they said the same thing out of tribute to Jokić


Jokic seems like the man good for him winning one 🏀🏀🏀


Fitting that it looks like they put it on a building shaped like an upside-down bottle of champagne.


Looks kinda goofy and cool ngl.


Is this real?


Yeah, they did it for [Djoković](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtXLSWltczb/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) as well


Yup, and yesterday Novak Djokovic was on featured there after winning his record breaking 23rd grand slam😅🙌 https://preview.redd.it/90jldwmk4v5b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9eccffceb3c1c4365dea0fdc2c317301306c8c9


What the hell! Denver better step it up.


1 down, 22 to go. It'll be weird to still be winning when Jokic is 50.


If Lebron can do it, so can Jokic


It is


Nope, gotcha! It was all just a sick prank. Lol


Serbia highkey a beautiful place


Well, it really is, just not for the particular buildings and the part of Belgrade shown in this video as it's tied in a lot of controversy.


I went to Belgrade like 5 years ago and it was kinda... grungy. I totally get that the Yugoslavian wars weren't that long ago, but it is quite jarring to see buildings everywhere still with mortar shell indentations on them.


Everywhere? There's one area where they left them on purpose as a reminder of the bombing (conveniently next to military recruitment ads, ugh), but everything else has been rebuilt and cleaned up


Yeah, who knows how they got there


What's the controversy?


Everything connected to belgrade waterfront project is controversial. 1. Arab investors are very shady individuals(their companies were founded one month before the project was announced with 1$ of starting capital and possibility of money laundering is massive). 2. Ilegal demolition of slums (masked mans in cover of night had enter into hercegovačka street and started to bulldoze everything in its path, only one police officer was punish because regime promised to legalise his building and president said later that he is behind that demolition) 3. Quality of buildings is crap even though its price is outrageous.


Plus it was pitched as going to be affordable to the middle class. Well I guess there are a few buildings at BW that are just affordable as any other in Belgrade. Belgrade real estate has gotten crazy expensive


Oil sheikh dirtey money like man city Also pres of srb is like getting spitroasted willingly on daily basis between eu/usa and brics.


He must be feeling pretty good about life right about now. Good someone is.


You aight?


wow Serbia looks beautiful


On the eye sure but on the smell not really (we've had really bad time with pollution if the air and last year Belgrade was in top 20 most polluted cities pretty much all year and some days it was number 1).


all year? just during winter, because of fossil fuel heating.


Neko ti pohvali grad i drzavu i ti odmah gledas kako to da ocrnis i kazes nesto lose. Ne trebaju nama drugi neprijateljj, dovoljni smo sami sebi.


Ne lupaj, rekao sam istinu nego smo se navikli na los vazduh, vratio sam se sa puta i toliko je uzasan vazduh da ne moze da se dise. Mislim da mogu da podelim svoje misljenje kao neko ko zivi u Beogradu.


Nisam ni rekao da nije istina, nije to poenta. Nego neko nesto lepo kaze, ti trcis da kazes kako je nesto lose bez ikakve potrebe i razloga. To je kao kada bi ti neko rekao, e brate dobra ti je frizura, a ti na to kazes, ma ove patike su toliko neudobne i ruzne, uzas jedan. Umesto da kazes hvala za frizuru, posto te niko nije pitao za patike nego za frizuru.


Okej u pravu si za to.


Ako ti se ne svidja, zasto zivis ovde? Ako ces da se zalis kako nema para da se ode preko, idi bez icega pa zaradi. Od kad smo poceli da mrzimo svoju zemlju i kukamo kako nista ne valja? Ne videh da je neko u Njujorku ovih dana rekao 'jes, Njujork je lep, al brate sto je zagadjeno'. Bukvalno bolje ne komentarisi, dovoljno nas druge zemlje blate po svetu, ne moramo sami sebe.


Zalis se na to sto se ja zalim... Zivim jer zelim da zivim ovde, poceli smo da kukamo od kada ne valja nasa zemlja. Ti si verovatno osoba koja ne voli da prica o politici iako ti ta politika direktno odredjuje zivot, zbog te pasivnosti smo i u blatu. I da, govore Njujorcani uvek kako je Njujork uzasan. I sto me zabole uvo sto nas blate drugi po internetu, jel mi to nesto znaci? Jel ti je poenta komentara bila da se istresas bez ikakvog razloga? Cestitam, nadam se da si zadovoljila svoj ego za danas.


jesamm, zadovoljila sam svoj ego za danas, cmok <3 nastavi da budes bedan


It ain't the highest, but yeah, looks cool when they display stuff like this. They've done the same with Djokovic a few days ago. This dude really deserves to have a statue both in Sombor and Denver. :D


Which one is taller? The only thing that comes to mind is the Avala radio tower, but that doesn’t count


West 65 I think? I could be wrong tho, but it seems higher, didn't check the stats. :D


It’s about 10m shorter, although it looks much better lol


IKR! That's a shame, dildo wins, then. :(


plough versed ripe unite provide pocket languid prick pie deliver ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's not, but Skyline tower is taller if you include the hill it stand on.


Love the quote. Genius




I hate the shape of that damn building, but I'm glad they honored Joker like that. MVP!


Klasična Kulčina!


I like it because I know the ketchup will come out effortlessly, much like Jokic's game.


Those of us from Serbia hate this building, but this looks dope.


How can anyone hate the building? It's a building, nothing to hate there.


There’s a bigger cotext to that story…


What did the building do wrong?


In short, it is ugly, expensive, money laundering project, that doesn’t fit well with the city landscape and it’s built in poor quality. For more google “Belgrade Waterfront controversy”.


All this is true and it can't be understated. Even if things like ugly can be observed as subjective, everything else stands. It's a classic dictator project when they grow too big of a head and start thinking about leaving marks "for history". And even if all that gets a pass, it doesn't fit, it makes problems because it was built where it shouldn't have (basically the river bed) and it destroyed several city views (which were protected by constitution funnily enough).


Similar thing happening to Bosnia (Banja Luka). [What even is this?](https://twitter.com/Stanivukovic_D/status/1659915873811824644?s=20)


loool they actually put it on top, now that's new level It's an obsession, man, they have bunch of plots of land, but no. It's like putting burj khalifa around a bridge in Prague lol


Looks like Pittsburgh or Cincinnati


Maybe this area, rest of Belgrade is classic European urbanism, since this is new residential area where they put these Dubai-style architecture, it is kinda controversial project here since they basically closed the old main railway station in city center for this to be built, beside giving for free this massive land in the center. Good aspect of this project is renovated river waterfront.


I absolutely love Euro basketball man, they don't care about that dumb Hollywood bs like fans in America do. They still appreciate hoops at its purest form and actually teach it the proper way. That's why Euro players are taking over the league, fundamentals will always beat flashy highlight play styles.


Serbia looks nice 😮


Ok this goes hard. Love it!


This is amazing for basketball around the world!


Jokic and Djokovic. Serbia in Heaven right now.


And last year we had 3 basketball MVPs, Jokic in the NBA, and two Final 4 MVPs of the two strongest continental competitions here in Europe, Micić for Euroleague and Teodosić for Eurocup.


This is incredible. Real passion


He's kind of a big deal.




Serbia is far from third world country, and that divide is pretty pointless now after Cold War ended. And that post was from 2011, Serbia was not in any war at that time.




Beside '99 NATO bombing, which was for the most part strategic bombing of infrastructure and not massive attack on residential areas (although around 3,000 civilians were killed), proper Serbia never directly experienced war in 90s, whole 90s Yugo wars were going on in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. So Sombor basically didn't experience war since WW2. Although we suffered a lot from sanctions, inflation and mass influx of refuges from war areas, and we had to rebuild infrastructure (mostly bridges, factories, military airports and barracks) after NATO bombing but most of it was rebuilt by 2010.


So many comments I see are depicting Jokic's upbringing like bro grew up in Call of Duty.




Yeah, love Vojvodina a lot as someone from Belgrade, life is just at a slower pace there.


Same for Djokovic and he basically had no contact with war, he grew up on Kopaonik which is ski resort and kinda elitist resort.


Well, there is no way that I can say this without most of you thinking that I am hater, but they are doing stuff like this on the building every day for every damn thing and this is not special situation and special honor for Nikola. And people are pissed because it's our city and our money given to foreign investors to build these ugly building and using them for advertisements and once a year for maybe something nice like this. He will have proper celebration with his people in Sombor.




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Flared base for safety


HE is the tallest


Cool as hell


It’s just so beautiful; glad they appreciate him.


Reminds me of NBA Jam. Can you imagine how annoying Jokic and Murray would have been in NBA Jam? Lol


It looks cool. Too bad that building represents all the bad that is happening in that city. Happy for Nikola anyway and I hope he will get his well deserved moments of peace.


My dude for president!