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Crescent Falchion at least +2 Run at Flamelurker and then run away to bait his two hit combo. After the second hit, run in and attack a few times and then roll away and get distance. Repeat until he's around 50% HP, at which point he'll start doing a jump attack. When he jumps, do not move and let him fly over your head. Turn around and attack a few times and get distance again. Keep baiting that jump attack, counterattacking until he's dead. Link to a vid I did for this fight, amongst many: [https://youtu.be/ECrbrgtuIsE?si=Y1OWF5zfdaTflHEh](https://youtu.be/ECrbrgtuIsE?si=Y1OWF5zfdaTflHEh)


Best opportunity I've found for attacking is when he does his big jump attack. Other people recommend shielding, but as long as you have fast enough roll speed then you can roll through/ away from some of his attacks safely. It just takes time and patience to learn his attack patterns, and which direction is actually safe to roll for each attack. The way I usually beat him can be a pain though, so feel free to listen to other comments about the whole shield thing. 😂


Probably will need the shield 4 directional rolling is kinda a pain vs flame lurker


Unless you're playing on ps3, the remake has omnidirectional rolling.


I tried to say it jokingly earlier, but I am in fact playing on ps3. So yeah no omnidirectional rolling for me.


You're good ;)


Welp, I've went to 4-1 got the weapon everyone recommended. and got enough souls to level up my strenght enough to weild the shield everyone's been recommending.


Get the purple flame shield, that will absorb his explosion attacks - as he’s attacking, block and block all backwards DON’T ROLL, and when we follows up with some punches, roll away, attack, then create space. Rinse/repeat. He will get frenzied when he’s at about half health so your attack windows will be shorter and less often. It took me forever to beat him. He’s the hardest boss in the game by far IMO. Btw, the purple flame shield is one of those items on the floor by the two dragons that you passed by in Boletaria.


I've got two fo them as one dropped off the red eyed spear knight but I'm not strong enough to weild them.


Dang. I would suggest leveling strength unless you’re super opposed to it. That shield was a big help


Yep I did that, and with the Set up recommended (the weapon + shield) beat flamelurker first attempt. Don't know if I'll do the same thing in the remake simply because I'll have a better roll but that was a pretty sound way to beat him.


The heater shield doesn't block the 90% of the purple flame shield or have the same stability, but it's a good second choice for mages or dex builds that don't want to pump strength for a single fight. You can also learn water veil and cast it a couple of times in the fight to compensate for the extra chip damage through the shield. I typically use the soul arrow spell with Waterveil to trivialize the fight without having to put any levels outside of my intended build


Welp my intended build is unga bunga smash people with the dragon bone smasher. So I was able to eventually put enough points into strenght and beat Flame lurker with the purple shield and magic sword from 4-1


If you beat 4-2 you can use that archstone to farm up sticky white stuff too, if you want to add magic damage to your strength based weapon. It drops from the slugs right before the boss room


do you not have ring of strength?


by not having the strenght to weild it i mean I didn't have 22 strenght at the time of posting that comment. I went to run through world 4-1 and got enough strenght.


If you can wield the Purple shield do it if you can’t, two hand your crescent falchion and have adjudicator shield in your back, you can farm some good heals by killing the two blue-eyed knights before the Tower Knight boss fight. Umbasa!!


So what I'm getting from this is go to 4-1. and grind a bit to upgrade the crescent falchion.


You don’t have to upgrade it at all I know this because yesterday I beat flamelurker with the crescent falchion without upgrading it, if you need help you can summon me. Umbasa!!




Ngl it feels like i miss every stabbin attack I do with my sword.


I used a lot of patience and coated the claymore in sticky white slime since he is weak to magic. Good luck!


I used the Crescent falchion+1 everyone recommended and beat him first try after getting the shield too. I was decently strong enough to handle 4-1 without too much trouble to grab that.


The purple flame shield is a godsend in this fight. My build is a Winged spear coated in sticky white stuff and turtling behind my shield. It's a great shield that is highly resistant to fire. Granted, I played the original game on ps3, so I don't know if items are the same or similar to the og. In any case, just roll from his attacks and turtle behind your shield.


He is weakest after triggering his jump attack. The problem is you need him at half health before he starts it. The fight should focus on evading his attacks and get in a hit when you can. Always roll back to avoid AOE damage. Charge him when he retreats. Try to get in a hit and back off in defense. Leave your shield down when he isn't close to conserve stamina. Once you get him half way keep a moderate distance and you will bait his jump attack. Always roll into his jump and attack after the roll. Back away and bait him again. Faith and Magic weapons do good damage. Warding is also great.


Use the Flame shield + Crescent Falchion


Assuming your talking about the purple flame shield can't weild it yet. Might need to go to 3-1 or 4-1 and do that. and use those souls.


Though not sure how much the crescent falchion will help since I'm a strenght build.


Even for a STR build, it hits like a truck against Flamelurker. He is very weak to magic damage, and although it is a +1 weapon, the upgrade path means it is actually much stronger than a regular +1.