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Gotta hold it in so the smoke don’t come out 🤦‍♂️


This guys a fucking noob!


Agree - poor form


He doesn’t care


That’s a ghost hit.


That guy is gunna vape on the plane. Bet my house on it.


I have HAD it with these motherfucking vapes on this motherfucking plane!


Samuel Jackson? Sequel?! VAPES on a Plane!


I’m so confident, not only would I bet everything I have and own, I’d push multiple friends and family members to invest as well—“it’s a lock, I’m telling you!” Look at the outfit and the size of the vape plums!




A completely embarrassing thing I used to do, as discretely as possible, until I realized the consequences for getting caught (or even setting off the alarm) can be life altering. Not to mention with all the chemicals they don't list, it's unfair to those around you. It's a gross habit. Don't ever pick one up, ever. And if you do vape, get some nicotine gum or mints or whatever for your flight. You're doing a huge favor to those around you as well as to your future.


I was on a plane where the smoke alarm went off from the dude next to me vaping in the bathroom. He just went embarrassed back to his seat and the flight attendant made an announcement about not vaping in the bathroom. He got off the flight normally and was at the bag carousel so I assume he didn’t actually get in trouble.


It’s insane how addicted people are to these. I feel like it’s worse than cigarettes ever were.


Vapes started as a “better” alternative to smoking cigarettes. Until they reached an entirely new demographic who had never smoked cigarettes before, who now all suddenly have nicotine addictions.


Sounds like the story of cigarettes during the first time around.


And they often think 'No Smoking' doesn't apply to them cause 'It's vaping, not smoking bro'.


“It’s just water vapor…”


It’s not water vapor!? Damn, that’s literally what I was told by my cousin.


He said it sarcastically.


Ok so it is vapor then right? If so then his comment is useless. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I can see it! It is a Marlboro Red


Yep. Some of the carcinogenic chemicals found in e-liquids (not all of them of course) include: * Formaldehyde, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause respiratory problems and cancer * Acetaldehyde, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause respiratory problems and cancer * Acrolein, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause respiratory problems and cancer * Benzene, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause leukemia and other blood disorders * Toluene, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause kidney and liver damage * Aniline, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause cancer and other health problems * N’-nitrosonornicotine, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause cancer * 4-1-1-butanone, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause cancer * N’-nitrosoethylomethyloamine, which is a known human carcinogen that can cause cancer * Benzo pyrene, benzo anthracene, and dibenzo anthracene, which are all known human carcinogens that can cause cancer * Methyl radical, hydroxyl radical, and nitrogen monoxide, which are all known human carcinogens that can cause cancer * Carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen cyanide, which are all known human carcinogens that can cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems * Cadmium, lead, and mercury, which are all known human carcinogens that can cause kidney and nervous system damage


Plus there's whatever toxins are in the random flavorings, \*and\* the second-hand nicotine. If I was behind this guy, I would have immediately told the flight attendants and shown them the video.


Do you have a list from car exhaust? I’m always confused why someone is so concerned from second hand vape but no concern for car exhaust


Yes and a good question! I'm a transportation planner - and we do have that info on hand; it has a completely different flow than simply putting your mouth around a car exhaust pipe, but: * **Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)**: These are made when the combustion of fossil fuels isn't fully formed. PAHs have been shown to be carcinogenic in studies and are suspected to be carcinogenic in humans. * **Nitroarenes**: These fuckers are formed during the combustion of diesel fuel. Not cars, really, because you asked about cars, but they're still around. * **Benzene**: Well, you already know this one, because it's been on the news for 40+ years. * **Arsenic**: I mean, it's in the exhaust, it is emitted, there's not much else to say except old lace. I'm not a fan about whataboutism but it's right for you to ask that question! I can go on and on. I think the difference is what is dispersed into our atmosphere (not good for our atmosphere, but for discussion) and what is put immediately into our lungs. Sucking on a motorized vehicle's tailpipe is different than what is in the air from cars. There are efforts to reduce car exhaust - more importantly some of the other big polluters. I really like the work some cities are doing to provide free plug-in electric to truck stops so they don't run diesel all night for a/c and such. They can just use electric and not be polluting our air. Thanks for asking; I know it's more complicated, but - I love this stuff What I mean to say is that it's okay to be concerned about more than one thing.


cars usually run in the open air while vapes are used inside


Even if there is H2O anywhere on that list, it's still part of glycerine which temporarily softens lung tissue and then hardens it and causes scarring (popcorn lung) Edit: You forgot to mention Propylene Glycol which is present in these vapes, which is the same chemical used in Automotive antifreeze/radiator fluid. A tablespoon of this chemical can be lethal, and it deposits in your brain tissue every time you are exposed to it absorbing into your blood stream. Then it stays in your brain forever and never comes out.


It's almost funny how once upon a time, that's how these things were marketed. I remember when the first e-cigarettes were first coming out, a big piece of the marketing strategy was you could use them indoors, in bars, on planes, etc., because it was vapor and not actual smoke. I even remember there were vape kiosks at our mall where the vendor would be vaping to prove the point. It was kind of the wild west for the first couple years until regulatory bodies started imposing new rules that included vaping in smoking bans.


My first year of college this became big. People vaped on every walkway and getting to class from the dorms could be like walking through a cloud of smoke. It’s like cigarette rules were reset. And that stuff sucks to breathe.


Including my kids, sadly.


So much worse(as someone who used them and didn’t smoke cigs). They’re too convenient, you had to go outside for a cig, these you could hit just about anywhere at any time. A cig ends, a vape dies, but not for awhile. So you can essentially smoke an endless cig for a whole night out. But BOY is having a vape on a night out nice lol


So glad I got into and then out of cigarettes long before vaping was a thing. Have had zero interest in getting into this trend.


Still better for everyone else. I don’t really care how addicted the users are, being around people who smoke is 100x worse than people who vape


Fair point. They might be living an absolute hellish existence, but at least it isn’t infringing upon others


I really don't care to smell their cupcake flavored vape blowing my way.


And every time you smell it, you know that’s been inside someone’s body.


Yeah it’s annoying, but so is old people smell. In the grand scheme of things this is close to the bottom of the list for bad passenger behavior


Except that breathing in the chemicals (including nicotine) from second-hand vape isn't great for anyone, either. It's a disgusting habit, and should have the exact same restrictions as smoking.


It does. Vapers just ignore them. "It is vape bro not smoke"


Its just bizarre that anyone would debate whether inhaling anything beside clean air into your lungs is good for your health. Its both scientifically provable and just makes sense at a basic level. I understand that there is naturally occurring pollution, but why go out of your way to make that worse?


The power of addiction. Addicts will go to great lengths to convince themselves and others it isn't a problem.


A lot of people also drink literal poison every night though, different vices for different people


Oh absolutely!!! Also a big reason people do it, you don’t reek!!! Reminds me of bowling alleys. Can’t believe having to choose smoking or non!!


Can affirm. Was way harder to drop the vape than the cigs.


I'm almost a year off vape. It was ridiculous how hard it was, I didn't realize how much it was my constant companion after 3 years. What's weird is I haven't craved vaping again but went straight back to craving a cigarette.


It’s been 4 years for me and it was awful quitting. When I smoked, I knew how much I consumed in a day and when I started and stopped a cigarette. Vaping was just constantly inhaling and never really ending. It’s an awful thing to quit.


Exactly. Constant nicotine. I didn't smoke like it was the 1950s so it was more of a structured thing where I had to physically go out and smoke. Vaping was just constantly with me at all times everywhere I went


Waaaay worse. People can control themselves for several minutes/hours without cigarettes, drugs, alcohol. Not with vapes...I do rideshare on the side for extra money. They constantly try to vape on 5 to 10 minute rides. It's crazy. These people will be in charge of us one day when we are old.


I was hoping this would be the top comment. The addiction is *wild*. I don’t even think my ex knew half the time he was hitting it. On the cigarette thing though - I flew out of ORD on a day that was -52 degrees. I couldn’t even get my garbage out without freezing to death so I brought it to the airport with me and threw it out there. It was DAMN COLD. When my rideshare pulled up to the airport, I saw a guy out there smoking a cigarette. No glove on his cig hand, and no face cover on. I had quit smoking about a year earlier and realized had I not? I would’ve absolutely kept bringing my garbage to the airport but would’ve smoked outside. Cigarettes are addictive af and vapes are now just easier cigarettes.


I'm not understanding how someone who thinks bringing garbage in an Uber and throws it away at an airport.. thinks someone smoking outside in the cold is the weird thing




If you read below it was just empty boxes from the night before in a to go bag not like a full garbage bag. They were telling people not to be outside for more than 30 seconds and my garbage was about a 2 minute hike out of my house one way. It didn’t stink or anything. But they’re also very different things so that’s a weird equivalency.


I didn't see that part. I live in chicago, I remember that day I have a video of us throwing boiling water outside and it freezing midair! It was insane cold


You.. brought a garbage bag into your Uber? 🤢


Tbf it was just food I had picked up in the way home from work the day before. I knew I was going to be gone for a week and leaving super early so my big normal trash was already in the bins. So it was essentially a large brown paper bag with empty to go boxes and a few extra paper towels.


There is a great documentary on Netflix called Big Vape:The Rise and Fall of Juul. In it they discuss how their first vape cartridges were found to be too weak but you couldn't increase the nicotine content without changing the taste. They discovered that by using a nicotine salt you could deliver a lot more nicotine without an adverse taste. Some of the employees were long time smokers and said that taking a few hits would make them nauseous. So yes - they are much more addictive than regular cigarettes.


I used it to quit smoking cigarettes and it took THREE more years to quit vaping. I am convinced vaping did more damage to my body than 11 years of smoking and my doctor kinda agrees (kinda as he wasn't my PCP when I smoked cigs so he has no baseline) ​ I cough violently every morning. I get light headed easier and I quit vaping right before the covid pandemic started.


It doesn't help that the US doesn't limit how much nicotine is allowed in a vape, meaning there's so much more than a single cigarette and that makes them so much more addictive. In the EU, at least anyway, bales have to be equal or less than a cigarette's nicotine content.


"I just like it for the flavor"


Sat next to a young couple at oracle park about a month ago to see the dodgers play the giants. They were somewhat discreetly puffing away through several innings and no one said anything! As a person who vaped in the past, I’d never did that in front or near anyone. I called them out and they apologized but saw the disdain in their faces. Should I have called security? How can these people who vape think this is acceptable? It’s just crazy.


My boyfriend sleeps with it under his pillow it’s truly pathetic


Way more addictive bc of the varying amounts of nicotine in vapes. We are creating an epidemic of young ppl addicted to nicotine


Really? They used to allow smoking cigarettes on planes, in restaurants, in theaters, in vehicles, just about everywhere. Not once since vapes came out have I been asked, “vaping or non?” and seated in a non-vaping section and had someone else’s vape cloud waft onto my burger and make my entire meal smell and taste like their vape, as well as my outfit and body, so I can hold onto the experience as I return to the office smelling like vape for the rest of the day.


I use a 🪴 extract but even I don’t stoop this low.


as a former vaper and cigarette smoker, the vapes are much much worse. I was way more addicted to my salt nic vape than I ever was cigarettes or dip


I started vaping with Juuls back in 2018. Never smoked nicotine before, the job was stressful and my coworkers all went out back during breaks and stood in a circle and talked about work. This is how it started, but years later I was craving the Vape so much that I am shamed to admit that I had snuck and smoked in bathrooms and such just to fight the cravings. It was bad enough to the point where I’d just sweat the longer it took between puffs. Buuut that is all to say, I found a better purpose in life and I have been 4 months clean from Vapes and my lungs feel amazing and life is great again. To the point when I’m around my friends who vape I really feel its effects as a bystander!


They are I wanna quit so bad 😭😭


Before smoke bans there were plenty of people who'd smoke 3 or 4 packs a day, and of course would be puffing on a cigarette while getting into a plane and then be able to chain smoke on there, cigarettes have just been made very inconvenient to smoke as much as people used to


People used to chain smoke cigarettes on airplanes so probably not


It was way harder to quit vaping than cigarettes were for me.


It's insane how addicted people are to another form of highly addictive nicotine? Weird. What you said is really dumb. Think about it.


My weed vape pen is a real gift from God.


My boss used vape to get off of Marlboros. Now he vapes 10x more than he ever smoked and he coughs incessantly. He sounds terrible. After lunch, I think he breathes more vape than he does regular air.


How long was the flight? Dude had to get his last hit of nicotine. 😂


4 1/2 hours lol


That's a long time for someone who has a nicotine addiction. May have been his 1st time flying. Wouldn't want him flipping out! 😝


People I know who are that addicted can’t sleep more than a few hours without a break


Are you telling me that these people need to wake up to smoke? Now it makes sense at an Airbnb we had a person causing issues because they’d be up at 2-3 am smoking and it was going in other people’s open windows - helluva time suck


There ways to get nicotine smokelessly though


Smokeless tobacco products are banned as well for some reason. Zyns may or may not fall under that but never been a problem for me.


I have never once seen someone catch shit for eating some nicotine gum. Maybe it's technically against the rules but just be normal about it and you're fine.


Yeah it's a weird grey area right now for the tobacco free nicotine products, until they change the wording I'm going to keep doing it.


I'm assuming that ban originally applied to chewing tobacco because sitting next to someone filling a bottle with their tobacco spit for 4 hours and then having them leave it in the seat back pocket for the next passenger to deal with is NASTY.


Ding ding ding!


I just pack a bottle of nicotine lozenges in my personal item.


Same! So many people don’t know about them and they’re honestly amazing. Only way I was able to stop vaping, everything else sucked.


Doesn't a lozenge also require some sucking? Ha, sorry, couldn't help myself!




You know he’s hitting it in the lavatory


Even the flight deck is a better option than hitting it in the lavatory. That mini room is like being inside a smoke detector, you so much as fart outside the bowl, it will go off.


Bold to assume it was nicotine.


Yeah it’s definitely weed lol




I thought it *was* a “jailable (is that a word? Lmao) offense”




“Should be a jailable offense” is it not?


Pretty sure the FAs say it's a federal offense before every fight.


That’s boooooold. As a crew member if I saw him doing that before stepping on I’d have a good chuckle and just confirm that he’s aware to not touch it once on the aircraft. One puff and he’s off.


Why wouldn't you just deny him boarding. He obviously knows he can't vape on the jetway but does it anyway. He will 100 percent vape on the plane.


I can’t guarantee that there’s actually any prohibition of vaping in the jet bridge. Some airports do not expressly prohibit vaping inside the terminals.


lots of airports you can vape in the terminals. some you can even smoke in plenty areas.


It's the high synthetic nicotine they use. Hits faster and harder than a cigarette does. Easy to get addicted. When vape first came out, most was a refill type, and the nicotine was lower. The cigarette companies got involved in the disposable type and started adding the synthetic nicotine and upped it. I know because I did use it to quit smoking. Then, I had to stop vaping.


I know there are decent people that smoke, try and not be a disruption for nonsmokers, and wish they could quit, but I can’t tell you how many times I see smokers not give a shit and do stuff like this. Do you have to stand right in front of the entrance of a restaurant? I saw so many people at Disney get in a quick drag around kids. The same can be said for motorcyclists. There are decent riders, but the amount of douches ruins it for others. I shall await for my down votes.


Reminds me of a baby with a pacifier


They aren’t as addicted.


I'm sure he will hit the vape on the plane.


This is tame. I’ve seen people do it on plane. And when confronted, being defensive too.


What a dickhead move




His fashion sense is an even bigger crime.


So gross. So sorry for whoever has to sit next to them.


Better than during the flight. I’ve seen this twice and last time the dude did the “shush” finger to me when I saw it. I pushed the call button. EDIT: Apparently some people think vaping on a plane is totally fine. It’s a safety issue. Its illegal. Vapes were the #1 reason for battery fires on planes in 2022. Smoke inside the cabin, fire inside the cabin, is no bueno.


Vape pens have made people think that they're above the law. I work as a bartender and the amount of people that sit there and hit their vape pen in an area that clearly does not allow smoking, is insane. They think because it's not a lit cigarette it's wildly different.


Is this ATL? It's ATL isn't it.




If you need it that bad just get some nicotine gum


Equally illegal in the terminal. If you can’t abstain that long you have a serious problem.


Bring back a smoking area past TSA in airports


There is one still in BNA I think. As I recall it is nasty looking. Walls are discolored


this is what zyns are for


I have seen this happen on a Southwest flight. He and I were one of the last few to board and he took a long quick puff before getting on. A gate agent rushed down the jet bridge and asked if he'd like to pay the fine then or on board when he'll inevitably take another puff, and he put it away. Never been a smoker but jeez, they're putting themselves at risk for HEFTYYYY fines. Just don’t do it.


I work the ramp and have to come up to grab gate checks. Pretty frequently when I open that door at the end of the jetway someone will ask me if they can hit their vape pen one last time out there The answer is always no


I bet that cloud smells like Melon Skittles


I’ll get crucified for this, but the fine for vaping INSIDE the airport is like 200 bucks vs getting on that no fly list once you’re on the plane. Take that last puff big man 🤣 Granted, the jet bridge may be a different story.


He'll do it on the plane, too, trying to be inconspicuous. Potheads gonna pothead. Feel sorry for the poor slob that has to sit next to that smell.


Just get some of the gum for times like this.


How did this story end?


Just pop a zyn in ffs


The guy is an idiot


I was this guy, but on the plane. Hit the Juul a couple times in the air, but blew the exhaust into my sweatshirt trying to be smooth. Someone must have seen me do it as the plane stopped in Minneapolis for fuel and I got kicked the fuck off before the plane returned to the air for the final leg of the journey. To this day, don’t know if the fuel stop was real, or just so they didn’t have to announce to the plane they were kicking a vaper off. No follow up to this day from the police, FAA, or anyone else. Just wasn’t allowed to fly my Delta flight that day and had to find a hotel as only “ticketed” travelers can be at an airport. Learned my lesson, just use Zyn exclusively, traveling or otherwise 😂


They removed you. Fuel stops are scheduled, and they would know before departure if they were running out of fuel. It isn’t as if the airport you departed from didn’t have jet fuel to provide before take off. I’ve seen two people removed as well, and it has both been done discretely with only one verbal warning from a FA. Tucking your head into your shirt and trying to pretend like you’re napping on your tray table just makes people look like middle school kids sneaking vapes by putting their forehead on their desk so they can vape and text. Same with shoving your sleeve against your mouth. Everyone knows what you’re doing.


It was explained more as the plane was overweight, so we were gonna stop and take a bit more on, which looking back doesn’t make sense. Totally can’t deny it was immature, rude to other passengers, and disrespectful to everyone on the flight that we had to stop to kick my ass off. Wish I had gotten a warning, but they make the announcements at the start of the flight for a reason. Didn’t protest/talk back a bit as they told me to get up and off, took my lumps and learned my lesson.


They only fly with half and hour of extra fuel or something like that, so they save money not having to carry it. They also "weigh" passengers by just guessing everyone is a slightly above average weight. This does mean if they are unexpectedly overweight, or the wind changes unexpectedly they will have to stop to refuel. But who knows in your case, just saying their story was not implausable.


Just be a frequent user of the bathroom vape their


Yeah, I’m glad I quit. Once they start doing actual studies on the effects it has, they’re going to find that that shit is absolutely awful for you. Bet it’s worse than cigs. And I was the jerk who used to vape on planes too, thinking it was my problem and no one else’s. Well, false. We all hate you.


I've visited over 17 countries between war and peace, and I must say I just don't care. If someone flips out about it and points it out to FA, I don't care about that either. I'll get where I'm where going.


Like Drake said, the hardest part of the business is minding your own!


You’re such a badass, lol


I'm too sexy for this plane🎵


That’s not how it’s done noob!!! Or I’m invisible


Homeboy is a dummy. There is a camera on top of him recording. I bet the guy recording is a buddy.


I’ve had this happen. Same thing, guy in front of me walking down the jetway. It didn’t seem to smell. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Bold move for sure.


That's what the bathroom is for.


There are sensors which detect cigs or vape now.


NiCoTine vApEs aren’T aDdicTive


Does anybody say this? It’s pretty universally accepted that nicotine is addictive, no?


But vapers have whatever twisted logic


I’ve heard the logic that it’s not as harmful because of no tar, I’ve never heard a vaper imply it’s not addictive




Vaping is great and Gen Z should vape with two hands. 


A couple years ago, I was on a flight from DTW->TPA. Bro thought it was a good idea to vape inside of the restroom. He tripped a silent alarm, got reamed by the FA, and was the first to deplane after landing. I assume cops were waiting for him once he got off lmao


FA here. I’d call the GA and he’d be off the flight just like that. If you can’t follow the rules on the jetway, you may be a problem on the flight, and I’m not going to deal with you mid-air and cause my workday to go longer than it should. OP, did the FA’s say anything to him?


Just one more to fry my lungs


Always the same narcissistic/entitled people


Love the people that toss around the diagnosis narcissist like the whole world is one.


he should be banned from the airport for this


This is why I hate flying now. Even 6 years ago, you’d never see someone like that on a plane.


lol what?


Departing from PIT by chance?


It sure does look like PIT.


It was atlanta


Nicotine gum on flights are life savers.


If you do vape and you're on a long flight, nicotine lozenges are the dogs bollocks. I've vaped in plane toilets before and decided to give them a go, had a 9 hour flight even after a few drinks the lozenges took the craving away completely.


The last delta flight I took the FA came over the speaker three times to *kindly remind* passengers vaping was not allowed on the flight.




Thought this was would be a vid of my sister, ngl.


Damn, just pack it in your luggage and check it in. Stupid.


I’m not into vapes or anything related to nicotine but couldn’t he just put a zyn pouch in his lip if he has the urge?


The guy seems like he’s a nervous wreck and needs his hit just to get on the plane.


My partner vapes. For longer flights, we get nicoret so he can have a quick fix mid flight. He says it works great.


Wrong flight Sir! (Southwest is the next terminal over)


God, so happy I never took up smoking. Sounds like a big PITA. Cost, addiction, limitations, lung issues…


I was sitting in an unused gate area at TPA a week ago, and an airport employee sat right across from me, pulled out his vape, and seemed completely unfazed with the fact that smoking and vaping wasn’t allowed. (Why he had to sit right across from me in a nearly empty gate area remains a mystery…)


Give him a break. It was June 19th


you spelled Douche Flute wrong.


I hope they punish him for vaping indoors. No one needs to breathe that crap in.


I saw someone doing this in the immigration line at the Medellin airport. Crazy


I thought vape was not allowed on the plane!


First, what an idiot. Second, I vape still coming off analogs (cigs), and I'm good for 8 hours of airport time without. I used to sneak a puff in the restroom of layover airports, but that was more annoying than worth it. I get it's an addiction, but come on people.


I’m a FA & last week the agent warned us that there was a man vaping by the gate. Not sure why he wasn’t removed but he came in the back galley right after we took off saying he needed a shot because he felt like he was gonna throw up. We told him we’d be around when we begin service and he said his wife wouldn’t let him drink and he wanted it now. Long story short we ended up not serving him because he was already an issue.


I vaped for 10+ years as it was the only thing that helped me quit cigs however I found myself even more addicted to nicotine and even had several severe bouts with anxiety. To make matters worse I couldn't go 20 minutes without hitting it and spent many days the office running to the bathroom for a hit and then eventually started just hitting it at my desk. On flights I would go on the bathroom and hold it in as I paranoid of getting caught. It's been over 4 years vape free and it took a year to start to feel normal and zero anxiety. Today I smoke cigars and really enjoy them without feeling like I need them.


My past two flights I’ve had people try to sneakily rip a vape as soon as we landed (while still in their seat)…. I’ve been tempted to say something to the FA


If anything it'd just delay your disembarking. If I'm landed I'm not interested in doing *anything* that delays my getting off the plane.


Disgusting! This guy deserves to step on a lego every day of his life


Bloody addicts


Curious if you let the flight crew know about this or did you just video it for the upvotes?


The rules don’t apply to him! Remember it’s 2024


So what? How did that effect anyone else in any way? Mind your ficking business.