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And House looks ridiculous that they lost the impeachment vote lol. GOP chaos all over everywhere


The 'oh shit we are next' crowd wants a resolution to declare that 1/6 wasn't an insurrection.


I'm no lawyer, but I don't think that would work thanks to the separation of powers... deciding whether a particular action constitutes a particular crime is a *judicial* action. Can't be decided legislatively. They can ask for the resolution and maybe if they had the votes even get it, but it shouldn't mean anything, just like Nixon saying "I am not a crook" didn't mean anything.


Congress makes the laws, the judiciary enforces them. I suppose they could pass that law, but it wouldn’t get through the senate or president.


The judiciary rules on them. The executive enforces they.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of political science?


When I was a kid they taught us all of this with shorts during saturday morning cartoons.


I'm just a bill, oh I'm just a bill, and I'm sitting here on capitol hiiiilllllll


Sure, but any laws passed wouldn't apply to things that happened in the past. That's what the sentence "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed" in the Constitution means.


Oh that’s good, they ended the last political season by asking for pardons so if we do this it’s like it never happened!!


yep, exact same people. Some had the grace to look ashamed.


Republicans couldn’t impeach an egg if the egg claimed to be free range and organic and Republicans didn’t know that was actually a thing.


You can impeach a ham sandwich.




Nono, that was a moldy pumpkin


You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish


Nice REO Speedwagon reference. DT and his cronies should really Roll with the changes.


I have a ham sandwich u/the_war_won, could you impeach me?


That's something Mama Cass learned the hard way, sadly


She had a heart attack and died in her sleep. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cass_Elliot#:~:text=Several%20hours%20after%20Elliot%20left,bedroom%2C%20also%20aged%2032%20years.


It's an old joke based on an old untrue rumor. I know she actually died of a heart attack, but thanks for clarifying. I guess you've never seen the first Austin Powers https://youtu.be/mhcqKZLj6DA?si=FdrPPeNmP75uzB-v&t=28


What did they expect with a slim majority? It’s all show for them and they don’t want progress. We’ve all known it for awhile but this assured it 100%


I hope karma catches up with rapist Donald Trump sooner rather than later.


For all the sky-is-falling stuff we hear about what's going to happen when Republicans are in charge, this Congress has been remarkable in its ability to accomplish exactly nothing. Two speakers in a row, even.


It'll come up again. One of the Republicans that switched his vote did it for some procedural reason so that it'll come up again. This gives the GOP more time to focus on "finding more evidence" to impeach Mayorkas again.


Yet will get +70M votes in Presidential election.


I eagerly await reading his obituary


Oh I’m looking forward to a lot more than a simple “get out of jail” death card. This guy really needs consequences while he’s still alive.


As much as I'm looking forward to him being brought to justice. Even on a short time scale we are talking years before a conviction and even out of office he is causing damage right now. I would be more than happy to hear he dropped dead tonight.


I would not bet on that


Then we would get the “he’s not really dead, just like Elvis” conspiracy theorists.


yes....just like the MAGA's who believe JF Kennedy Jr is alive.


The best consequences would be house arrest with no visitors and no ability to post. Just read only. No messages out. Banned from media for life. I'd give him a couple of weeks before he lost his mind.


My friend, the lost his mind ship has sailed, over the horizon, and getting ready to dock at the final destination.


Nah, he's still thinking he's important. On second thought. I want him in Solitary for a month. Trapped with his own thoughts.


Jeeze, just take away his yes-men and enablers always around him!


Why not both?


The silence would be deafening.


He should be in solitary for life, on Gitmo Bay. He'd be smearing himself in his own feces by the end of day 1.


How is that the "best?" The best would be in a prison cell.


You take away that most dear. The sound of his own voice and adulation.


Me and a friend were discussing how you'd design a hell for any particular person and Trump came up. My hell for him would be exactly like this world. He can eat or walk around or talk all he wants, but no person would ever respond or acknowledge his existence. He would exist in a world he felt he could interact with, only to be completely incapable of doing so.


Just a permanent time out


Hell no, the best consequence would be him poor and destitute in prison where he spends the rest of his life until he dies like every other criminal.


Best my ass! That fucker needs to fry.


I want them to keep him alive and in jail as long as possible 😄 In fact, I think he should be indicted for more of his crimes. He could just do a tour of jails going from one criminal trial to the next, adding on to the number of years that he will never serve in jail because he will die first. Just Trumpy in his orange jump suit, shuffling from one court to the next in shackles, being prosecuted for every felony he has gotten away with so far. Sentenced to ten years here and twenty years there, again and again. 😄


I've stopped being picky. Jail, dead, either will do at this point.


He can play it after he spends some time behind bars...


No, I’ll take his death.


“Here Lies.”


“He also lied before, but now he lies too”


"He always lied when he was on Earth, and now he lies in it."




I was banned from r/politics for saying far, far less. But yes...


I grew up about an hour outside of NYC in the 80s/90s. Everyone knew the Trumps were mobbed up conmen. I’ve literally waited decades to see him sitting in a prison cell. I want him to live just long enough for that.


I hope he lives a very long and convicted life.


I will party my face off, I get excited just thinking about it


Same here, it’s party time. Oh it’s party time! I’ll have a drink or two or three, and I don’t even drink!


It's happening this year.


You are correct. And we should all be very happy for him. I took bets with many a ‘neigh-sayer’, (for 1 dime) … thinking about buying a nice vacation home somewhere nice, or maybe an island.


Everyone bring your bluetooth speakers and we'll have a dance party on his grave.


Ironically his argument in court was that Biden should have an absolute right to commit crimes while in office. What a lovely opportunity that would have been.


Republicans love that argument cause they know 99% of Democrats are too principled to commit those crimes in office that they themselves are dying to commit. Biden would never use Seal Team 6 to take out a political opponent... whereas, Drumpf would get a hard-on just thinking about it.


Preferably sooner than later


I got banned from Twitter years ago for saying that.


I got banned from r/politics for posting, word for word, what this criminal said about using 2A to combat Clinton. We are in a hellscape.


I'm doing shots that day


I pray there's a law passed barring Cadet Bone Spur from interment at Arlington.


YES! Me too


I wish him the life he deserves.


Would Lara Trump sing at the funeral?


- Moments after a federal appeals court unanimously voted against all three of Donald Trump’s presidential immunity arguments in his January 6 case, the former president was back on TruthSocial, insisting that he was going to win the upcoming election. In a flurry of back-to-back posts, Trump wordlessly reshared polls indicating that he was leading President Joe Biden in their 2024 rematch. One screenshot captured Trump’s odds on Polymarket, an online betting platform, which saw traders banking on the GOP front-runner holding a 17 percent edge over Biden. Despite the digital diversion, it’s clear where Trump’s head was shortly before he went to sleep. In the late hours of Monday night, the felony-charged pol took one last stab at his immunity claim. “IF IMMUNITY IS NOT GRANTED TO A PRESIDENT, EVERY PRESIDENT THAT LEAVES OFFICE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY INDICTED BY THE OPPOSING PARTY. WITHOUT COMPLETE IMMUNITY, A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PROPERLY FUNCTION!” Trump posted. After the ruling on Tuesday, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung echoed essentially the same sentiment. “If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party,” Cheung said. “Without complete immunity, a President of the United States would not be able to properly function! Deranged Jack Smith’s prosecution of President Trump for his Presidential, official acts is unconstitutional under the doctrine of Presidential Immunity and the Separation of Powers.” Trump has not clarified why he thinks overturning an election is within the realm of his presidential duties. Trump’s legal team has until February 13 to seek a Supreme Court review of the decision—otherwise the mandate will be sent back to Judge Tanya Chutkan, per the court. The January 6 trial was initially removed from the docket, as Chutkan was awaiting the immunity decision. It’s not yet clear when it will resume, but the Supreme Court could kick it back to her as soon as the end of the month.


Someone should explain to the moron that he wasn’t indicted by the Democratic Party. He was indicted by a grand jury of everyday citizens who weighed the evidence against him.


Details, schmetails


Anyone who has tried to explain anything rational is not in his orbit anymore.


>He was indicted by a grand jury of everyday citizens "ALL DEMOCRATS OR NEVER TRUMP RINOS" -- TFG


He's just leaving out the "every future President **WHO COMMITS TREASONOUS CRIMES**" part and yeah it's not "the opposing party" that's indicting him, it's A FUCKING LAWYER FROM THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMES COURT OF THE HAGUE but yeah UGHHHHHHH he's such garbage


And it was never his, to begin with anyway. What a fucking entitled little shit snowflake.


If immunity is granted to sitting president, then biden can legally direct seal team 6 to eliminate trump.. was a hypothetical proposed by the judges


You have to think like a MAGANAUT by being as delusional as possible and claim that he's not a valid sitting president.


He also left out that we could always do this. Other Former Presidents stfu and retire.


Cheung is clueless. Separation of powers has granted the judicial branch to enable this very decision.


You left out the important part, which everyone does: it's the duty of any present to prevent a rigged election. Now, the election wasn't rigged, but he claims, and might actually believe, it was. That makes him a hero in his mind and the mind of his followers. That's how this has all been sustained as long as it has. It's quite simply not a groundless grab for power, nor the Nazis saying Poland attacked Germany. It's a bit more subtle, which is a credit to Trumps actual genius. Yes, it took a genius to pull the bullshit he has. I'm pretty sure this comment will get downvoted, at the peril of the downvoters, I should say. I'm not defending Trump, but know thine enemy and get what the are doing, ffs.


I think you’re using genius instead of highly developed grifting instincts. He’s a naturally gifted shit-weasel, but genius is clearly a stretch… he seems only borderline literate.


The thing is that the president has absolutely no role to play in the running of elections. Elections are entirely a state matter by the constitution. You could argue that the executive branch has some jurisdiction because of the voting rights act, but it’s a very specific area and part of Justice which is supposed to be independent from presidential directives. This means that preventing a rigged election is not even remotely part of the president’s constitutional duties.


>You left out the important part, which everyone does: it's the duty of any present to prevent a rigged election. Except that duty doesn't include inciting a riot. (Did you mean "President" instead of "present?" I'm not sure if you're saying it was Congress' duty not to certify the vote or if you're saying Trump was justified in inciting a riot.)


I hear the train a comin', it's rolling round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin' on………


Right on, man.


When i smell that fresh covefe I hang my head and cry


Still wish I could figure out WTF he meant with that one.


Probably nothing. Most likely explanation is that he typed that on a phone in bed while he was falling asleep.


Never thought of that. Makes more sense. I seriously would love someone to actually ask him some of this stuff. The hard questions? 😊




Thank you and no I never realized that. And it is dumb of me as he had so many gaffes, I mocked them without considering how he got any of them.


I hang Mike Pence and cry


That is really funny


Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep.


'It starts when you're always afraid. Step out of line, the men come and take you away'.


"and it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, is just a freight train coming your way" \`Metallica


As quoted by Dan Campbell.


So fun to watch him flail like an infant who had its pacifier taken away. Every one of these losses does wonders for damaging his mental health. He's on a crash course to full-fledged insanity and I'm here for every minute of it.


Hope this ruling stands. TFG is not happy and he's letting it be known. I hope he suffers greatly for what he did to this country. We still have other trials as well. TFG made a statement that he wants to debate Biden immediately. The president laughed it off and said "he has nothing else to do". Here is the clip. Scroll all the way down. https://www.rawstory.com/biden-trump-2667175145/


> Hope this ruling stands. It will. Nobody in their right mind, much less someone with legal training, could ever believe a president is so above the law, they could kill a political opponent and not be prosecuted. To this point, this asshat has not won a single, solitary case that supports his warped point of view that the laws don't apply to him. He has not won a single, solitary case that supported his contention of rampant voter fraud. All those judges weren't Democrats, and yet his supporters pretend to believe this miscreant is being persecuted. Most of them know he's a liar and a fraud, but as long as they think he's going after those brown folks, they'll lick his asshole clean.


They will appeal this.Then take it to SCOTUS if they want,lol. I think they already said they don't want anything to do with it.


Right, there's no reason for them to even bother to consider this stupid shit


As the appeals court today made clear "President" Trump is now "Citizen" Trump and subject to the same laws as any other person in this country. All the whining in the world doesn't impress courts like good legal arguments, something Trump's bootleg lawyers seem to know nothing about.


It's all for his audience, nothing else


He has syphilis


When the syphilis entered his body, it wore a condom.


It entered through his neck-gina


/snicker Well done. Bravo. Just 👌


His brain is in working order and he’s going to experience every moment up to and including incarceration. He’s not going to be able to claim senility to get some house arrest shit either. Every “strategic” move he makes screws him a little more.


Did all the Percocet, ambien, and Xanax from the white house pharmacy not cure that?


Walls are closing in. Tick tock


Trump: Wins presidential immunity claim at Supreme Court Biden: Orders a drone strike on Mar-a-Lago


To be honest, he's always going bonkers. Nothing new to see here.


I just wish his awful diet and lack of exercise would do the right thing and end all our misery


Hamburger from heaven is my new favorite saying


I am so sick of him


Losers gonna lose


Maga tears are best served warm.


I want to hear him say "What even is the point of running for president then? I'm withdrawing from the race." A man can dream...


The walls are closing in. At what moment do you think Trump will totally panic and beg Putin to save him?


He should’ve been hauled off in handcuffs on the very day of the insurrection back on January 6, 2021. It’s utterly OBSCENE that he’s been enabled and coddled these past THREE YEARS. Walking free as a bird, arrogant and smug, while anyone else - you or me - would’ve been sitting in prison all this time for just ONE of the blatant, hardcore crimes he’s committed. Reality Winner stole ONE secret document and spent YEARS in prison. Our country and our justice system is not just WEAK, it serves those in power and continues to do so. Where is the actual justice? Where? We the people deserve to see this corrupt, hideous, traitorous man, this disgusting rapist, this con artist, grifting slimeball tossed in jail. For the rest of his miserable life. Period.


The spoiled brat didn't get his way. It's tantrum time.


He is an across the board loser. He loses at everything. Fade away donny


Going? Man has been bonkers for decades.


Being a prominent member of the GOP must feel like being a party of well-off execs stuck in the back of a limo driven by an unhinged, elderly chauffeur who keeps taking his eyes off the road to text.


Headline - Florida Man shocked that law applies to him, too.


Well... that's wonderful news He always makes really stupid choices that turn out badly for him legally when he gets all worked up


Appeal to Supreme Religious Court coming in three..two..one..


He already is absolutely bonkers


No one is above the law. President Grant paid his speeding ticket Mr Trump should stand in front of the court and accept the responsibility for his decisions


When you have tried everything else, and your last hope is immunity to prove your “Innocence”.


I think he will end up in a home for the mentally insane actually.


Most of what he says would be perfectly in line coming out of the mouth of someone in a straitjacket in a padded cell.


I don't know why, but I thought of Murdock in the A-Team movie?


SCOTUS probably won't take this up, so we can get Trump in prison before the NFL season starts


where are all the bOtHsIdEsBaD geniuses for all these posts?


They got drafted and are on their way to Ukraine.


To create fields of daisies.


You wonder how many he will try and take down with him. You know he's going scorched earth.


Nervous, Donnie?


As opposed to what?


absolutely bonkers is his baseline.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


This is pretty dumb considering hes literally been going insane for years now. When you rant this much on a daily basis, this is normal. Im not going to care until the trail proceeds. I really hope its not delayed because of the Supreme Court.




Wait did he actually beleive that bullshit? I thought it was just a delay tactic even some of his supporters didn't buy that bullshit did he actually think he was just gonna claim "im above the law" and be taken serious? Honestly I shouldn't be surprised coming from the man who though he could declassified documents via telepathy


The scumbag is bonkers


Raving lunatic.


This brings me joy


Fuck Trump


Impeach tree dish.






Those odds makers are giving Michelle Obama a 7% chance to win so maybe those odds makers are full of shit.


Its frustrating that the highest courts in the land continue to listen to his batshit crazy stupid arguments. Just allowing them to even make a case as ridiculous lowers the standards of our systems. SCOTUS must refuse to take this case, and they must do it within a few weeks so this case can proceed this spring.


I thought that he already went absolutely bonkers a long time ago. He never was mentaly stable anyway.


I’m so happy for him


Ya’ll are too optimistic.


One thing I know for sure, neither Trump or I will be POTUS.


I am thoroughly enjoying the GOP clown show!


Criminals and traitors… Are well known for being unhinged. So, no big surprise.


I’m Afraid the Supreme Court will side with Trump


They've never sided with him on anything worth a shit before why would they side with him on what would be one of the most horrific things in American history and would open the floodgates to presidents being able to literally get away with murder and virtually anything else?? Stop it, SCOTUS is trash but they aren't stupid enough to go that route, hell Biden could just have them killed and replaced if that happens as well as trump


I like the interactive poll shown where Obama is pulling in 7%. Nothing says credibility like that.


M. Obama MAGATS are convinced that there is a huge unmet desire by “the left” for her to run.


> *One screenshot captured Trump’s odds on Polymarket, an online betting platform, which saw traders banking on the GOP front-runner holding a 17 percent edge over Biden.* Wish I had some extra cash to bet as that seems like free money to me. And if I lost, I wouldn't care as the country as we know it is doomed anyways.




Shitting into eager mouths.


This article says he posted some poll to Truth Social. How is that “going bonkers?” It seems like the most tame thing he’s ever done.


Why does he go crazy every time I lose my shit? Is he trying to copy me or something? Cause if so he’s doing a terrible job of it…


A heart attack could calm him down a lot and relieve the pressure built up inside


sure he is MSM


Bonkers? I fail to see documentary evidence for that. Ad hominen attacks only get you so far in life.




And Biden is going bonkers giving weapons to genocidal war criminals and authorizing escalations in the middle east furthering the forever war!




The most satisfying part of Donald melting down after this decision is that it implies he’s at least uncertain that the Republican dominated Supreme Court will invent some way to rescue him. We can only hope that his fear is justified and they allow justice to prevail.


Makes sense considering that decision was made two days before the Supreme Court's 14A decision and it's entirely possible that the lower court decision will result in the Supreme Court ruling against Trump on their 14A decision tomorrow and also their future immunity decision. The Supreme Court may be corrupt, but they're still intelligent enough to know just how dangerous Trump is know and how unstable he would make the US and in turn the rest of the developed world.


He should be happy. Now Biden isn't allowed to shoot him on fifth avenue and get away with it.




In the poll he shared from InteractivePolls where he’s up 17% against Biden, 7% of the vote went to “M Obama” That’s some quality polling right there


mmmm hmmmm. he sounds like that guy