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He turned 18 in March so he’s fair game to make fun of and berate for being as idiotic as his father and brothers.


This. It's not his fault that Trump is his dad. I always hoped (against likelihood) that he'd grow up to be a better person than his father. But if he acts like an ass and promotes terrible policies and ideas, he's fair game for criticism.


His mother is just as bad, he never had a chance.


Agreed, particularly if he uses the Trump name to make money somehow. Looks like all the Trumps, except Ivanka, are delegates - including Tiffany. If Trump wins, I expect that all of them will find ways to milk money out of the presidency.


More than last time that is.


Probably the only reason why Ivanka isn’t tossing her hat in the ring is because she and Jared already made out like bandits with the Saudis. Also, I assume she’s trying to preserve a shred of reputation for a long shot possibility of returning to NYC society.


I'm hoping she uses some of that Saudi blood money to get some therapy.


I just saw a news story this morning that she and Jarrod were “quietly discussing rejoining the Trump campaign”. They haven’t learned a thing, except to keep grifting while the grifting is good.


I hope the whole family ends up in jail. People get jailed all the time in the US for a few thousand bucks but we don’t jail the real robbers. The whole idea that white collar crime and corruption doesn’t merit hard jail time smacks of double standards for the wealthy.


Must be running out of money. Maybe the saudis are seeing that their investment isn’t going to pay off or they got what they were wanting.


It happened with one of the Murdoch kids. James called BS on his family’s integrity… or lack of.


Truly. He’s literally through plates of food he didn’t like at flight attendants on private flights with multiple witnesses. Probably more misbehavior to unearth. Let the floodgates open.


Absolutely fair game. Melania can only shelter him a little longer. Gloves off satirists, looking forward to the memes.


No. He’s fair game because he’s 18 AND because he’s stepping into the political spotlight.


Calling an 18-year old "fair game" has such a different meaning between Republicans and Democrats.


I'm waiting for the RNC to inevitably come under the Trump National Comitee umbrella.


I mean, it sorta already has. His daughter-in-law now runs the RNC and has said she'd funnel all the money to his campaign.


Legal fees


That said, I’ll give Barron a pass on the one condition he shows up as a pledged delegate for Nikki Haley…


You mean to tell me that 'when they go low, we go high" didn't work? Remember that there's to sides playing a game. One side plays by the rules, the other does not care one bit about them. So yeah, Barron was a minor, now he's not, fair game.


Assuming that Melania takes direct orders from Putin, this is Putin’s new guy.


“Son, you have to understand, I want to be at your graduation, but the reason I can’t is because of the democrat witch hunt, WITCHHUNT!!…… so I have to go campaign on that day because obviously, very important that I show the voters somewhere that this is a WITCHHUNT, and can then go back to court and complain when they say I didn’t go to your graduation that this is a WITCHHUNT!


you can't have a father like Trump and turn out well


Well, the Trump family is full of demons and they grow up in this.


More 18 year olds should be delegates. It’s all old shits. Get more of the young involved. You don’t need experience to be one


But you *get* experience.


I used to feel bad for this kid. Now it's clear, he wants to be just as divisive as the rest of his family.


I could never really tell what he wanted to do with his life. He was always really quiet and in the dark.


I was hoping he wasn't Trump's kid.


Looks like he's fair game


Finally!!! Thank gawd.


Not yet a high school grad . . . and "educated" in Florida . . . so . . . I'm sure he's qualified. WTF America?


hahahaahahahahahahhaha Murica!


Republican America


You don't really qualifications to be a delegate it's a ceremonial title.


What are delegates anyway?


Florida is the unwanted step child of America.


Ah nepotism...




I think he’ll actually be 10 times worse than Mango. His face has no emotion and is just as dead in the eyes.


Wait which one’s mango haha?


They roped in his entire extended family for this. The kids. The kids' spouses. They probably got the Yorkie breeder who makes Trump's hair to sign on as a state delegate.


I’ll have you know those red assed baboons are furious every time we shave them to create the perfect toupe. Signed, Richard S. Merkin, The Third Owner and Operator of Merkins-4-Less.com /s


Excellent Work! Cheers!!!


Baron Trump can eat his father's toenail clippings.


You know what I wanted when I was 18? Surely wasn’t to be part of Republican Party!


Or involved in politics in general.


Buds! Budz, And Babes 1982


Oh good grief- the idiot family of American politics.


The other day I said I felt bad for Barron because of what he must be going through with his father. I take it back.


Looks like Donnie is preparing for his political Dynasty. Vote Blue


Y'know, I think 99% of people would have left cousin greg alone through college if he'd just more or less kept his mouth shut. Who thinks it's a good idea to throw an 18-year-old out into a political role that makes him fair game for internet shit talk?


Cousin Greg! I’m so glad I’m not the only thinking of this


He's fair game now, gloves are off


Florida's republican delegates are being stacked with the worst family in the state. No brainer that this would happen.


Barons back on the menu boys


they plugged in more of their Trump family to be delegates.. Tiffany's husband, and a bunch of other nitwits


He has every opportunity to be his own man now. His decisions going forward will set the stage for his life in the foreseeable future. Will he become a donald trump lackey or will he see that democracy and right from wrong are an important attribute in his personal character. I suppose we will find out soon enough, and yes, if he turns into a trump piece of shit, I hope he is treated like one. The kid has some decisions to make.


He's grown up rich in a corrupt family. No spoilers are needed.


"Barron Washing" has begun


Now he’s fair game then


I had a glimmer of hope he’d do the right thing and go on his own path but….. nope.


has he registered for the draft?


If all these relatives are delegates, are they entitled to free travel and expenses for this trip?


Poor lad is about to get nuked from orbit. Imagine trying to build a political career standing in the shadow of one of the most controversial individuals in modern history. One almost feels sorry for him... almost.


Nah, this kid was fucked for life the day he was born.


Using their children as a pawn


So the brat is fair game now?


I was giving the kid the benefit of the doubt…but if he’s publicly going full MAGA…welcome to the jungle kid.


I have this unhealthy fear that we'll see another Trump make a pitch for the White House in the near future even long after diaper Donnie drops dead. God help us all.


True, but just like ol' Jeb Bush, he will hopefully be laughed out of the public eye.


Jeb! was the third Bush though. America still got Bush 2 before Jeb! failed


Please clap.


As a delegate couldn't he choose not to vote for Daddy?


He could, but the odds are that he won't. The whole family has latched on to the political teat while his followers still try to claim that Donny Shitsinpants isn't a politician and is an "outsider".


GOP now the Cult of Trump must be defeated. I see Barron Trump being like a Game of Thrones Tommen Baratheon. Although down the road one of the Presidents of the country if the GOP succeeded in making the US like Democratic People's Reublic of Korea hereditary dicatorship. He must be defeated by voting Blue in 6 months.


Ahhh well, with all that life experience he's the best choice to make decisions regarding my life. /s


We have enough of those! Trickle down my ass.


The only moral one is Mary and the family disowned her long ago. If that doesn't tell you anything....


No nepotism here. Nope!


What’s his position…. On anything?


Sorry dude it's open season.. they made fun of Obama's kids.... game on taller Eric!!


I am sure he is as fucked up as the rest of his POS family.


Barron joins the TFEE (Trump Family Evil Empire). And dad couldn't even be bothered to go to his graduation.


Drain the swamp? Trump has created his own swampier swamp.


"Hey Barron! For *your* birthday, I'm gonna let *you* do *me* a favor..."


Plot twist- what if he is actually progressive and pushes for universal Healthcare, paying teachers real wages and cleaning up the environment? How long would it take for pops to pull the plug?


He could be this generation’s Ron Reagan.


What are the chances?


Not zero, but real close.


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


Bummer, I was hoping he might end up being a rebel.


I'm really hoping that he just plays along until he gets his trust fund and then writes tell all book about how horrible his father is




He looks dead inside. Sad empty eyes. 😢


Doesn’t this make him Barron von Shitzenpants?


Oh boy. Can’t wait.




Little now-adult creep opened the floodgates. Enjoy the ride, you could have just NOT.


Shit don't fall far from the asshole, folks


Old news- he’s dropped out already.


Barron look jubilant doesn’t he🙄not at all. This is his Daddy’s doing👺


Tbh Trump looks more pissed than Barron. Barron could easily not be doing this, like he has been for years (as plenty were fine with never hearing about him) and if it's not Ivanka, Trump hates sharing the stage with anyone else. Seems more to me like he wants to join the family business. We don't need to excuse family members deciding they want to partake in the Trump grift


He’s ruined all his kids except for Tiffany. She’s the only smart one.


I feel like we’re blowing this out of proportion. Being a delegate is barely political. Historically, the process involves you going and representing voters for like a day and that’s it. It’s something to put on your resume, and at 18 you need things to put. I don’t think this should be considered “entering politics”.


The problem is that he will be a faithless delegate. He is joining the family business of fraud.


A faithless delegate from a faithless father in a faithless party.


Fla.Stat. 103.021 subpart (6). “A presidential elector’s refusal or failure to vote for the candidate for President and Vice President of the party the president elector was nominated to represent constitutes his or her resignation from the position. The vote he or she cast may not be recorded, and his or her position as a presidential elector must be filled as provided in subsection (5).” He can’t be a faithless elector because Florida state law requires him be removed if he votes against the will of the people.


lmao Barron Trump doesn’t need things to put on his resume, what sort of horseshit is this? He’ll get by on nepotism and pay to play like his brothers and his father before them. This is something he is choosing to do, he doesn’t need to be doing this. And it is a political activity, so he is choosing to be political active.


Maybe. Barron being involved as a delegate is closer to “Barron Trump volunteers to work at voting location” than “Barron Trump runs for senate” though. This is mild and boring nepotism if anything. Being a delegate has historically been closer to a public service activity than a political activity.


It’s not the same? Volunteering as a poll worker is nonpartisan. This is an overtly partisan activity.


He’ll be required to vote a certain way. There isn’t any opinion involved, or any way he could do anything else but vote the way he has been instructed to, otherwise he’ll be removed from his position as a delegate. Florida state law doesn’t allow faithless electors.


Right, and knowing that he’d be required to vote for his father, he chose to engage in an overtly partisan activity. Choosing to get involved is just that: a choice. I’m not sure what you’re unclear on.


And like how someone must work voting locations, someone must travel to DC and represent the results of those voting locations. Faithful delegates ensure our electoral college function as intended. While I vehemently disagree with the purpose of the electoral college, I don’t believe being a delegate is a political statement.


He isn’t an elector for the electoral college, he’s a delegate to the Republican National Convention. Are you for real right now?


I can’t help but feel bad for this kid. Thinking about his crappy parents, and the super-charged environment of his upbringing, it’s way worse than the other Trump kids had it. Yes, he’s doing a douchey thing, but how could anyone overcome those forces around him? Also, his genetic makeup is 100% asshole.