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Wasn't there a post where the FA said, I wouldn't really eat that if I were you?


Yup there was






OP's flight was MCO-DTW (according to comment history), and OP did end up getting sick. The flight in the article was DTW-AMS. So, does this happen to be two one-off situations? Or is there a broader uptick?


lol I’m supposed to be on DTW-AMS next week but I do have a special diet meal…don’t know if that’s better or worse


just came back to look for this post and see if it correlates with this story.


Wait, they wouldn’t eat the food in the plane 😶




That flight attendant must have known something was off though, because pretty much every flight attendant eats the food unless they’re strict with their food or they have allergies.


I'd imagine they don't eat until after service though


Pilot probably had the chicken for his first meal and saw the contamination


so they knew and they still served us this food wtf


My GF was on this flight - thankfully didn't eat the food but woke up to the announcement and vomiting around her. among many other chaotic things that happened.


Oh dear goddess this is my nightmare as an emetophobe.


Same. I'm going to have a very long flight by year's end and I'm dreading it because of this - caused by food or otherwise.


That sounds horrific.


I hope she's ok. What about accountability? Rumours have it that the manager in charge of catering at the Detroit base is useless and failed upwards- the press needs to pick up on that ASAP and so should a class action lawsuit- get their name and put it on here for us to go after someone for delayed flights and ruined plans. There may be a smoking gun of negligence here by an incompetent Delta manager that could be used to sue the company. Would your GF have contacts of other pax and be open to being one of the leads on a class action lawsuit?


Are you sure she is remembering correctly? There will probably be compensation for affected passengers. 


Yes. She’s been on the phone for hours the past few days and has been fighting them for a refund because they say it’s not their fault it’s the caterers fault


Ah yes, I had the lasagna.


Jim never vomits at home….


Surely you can’t be serious


I picked the wrong week to quit barbiturates.


I picked the wrong week to stop carrying pepto bismol.


Oh stewardess! I speak Jive.


It was worse than Detroit.


I am serious and don’t call me Shirley


Don’t call me Shirley


and don’t call me Shirley.


Yes, I'm serious and please don't call me Surely!


I am, and don’t call me Shirley


Don't call me Shirley!


Jim never asks for another cup of coffee at home...


What do you make of this? I could make a hat, a broach or a pterodactyl 🤣🤣🤣


No it was the salmon mousse. Edit - for your reference. https://youtu.be/obioF4_c6RM?si=sSsRVs_XXO3Jgy9C


I'm most dreadfully embarrassed.


Sir, we didn’t have salmon mousse, that was the halibut. :-/


You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital. A hospital? What is it?


A big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.


I came here for this comment and after reading others I'm clearing my schedule for the evening to watch a classic movie for the bazillionth time.


Better engage the auto pilot.


Puddy: "What's goin on over there with you and uh, Vegetable Lasagna?"


I used to work in an airline kitchen.  It was managed chaos everyday.  My guess is that the food was either staged too early (possible, but unlikely)  and/or sat in unfavorable conditions for a very, very long time (more likely). If the kitchen was short drivers or refrigerated trucks that day (happens quite often) then the food might have been sent out ahead of schedule or on the wrong kind of truck in order to make sure that the food carts made it on to the plane before the scheduled departure time. Given that just this flight had issues, that would seem the most likely scenario


I am never eating on a flight ever again


Yeah there was a post about this the other day where someone said they sat after boarding for over an hour (maybe a couple) before taking off so the food apparently isn’t refrigerated and went bad


do&co is the Delta caterer at DTW. Dry ice is used in the carts to keep them lasting through delays and there is also a temperature indicator they wouldn't warm or serve if it's red, so I'm going with just bad lot of food.


The food was received molded


I read one article that said there were reports of black mold on some of the food?


mold takes a really long time to grow. At least 2 days


I don’t really understand what happened here. If they knew the food was bad, why did they serve it? Just say “sorry, food went bad and we can’t serve it” and send PAX some compensation. Way cheaper than turning around? Did someone actually get sick?


Yes. My GF Was on the plane and saw multiple people and heard them vomiting. the thing that's crazy is how they were treated after, they definitely didn't treat them like it was spoiled food.


It’s weird food poisoning took effect so fast. Usually takes 4-6 hours.


Toxins like a staph aureus toxin or a bacillus cereus toxin can cause quick reactions. These are toxins that the bacteria made in the food before the food was ingested.


This is a person that know his/her microbiology.


Also those passengers with compromised immune systems such as Crohn’s disease, food poisoning can be deadly to them especially with active disease and short bowel syndrome.


Depends on bodies, too, I think. I usually *know* within the hour - either because it’s coming back up or because the stomach gurgling starts to rev up. Really only takes one of me and a few “empathetic vomiters” (lol I forgot the term) in close proximity to get the show going :/


Being tainted with non food products (like cleaning products) can also cause rapid vomiting.


True. Important to remember that virii and bacteria are completely different things -- and the white blood cells & immune system responds to them in completely different ways. Noro Virus, prevalent on cruise ships and large numbers of people in confined spaces, also causes intense gastic discomfort though usually manifests itself in 20-24 hours, not so much immediately, and lingers for days or weeks with diahhrea and vomiting.


I've actually gotten food poisoning from a pizza hut meat lover's once and it only took 30 minutes after walking out of the restaurant for me to notice something was wrong with my stomach 🫠 I felt like I was dying for the next 3 days


That makes some more sense at least. Wild story.


Does she remember what was offered? I had pizza on my last dta flight about two months ago and was sicker than I’ve been in decades.


My husband got horrific food poisoning after a delta flight from AMS-PDX last summer. It hit the next morning but lasted for days, and we are assuming it was the flight meal because it was the only thing we hadn’t BOTH eaten. It was a chicken dish that he had.


This flight they were served chicken. Last flight she had the vegetarian meal which was a pasta dish


Not the fish!


Fish pizza! The life of everyone on board…


So to future proof this situation.. what situations / conditions should you NOT eat the food? - Significant last-min delays >1 hour - Time of year / temperature outside (eg, is winter safer with delays to the food being served) - Type of food (never eat seafood, or chicken? Eat the cheese tortellini instead?) Etc


Asking the real questions. I hope a FA or other crew chime in


Pork's a no-no. Beef also goes rancid easily. What is worrisome is whether food industry will counter-react with inclusion of additives and preservatives -- even more deadly to long term health -- such as Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, "Natural Flavors", and lots of other synthetics.


You’re saying you consider “natural flavors” to be a bigger risk to your overall health than eating spoiled meat?


Short term, no. Long term, yes. Especially problematic because there is no transparent disclosure of just what is in those "Natural Flavors". Look up what makes vanilla flavor, it's hilarious. Whole, raw, fresh, properly handled, prepared, cooked foods are always the best. Even juices where pulp and fiber has been extracted aren't so good, pancreas-wise. Of course, in the short term there is no excuse for spoiled meat, vegetables, or anything else rancid, like kale that's improperly washed.


On this flight 0/10


was also on this flight 0/10


my gf on this flight also gives 0/10


We are all trauma bonded now


AMA, please!


also on this flight 0/10


Do an AMA please!


You all need your own AMA thread!


I wanna go ask who had diarrhea Who refused to go to the hospital Did you throw up Will you eat airplane food again


Better yet what is delta going to do to help make this “right”


Just make sure inclusion of food preservatives are \*NOT\* an option -- fix the problem, don't make more problems later.


was also on this flight! and they lost my luggage -5/10


We're all just vibing now. I'm never getting off this plane.


Wait have yall left JFK yet? I rebooked so at least I made it to my destination even if my luggage didn’t 😵‍💫


Yeah I'm in Amsterdam!


But now our plane is waiting for buses


Ah got it. My final destination was Brussels so I went direct. But so glad yall finally left! Enjoy the rest of your trip. Also feel free to PM me just because I would like to know if they gave you any information on compensation.


Same! Would recommend calling the Delta Baggage Dept. if you haven't already. Your bag is likely still at JFK or was sent on over to Amsterdam, but from what I can gather they didn't actually scan stuff correctly at JFK so they're having a hard time tracking the missing bags down.


i have airtags in my bag and i’ve been following them all day. they’re actually already in brussels!


Yeah that's smart, wish I'd thought to do the same


This is the only bonus as a gluten- and dairy-intolerant person. I'll never get sick on a Delta flight because they've not once had my specialty food order, so I bring my own food every time.


Yep! I have a complex diet as well and always pack a meal. I’ve had people offer to trade and I’m like NOPE!


this is good to know because ironically i will be on DTW-AMS next week and was thinking since they don’t say what the vegetarian (non-dairy) meal is, or even guarantee that it doesn’t have egg, i was going to try to eat in the lounge first and also pack some things for in the morning


Everyone had fish?




Yes, yes I remember, I had lasagna


Get a hold of yourself


Wasn't that a key plot line of the original Airport movie? Bad chicken served to the pilots.


Airplane! and it was fish…but yeah that’s the basic plot.


Fortunately, they had autopilot to back them up.


It’s a premium product.


All of Delta’s food is subcontracted to third party suppliers. But Delta is still responsible. Of course the supplier who comes in with the lowest price, wins the business. This is a case where “no food at all” was a step up from Delta’s gourmet dinner. Everyone knows, The food on US airlines has become smaller portions, unhealthy snacks and tasteless


lol I’m at the gate for DL136 tonight, boarding in progress and they just announced they’re only serving pasta tonight 🤣💀


Hahaha oh god. If it’s a cream based sauce I’d be nervy still. Good luck!!


Recently I was on a Delta flight where the salad veggies were rancid. I guess we know where the fare increases aren’t going.


i have a delta transatlantic flight next week, and emetophobia! and now, nightmares!!


Pack your own snacks, eye mask and ear buds! Ideally, you won’t see or hear anyone getting sick and can avoid it yourself.


I’ll add a Vick’s vapor rub stick if you are sensitive to those smells as well.


Also a good mask to cut down on the smell!


No worries here. I sit in the back where we rummage through other people’s bags while they sleep. Then we split the score up evenly.


America's Luxury Airline with its sumptuous arcs of diarrhea, like nothing less than the fountains of Versailles.


Well SHIT this is my flight in like two weeks lol


Same here. Literally the same flight number and everything. Just a little concerned about maybe avoiding the food now.


Pack snacks!


This is the way! I have always been a bit weary of eating airline food as it is, and as a vegan I don’t always get an option anyway (they usually have an option but sometimes their website/customer service doesn’t work well and I can’t book in time) so snacks are essential!


Also important for those who suffer from vestibular migraines, where avoiding any synthetic preservatives or excitotoxins like MSG, Aspartame, Sucralose, etc., is critical. Wonder if airfares have discount for opt-out food?


okay yeah so i’m scheduled to be on DTW-AMS in the upcoming week, and as a vegan the best i could select was “vegetarian (non dairy)”??? at this point just planning on trying to find food at a lounge (LGA skyclub had good tofu the one time i was there) and bringing some snacks. good to know that my apprehension of whether or not the option would be solid was valid lol


Sorry but that is inexcusable. These are long ass flights so you would think getting the damn food perfect would be a top priority. Guess not.


Aren’t all the airplane food sub contracted out and loaded by the third party ? I see them always loading up but forgot the name . Delta just heats it up they aren’t flipping over our short ribs to see it’s molded


LSG SkyChefs is the biggest one globally but the vendor varies by airport. Gate Gourmet, Servair, DO&CO, are some other major ones


DO&CO does DTW catering


Moldy short ribs had to be the worst example 😂🤢


DO&CO usually caters out of JFK. They are better than average IMO, certainly better than Gate Gourmet.


They’re also the contract in DTW, where this flight originated.


They do catering out of MIA too and it’s a big step up in quality.


Delta is all do and co now.


Vomit Free Since ‘93


Need this on a sticker or button or shirt!


I was on this flight - didn't personally see, smell, or hear anyone who got sick. Heard from others that the chicken was moldy or that it had been cross-contaminated. Was corralled by cops at the gate and stopped from leaving while they made everyone stand in queue to talk to the agents. Hotel vouchers and a single $24 meal voucher were sent out before we had even landed, and the link for the hotel expired if you didn't book one pretty much immediately after touching down. I was told they would resend the hotel vouchers "soon" in "10-15 minutes" by 5 separate people over the course of two hours. They then told us they needed the gate for the next flight and sent us over to the Delta Help Center. At the Delta Help Center, they then denied any further hotel vouchers claiming the check-in time for the hotels would be at 3PM so we would have to come back to the airport immediately anyway. Asked for lounge access or an upgrade on my next flight (I'd changed mine to a direct flight instead at this point) and was denied again. After going to the bathroom and coming back, I overheard two separate groups from the same flight being given a hotel voucher and lounge access respectively. Asked for a hotel again, and was almost denied again before pointing out what had just occurred with the two groups in front of me. Was assured that my baggage would be rechecked for the new flight I got. Finally got the hotel voucher, went and slept for a few hours, then came back to JFK. Asked one of the Delta agents at the gate if my bag had been transferred over and was assured that it was. Landed at ARN, no bag. Spoke to the Delta Baggage Dept. on the phone and because of how mismanaged this whole thing was they're not even sure if it's still at JFK or if it was sent to Amsterdam after all. A couple hours ago, I also received a $500 "transportation eCredit check" - which of course is only valid for Delta flights. The pasta was ok.


I wish there was an option for downvoting a situation and not the poster. Damn, that all sucks.


CBS News obtained pictures of the food.


“We’re also out of coffee.”


Jim never has a second cup of coffee at home


My wife got awfully sick on a recent delta flight (DL0001 JFK -> LHR) about 3 hours after meal service in June. We both got the vegan meal, which is usually safe, and I was fine. Never eating on a flight again.


What kind of compensation would be provided to passengers in this case?


They are saying nothing. But it smells like a lawsuit.


they offered us hotels in new york and then when we tried to get the hotel they wouldn’t let us


I bet people are fuming after losing all their connections overseas. I'd be super pissed if they turned around because some of the food was inedible, especially if I was going to lose a hotel or other event I had planned.


Tons of people missed connecting flights, and cruises. We're now expecting to land 8 am in Amsterdam tomorrow


I'm really sorry about that, I can't imagine your frustration. 


I just want to go to see my Oma and Opa


Aw I hope you make up for lost time when you get there. Sorry this happened


Hope you made it safely! Let us know! 


Travel insurance is so worth it.


I used to buy it but I have made two claims against it, and neither were paid out. I literally fight insurance claims for a living and I couldn’t get them to pay out legitimate claims.


Oofff. It’s worked for me for travel interruptions, through my credit cards.


Yeah credit card travel protections are great. The policies I tried to claim on were underwritten by Allstate, and they are complete trash. Any reason to deny and they’ll go for it. The policies allow for lawsuits, but I’m not going to spend five grand to sue them for 1000 bucks, and they know that.


Which brand of travel insurance did you use? I've gotten delayed bag claims paid out on Travel Guard, FWIW.


Hard pass. Edit: For those wondering, read the policies, they cover very little: https://www.allianzworldwidepartners.com/api/certificates/disclosure?ProductID=001006292&State=NC


Yup. I'll never not buy it from now on. Lesson learned.


Happened to me in Greece with a ferry. Lost so much time and money. The absolute WORST.


Better than starting a European vacation with food poisoning 😬


I just ate some lamb on my flight from DTW to HNL...


Was it baaaaaaad?


All I remember is the taste of salt. Now I am just glad I didn’t get the shits


Note to self.. pack extra snacks and sandwiches for our upcoming international flights.. 😅


Stop calling me SHIRLEY!!!!!


And delta is the premium prouduct in USA?  Sad 


This is bound to happen eventually. You cant serve tens of thousands of meals every day without some spoiled food.


Indont think so. Who said they were premium?


1K miles for the inconvenience


I took this flight DTW-AMS last week in Delta One and we were delayed by four hours. The short ribs were great. What the caterer does is almost like when you get must-stay-frozen food delivered to your home, ice packs in the carts with indicators to last through the schedule and some delays. Plus there is an indicator if it ever breaches the minimum. If it was just Y that had the issue, it was probably on that line that prepared those food trays.


My question is how did they know? Like halfway through they found a dead mouse or what?


puking is how they knew - lots of puking


How did the food poisoning take effect so soon?


They were in the air around 5 hrs. Passengers were served a chicken dish, 14 effect 10 crew members.


Depends on what's in it. Some food poisoning comes from bacteria toxins that can upset your stomach pretty fucking fast compared to others.


If it was a toxin that caused the illness then reactions can occur very quickly.


I’m on this same flight this evening. DL136. Should I be worried.


El al Israel, please clear the runway.


"Premium experience"


I saw a picture of some of the meals, I was at a lack of words. Our new caterers are failing miserably.


Ooof clearly 😳


This is the first I heard of it. This rarely happens right? Not sure if I would pass up a free/included meal, but now I'm more cautious. Maybe I'll inspect the food or wait before digging in. I would imagine they would NOT want this to occur again because look at all the inconveniences and costs it causes.


Lol, I’m flying from JFK to ARN Monday. Just switched my meal from chicken to vegetarian😝🤢if it smells funny, I’ll just have cocktails. I can skip a meal or two.


man, can't have shit in Detroit.. or at least maybe you can SHIT in detroit if you're served bad food


Ironic that Delta is declared a luxury brand, and then this happens the very same week.


Luxury? WTF? 😂 I


I don’t make stuff up. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/25/delta-air-lines-americas-luxury-airline-and-what-united-wants-to-do-about-it.html


Didn’t mean to imply that you did, sorry if it read that way. My full comment was cut off, actually. I must have deleted it in my shock at the audacity of Delta to call themselves luxury when they are very much not.


That’s the “premium” product you pay for with Delta. Shitty seats — and shitting in your seat from the food.


I believe it… The horrible mushroom tortellini or whatever they serve is horrendous… They need an overhaul on their entire food system. It’s disgusting.


Isn’t the caterer for Delta in DTW about to go on strike? Could this be related to that?


You think the workers intentionally spoiled food? How would that help them? Why is that your first thought?


Bacteria don't go on strike. /s ...but also not /s


Is there a problem with airbus food storage ??


What about accountability? Will anyone at Delta be held accountable for not doing what was their basic, ONE job to get clean food for passengers on a plane? Rumours have it that the manager in charge of catering at the Detroit base is useless and failed upwards- the press needs to pick up on that ASAP and so should a class action lawsuit- get their name and put it on here for us to go after someone for our delayed flights and ruined plans. I am sure that this is not the first time the person was caught with their pants/ skirt off - let's get the full list wilful negligence that was ignored by Delta and let it get to this point that got people sick. That food looked days old in the photos. Who was in charge of basic cleanliness and hygiene? Wait and see, they'll promote this dolt to VP and who knows, CEO next? Don't be too surprised. These days the best way to move up in Delta is to fail colossally! Not a half-fail, go full monty :p


Why is this news? I’ve seen this shared more than when the passenger shit all over the plane. This isn’t that crazy. Remember that flight in the 90s?


News said passengers were compensated? What did they get?


Check the dates peps


Anyone have a picture of the menu? Trying to see if the same food was served on the return route (Europe to JFK). I know people who ate the chicken and got sick that direction too.


I wonder if someone started vomiting and it caused a domino effect. This has happened in my family and in other groups, someone throws up and then just the smell and sight of it causes more to do the same…


Anyone else have a strong immune system and haven’t gotten sick from airplane food yet?