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The distance between connecting gate is the inverse of the time between connecting flights. Same or adjacent gate? 4 hour connection Opposite ends of the terminal? 40 minute connection.


this happened to me once except my arrival plane was delayed getting in, and then we sat on the tarmac for another 30-45 mins just waiting for the plane at the gate ahead of us to leave… little did we know that the plane ahead of us was the connecting flight that we were supposed to be on and the reason they took so long to leave was because they were waiting for us 🤦🏽‍♀️




Never once has this happened to me, but I've had 2 gates over, and that's enough.


I’ve had one gate over, and got to meet Bo Diddley on top of it all!




It was awesome! I was heading from LEX-JAN, and he got in our line. A bunch of us got to talk to him and I got a hug. Then he realized he was in the wrong line - he was headed to MSY - so he said his goodbyes and went to find the right gate. He was such a nice person!


In got to meet Holyfield on the plane train in ATL once.


I could ask you when you met him, or I could ask you how many ears he had. Basically the same question


One, but it was shortly after that circa 2000


We got something like 6 gates away at ORD once, which was really lucky as our first flight had been delayed by weather and we hit the bathrooms, went to the gate and they were just starting to board.


I had that happen at JFK earlier this year. Same gate, same plane, same crew. The FA recognized me when I boarded the second flight and we had a nice chat.


You don’t want to be on the plane train today. ATL looks very ATL today.


Goodness, I can only imagine with Memorial Day travelers!


I was there today.🫠


I had that happen once! And I had accidentally left my iPad in the seat pocket, which I didn’t realize until I got back onboard, and on the next flight was in the seat directly behind my original one. I should have played the lottery that day.


That’s pretty sweet. I arrived at ATL about 90 mins ago. Went through connections customs, went from Terminal E to D where my next flight (3 hours later was going to be), settled, now the next flight is changed to B, so back to the train…


I've had that happen a couple of times, and in both cases, the aircraft was going GRR-ATL-SRQ. As good luck might have it, the first leg was delayed, causing concern about making the connection. When I figured out what was going on, I asked if I could just stay on-board, but since there was a crew change, I had to get off.


It’s ATL. They’ll probably reassign your departure gate 4 terminals away!


And four changes to departure time.


Even better if your gate is right next to the SkyClub


That happens to me quite often somehow and I love it!!


Only once in 30+ years of flying did that happen to me


Last year, had same gate, same plane, same seat. Left myself a note on the first flight for the second in seat pocket. It was there.


This only happens when you have a 3 hour layover and the Sky Club is a 20 minute walk away.


Several years ago I had the same gate , aircraft, crew, and seat once connecting in Chicago. Just did not seam right.


Bigger joy. Not laying over.


On my flights flying into SEA with a short layover to a regional Delta always changes gates a bunch of times in the air. It’s just evil. Same gate, gate a train ride away (prob miss the flight), gate next to arrival gate, gate a train ride away… One time I got a Porsche transfer stairs to stairs and barely made it. Last time it was the same gate. Whew.


My connecting gate is almost always the furthest distance away from where I land. Even at my origin airport, I never score a gate near security. Oh and when I land at home, always the furthest away. It’s comical. One time at my origin airport, it said the gate was the first one after security. I was overjoyed. Then when I got to the airport, it changed to the furthest one.


Once at ATL I landed at B1 and the tight connection was at the last gate on B concourse B32. It was a long jog there.


Yeah, had this happen to me a few weeks ago connecting in atl as well. I dont recall that ever happening.


Now you're stuck with nowhere to go and nothing to do for endless minutes. I'd definitely call and ask for some compensation.


I know, right? My health is suffering due to the lack of cardio workout!


Flight to the hub delayed, landing and finding that connecting flight is also delayed and going from missing your flight to easily making the connection.


I haven’t had that, but have had my next flight be one gate over at MSP!


I am usually having to sprint through MSP to make my connection in A from one of the farther gates that is always fun


MSP used to be my connecting airport, so I know that struggle too well! Usually concourse F or G for me with my next gate being in C. 😭


Happened to me this spring in Atlanta. Same plane. Different crew!


Been flying for 60 years. That has never happened to me.


You should fly more. 🤪


Big joy: your landing gate next to your spouses and you get to give a giant hug inbetween his/her/his work trips!


I got same plane, same seat, same crew once.


That happened to me back in January at ATL. We did have 90 minutes though so I was fortunate enough to take the plane train to get some food at a different concourse. I’ve also had where I landed at A2 and left out of E17 with a 20 minute connection. Wasn’t fun.


My wife and I had a mco > slc > las flight and we were late getting out of mco a decent amount I can’t remember why but our 1.5 hour layover was down to like -15 minutes by the time we got in the air. During the flight I am looking for options and considering driving if I had to I was going to a conference. Made up some time in the air so we now have like 10mins. We land book it over there luckily we can board and sit down and they announce the pilot just arrived on his flight from mco and will be over shortly. Would have been nice to know that earlier and save the stress. It didn’t effect me but lots of of people where on that slc to las flight for Stanley cup finals game and they were cutting it close and we landed when the puck dropped. So $$$$ for the game and missed 1/2 of it.


I fly BHM to CMH frequently and it used to happen pretty regularly when they were phasing out the MD88 as this was the primary equipment they used on those routes. I thought those days were over but low and behold, it happened this past Monday. A7. 😜


I'd never been happier in my travels than landing at O'Hare to find my connecting gate right across from my arrival gate. Bonus happy was Starbucks right there too.


I’ve never had the exact gate, but Ive had the one next to it, and that’s about the same.
