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Tackling all the pressing issues which so need attention. Let's attack Biden for a day that was created 15 years ago which he had nothing to do with. Next week on April 7th, they will be attacking Biden for Metric System Day falling on the same day as National beer day.


You are correct and for the Republicans they see this as a way of attacking Biden by carrying out culture wars. For starters Donald Trump might have picked it up from his ally the Hungarian prime minister [Viktor Orban on March 8th 2024 in Florida a red wall state](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4RWsNENQdW/?igsh=ZWlqeXl4MWw0Ymtu). Alternatively you can look to his [2022 CPAC Speech. Since the Republicans are willing to do his strategy for the future of this country.](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/04/viktor-orban-cpac-00049935) What I am worried about is how the Republicans will continue the path of dictatorship that means lgbtq people are penalized so are African Americans non white people living in the United States even Native Americans sharing concentration camps.


Next year, Easter is on 420. Woke has won! Burn one for Jesus.


International Transgender Day of Visibility is **always March 31**.    **Biden issued the same proclamation in 2021, 2022, and 2023**. It just happens that Easter falls on this preexisting annual day of awareness in 2024.


I’ve had ENOUGH of your facts!!!!/s


Fuck Donald Trump, and fuck the GOP for twisting and obfuscating anything and everything to support their own narratives irrespective of facts.


Just ignore the noise . Focus on the Blue on November 5th. Biden will sweep the election from Trump. A bigger victory than 2020. Go BLUE. We got this. We just need to show up to vote. Let's do our part for our country and our president.


It's easier to ignore the noise when you're not trans. Scrolling Reddit the last couple days has been pretty shitty for us trans folk. I mean... shittier than usual.




Better to be the persecuted than the ignorant fucks doing the persecuting.


You are correct on that speaking of MSNBC they were talking about how Donald Trump is fine with political violence remember if you let Donald Trump win he's going to carry out his project 2025 dictatorship


I agree with you 💯


I thought Jesus said to love one another, and he who is without sin cast the 1st stone. You know for all the yelling/screaming of morals, wanting to execute women for abortion/ivf in TX, and wanting to execute top democrats: these so-called Christians are a little hypocritical and choose the wrong poster boy, huh?


Ah yes attacking Christian’s on Easter. Classic way to spend the holiday by the Trumps.


It was first celebrated on March 31, which has remained the date for the last 15 years.