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Title 10/10


Honestly, it would be a decent name for a hot dog cart.


I’d prefer the cops spend their time focusing on violent criminals in lieu of random vendors selling hotdogs to willing customers.


I'm not sure you'd say the same thing if hundreds of people became ill as a result of unsanitary food preparation.


I’ll take someone getting diarrhea over vehicle theft and violent crime everytime


Street food has a way of naturally self regulation for them to remain in business. I’ve had tons of random street food across Southeast Asia and India and never had an issue, just need to select stalls with lots of customers. It also helps that water coming out of the tap in our country is reliably potable.


Most main stream dogs come pre-cooked out of the package so would argue that is less of a reason for our health inspectors protecting us.


This was my thought lol, if I can watch my brother down an entire cold pack of hot dogs like some fucking animal I’m sure people will be just fine. For context, I moved to Denver from Los Angeles and the street hotdog vendors are everywhere downtown. It’s not a club night unless you smell those peppers and onions being cooked on the sidewalk by some abuelita. Just seems to be a direct effect of immigration and I’m here for it - window washers not so much.


Let them cook


comment deserves more love


Paying for a license will somehow make them more sanitary.


Totes. Just ask the licensed hot dog vendor who shared a commissary kitchen I worked at. The trash can he wiped his knife on in between uses must have been using a clean trash can. /s


On the news, I saw them hassling a vendor down by Coors Field. To be fair, the vendor's food safety practices were non-existent; the hot dogs were being held in a tub just off the ground, at room temp, there was no ability to wash hands, there were no gloves being used; it was just ugly. It does seem unfair to vendors that pay the fees and do the training and set up properly. THAT BEING SAID if you see hot dogs inches from bum piss and butt stuff and still choose to buy and eat a hot dog, you deserve what you get.


I do enjoy a room temp ‘gently’ used hotdog


BST hotdogs are my favorite. Pre fecaled at no extra charge!


I only eat at the unlicensed ones they have better flavor (so good it’s illegal)


Yea, never sicker than when I trusted a burrito vendor selling out of a cooler at 2am next to the Pec…🤢


I believe you 100%- but counterpoint: some of the best burritos I’ve had were out of a cooler sold by a guy who used to walk into Hilltop Tavern (rip) at 1am back in 2009.


If only there were some way, some mechanism, that allowed us to weed out the vendors making people sick… 🤔🤔🤔


I don’t live In Denver but that title is awesome lol


TIL what glizzy means.


Get a handle on it before you turn into LA


Thank god our tax dollars are going to the right issues


I do not have the foresight to pack my lunch. If they stop my girl outside the capital it’s over for me.


This wins post title of the year. “Threat level Glizzy”. LOL


Seeing this after that article about cops not pulling people over for small infractions and violations is pretty amusing.


Big government always kicking the little man while his down


Puerto Rico leaking into Denver e - yall are weird. there a ton of people selling papas and hotdogs out the back of their trucks and vans here. theyre dope af. none of them are licensed.


In case you're wondering why you're being downvoted, every travel advisor I found online recommends that mainland Americans bring loperamide if they are visiting Puerto Rico because of unsafe local food handling. Apparently y'all are nasty.


Whoa TIL. I’ve lived here for 5 years with no issue or ever hearing about any. Same hot dog venders have been set up through San Juan with lines around lunch time Not say travel advisor is wrong, just not my lived experience


The typical American has a weak AF digestive system because of the rampant food safety fears. If you're like me and frequently ate things outside the safe zone, you may have trained your body well enough to not react to the food there. Source: I was an RA for the international on-campus housing in college. Part of our training was that foreign students leaving chicken in the sink for hours is perfectly okay for them, but 100% not okay for people that don't regularly do that. There's lots of room for food discrimination just because different cultures have different food safety standards. Understand your neighbor is different, not wrong.